Пример #1
def find_RNA_anions(residue):
    """Finds all nucleic acid's residue's anions.

    :param residue: nucleic acid's residue object
    :type residue: openbabel.OBResidue
    :return: coords of residue's anions
    :rtype: list

    P = None
    anions_RNA = []

    for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
        if atom.GetAtomicNum() == config.PHOSPHORUS_NUM:
            P = atom
            break  # Assuming there is only 1 Phosphate in residue

    if P:  # 5'end has no phosphate group
        O = []  # List of 2 negative charged Oxygens
        for oxygen in pybel.ob.OBAtomAtomIter(P):
            # https://open-babel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/UseTheLibrary/migration.html
            if oxygen.GetExplicitValence() == 1 or oxygen.HasDoubleBond():

    return anions_RNA
Пример #2
def find_RNA_HB_HAL_acc_don(residue):
    """Finds all hydrogen/halogen bonds acceptors with all of their neighbours and all hydrogen bonds donors together with hydrogens in nucleic acid residue.

    :param residue: nucleic acid residue object
    :type residue: openbabel.OBResidue
    :return: coords of residue's halogen/hydrogen bonds acceptors & their neighbours
    :return: coords of residue's hydrogen bonds donors together with hydrogens
    :rtype: list
    :rtype: list

    residue_atoms_list = []
    for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
        residue_atoms_list.append(atom)  # Create list of all residue's atoms

    acceptors_RNA = [
    ]  # List of sublists [[acceptor,acceptor',acceptor'(if the 2nd one exists)]]
    donors_RNA = []

    for atom in filter(lambda at: at.IsHbondAcceptor(),
                       residue_atoms_list):  # Find all acceptors
        for neighbour in pybel.ob.OBAtomAtomIter(atom):
            if neighbour.GetAtomicNum() != 1:  # If not hydrogen
                acceptors_RNA[-1].append(neighbour)  # Append acceptor'

    for atom in filter(
            lambda at: at.IsHbondDonor(),
            residue_atoms_list):  # Find all donors with their hydrogens
        for neighbour in pybel.ob.OBAtomAtomIter(atom):
            if neighbour.IsHbondDonorH():
                donors_RNA.append((atom, neighbour))

    return acceptors_RNA, donors_RNA
Пример #3
def GetAtomByID(protein, residueNumber, name):
    Returns the OBAtom object given the AtomID (PDB Columns 13-16),
    the protein name (ace2 or spike), and the residue number

    for res in ob.OBResidueIter(protein):
        if res.GetNum() == residueNumber:
            for atom in ob.OBResidueAtomIter(res):
                if res.GetAtomID(atom) == name:
                    return atom
Пример #4
def calculate_SIMPLE(residue, ligand_name, ligand_atoms, centroid_ligand):
    """Calculates SIMPLE interaction between residue - ligand pair:
            1. Check RNA residue - ligand distance
            2. Compare the distance to CUTOFF:
                - write down 1 if the distance <= CUTOFF
                - write down 0 if the distance > CUTOFF

        :param residue: residue as OpenBabel object
        :param ligand_name: ligand_name^pose_number
        :param ligand_atoms: coordinates of all ligand's atoms
        :type residue: openbabel.OBResidue
        :type ligand_name: str
        :type ligand_atoms: list
        :return: [ligand_name^pose_number, residue_number:residue_chain, binary info about interaction (0/1)]
        :rtype: list

    # List of sublists of all atoms' coords of the residue
    residue_atoms = []

    for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
        if atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1:
                np.array([atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(),

    result = [
        str(residue.GetNum()) + ':' + str(residue.GetChain()), 0

    if measure_distance(
            centroid(residue_atoms), centroid_ligand
    ) > config.RES_LIGAND_MIN_DIST:  # RNA residue centroid and ligand centroid are futher than declared threshold, no chance for any contact
        return result

    # Flag to iterate over residue's atoms as long as we do not find an atom within CUTOFF distance from ligand
    flag = True

    for rna_atom in residue_atoms:
        if flag:
            for ligand_atom in ligand_atoms:
                if check_distance(ligand_atom, rna_atom,
                    result[-1] = 1  # Condition met; write down 1
                    flag = False

    return result
Пример #5
def GetResidueMolecule(protein, residueNumber):
    Gets the OBMol object corresponding to a residue number on ACE2 protein or Spike protein

    protein: 'ace2' or 'spike'
    residueNumber: The residue Number

    returns: The OBMol object representing the molecule

    resMol = ob.OBMol()

    for res in ob.OBResidueIter(protein):
        if res.GetNum() == residueNumber:
            for atom in ob.OBResidueAtomIter(res):

    return resMol
Пример #6
def rna_coords_atom_index_dict(structure):
    """For the debug/detail mode only; creates a dictionary or nucleic acid's atoms' coords with their atom ids as values

    :param structure: nucleic acid structure object
    :type structure: pybel.Molecule
    :return: dictionary indexed by nucleic acid's atoms' coords, with their atom ids as values
    :rtype: dict

    dictionary = {}

    for residue in openbabel.OBResidueIter(structure.OBMol):
        if residue.GetNumAtoms() > 3:
            for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
                    atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(),
                    atom.GetZ())] = atom.GetResidue().GetAtomID(atom).strip()

    return dictionary
Пример #7
Файл: ob.py Проект: joskid/oddt
 def atoms(self):
     """List of Atoms in the Residue"""
     return [Atom(atom) for atom in ob.OBResidueAtomIter(self.OBResidue)]
def printAtomNames(mol):
    for res in openbabel.OBResidueIter(mol):
        for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(res):
            name = res.GetAtomID(atom)
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, protein, res_name, res_num, custom_settings):
        self.residue_number = int(res_num) - 1
        self.residue = protein.GetResidue(self.residue_number)

