Пример #1
def _handle_schema(
    *, logical_name: str, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas
) -> _IntermediaryObjectArtifacts:
    Gather artifacts from the schema.

        schema: The schema of the object reference.
        logical_name: The property name of the object reference.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.

        The name of the referenced schema.

    # Read $ref and allOf
    ref = schema.get("$ref")
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")

    if ref is not None:
        intermediary_obj_artifacts = _handle_ref(
            logical_name=logical_name, schema=schema, schemas=schemas
    elif all_of is not None:
        intermediary_obj_artifacts = _handle_all_of(
            logical_name=logical_name, all_of_schema=all_of, schemas=schemas
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(
            "Relationships are defined using either $ref or allOf."

    return intermediary_obj_artifacts
Пример #2
def _peek_key(schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas, key: str,
              seen_refs: typing.Set[str]) -> typing.Any:
    """Implement peek_key."""
    # Base case, look for type key
    value = schema.get(key)
    if value is not None:
        return value

    # Recursive case, look for $ref
    ref_value = schema.get("$ref")
    if ref_value is not None:
        # Check for circular $ref
        if ref_value in seen_refs:
            raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                "Circular reference detected.")

        _, ref_schema = ref.get_ref(ref=ref_value, schemas=schemas)
        return _peek_key(ref_schema, schemas, key, seen_refs)

    # Recursive case, look for allOf
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is not None:
        for sub_schema in all_of:
            value = _peek_key(sub_schema, schemas, key, seen_refs)
            if value is not None:
                return value

    # Base case, type or ref not found or no type in allOf
    return None
Пример #3
def _determine_type(*,
                    spec: types.Schema) -> sqlalchemy.sql.type_api.TypeEngine:
    Determine the type for a specification.

    If no type is found, raises TypeMissingError. If the type is found but is not
    handled, raises FeatureNotImplementedError.

        spec: The specification to determine the type for.

        The type for the specification.

    # Checking for type
    spec_type = spec.get("type")
    if spec_type is None:
        raise exceptions.TypeMissingError("Every property requires a type.")

    # Determining the type
    type_: typing.Optional[sqlalchemy.sql.type_api.TypeEngine] = None
    if spec_type == "integer":
        type_ = _handle_integer(spec=spec)
    elif spec_type == "number":
        type_ = _handle_number(spec=spec)
    elif spec_type == "string":
        type_ = _handle_string(spec=spec)
    elif spec_type == "boolean":
        type_ = sqlalchemy.Boolean

    if type_ is None:
        raise exceptions.FeatureNotImplementedError(
            f"{spec['type']} has not been implemented")
    return type_
Пример #4
def _resolve(
    name: str,
    schema: types.Schema,
    schemas: types.Schemas,
    seen_refs: typing.Set[str],
    skip_name: typing.Optional[str],
) -> NameSchema:
    """Implement resolve."""
    # Checking whether schema is a reference schema
    ref = schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REF)
    if ref is None:
        return name, schema
    # Check that ref is string
    if not isinstance(ref, str):
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "The value of $ref must be a string.")

    # Check for circular $ref
    if ref in seen_refs:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Circular reference chain detected.")

    ref_name, ref_schema = get_ref(ref=ref, schemas=schemas)

    # Check if schema should be skipped
    if ref_name == skip_name:
        return name, {}

    return _resolve(ref_name, ref_schema, schemas, seen_refs, skip_name)
Пример #5
def _handle_key_single(
    *, key: str, schema: types.Schema, default: _TValue, exception_message: str
) -> _TValue:
    Read value and enforce that it only exists once.

    Raise MalformedRelationshipError is default is not None and the key exists in the

        key: The key to read the value of.
        schema: The schema to read the value from.
        default: The default value to return.
        exception_message: The message raised with the exception.

        The value of the key or the default value,

    if key.startswith("x-"):
        if key == "x-kwargs":
            sub_value = helpers.ext_prop.get_kwargs(
                source=schema, reserved={"backref", "secondary"}
            sub_value = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=schema, name=key)
        sub_value = schema.get(key)
    if sub_value is not None:
        if default is not None:
            raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(exception_message)

        return sub_value
    return default
Пример #6
def resolve_ref(
    *, name: str, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas
) -> NameSchema:
    Resolve reference to another schema.

    Recursively resolves $ref until $ref key is no longer found. On each step, the name
    of the schema is recorded.

    Raises SchemaNotFound is a $ref resolution fails.

        name: The name of the schema from the last step.
        schema: The specification of the schema from the last step.
        schemas: Dictionary with all defined schemas used to resolve $ref.

