Пример #1
def download_file(request, file_id, type=None, file_=None, addon=None):
    if not file_:
        file_ = get_object_or_404(File.objects, pk=file_id)
    if not addon:
        addon = get_object_or_404(Addon.with_unlisted, pk=file_.version.addon_id)

    if addon.is_disabled or file_.status == amo.STATUS_DISABLED:
        if acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, viewer=True, ignore_disabled=True) or acl.check_addons_reviewer(
            return HttpResponseSendFile(request, file_.guarded_file_path, content_type="application/x-xpinstall")
            u"download file {file_id}: addon/file disabled or user "
            u"{user_id} is not an owner".format(file_id=file_id, user_id=request.user.pk)
        raise http.Http404()

    if not (addon.is_listed or owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)):
            u"download file {file_id}: addon is unlisted but user "
            u"{user_id} is not an owner".format(file_id=file_id, user_id=request.user.pk)
        raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.

    attachment = type == "attachment" or not request.APP.browser

    loc = urlparams(file_.get_mirror(addon, attachment=attachment), filehash=file_.hash)
    response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(loc)
    response["X-Target-Digest"] = file_.hash
    return response
Пример #2
def download_file(request, file_id, type=None, file_=None, addon=None):
    if not file_:
        file_ = get_object_or_404(File.objects, pk=file_id)
    if not addon:
        addon = get_object_or_404(Addon.with_unlisted,

    if addon.is_disabled or file_.status == amo.STATUS_DISABLED:
        if (acl.check_addon_ownership(
                request, addon, viewer=True, ignore_disabled=True)
                or acl.check_addons_reviewer(request)):
            return HttpResponseSendFile(request,
        log.info(u'download file {file_id}: addon/file disabled or user '
                 u'{user_id} is not an owner'.format(file_id=file_id,
        raise http.Http404()

    if not (addon.is_listed or owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)):
        log.info(u'download file {file_id}: addon is unlisted but user '
                 u'{user_id} is not an owner'.format(file_id=file_id,
        raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.

    attachment = (type == 'attachment' or not request.APP.browser)

    loc = urlparams(file_.get_mirror(addon, attachment=attachment),
    response = http.HttpResponseRedirect(loc)
    response['X-Target-Digest'] = file_.hash
    return response
Пример #3
def reporter_detail(request, guid):
        addon = Addon.objects.get(guid=guid)
    except Addon.DoesNotExist:
        addon = None
    name = addon.name if addon else guid
    qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid=guid)
    show_listed_only = addon and not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)

    if (addon and not addon.has_listed_versions() and show_listed_only):
        # Not authorized? Let's pretend this addon simply doesn't exist.
        name = guid
        qs = CompatReport.objects.none()
    elif show_listed_only:
        unlisted_versions = addon.versions.filter(
        qs = qs.exclude(version__in=unlisted_versions)

    form = AppVerForm(request.GET)
    if request.GET and form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['appver']:
        # Apply filters only if we have a good app/version combination.
        version = form.cleaned_data['appver']
        ver = vdict(floor_version(version))['major']  # 3.6 => 3

        # Ideally we'd have a `version_int` column to do strict version
        # comparing, but that's overkill for basic version filtering here.
        qs = qs.filter(app_guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid,
                       app_version__startswith=str(ver) + '.')

    works_ = dict(qs.values_list('works_properly').annotate(Count('id')))
    works = {'success': works_.get(True, 0), 'failure': works_.get(False, 0)}

    works_properly = request.GET.get('works_properly')
    if works_properly:
        qs = qs.filter(works_properly=works_properly)
    reports = paginate(request, qs.order_by('-created'), 100)

    return render(
        request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html',
Пример #4
def allowed(request, file):
        addon = file.version.addon
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise http.Http404

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if addon.is_listed:
        if ((addon.view_source and addon.status in amo.REVIEWED_STATUSES)
                or acl.check_addons_reviewer(request)
                or acl.check_addon_ownership(
                    request, addon, viewer=True, dev=True)):
            return True  # Public and sources are visible, or reviewer.
        raise PermissionDenied  # Listed but not allowed.
    # Not listed? Needs an owner or an "unlisted" admin.
        if owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
            return True
    raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
Пример #5
def reporter(request):
    query = request.GET.get("guid")
    if query:
        qs = None
        if query.isdigit():
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(id=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(slug=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=query)
        if not qs and len(query) > 4:
            qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid__startswith=query)
        if qs:
            guid = qs[0].guid
            addon = Addon.with_unlisted.get(guid=guid)
            if addon.is_listed or owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
                return redirect("compat.reporter_detail", guid)
    addons = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(authors=request.user) if request.user.is_authenticated() else []
    return render(request, "compat/reporter.html", dict(query=query, addons=addons))
Пример #6
def download_source(request, version_id):
    version = get_object_or_404(Version.objects, pk=version_id)

