Пример #1
def test_view_notice_pdf_preview(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = 'Titel'
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

    with freeze_time("2018-01-01 12:00"):
        response = editor_1.get('/notice/titel/preview-pdf')
        assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/pdf'
        assert response.headers['Content-Disposition'] == \
            'inline; filename=amtsblatt-govikon-titel.pdf'

        reader = PdfFileReader(BytesIO(response.body))
        assert [page.extractText() for page in reader.pages] == [
            '© 2018 Govikon\n1\nxxx\nTitel\n1. Oktober 2017\n'
            'Govikon, 1. Januar 2019\nState Chancellerist\n'
Пример #2
def test_view_notice_edit_deadlines(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Notice"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

    marker = "Bitte Ausgaben neu wählen."
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        assert marker not in editor_1.get('/notice/notice/edit')
        assert marker not in publisher.get('/notice/notice/edit')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 13:00"):
        assert marker in editor_1.get('/notice/notice/edit')
        assert marker not in publisher.get('/notice/notice/edit')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-10 13:00"):
        assert marker in editor_1.get('/notice/notice/edit')
        assert marker in publisher.get('/notice/notice/edit')
Пример #3
def test_view_notice_preview(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = 'Titel'
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

    view = editor_1.get('/notice/titel/preview')
    assert "Titel" in view
    assert "1. Oktober 2017" in view
    assert "Govikon, 1. Januar 2019" in view
    assert "State Chancellerist" in view
    assert "Civic Community" not in view
    assert "Education" not in view
    assert "TestGroup" not in view
    assert "Nr. 44, 03.11.2017" not in view
    assert "Nr. 45, 10.11.2017" not in view
    assert "in Arbeit" not in view
    assert "erstellt" not in view
Пример #4
def test_view_notice_submit(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate((editor_1, editor_2, editor_3)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        # check invalid actions
        for action in ('reject', 'accept'):
            assert not publisher.get('/notice/titel-1/{}'.format(action)).forms
            assert not publisher.get('/notice/titel-2/{}'.format(action)).forms
            assert not publisher.get('/notice/titel-3/{}'.format(action)).forms
            for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3):
                user.get('/notice/titel-1/{}'.format(action), status=403)
                user.get('/notice/titel-2/{}'.format(action), status=403)
                user.get('/notice/titel-3/{}'.format(action), status=403)

        # check if invalid permissions
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-1', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-2', forbidden=True)

    # check deadlines (2 gets submitted)
    with freeze_time("2017-11-08 13:00"):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-2', redirected=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-2', redirected=True)
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 13:00"):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-2', redirected=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')

    # check invalid category (1 gets submitted)
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        change_category(gazette_app, '11', active=False)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1', redirected=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', redirected=True)

        change_category(gazette_app, '11', active=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')

    # check invalid organization (3 gets submitted)
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        change_organization(gazette_app, '200', active=False)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3', redirected=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-3', redirected=True)

        change_organization(gazette_app, '200', active=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
Пример #5
def test_view_notices_statistics_rejected(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    def statistic():
        result_html = publisher.get('/notices/drafted/statistics')
        result_html = result_html.pyquery('.statistics-rejected tbody td')
        result_html = [[
            int(result_html[index + 1].text)
        ] for index in range(0, len(result_html), 2)]

        result_xslx = publisher.get('/notices/drafted/statistics-xlsx')
        book = open_workbook(file_contents=result_xslx.body)
        sheet = book.sheet_by_name('Zurückgewiesen')
        result_xslx = [[
            sheet.cell(row, 0).value,
            int(sheet.cell(row, 1).value)
        ] for row in range(1, sheet.nrows)]

        assert result_html == result_xslx
        return result_html

    assert statistic() == []

    # Add notices
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        for user in 5 * [editor_1] + 2 * [editor_2] + 3 * [editor_3]:
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Titel"
            manage.form['organization'] = '100'
            manage.form['category'] = '13'
            manage.form['text'] = "Text"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44']
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
            manage = manage.click("Einreichen").form.submit()
            assert "Meldung eingereicht" in manage.maybe_follow()

    assert statistic() == []