        The first schema that no longer has the $ref key and the name of that schema.

    # Checking whether schema is a reference schema
    ref = schema.get("$ref")
    if ref is None:
        return name, schema

    ref_name, ref_schema = get_ref(ref=ref, schemas=schemas)

    return resolve_ref(name=ref_name, schema=ref_schema, schemas=schemas)
Пример #7
def _handle_object_reference(*, spec: types.Schema,
                             schemas: types.Schemas) -> types.Schema:
    Determine the foreign key schema for an object reference.

        spec: The schema of the object reference.
        schemas: All defined schemas.

        The foreign key schema.

    tablename = helpers.get_ext_prop(source=spec, name="x-tablename")
    if not tablename:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object is missing x-tablename property.")
    properties = spec.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object does not have any properties.")
    logical_name = "id"
    id_spec = properties.get(logical_name)
    if id_spec is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object does not have id property.")
    # Preparing specification
    prepared_id_spec = helpers.prepare_schema(schema=id_spec, schemas=schemas)
    id_type = prepared_id_spec.get("type")
    if id_type is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object id property does not have a type.")

    return {"type": id_type, "x-foreign-key": f"{tablename}.id"}
Пример #8
def _resolve(
    name: str,
    schema: types.Schema,
    schemas: types.Schemas,
    seen_refs: typing.Set[str],
    skip_name: typing.Optional[str],
) -> NameSchema:
    """Implement resolve."""
    # Checking whether schema is a reference schema
    ref = schema.get("$ref")
    if ref is None:
        return name, schema

    # Check for circular $ref
    if ref in seen_refs:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Circular reference chain detected.")

    ref_name, ref_schema = get_ref(ref=ref, schemas=schemas)

    # Check if schema should be skipped
    if ref_name == skip_name:
        return name, {}

    return _resolve(ref_name, ref_schema, schemas, seen_refs, skip_name)
Пример #9
def calculate(*, instance: typing.Any, properties: types.Schema) -> str:
    Calculate the repr for the model.

    The repr is the string that would be needed to create an equivalent instance of the

        instance: The model instance to calculate the repr for.
        properties: The properties of the model instance.

        The string that would be needed to create an equivalent instance of the model.

    # Calculate the name
    name = type(instance).__name__

    # Retrieve property values
    prop_repr_gen = ((prop, repr(getattr(instance, prop, None)))
                     for prop in properties.keys())
    prop_repr_str_gen = (f"{name}={value}" for name, value in prop_repr_gen)
    prop_repr_str = ", ".join(prop_repr_str_gen)

    # Calculate repr
    return f"open_alchemy.models.{name}({prop_repr_str})"
Пример #10
def _prepare_schema_object_common(
    *, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas, array_context: bool
) -> types.ReadOnlySchemaObjectCommon:
    Check and transform readOnly schema to consistent format.

        schema: The readOnly schema to operate on.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.
        array_context: Whether checking is being done at the array items level. Changes
            exception messages and schema validation.

        The schema in a consistent format.

    # Check type
        type_ = helpers.peek.type_(schema=schema, schemas=schemas)
    except exceptions.TypeMissingError:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Every readOnly property must have a type."
            if not array_context
            else "Array readOnly items must have a type."

    schema = helpers.prepare_schema(schema=schema, schemas=schemas)

    if type_ != "object":
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "readOnly array item type must be an object."
            if array_context
            else "readyOnly property must be of type array or object."

    # Handle object
    properties = schema.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "readOnly object definition must include properties."
    if not properties:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "readOnly object definition must include at least 1 property."

    # Initialize schema properties to return
    properties_schema: types.Schema = {}

    # Process properties
    for property_name, property_schema in properties.items():
        property_type = helpers.peek.type_(schema=property_schema, schemas=schemas)
        if property_type in {"array", "object"}:
            raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                "readOnly object properties cannot be of type array nor object."
        properties_schema[property_name] = {"type": property_type}

    return {"type": "object", "properties": properties_schema}
Пример #11
def gather(*, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas,
           logical_name: str) -> types.ObjectArtifacts:
    Gather artifacts for constructing a reference to another model from within an array.

        schema: The schema of the array reference.
        schemas: All the model schemas used to resolve any $ref within the array
            reference schema.
        logical_name: The name of thearray reference within its parent schema.

        The artifacts required to construct the array reference.

    # Resolve any allOf and $ref
    schema = helpers.schema.prepare(schema=schema, schemas=schemas)

    # Get item schema
    item_schema = schema.get("items")
    if item_schema is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(
            "An array property must include items property.")

