Пример #1
def check_contributors():
    Identify missing contributors: people who have commits in a repository,
    but who are not listed in the AUTHORS file.
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = (repo, )
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    people = get_people_file()
    people_lower = {username.lower() for username in people.keys()}

    missing_contributors = defaultdict(set)
    for repo in repos:
        sentry.client.extra_context({"repo": repo})
        contributors_url = "/repos/{repo}/contributors".format(repo=repo)
        contributors = paginated_get(contributors_url, session=github)
        for contributor in contributors:
            if contributor["login"].lower() not in people_lower:

    # convert sets to lists, so jsonify can handle them
    output = {
        repo: list(contributors)
        for repo, contributors in missing_contributors.items()
    return jsonify(output)
Пример #2
def github_rescan():
    Used to pick up PRs that might not have tickets associated with them.
    if request.method == "GET":
        # just render the form
        return render_template("github_rescan.html")
    repo = request.form.get("repo") or "edx/edx-platform"

    if repo.startswith('all'):
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()
        num_repos = len(repos)

        if repo == 'all.1':
            repos = repos[:num_repos/2]
        elif repo == 'all.2':
            repos = repos[num_repos/2:]

        created = {}
        for repo in repos:
        created = rescan_repo(repo)

    resp = make_response(json.dumps(created), 200)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return resp
Пример #3
def rescan():
    Used to pick up PRs that might not have tickets associated with them.
    if request.method == "GET":
        # just render the form
        return render_template("github_rescan.html")
    repo = request.form.get("repo") or "edx/edx-platform"
    inline = request.form.get("inline", False)
    if repo == 'all' and inline:
        return "Don't be silly."

    if inline:
        return jsonify(rescan_repository(repo))

    if repo == 'all':
        repos = get_repos_file(session=github).keys()
        workflow = group(
            rescan_repository.s(repo, wsgi_environ=minimal_wsgi_environ())
            for repo in repos
        group_result = workflow.delay()
        group_result.save()  # this is necessary for groups, for some reason
        status_url = url_for("tasks.group_status", group_id=group_result.id, _external=True)
        result = rescan_repository.delay(repo, wsgi_environ=minimal_wsgi_environ())
        status_url = url_for("tasks.status", task_id=result.id, _external=True)

    resp = jsonify({"message": "queued", "status_url": status_url})
    resp.status_code = 202
    resp.headers["Location"] = status_url
    return resp
Пример #4
def github_check_contributors():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("github_check_contributors.html")
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = (repo,)
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    people = get_people_file()
    people_lower = {username.lower() for username in people.keys()}

    missing_contributors = defaultdict(set)
    for repo in repos:
        bugsnag_context = {"repo": repo}
        contributors_url = "/repos/{repo}/contributors".format(repo=repo)
        contributors = paginated_get(contributors_url, session=github)
        for contributor in contributors:
            if contributor["login"].lower() not in people_lower:

    # convert sets to lists, so jsonify can handle them
    output = {
        repo: list(contributors)
        for repo, contributors in missing_contributors.items()
    return jsonify(output)
Пример #5
def install():
    Install GitHub webhooks for a repo.
    # Import here because reverse URL lookup (which is used in `webhook_confs`)
    # relies on Flask app environment being bootstrapped already.
    from openedx_webhooks.webhook_confs import WEBHOOK_CONFS

    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = [repo]
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    success = []
    failed = []
    for repo, conf in ((r, c) for r in repos for c in WEBHOOK_CONFS):
        sentry.client.extra_context({'repo': repo, 'config': conf})

        payload_url = conf['config']['url']

            create_or_update_webhook(repo, conf['config'], conf['events'])
            success.append((repo, payload_url))
        except Exception as e:
            failed.append((repo, payload_url, str(e)))

    if failed:
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(failed), 502)
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(success), 200)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return resp
def check_contributors():
    Identify missing contributors: people who have commits in a repository,
    but who are not listed in the AUTHORS file.
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = (repo,)
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    people = get_people_file()
    people_lower = {username.lower() for username in people.keys()}

    missing_contributors = defaultdict(set)
    for repo in repos:
        sentry.client.extra_context({"repo": repo})
        contributors_url = "/repos/{repo}/contributors".format(repo=repo)
        contributors = paginated_get(contributors_url, session=github)
        for contributor in contributors:
            if contributor["login"].lower() not in people_lower:

    # convert sets to lists, so jsonify can handle them
    output = {
        repo: list(contributors)
        for repo, contributors in missing_contributors.items()
    return jsonify(output)
Пример #7
def rescan():
    Re-scan GitHub repositories to find pull requests that need OSPR issues
    on JIRA, and do not have them. If this method finds pull requests that are
    missing JIRA issues, it will automatically process those pull requests
    just as though the pull request was newly created.