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 12:00"):
        for url in publisher.get('/notices/submitted').pyquery('td a'):
            manage = publisher.get(url.attrib['href']).click("Zurückweisen")
            manage.form['comment'] = 'XYZ'
            manage = manage.form.submit()
            assert "Meldung zurückgewiesen" in manage.maybe_follow()

    assert statistic() == [
        ['First Editor', 5],
        ['Third Editor', 3],
        ['Second Editor', 2],
Пример #6
def test_view_notice_changelog(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 10:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:02"):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:30"):
        reject_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:45"):
        edit_notice(editor_2, 'erneuerungswahlen', organization='300')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:48"):
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 15:00"):
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 16:00"):
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')

    view = editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen')

    changes = [
        ''.join(i.strip() for i in td.itertext())
        for td in view.pyquery('table.changes td')
    changes = sorted([(changes[4 * i + 0], changes[4 * i + 1],
                       changes[4 * i + 2], changes[4 * i + 3])
                      for i in range(len(changes) // 4)])

    assert changes == [
        ('01.11.2017 11:00', 'First Editor', 'TestGroup', 'erstellt'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:02', 'First Editor', 'TestGroup', 'eingereicht'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:30', 'Publisher', '', 'zurückgewiesenXYZ'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:45', 'Second Editor', 'TestGroup', 'bearbeitet'),
        ('01.11.2017 12:48', 'Second Editor', 'TestGroup', 'eingereicht'),
        ('01.11.2017 16:00', 'Publisher', '', 'Druck beauftragt'),
        ('01.11.2017 16:00', 'Publisher', '', 'angenommen'),
        ('01.11.2017 17:00', 'Publisher', '', 'veröffentlicht')
Пример #7
def test_view_notice_reject(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate((editor_1, editor_2, editor_3)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'
            submit_notice(user, 'titel-{}'.format(count + 1))

        # check wrong actions
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-3', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-1', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-2', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3', unable=True)

        # check if the notices can be rejected
        for user, slug, forbidden in (
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', True),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', True),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', True),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', True),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', False),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', False),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', False),
            reject_notice(user, slug, forbidden=forbidden)
Пример #8
def test_view_notice_copy(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-10-01 12:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-40']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

    with freeze_time("2017-10-01 12:00"):
        edit_notice_unrestricted(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen', note='NOTE!')

    with freeze_time("2018-01-01 12:00"):
        for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher):
            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen').click("Kopieren")
            assert manage.form['title'].value == "Erneuerungswahlen"
            assert manage.form['organization'].value == '200'
            assert manage.form['category'].value == '11'
            assert manage.form['text'].value == "1. Oktober 2017"
            assert manage.form['issues'].value is None

            manage.form['issues'] = ['2018-1']
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()

            assert "Erneuerungswahlen" in user.get('/dashboard')
            assert "Erneuerungswahlen" in user.get('/notices/drafted')

        "NOTE!" in publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen-1')
        "NOTE!" in publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen-2')
        "NOTE!" in publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen-3')
        "NOTE!" in publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen-4')
Пример #9
def test_view_notice_edit_unrestricted(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    then = "2017-11-01 11:00"
    future = "2020-11-01 11:00"

    with freeze_time(then):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')

        assert manage.form['phone_number'].value == '+41415112271'

        manage.form['title'] = "Notice"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'
        manage.form['phone_number'].value == '+41415112281'

    # drafted
    with freeze_time(future):
        edit_notice_unrestricted(editor_1, 'notice', forbidden=True)
        edit_notice_unrestricted(publisher, 'notice', title='unres_drafted')
        edit_notice_unrestricted(admin, 'notice', phone_number='+41415112291')
        notice = editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'unres_drafted' in notice
        assert '+41415112291' in notice
        assert '+41415112291' in admin.get('/user/editor1%40example.org/edit')

        manage = admin.get('/notice/notice/edit-unrestricted')
        assert "(Complaints)" in manage
        assert "(Sikh Community)" in manage

    # submitted
    with freeze_time(then):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'notice')
    with freeze_time(future):
        edit_notice_unrestricted(editor_1, 'notice', forbidden=True)
        edit_notice_unrestricted(publisher, 'notice', author_name='Somebody')
        edit_notice_unrestricted(admin, 'notice', title='unres_submitted')
        notice = editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'Somebody' in notice
        assert 'unres_submitted' in notice

        for user in (publisher, admin):
            manage = user.get('/notice/notice/edit-unrestricted')
            assert "(Complaints)" in manage
            assert "(Sikh Community)" in manage

    # rejected
    with freeze_time(then):
        reject_notice(publisher, 'notice')
    with freeze_time(future):
        edit_notice_unrestricted(editor_1, 'notice', forbidden=True)
        edit_notice_unrestricted(publisher, 'notice', author_name='Someone')
        edit_notice_unrestricted(admin, 'notice', title='unres_rejected')
        notice = editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'Someone' in notice
        assert 'unres_rejected' in notice

        for user in (publisher, admin):
            manage = user.get('/notice/notice/edit-unrestricted')
            assert "(Complaints)" in manage
            assert "(Sikh Community)" in manage