    # Retrieve artifacts for the object reference within the array
    artifacts = object_ref.artifacts.gather(schema=item_schema,

    # Check for uselist
    if (artifacts.relationship.back_reference is not None
            and artifacts.relationship.back_reference.uselist is not None):
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(
            "x-uselist is not supported for one to many nor many to many relationships."
    # Check for nullable
    if artifacts.nullable is not None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(
            "nullable is not supported for one to many nor many to many relationships."

    # Check referenced specification
    ref_schema = helpers.schema.prepare(schema=artifacts.spec, schemas=schemas)
    ref_tablename = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=ref_schema, name="x-tablename")
    if ref_tablename is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(
            "One to many relationships must reference a schema with "
            "x-tablename defined.")

    # Add description
        description = helpers.peek.description(schema=schema, schemas={})
    except exceptions.MalformedSchemaError as exc:
        raise exceptions.MalformedRelationshipError(str(exc))
    if description is not None:
        artifacts.description = description

    return artifacts
Пример #12
def _merge(schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas,
           skip_name: typing.Optional[str]) -> types.Schema:
    """Implement merge."""
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is None:
        return schema

    merged_schema: types.Schema = {}
    for sub_schema in all_of:
        # Resolving any $ref
        _, ref_schema = ref.resolve(name="",
        # Merging any nested allOf
        merged_sub_schema = _merge(ref_schema, schemas, skip_name)

        # Capturing required arrays
        merged_required = merged_schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REQUIRED)
        sub_required = merged_sub_schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REQUIRED)
        # Capturing properties
        merged_properties = merged_schema.get(
        sub_properties = merged_sub_schema.get(
        # Capturing backrefs
        merged_backrefs = merged_schema.get(types.ExtensionProperties.BACKREFS)
        sub_backrefs = merged_sub_schema.get(

        # Combining sub into merged specification
        merged_schema = {**merged_schema, **merged_sub_schema}

        # Checking whether required was present on both specs
        if merged_required is not None and sub_required is not None:
            # Both have a required array, need to merge them together
            required_set = set(merged_required).union(sub_required)
            merged_schema[types.OpenApiProperties.REQUIRED] = list(

        # Checking whether properties was present on both specs
        if merged_properties is not None and sub_properties is not None:
            # Both have properties, merge properties
            merged_schema[types.OpenApiProperties.PROPERTIES] = {

        # Checking whether backrefs was present on both specs
        if merged_backrefs is not None and sub_backrefs is not None:
            # Both have backrefs, merge backrefs
            merged_schema[types.ExtensionProperties.BACKREFS] = {

    return merged_schema
Пример #13
def peek_key(
    schema: types.Schema,
    schemas: types.Schemas,
    key: str,
    seen_refs: typing.Set[str],
    skip_ref: typing.Optional[str],
) -> typing.Any:
    """Execute peek_key."""
    check_schema_schemas_dict(schema, schemas)

    # Base case, look for type key
    keys = (
        [key.replace("x-", prefix) for prefix in types.KeyPrefixes]
        if key.startswith("x-")
        else [key]
    value = next(filter(lambda value: value is not None, map(schema.get, keys)), None)
    if value is not None:
        return value

    # Recursive case, look for $ref
    ref_value = schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REF)
    if ref_value is not None:
        ref_value_str = check_ref_string(ref_value)
        check_circular_ref(ref_value_str, seen_refs)

        ref_name, ref_schema = ref_helper.get_ref(ref=ref_value_str, schemas=schemas)
        if skip_ref is not None and ref_name == skip_ref:
            return None
        return peek_key(ref_schema, schemas, key, seen_refs, skip_ref)

    # Recursive case, look for allOf
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is not None:
        all_of_list = check_all_of_list(all_of)
        for sub_schema in all_of_list:
            sub_schema_dict = check_sub_schema_dict(sub_schema)
            value = peek_key(sub_schema_dict, schemas, key, seen_refs, skip_ref)
            if value is not None:
                return value

    # Base case, type or ref not found or no type in allOf
    return None
Пример #14
def _handle_integer(
    *, spec: types.Schema
) -> typing.Union[sqlalchemy.Integer, sqlalchemy.BigInteger]:
    Determine the type of integer to use for the schema.

        spec: The schema for the integer column.

        Integer or BigInteger depending on the format.

    if spec.get("format", "int32") == "int32":
        return sqlalchemy.Integer
    if spec.get("format") == "int64":
        return sqlalchemy.BigInteger
    raise exceptions.FeatureNotImplementedError(
        f"{spec.get('format')} format for integer is not supported.")
Пример #15
def merge_all_of(*, schema: types.Schema,
                 schemas: types.Schemas) -> types.Schema:
    Merge schemas under allOf statement.