    # General case: version is listed.
    if version.channel == amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED:
        if not (version.source and (acl.check_addon_ownership(
                request, version.addon, dev=True, ignore_disabled=True))):
            raise http.Http404()
        if not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, version.addon):
            raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or unlisted reviewer.
    res = HttpResponseSendFile(request, version.source.path)
    path = version.source.path
    if not isinstance(path, six.text_type):
        path = path.decode('utf8')
    name = os.path.basename(path.replace(u'"', u''))
    disposition = u'attachment; filename="{0}"'.format(name).encode('utf8')
    res['Content-Disposition'] = disposition
    return res
Пример #7
def allowed(request, file):
        addon = file.version.addon
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise http.Http404

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if addon.is_listed:
        if ((addon.view_source and addon.status in amo.REVIEWED_STATUSES) or
                acl.check_addons_reviewer(request) or
                acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, viewer=True,
            return True  # Public and sources are visible, or reviewer.
        raise PermissionDenied  # Listed but not allowed.
    # Not listed? Needs an owner or an "unlisted" admin.
        if owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
            return True
    raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
Пример #8
def reporter_detail(request, guid):
        addon = Addon.with_unlisted.get(guid=guid)
    except Addon.DoesNotExist:
        addon = None
    name = addon.name if addon else guid
    qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid=guid)

    if (addon and not addon.is_listed
            and not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)):
        # Not authorized? Let's pretend this addon simply doesn't exist.
        name = guid
        qs = CompatReport.objects.none()

    form = AppVerForm(request.GET)
    if request.GET and form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['appver']:
        # Apply filters only if we have a good app/version combination.
        app, ver = form.cleaned_data['appver'].split('-')
        app = amo.APP_IDS[int(app)]
        ver = vdict(floor_version(ver))['major']  # 3.6 => 3

        # Ideally we'd have a `version_int` column to do strict version
        # comparing, but that's overkill for basic version filtering here.
        qs = qs.filter(app_guid=app.guid,
                       app_version__startswith=str(ver) + '.')

    works_ = dict(qs.values_list('works_properly').annotate(Count('id')))
    works = {'success': works_.get(True, 0), 'failure': works_.get(False, 0)}

    works_properly = request.GET.get('works_properly')
    if works_properly:
        qs = qs.filter(works_properly=works_properly)
    reports = amo_utils.paginate(request, qs.order_by('-created'), 100)

    return render(
        request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html',
Пример #9
def reporter_detail(request, guid):
        addon = Addon.objects.get(guid=guid)
    except Addon.DoesNotExist:
        addon = None
    name = addon.name if addon else guid
    qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid=guid)
    show_listed_only = addon and not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)

    if (addon and not addon.has_listed_versions() and show_listed_only):
        # Not authorized? Let's pretend this addon simply doesn't exist.
        name = guid
        qs = CompatReport.objects.none()
    elif show_listed_only:
        unlisted_versions = addon.versions.filter(
            'version', flat=True)
        qs = qs.exclude(version__in=unlisted_versions)

    form = AppVerForm(request.GET)
    if request.GET and form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['appver']:
        # Apply filters only if we have a good app/version combination.
        version = form.cleaned_data['appver']
        ver = vdict(floor_version(version))['major']  # 3.6 => 3

        # Ideally we'd have a `version_int` column to do strict version
        # comparing, but that's overkill for basic version filtering here.
        qs = qs.filter(app_guid=amo.FIREFOX.guid,
                       app_version__startswith=str(ver) + '.')

    works_ = dict(qs.values_list('works_properly').annotate(Count('id')))
    works = {'success': works_.get(True, 0), 'failure': works_.get(False, 0)}

    works_properly = request.GET.get('works_properly')
    if works_properly:
        qs = qs.filter(works_properly=works_properly)
    reports = paginate(request, qs.order_by('-created'), 100)

    return render(request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html',
                  dict(reports=reports, works=works,
                       name=name, guid=guid, form=form))
Пример #10
def download_source(request, version_id):
    version = get_object_or_404(Version.objects, pk=version_id)

    # General case: version is listed.
    if version.channel == amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED:
        if not (version.source and
                    request, version.addon, dev=True, ignore_disabled=True))):
            raise http.Http404()
        if not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, version.addon):
            raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or unlisted reviewer.
    res = HttpResponseSendFile(request, version.source.path)
    path = version.source.path
    if not isinstance(path, six.text_type):
        path = path.decode('utf8')
    name = os.path.basename(path.replace(u'"', u''))
    disposition = u'attachment; filename="{0}"'.format(name).encode('utf8')
    res['Content-Disposition'] = disposition
    return res
Пример #11
def allowed(request, file):
        version = file.version
        addon = version.addon
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise http.Http404

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if version.channel == amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED:
        # We don't show the file-browser publicly because of potential DOS
        # issues, we're working on a fix but for now, let's not do this.
        # (cgrebs, 06042017)
        is_owner = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True)
        if (acl.is_reviewer(request, addon) or is_owner):
            return True  # Public and sources are visible, or reviewer.
        raise PermissionDenied  # Listed but not allowed.
    # Not listed? Needs an owner or an "unlisted" admin.
        if owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
            return True
    raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
Пример #12
def download_source(request, version_id):
    version = get_object_or_404(Version, pk=version_id)