    # accepted
    with freeze_time(then):
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'notice')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'notice')
    with freeze_time(future):
        edit_notice_unrestricted(editor_1, 'notice', forbidden=True)
                                 author_name='No one',
                                 note='A note.')
        edit_notice_unrestricted(admin, 'notice', title='unres_accepted')

        assert 'No one' in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'unres_accepted' in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'A note.' not in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert 'A note.' in publisher.get('/notice/notice')

        for user in (publisher, admin):
            manage = user.get('/notice/notice/edit-unrestricted')
            assert "(Complaints)" in manage
            assert "(Sikh Community)" in manage
            assert "Diese Meldung wurde bereits angenommen!" in manage
Пример #10
def test_view_notice_edit(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')

        assert manage.form['phone_number'].value == '+41415112271'

        manage.form['title'] = "Notice"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'
        manage.form['phone_number'].value == '+41415112281'

                    text="1. Dezember 2017",
        view = editor_1.get('/notice/notice')
        assert "Kantonsratswahl" in view
        assert "Municipality" in view
        assert "Submissions" in view
        assert "Nr. 46, 17.11.2017" in view
        assert "1. Dezember 2017" in view
        assert "+41415112291" in view
        assert '+41415112291' in admin.get('/user/editor1%40example.org/edit')

        # drafted
        for user, title, forbidden in (
            (editor_1, 'XXX1', False),
            (editor_2, 'XXX2', False),
            (editor_3, 'XXX3', True),
            (publisher, 'XXX4', False),
            edit_notice(user, 'notice', title=title, forbidden=forbidden)
            if not forbidden:
                assert title in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')

        # submitted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'notice')
        for user, title, forbidden in (
            (editor_1, 'YYY1', False),
            (editor_2, 'YYY2', False),
            (editor_3, 'YYY3', True),
            (publisher, 'YYY4', False),
            edit_notice(user, 'notice', title=title, forbidden=forbidden)
            if not forbidden:
                assert title in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')

        # rejected
        reject_notice(publisher, 'notice')
        for user, title, forbidden in (
            (editor_1, 'YYY1', False),
            (editor_2, 'YYY2', False),
            (editor_3, 'YYY3', True),
            (publisher, 'YYY4', False),
            edit_notice(user, 'notice', title=title, forbidden=forbidden)
            if not forbidden:
                assert title in editor_1.get('/notice/notice')

        # accepted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'notice')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'notice')
        edit_notice(editor_1, 'notice', unable=True)
        edit_notice(editor_2, 'notice', unable=True)
        edit_notice(editor_3, 'notice', forbidden=True)
        edit_notice(publisher, 'notice', unable=True)
Пример #11
def test_view_notice_actions(gazette_app):
    # Check if the actions are displayed correctly in the detail view

    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate(
            (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        # check the actions
        actions = {
            'p': 'action-preview',
            't': 'action-attachments',
            'c': 'action-copy',
            'e': 'action-edit',
            'd': 'action-delete',
            's': 'action-submit',
            'a': 'action-accept',
            'r': 'action-reject'

        def check(values):
            for user, slug, can in values:
                view = user.get('/notice/{}'.format(slug))
                cannot = [x for x in actions.keys() if x not in can]
                assert all((actions[action] in view for action in can))
                assert all((actions[action] not in view for action in cannot))

        # ... when drafted
            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'peds'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when submitted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptedar'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptedar'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'ptear'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'ptear'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when rejected
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        reject_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pteds'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pteds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'peds'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'p'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'p'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'peds'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'p'),

        # ... when accepted
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptedc'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pedc'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pedc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'pc'),

        # ... when published
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')
            (admin, 'titel-1', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-2', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-3', 'ptec'),
            (admin, 'titel-4', 'ptec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', 'pec'),
            (publisher, 'titel-4', 'pec'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_2, 'titel-4', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-1', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-2', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', 'pc'),
            (editor_3, 'titel-4', 'pc'),

        # ... when imported
        session = gazette_app.session()
        notice = session.query(GazetteNotice).filter_by(name='titel-1').one()
        notice.user = None
        notice.group = None
        notice.source = 'source'
        notice.state = 'imported'
        import transaction