    Merges schemas under allOf statement which is expected to have a list of schemas.
    Any duplicate keys will be overridden. Schemas are processed in the order they are

        schema: The schema to operate on.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.

        The schema with all top level allOf statements resolved.

    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is None:
        return schema

    merged_schema: types.Schema = {}
    for sub_schema in all_of:
        # Resolving any $ref
        _, ref_schema = resolve_ref(name="",
        # Merging any nested allOf
        merged_sub_schema = merge_all_of(schema=ref_schema, schemas=schemas)

        # Capturing required arrays
        merged_required = merged_schema.get("required")
        sub_required = merged_sub_schema.get("required")
        # Capturing properties
        merged_properties = merged_schema.get("properties")
        sub_properties = merged_sub_schema.get("properties")

        # Combining sub into merged specification
        merged_schema = {**merged_schema, **merged_sub_schema}

        # Checking whether required was present on both specs
        if merged_required is not None and sub_required is not None:
            # Both have a required array, need to merge them together
            required_set = set(merged_required).union(sub_required)
            merged_schema["required"] = list(required_set)

        # Checking whether properties was present on both specs
        if merged_properties is not None and sub_properties is not None:
            # Both have properties, merge properties
            merged_schema["properties"] = {

    return merged_schema
Пример #16
def prefer_local(
    get_value: PeekValue,
    schema: types.Schema,
    schemas: types.Schemas,
    seen_refs: typing.Set[str],
) -> typing.Any:
    """Execute prefer_local."""
    check_schema_schemas_dict(schema, schemas)

    # Handle $ref
    ref_value = schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REF)
    if ref_value is not None:
        ref_value_str = check_ref_string(ref_value)
        check_circular_ref(ref_value_str, seen_refs)

        _, ref_schema = ref_helper.get_ref(ref=ref_value_str, schemas=schemas)
        return prefer_local(get_value, ref_schema, schemas, seen_refs)

    # Handle allOf
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is not None:
        all_of_list = check_all_of_list(all_of)
        all_of_list_dict = map(check_sub_schema_dict, all_of_list)
        # Order putting any $ref last
        sorted_all_of = sorted(
            key=lambda sub_schema: sub_schema.get(types.OpenApiProperties.REF)
            is not None,

        def map_to_value(sub_schema: types.Schema) -> typing.Any:
            """Use get_value to turn the schema into the value."""
            return prefer_local(get_value, sub_schema, schemas, seen_refs)

        retrieved_values = map(map_to_value, sorted_all_of)
        not_none_retrieved_values = filter(
            lambda value: value is not None, retrieved_values
        retrieved_value = next(not_none_retrieved_values, None)
        return retrieved_value

    return get_value(schema=schema, schemas=schemas)
Пример #17
def _handle_string(*, spec: types.Schema) -> sqlalchemy.String:
    Determine the setup of the string to use for the schema.

        spec: The schema for the string column.


    return sqlalchemy.String(length=spec.get("maxLength"))
Пример #18
def init_model_factory(*,
                       base: typing.Type,
                       spec: oa_types.Schema,
                       define_all: bool = False) -> oa_types.ModelFactory:
    Create factory that generates SQLAlchemy models based on OpenAPI specification.

        base: The declarative base for the models.
        spec: The OpenAPI specification in the form of a dictionary.
        define_all: Whether to define all the models during initialization.

        A factory that returns SQLAlchemy models derived from the base based on the
        OpenAPI specification.

    # Retrieving the schema from the specification
    if "components" not in spec:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSpecificationError(
            '"components" is a required key in the specification.')
    components = spec.get("components", {})
    if "schemas" not in components:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSpecificationError(
            '"schemas" is a required key in the components of the specification.'
    schemas = components.get("schemas", {})

    # Binding the base and schemas
    bound_model_factories = functools.partial(_model_factory.model_factory,
    # Caching calls
    cached_model_factories = functools.lru_cache(

    # Making Base importable
    setattr(models, "Base", base)

    # Intercepting factory calls to make models available
    def _register_model(*, name: str) -> typing.Type:
        """Intercept calls to model factory and register model on models."""
        model = cached_model_factories(name=name)
        setattr(models, name, model)
        return model

    if define_all:
        _helpers.define_all(model_factory=_register_model, schemas=schemas)

    return _register_model
Пример #19
def peek_key(*, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas, key: str) -> typing.Any:
    """Recursive type lookup."""
    # Base case, look for type key
    value = schema.get(key)
    if value is not None:
        return value