        self.atoms = [atom for atom in ob.OBResidueAtomIter(self.residue)]
        # Making atom index consistent by separating hydrogen and heavy atom
        self.heavyatoms = []
        self.hydrogens = []
        for atom in self.atoms:
            if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:

        self.output_mode = custom_settings['output_mode']
        self.simplified = False
        self.full = False
        self.full_nobb = False
        if self.output_mode['full']:
            self.full = True
        if self.output_mode['full_nobb']:
            self.full_nobb = True
        if self.output_mode['simplified']:
            self.simplified = True

        self.full_bitstring = bitarray('0000000')
        self.full_nobb_bitstring = bitarray('0000000')
        self.simp_bitstring = self.bs_template[res_name[:3]]

        self.res_name = res_name
        self.AA_name = res_name[:3]
        self.res_num = res_num
        self.interactions = self.AAinteractionMatrix[self.AA_name]

        # Classifying atoms into atom groups
        self.atomGroup = {}
        for AA_int, int_atom, int_name in \
        zip(self.interactions, self.interactionList, self.interactionNames):
            if AA_int == 1:
                atomIDs = int_atom[self.AA_name]['id']
                atomList = [self.heavyatoms[atomID] for atomID in atomIDs]
                self.atomGroup[int_name] = atomList
                if int_name == 'h_donor':
                    h_donorh_list = self.h_donorh[self.AA_name]['id']
                    h_donorh_atoms = []
                    for h_list in h_donorh_list:
                        hydrogen = [self.hydrogens[atomID] for atomID in h_list]
                    self.atomGroup['h_donorh'] = h_donorh_atoms

        if self.AA_name in self.aromatic.keys():
            self.path3 = self.aromatic[self.AA_name]['id'][:3]
            self.path3atoms = []
            for i in self.path3:
            self.cross, self.modulus = getCrossModulus(self.path3atoms)

        self.res_weight1 = custom_settings['res_weight1']
        self.res_weight2 = custom_settings['res_weight2']
        self.res_weight3 = custom_settings['res_weight3']
        self.res_weight4 = custom_settings['res_weight4']
        self.res_weight5 = custom_settings['res_weight5']
Пример #10
def calculate_PBS(residue, ligand_name, ligand_atoms, centroid_ligand):
    """Calculates PBS interaction between residue - ligand pair:
            1. Divide RNA residue into 3 groups Phosphate/Base/Sugar (P/B/S)
            2. Check each group - ligand distance
            3. Compare the distance to CUTOFF:
                - write down 1 if the distance <= CUTOFF
                - write down 0 if the distance > CUTOFF

        :param residue: residue as OpenBabel object
        :param ligand_name: ligand_name^pose_number
        :param ligand_atoms: coordinates of all ligand's atoms
        :type residue: openbabel.OBResidue
        :type ligand_name: str
        :type ligand_atoms: list
        :return: [ligand_name^pose_number, residue_number:residue_chain, binary info about interaction in P group (0/1), binary info about interaction in B group (0/1), binary info about interaction in S group (0/1)]
        :rtype: list

    # List of residue's atoms as OBAtoms objects
    residue_atoms = []
    residue_atoms_coords = []

    for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
        if atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1:
                np.array([atom.GetX(), atom.GetY(),

    result = [
        str(residue.GetNum()) + ':' + str(residue.GetChain()), 0, 0, 0

    if measure_distance(
            centroid(residue_atoms_coords), centroid_ligand
    ) > config.RES_LIGAND_MIN_DIST:  # RNA residue centroid and ligand centroid are futher than declared threshold, no chance for any contact
        return result

    # Flag to iterate over residue's atoms as long as we do not find an atom of the defined P/B/S group within CUTOFF distance from ligand
    flags = [True, True, True]

    for rna_atom in residue_atoms:
        # Flag to check if we deal with atom that does not belong to any of the defined P/B/S groups
        atom_group_type = False
        rna_atom_name = residue.GetAtomID(rna_atom).strip()
        rna_atom_coords = np.array(

        for g in range(len(config.GROUPS)):
            # If atom present in the group
            if rna_atom_name in config.GROUPS[g]:
                atom_group_type = True  # If atom belongs to one of the 3 groups
                if flags[g]:
                    for ligand_atom in ligand_atoms:
                        if check_distance(ligand_atom, rna_atom_coords,
                            result[g - 3] = 1  # Condition met; write down 1
                            flags[g] = False

        if not atom_group_type:
            raise Exception('Unknown atom type %s' %
                            rna_atom_name)  # MAYBE NEEDS TO BE CHANGED

    return result
Пример #11
        # Fill the RESULTS dictionary of keys - ligand ids and values - lists of 0
        for ligand_name in ligands_hba_hbd.keys():
            RESULTS[ligand_name] = [0] * RNA_LENGTH * FUNCTIONS[fingerprint]

        for residue in openbabel.OBResidueIter(
        ):  # Loop over all RNA residue to calculate hydrogen bondings, halogen bondings & cation-anion interactions
                str(residue.GetNum()) + ':' + str(residue.GetChain()))
            acceptors_RNA, donors_RNA = find_RNA_HB_HAL_acc_don(residue)
            anions_RNA = find_RNA_anions(residue)

            residue_atoms_coords = []
            for atom in openbabel.OBResidueAtomIter(residue):
                if atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1:

            for ligand_name_HB, ligand_values_HB in ligands_hba_hbd.items():
                if measure_distance(
                ) > config.RES_LIGAND_MIN_DIST:  # RNA residue centroid and ligand centroid are futher than declared threshold, no chance for any contact

                if consider_dha:
                    result = calculate_HB(residue, acceptors_RNA, donors_RNA,