            (admin, 'titel-1', 'pda'),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', 'pad'),
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', 'p'),
Пример #12
def test_view_notice_delete(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # delete a drafted notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
            assert "Meldung gelöscht." in manage

        # delete a submitted notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            submit_notice(user, 'erneuerungswahlen')

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            assert manage.forms == {}

            manage = admin.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')

        # delete a rejected notice
        for user in (editor_1, publisher):
            manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

            submit_notice(user, 'erneuerungswahlen')
            reject_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
            assert "Meldung gelöscht." in manage

        # delete an accepted notice
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

        manage = editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
        assert manage.forms == {}

        manage = publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
        assert "Diese Meldung wurde bereits angenommen!" in manage

        # delete a published notice
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')

        for user in (admin, editor_1, publisher):
            manage = user.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/delete')
            assert manage.forms == {}
Пример #13
def test_view_notice(gazette_app):
    # Check if the details of the notice is displayed correctly in the
    # display view (that is: organization, owner, group etc).

    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate((editor_1, editor_2, editor_3)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '200'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['billing_address'] = 'someone\nstreet\r\nplace'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        # check if the notices are displayed correctly
        for number, owner, group in (
            (1, 'First', True),
            (2, 'Second', True),
            (3, 'Third', False),
            for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher):
                view = user.get(f'/notice/titel-{number}')
                assert f"Titel {number}" in view
                assert "1. Oktober 2017" in view
                assert "Govikon, 1. Januar 2019" in view
                assert "State Chancellerist" in view
                assert "Civic Community" in view
                assert "Education" in view
                assert "<dd>Ja</dd>" in view
                assert "someone<br>street<br>place" in view
                assert f"{owner} Editor" in view
                assert f"+4141511227{number}" in view
                assert f"<br>editor{number}@example.org" in view
                if group:
                    assert "TestGroup" in view
                    assert "TestGroup" not in view
                assert "Nr. 44, 03.11.2017" in view
                assert "Nr. 45, 10.11.2017" in view
                assert "in Arbeit" in view
                assert "erstellt" in view

        # Check if the publication numbers are displayed
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1')
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2')
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-2')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-3')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-44')
        publish_issue(publisher, '2017-45')

        for number in range(1, 4):
            for user in (editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher):
                view = user.get('/notice/titel-{}'.format(number))
                assert "Nr. 44, 03.11.2017 / {}".format(number) in view
                assert "Nr. 45, 10.11.2017 / {}".format(number + 3) in view
Пример #14
def test_view_notice_accept(gazette_app):
    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        # create a notice for each editor
        for count, user in enumerate((editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, editor_3)):
            manage = user.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
            manage.form['title'] = 'Titel {}'.format(count + 1)
            manage.form['organization'] = '410'
            manage.form['category'] = '11'
            manage.form['billing_address'] = 'someone\nstreet\nplace'
            manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-44', '2017-45']
            manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
            manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
            manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
            manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'
            submit_notice(user, 'titel-{}'.format(count + 1))

        edit_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', print_only=True, at_cost='yes')
        edit_notice(publisher, 'titel-2', at_cost='yes')

        # check wrong actions
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(publisher, 'titel-3', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-1', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-2', unable=True)
        submit_notice(editor_2, 'titel-3', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-1', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-2', forbidden=True)
        submit_notice(editor_3, 'titel-3', unable=True)

    # check redirect for past issues
    with freeze_time("2017-11-04 11:00"):
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', redirected=True)

    # check redirect for invalid category
    with freeze_time("2017-11-04 11:00"):
        change_category(gazette_app, '11', active=False)
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', redirected=True)
        change_category(gazette_app, '11', active=True)

    # check redirect for invalid organization
    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 11:00"):
        change_organization(gazette_app, '410', active=False)
        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-1', redirected=True)
        change_organization(gazette_app, '410', active=True)

    with freeze_time("2017-11-01 15:00"):
        # check if the notices can be accepted
        for user, slug, forbidden in (
            (editor_1, 'titel-1', True),
            (editor_1, 'titel-2', True),
            (editor_1, 'titel-3', True),
            (editor_3, 'titel-3', True),
            (publisher, 'titel-1', False),
            (publisher, 'titel-2', False),
            (publisher, 'titel-3', False),
            accept_notice(user, slug, forbidden=forbidden)

        message = gazette_app.smtp.outbox.pop()
        assert message['From'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Reply-To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Subject'].startswith('44  Titel 3')
        payload = message.get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        payload = payload.decode('utf-8')
        assert '44  Titel 3' in payload
        assert "Govikon, 1. Januar 2019" in payload
        assert "State Chancellerist" in payload
        assert "someone<br>street<br>place" not in payload