    # Recursive case, look for $ref
    ref_value = schema.get("$ref")
    if ref_value is not None:
        _, ref_schema = ref.get_ref(ref=ref_value, schemas=schemas)
        return peek_key(schema=ref_schema, schemas=schemas, key=key)

    # Recursive case, look for allOf
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is not None:
        for sub_schema in all_of:
            value = peek_key(schema=sub_schema, schemas=schemas, key=key)
            if value is not None:
                return value

    # Base case, type or ref not found or no type in allOf
    return None
Пример #20
def _peek_type(*, schema: types.Schema,
               schemas: types.Schemas) -> typing.Optional[str]:
    """Recursive type lookup."""
    # Base case, look for type key
    type_ = schema.get("type")
    if type_ is not None:
        return type_

    # Recursive case, look for $ref
    ref = schema.get("$ref")
    if ref is not None:
        _, ref_schema = get_ref(ref=ref, schemas=schemas)
        return _peek_type(schema=ref_schema, schemas=schemas)

    # Recursive case, look for allOf
    all_of = schema.get("allOf")
    if all_of is not None:
        for sub_schema in all_of:
            type_ = _peek_type(schema=sub_schema, schemas=schemas)
            if type_ is not None:
                return type_

    # Base case, type or ref not found or no type in allOf
    return None
Пример #21
def _handle_number(*, spec: types.Schema) -> sqlalchemy.Float:
    Determine the type of number to use for the schema.

        spec: The schema for the number column.


    if spec.get("format", "float") == "float":
        return sqlalchemy.Float
    raise exceptions.FeatureNotImplementedError(
        f"{spec.get('format')} format for number is not supported.")
Пример #22
def _prepare_schema_array(
    *, schema: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas
) -> types.ReadOnlyArraySchema:
    Check and transform readOnly schema to consistent format.

        schema: The readOnly schema to operate on.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.

        The schema in a consistent format.

    schema = helpers.prepare_schema(schema=schema, schemas=schemas)

    items_schema = schema.get("items")
    if items_schema is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError("A readOnly array must define its items.")
    array_object_schema = _prepare_schema_object_common(
        schema=items_schema, schemas=schemas, array_context=True
    return {"type": "array", "readOnly": True, "items": array_object_schema}
Пример #23
def _calculate_nullable(*, spec: types.Schema,
                        required: typing.Optional[bool]) -> bool:
    Calculate the value of the nullable field.

    The following is the truth table for the nullable property.
    required  | schema nullable | returned nullable
    None      | not given       | True
    None      | False           | False
    None      | True            | True
    False     | not given       | True
    False     | False           | False
    False     | True            | True
    True      | not given       | False
    True      | False           | False
    True      | True            | True

    To summarize, if nullable is the schema the value for it is used. Otherwise True
    is returned unless required is True.

        spec: The schema for the column.
        required: Whether the property is required.

        The nullable value for the column.

    nullable = spec.get("nullable")
    if nullable is None:
        if required:
            return False
        return True
    if nullable:
        return True
    return False
Пример #24
def handle_object_reference(*, spec: types.Schema, schemas: types.Schemas,
                            fk_column: str) -> types.Schema:
    Determine the foreign key schema for an object reference.

        spec: The schema of the object reference.
        schemas: All defined schemas.
        fk_column: The foreign column name to use.

        The foreign key schema.

    tablename = helpers.get_ext_prop(source=spec, name="x-tablename")
    if not tablename:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object is missing x-tablename property.")
    properties = spec.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object does not have any properties.")
    fk_logical_name = fk_column if fk_column is not None else "id"
    fk_spec = properties.get(fk_logical_name)
    if fk_spec is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            f"Referenced object does not have {fk_logical_name} property.")
    # Preparing specification
    prepared_fk_spec = helpers.prepare_schema(schema=fk_spec, schemas=schemas)
    fk_type = prepared_fk_spec.get("type")
    if fk_type is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            f"Referenced object {fk_logical_name} property does not have a type."

    return {"type": fk_type, "x-foreign-key": f"{tablename}.{fk_logical_name}"}
Пример #25
def _many_to_many_column_artifacts(
        *, model_schema: types.Schema,
        schemas: types.Schemas) -> _ManyToManyColumnArtifacts:
    Retrieve column artifacts of a secondary table for a many to many relationship.

        model_schema: The schema for one side of the many to many relationship.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.

        The artifacts needed to construct a column of the secondary table in a many to
        many relationship.

    # Resolve $ref and merge allOf
    model_schema = helpers.prepare_schema(schema=model_schema, schemas=schemas)

    # Check schema type
    model_type = model_schema.get("type")
    if model_type is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError("Every schema must have a type.")
    if model_type != "object":
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must be of type "

    # Retrieve table name
    tablename = helpers.get_ext_prop(source=model_schema, name="x-tablename")
    if tablename is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must set the "
            "x-tablename property.")