    Note that this rescan functionality is the reason why
    must be idempotent. It could run many times over the same pull request.
    repo = request.form.get("repo") or "edx/edx-platform"
    inline = request.form.get("inline", False)
    if repo == 'all' and inline:
        return "Don't be silly."

    if inline:
        return jsonify(rescan_repository(repo))

    if repo == 'all':
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()
        workflow = group(
            rescan_repository.s(repo, wsgi_environ=minimal_wsgi_environ())
            for repo in repos)
        group_result = workflow.delay()
        group_result.save()  # this is necessary for groups, for some reason
        status_url = url_for("tasks.group_status",
        result = rescan_repository.delay(repo,
        status_url = url_for("tasks.status", task_id=result.id, _external=True)

    resp = jsonify({"message": "queued", "status_url": status_url})
    resp.status_code = 202
    resp.headers["Location"] = status_url
    return resp
Пример #8
def install():
    Install GitHub webhooks for a repo.
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = [repo]
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    api_url = url_for("github_views.pull_request", _external=True)
    success = []
    failed = []
    for repo in repos:
        url = "/repos/{repo}/hooks".format(repo=repo)
        body = {
            "name": "web",
            "events": ["pull_request"],
            "config": {
                "url": api_url,
                "content_type": "json",
        sentry.client.extra_context({"repo": repo, "body": body})

        hook_resp = github.post(url, json=body)
        if hook_resp.ok:
            failed.append((repo, hook_resp.text))

    if failed:
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(failed), 502)
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(success), 200)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return resp
Пример #9
def github_install():
    if request.method == "GET":
        return render_template("install.html")
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = (repo,)
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    api_url = url_for("github_pull_request", _external=True)
    success = []
    failed = []
    for repo in repos:
        url = "/repos/{repo}/hooks".format(repo=repo)
        body = {
            "name": "web",
            "events": ["pull_request"],
            "config": {
                "url": api_url,
                "content_type": "json",
        bugsnag_context = {"repo": repo, "body": body}

        hook_resp = github.post(url, json=body)
        if hook_resp.ok:
            failed.append((repo, hook_resp.text))

    if failed:
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(failed), 502)
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(success), 200)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return resp
def install():
    Install GitHub webhooks for a repo.
    repo = request.form.get("repo", "")
    if repo:
        repos = [repo]
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()

    api_url = url_for("github_views.pull_request", _external=True)
    success = []
    failed = []
    for repo in repos:
        url = "/repos/{repo}/hooks".format(repo=repo)
        body = {
            "name": "web",
            "events": ["pull_request"],
            "config": {
                "url": api_url,
                "content_type": "json",
        sentry.client.extra_context({"repo": repo, "body": body})

        hook_resp = github.post(url, json=body)
        if hook_resp.ok:
            failed.append((repo, hook_resp.text))

    if failed:
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(failed), 502)
        resp = make_response(json.dumps(success), 200)
    resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
    return resp
def rescan():
    Re-scan GitHub repositories to find pull requests that need OSPR issues
    on JIRA, and do not have them. If this method finds pull requests that are
    missing JIRA issues, it will automatically process those pull requests
    just as though the pull request was newly created.

    Note that this rescan functionality is the reason why
    must be idempotent. It could run many times over the same pull request.
    repo = request.form.get("repo") or "edx/edx-platform"
    inline = request.form.get("inline", False)
    if repo == 'all' and inline:
        return "Don't be silly."

    if inline:
        return jsonify(rescan_repository(repo))

    if repo == 'all':
        repos = get_repos_file().keys()
        workflow = group(
            rescan_repository.s(repo, wsgi_environ=minimal_wsgi_environ())
            for repo in repos
        group_result = workflow.delay()
        group_result.save()  # this is necessary for groups, for some reason
        status_url = url_for("tasks.group_status", group_id=group_result.id, _external=True)
        result = rescan_repository.delay(repo, wsgi_environ=minimal_wsgi_environ())
        status_url = url_for("tasks.status", task_id=result.id, _external=True)

    resp = jsonify({"message": "queued", "status_url": status_url})
    resp.status_code = 202
    resp.headers["Location"] = status_url
    return resp