        message = gazette_app.smtp.outbox.pop()
        assert message['From'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Reply-To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Subject'].startswith('Kostenpflichtig - 44  Titel 2')
        payload = message.get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        payload = payload.decode('utf-8')
        assert '44  Titel 2' in payload
        assert "Govikon, 1. Januar 2019" in payload
        assert "State Chancellerist" in payload
        assert "someone<br>street<br>place" in payload

        message = gazette_app.smtp.outbox.pop()
        assert message['From'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Reply-To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Subject'].startswith(
            'Kostenpflichtig / Stopp Internet - 44  Titel 1')
        payload = message.get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        payload = payload.decode('utf-8')
        assert '44  Titel 1' in payload

        principal = gazette_app.principal
        principal.on_accept['mail_from'] = '*****@*****.**'
        gazette_app.cache.set('principal', principal)

        change_organization(gazette_app, '400', external_name='xxx')

        accept_notice(publisher, 'titel-4')

        message = gazette_app.smtp.outbox.pop()
        assert message['From'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert message['Reply-To'] == '*****@*****.**'
        assert '44 xxx Titel 4' in message['Subject']
        payload = message.get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        payload = payload.decode('utf-8')
        assert '44 xxx Titel 4' in payload
Пример #15
def test_view_notice_attachments(gazette_app, temporary_path, pdf_1, pdf_2):

    admin, editor_1, editor_2, editor_3, publisher = login_users(gazette_app)

    with freeze_time("2017-10-01 12:00"):
        manage = editor_1.get('/notices/drafted/new-notice')
        manage.form['title'] = "Erneuerungswahlen"
        manage.form['organization'] = '200'
        manage.form['category'] = '11'
        manage.form['issues'] = ['2017-40']
        manage.form['text'] = "1. Oktober 2017"
        manage.form['author_place'] = 'Govikon'
        manage.form['author_name'] = 'State Chancellerist'
        manage.form['author_date'] = '2019-01-01'

        editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/attachments', status=403)
        manage = publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/attachments')
        assert "Keine Anhänge." in manage

        # Try to upload an invalid file
        manage.form['file'] = Upload('fake.pdf', 'PDF'.encode('utf-8'),

        # Upload two attachment (with the same name!)
        with open(pdf_1, 'rb') as file:
            content_1 = file.read()
        manage.form['file'] = Upload('1.pdf', content_1, 'application/pdf')
        manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
        assert "Anhang hinzugefügt" in manage
        assert "1.pdf" in manage
        assert manage.click('1.pdf').content_type == 'application/pdf'

        with open(pdf_2, 'rb') as file:
            content_2 = file.read()
        manage.form['file'] = Upload('1.pdf', content_2, 'application/pdf')
        manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
        assert "Anhang hinzugefügt" in manage
        assert "1.pdf" in manage
        assert manage.click('1.pdf', index=0).content_type == 'application/pdf'
        assert manage.click('1.pdf', index=1).content_type == 'application/pdf'

        # Test if visible in notice view
        manage = editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen')
        assert "1.pdf" in manage
        assert manage.click('1.pdf', index=0).content_type == 'application/pdf'
        assert manage.click('1.pdf', index=1).content_type == 'application/pdf'

        # Accept notice
        submit_notice(editor_1, 'erneuerungswahlen')
        accept_notice(publisher, 'erneuerungswahlen')

        # Check email
        message = gazette_app.smtp.outbox.pop()
        html = message.get_payload(0).get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        html = html.decode('utf-8')
        assert '1.pdf' in html

        assert message.get_payload(1).get_filename() == '1.pdf'
        assert message.get_payload(2).get_filename() == '1.pdf'

        attachment_1 = message.get_payload(1).get_payload(decode=True)
        attachment_2 = message.get_payload(2).get_payload(decode=True)
        assert attachment_1 != attachment_2
        assert attachment_1 == content_1 or attachment_1 == content_2
        assert attachment_2 == content_1 or attachment_2 == content_2

        # Delete attachment
        editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/attachments', status=403)
        publisher.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/attachments', status=302)
        manage = admin.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen/attachments')

        manage = manage.click('Löschen', index=0)
        assert 'form' not in publisher.get(manage.request.url)

        manage = manage.form.submit().maybe_follow()
        assert "Anhang gelöscht." in manage
        assert "1.pdf" in editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen')

        assert "1.pdf" not in editor_1.get('/notice/erneuerungswahlen')