    # Find primary key
    properties = model_schema.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have properties."
    if not properties:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have at least 1 "
    type_ = None
    format_ = None
    for property_name, property_schema in properties.items():
        if helpers.peek.primary_key(schema=property_schema, schemas=schemas):
            if type_ is not None:
                raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                    "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have "
                    "exactly 1 primary key.")
                type_ = helpers.peek.type_(schema=property_schema,
            except exceptions.TypeMissingError:
                raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                    "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must define "
                    "a type for the primary key.")
            format_ = helpers.peek.format_(schema=property_schema,
            max_length = helpers.peek.max_length(schema=property_schema,
            column_name = property_name
    if type_ is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have "
            "exactly 1 primary key.")
    if type_ in {"object", "array"}:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship cannot define it's "
            "primary key to be of type object nor array.")

    return _ManyToManyColumnArtifacts(type_, format_, tablename, column_name,
Пример #26
def gather_artifacts(
    model_schema: types.Schema,
    logical_name: str,
    schemas: types.Schemas,
    fk_column: str,
    required: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    nullable: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> typing.Tuple[str, types.ColumnArtifacts]:
    Gather artifacts for a foreign key to implement an object reference.

    Assume any object schema level allOf and $ref have already been resolved.

    Raise MalformedSchemaError if x-tablename or properties are missing. Also raise if
    the foreign key column is not found in the model schema or it does not have a type.

        model_schema: The schema of the referenced model.
        logical_name: The logical name of the property with the object reference.
        schemas: All model schemas used to resolve any $ref.
        fk_column: The name of the foreign key column.
        required: Whether the foreign key is constructed for a property that is
        nullable: Whether the foreign key is constructed for a property that is

        The logical name of the foreign key and the artifacts required to construct it.

    tablename = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=model_schema, name="x-tablename")
    if not tablename:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object is missing x-tablename property.")
    properties = model_schema.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "Referenced object does not have any properties.")
    fk_schema = properties.get(fk_column)
    if fk_schema is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            f"Referenced object does not have {fk_column} property.")

    # Gather artifacts
        fk_type = helpers.peek.type_(schema=fk_schema, schemas=schemas)
    except exceptions.TypeMissingError:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            f"Referenced object {fk_column} property does not have a type.")
    fk_format = helpers.peek.format_(schema=fk_schema, schemas=schemas)
    fk_max_length = helpers.peek.max_length(schema=fk_schema, schemas=schemas)
    fk_default = helpers.peek.default(schema=fk_schema, schemas=schemas)
    nullable = helpers.calculate_nullable(
        defaulted=fk_default is not None,

    # Construct return values
    return_logical_name = f"{logical_name}_{fk_column}"
    artifacts = types.ColumnArtifacts(
    return return_logical_name, artifacts
Пример #27
def calculate(*, schema: oa_types.Schema, name: str) -> types.ModelArtifacts:
    Calculate the model artifacts from the schema.

        schema: The schema of the model
        name: The name of the model.

        The artifacts for the model.

    # Resolve inheritance chain
    schema = helpers.inheritance.retrieve_model_parents_schema(schema=schema)

    required = set(schema.get("required", []))
    description = helpers.peek.description(schema=schema, schemas={})

    # Convert schemas to artifacts
    prop_schemas = schema["properties"].values()
    prop_required_list = [
        key in required for key in schema["properties"].keys()
    columns_artifacts = list(
        map(gather_column_artifacts, prop_schemas, prop_required_list))

    # Calculate artifacts for columns
    columns = list(
        map(_calculate_column_artifacts, schema["properties"].keys(),
    # Calculate artifacts for the typed dictionary
    write_only_idx = [
        artifact.open_api.write_only for artifact in columns_artifacts
    typed_dict_props = list(
            (value for idx, value in enumerate(schema["properties"].keys())
             if not write_only_idx[idx]),
            (value for idx, value in enumerate(columns_artifacts)
             if not write_only_idx[idx]),
    typed_dict_required_props = [
        typed_dict_prop for prop_required, typed_dict_prop in zip(
            prop_required_list, typed_dict_props) if prop_required
    typed_dict_not_required_props = [
        typed_dict_prop for prop_required, typed_dict_prop in zip(
            prop_required_list, typed_dict_props) if not prop_required
    # Calculate artifacts for the arguments
    args = list(
        map(_calculate_arg_artifacts, schema["properties"].keys(),
    required_args = [
        arg for prop_required, arg in zip(prop_required_list, args)
        if prop_required
    not_required_args = [
        arg for prop_required, arg in zip(prop_required_list, args)
        if not prop_required
    # Calculate artifacts for back references
    backrefs = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=schema, name="x-backrefs")
    if backrefs is not None:
        backref_column_artifacts = map(gather_column_artifacts,
        backref_columns_iter = map(_calculate_column_artifacts,
                                   backrefs.keys(), backref_column_artifacts)