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if version.addon.is_listed:
        if not (version.source and
                (acl.check_addon_ownership(request, version.addon,
                                           viewer=True, ignore_disabled=True)
                 or acl.action_allowed(request, 'Editors', 'BinarySource'))):
            raise http.Http404()
        if not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, version.addon):
            raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
    res = HttpResponseSendFile(request, version.source.path)
    path = version.source.path
    if not isinstance(path, unicode):
        path = path.decode('utf8')
    name = os.path.basename(path.replace(u'"', u''))
    disposition = u'attachment; filename="{0}"'.format(name).encode('utf8')
    res['Content-Disposition'] = disposition
    return res
Пример #13
def download_source(request, version_id):
    version = get_object_or_404(Version, pk=version_id)

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if version.addon.is_listed:
        if not (version.source and
                    request, version.addon, viewer=True, ignore_disabled=True)
                 or acl.action_allowed(request, 'Editors', 'BinarySource'))):
            raise http.Http404()
        if not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, version.addon):
            raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
    res = HttpResponseSendFile(request, version.source.path)
    path = version.source.path
    if not isinstance(path, unicode):
        path = path.decode('utf8')
    name = os.path.basename(path.replace(u'"', u''))
    disposition = u'attachment; filename="{0}"'.format(name).encode('utf8')
    res['Content-Disposition'] = disposition
    return res
Пример #14
def allowed(request, file):
        version = file.version
        addon = version.addon
    except ObjectDoesNotExist:
        raise http.Http404

    # General case: addon is listed.
    if version.channel == amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED:
        # We don't show the file-browser publicly because of potential DOS
        # issues, we're working on a fix but for now, let's not do this.
        # (cgrebs, 06042017)
        is_owner = acl.check_addon_ownership(request, addon, dev=True)
        if (acl.is_reviewer(request, addon) or is_owner):
            return True  # Public and sources are visible, or reviewer.
        raise PermissionDenied  # Listed but not allowed.
    # Not listed? Needs an owner or an "unlisted" admin.
        if owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
            return True
    raise http.Http404  # Not listed, not owner or admin.
Пример #15
def reporter(request):
    query = request.GET.get('guid')
    if query:
        qs = None
        if query.isdigit():
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(id=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(slug=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.with_unlisted.filter(guid=query)
        if not qs and len(query) > 4:
            qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid__startswith=query)
        if qs:
            guid = qs[0].guid
            addon = Addon.with_unlisted.get(guid=guid)
            if addon.is_listed or owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon):
                return redirect('compat.reporter_detail', guid)
    addons = (Addon.with_unlisted.filter(
        authors=request.user) if request.user.is_authenticated() else [])
    return render(request, 'compat/reporter.html',
                  dict(query=query, addons=addons))
Пример #16
def reporter(request):
    query = request.GET.get('guid')
    if query:
        qs = None
        if query.isdigit():
            qs = Addon.objects.filter(id=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.objects.filter(slug=query)
        if not qs:
            qs = Addon.objects.filter(guid=query)
        if not qs and len(query) > 4:
            qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid__startswith=query)
        if qs:
            guid = qs[0].guid
            addon = Addon.objects.get(guid=guid)
            if (addon.has_listed_versions() or
                    owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)):
                return redirect('compat.reporter_detail', guid)
    addons = (Addon.objects.filter(authors=request.user)
              if request.user.is_authenticated() else [])
    return render(request, 'compat/reporter.html',
                  dict(query=query, addons=addons))
Пример #17
def reporter_detail(request, guid):
        addon = Addon.with_unlisted.get(guid=guid)
    except Addon.DoesNotExist:
        addon = None
    name = addon.name if addon else guid
    qs = CompatReport.objects.filter(guid=guid)

    if (addon and not addon.is_listed and
            not owner_or_unlisted_reviewer(request, addon)):
        # Not authorized? Let's pretend this addon simply doesn't exist.
        name = guid
        qs = CompatReport.objects.none()

    form = AppVerForm(request.GET)
    if request.GET and form.is_valid() and form.cleaned_data['appver']:
        # Apply filters only if we have a good app/version combination.
        app, ver = form.cleaned_data['appver'].split('-')
        app = amo.APP_IDS[int(app)]
        ver = vdict(floor_version(ver))['major']  # 3.6 => 3

        # Ideally we'd have a `version_int` column to do strict version
        # comparing, but that's overkill for basic version filtering here.
        qs = qs.filter(app_guid=app.guid,
                       app_version__startswith=str(ver) + '.')

    works_ = dict(qs.values_list('works_properly').annotate(Count('id')))
    works = {'success': works_.get(True, 0), 'failure': works_.get(False, 0)}

    works_properly = request.GET.get('works_properly')
    if works_properly:
        qs = qs.filter(works_properly=works_properly)
    reports = amo_utils.paginate(request, qs.order_by('-created'), 100)

    return render(request, 'compat/reporter_detail.html',
                  dict(reports=reports, works=works,
                       name=name, guid=guid, form=form))