    # Calculate model parent class
    parent_cls: str
    if sys.version_info[1] < 8:
        parent_cls = "typing_extensions.Protocol"
    else:  # version compatibility
        parent_cls = "typing.Protocol"

    # Calculate whether property lists are empty, their names and parent class
    typed_dict_required_empty = not typed_dict_required_props
    typed_dict_not_required_empty = not typed_dict_not_required_props
    typed_dict_required_name = None
    typed_dict_not_required_name: typing.Optional[str] = f"{name}Dict"
    typed_dict_required_parent_class = None
    typed_dict_not_required_parent_class: typing.Optional[str]
    if sys.version_info[1] < 8:
        typed_dict_not_required_parent_class = "typing_extensions.TypedDict"
    else:  # version compatibility
        typed_dict_not_required_parent_class = "typing.TypedDict"
    if not typed_dict_required_empty and not typed_dict_not_required_empty:
        typed_dict_required_parent_class = typed_dict_not_required_parent_class
        typed_dict_required_name = f"_{name}DictBase"
        typed_dict_not_required_parent_class = typed_dict_required_name
    if not typed_dict_required_empty and typed_dict_not_required_empty:
        typed_dict_required_name = typed_dict_not_required_name
        typed_dict_not_required_name = None
        typed_dict_required_parent_class = typed_dict_not_required_parent_class
        typed_dict_not_required_parent_class = None

    return types.ModelArtifacts(
            empty=not columns,
Пример #28
def init_model_factory(
    base: typing.Type,
    spec: oa_types.Schema,
    models_filename: typing.Optional[str] = None,
    spec_path: typing.Optional[str] = None,
) -> oa_types.ModelFactory:
    Create factory that generates SQLAlchemy models based on OpenAPI specification.

        base: The declarative base for the models.
        spec: The OpenAPI specification in the form of a dictionary.
        models_filename: The name of the file to write the models typing information to.
        spec_path: The path the the OpenAPI specification. Mainly used to support remote

        A factory that returns SQLAlchemy models derived from the base based on the
        OpenAPI specification.

    # Record the spec path
    if spec_path is not None:

    # Retrieving the schema from the specification
    if "components" not in spec:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSpecificationError(
            '"components" is a required key in the specification.')
    components = spec.get("components", {})
    if "schemas" not in components:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSpecificationError(
            '"schemas" is a required key in the components of the specification.'
    schemas = components.get("schemas", {})

    # Pre-processing schemas

    # Getting artifacts
    schemas_artifacts = _schemas_module.artifacts.get_from_schemas(
        schemas=schemas, stay_within_model=True)

    # Binding the base and schemas
    bound_model_factories = functools.partial(
    # Caching calls
    cached_model_factories = functools.lru_cache(

    # Making Base importable
    setattr(models, "Base", base)

    # Intercept factory calls to make models available
    def _register_model(*, name: str) -> typing.Type:
        """Intercept calls to model factory and register model on models."""
        model = cached_model_factories(name=name)
        setattr(models, name, model)
        return model

    if models_filename is not None:
        schemas_artifacts = _schemas_module.artifacts.get_from_schemas(
            schemas=schemas, stay_within_model=False)
        models_file_contents = _models_file.generate(
        with open(models_filename, "w") as out_file:

    _helpers.define_all(model_factory=_register_model, schemas=schemas)

    return _register_model
Пример #29
def calculate(*, schema: oa_types.Schema, name: str) -> types.ModelArtifacts:
    Calculate the model artifacts from the schema.

        schema: The schema of the model
        name: The name of the model.

        The artifacts for the model.

    required = set(schema.get("required", []))
    description = helpers.peek.description(schema=schema, schemas={})

    # Initialize lists
    columns: typing.List[types.ColumnArtifacts] = []
    td_required_props: typing.List[types.ColumnArtifacts] = []
    td_not_required_props: typing.List[types.ColumnArtifacts] = []
    required_args: typing.List[types.ColumnArgArtifacts] = []
    not_required_args: typing.List[types.ColumnArgArtifacts] = []

    # Calculate artifacts for properties
    for property_name, property_schema in schema["properties"].items():
        # Gather artifacts
        property_required = property_name in required
        column_artifacts = gather_column_artifacts(schema=property_schema,

        # Calculate the type
        column_type = _type.model(artifacts=column_artifacts)
        td_prop_type = _type.typed_dict(artifacts=column_artifacts)
        arg_init_type = _type.arg_init(artifacts=column_artifacts)
        arg_from_dict_type = _type.arg_from_dict(artifacts=column_artifacts)

        # Add artifacts to the lists
        prop_artifacts = types.ColumnArtifacts(type=td_prop_type,
        arg_artifacts = types.ColumnArgArtifacts(
        if property_required:

    # Calculate artifacts for back references
    backrefs = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=schema, name="x-backrefs")
    if backrefs is not None:
        for backref_name, backref_schema in backrefs.items():
            # Gather artifacts
            column_artifacts = gather_column_artifacts(schema=backref_schema,

            # Calculate the type
            column_type = _type.model(artifacts=column_artifacts)

            # Add artifacts to the lists
                types.ColumnArtifacts(type=column_type, name=backref_name))

    # Calculate model parent class
    parent_cls: str
    if sys.version_info[1] < 8:
        parent_cls = "typing_extensions.Protocol"
    else:  # version compatibility
        parent_cls = "typing.Protocol"

    # Calculate whether property lists are empty, their names and parent class
    td_required_empty = not td_required_props
    td_not_required_empty = not td_not_required_props
    td_required_name = None
    td_not_required_name: typing.Optional[str] = f"{name}Dict"
    td_required_parent_class = None
    td_not_required_parent_class: typing.Optional[str]
    if sys.version_info[1] < 8:
        td_not_required_parent_class = "typing_extensions.TypedDict"
    else:  # version compatibility
        td_not_required_parent_class = "typing.TypedDict"
    if not td_required_empty and not td_not_required_empty:
        td_required_parent_class = td_not_required_parent_class
        td_required_name = f"_{name}DictBase"
        td_not_required_parent_class = td_required_name
    if not td_required_empty and td_not_required_empty:
        td_required_name = td_not_required_name
        td_not_required_name = None
        td_required_parent_class = td_not_required_parent_class
        td_not_required_parent_class = None

    return types.ModelArtifacts(
            empty=not columns,
Пример #30
def _gather_column_artifacts(*, model_schema: types.Schema,
                             schemas: types.Schemas) -> _ColumnArtifacts:
    Retrieve column artifacts of a secondary table for a many to many relationship.

    The model primary key is used as the base of the foreign key column in the
    secondary table for the model. It is assumed that the model has a single primary key

    Raise MalformedSchemaError if the model schema does not have a type, has a type but
    is not an object, does not have the x-tablename property, does not have any
    properties, does not have exactly 1 primary key, the primary key column doesn't
    define a type or the type is an object or array.

        model_schema: The schema for one side of the many to many relationship.
        schemas: Used to resolve any $ref.

        The artifacts needed to construct a column of the secondary table in a many to
        many relationship.

    # Resolve $ref and merge allOf
    model_schema = helpers.schema.prepare(schema=model_schema, schemas=schemas)

    # Check schema type
    model_type = model_schema.get("type")
    if model_type is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError("Every schema must have a type.")
    if model_type != "object":
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must be of type "

    # Retrieve table name
    tablename = helpers.ext_prop.get(source=model_schema, name="x-tablename")
    if tablename is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must set the "
            "x-tablename property.")

    # Find primary key
    properties = model_schema.get("properties")
    if properties is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have properties."
    if not properties:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have at least 1 "
    type_ = None
    format_ = None
    for property_name, property_schema in properties.items():
        if helpers.peek.primary_key(schema=property_schema, schemas=schemas):
            # Check whether this is the first primary key that has been encountered
            if type_ is not None:
                raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                    "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have "
                    "exactly 1 primary key.")

            # Gather artifacts for constructing the foreign key column
                type_ = helpers.peek.type_(schema=property_schema,
            except exceptions.TypeMissingError:
                raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
                    "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must define "
                    "a type for the primary key.")
            format_ = helpers.peek.format_(schema=property_schema,
            max_length = helpers.peek.max_length(schema=property_schema,
            column_name = property_name

    # Check whether at least 1 primary key column has been found
    if type_ is None:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship must have "
            "exactly 1 primary key.")
    # Check that the type is for a column
    if type_ in {"object", "array"}:
        raise exceptions.MalformedSchemaError(
            "A schema that is part of a many to many relationship cannot define it's "
            "primary key to be of type object nor array.")

    return _ColumnArtifacts(