Пример #1
def generate_signature_schema(func,
    """Generate a dictionary to test function signatures with Cerberus' Schema.

    func : function
        The function used to build the schema.
    update_keys : dict
        Keys in here have priority over automatic generation. It can be
        used to make an argument mandatory, or to use a specific validator.
    exclude_keys : list-like
        Keys in here are ignored and not included in the schema.

    func_schema : dict
        The dictionary to be used as Cerberus Validator schema. Contains all keyword
        variables in the function signature as optional argument with
        the default type as validator. Unit bearing strings are converted.
        Argument with default None are always accepted. Camel case
        parameters in the function are converted to underscore style.

    >>> from cerberus import Validator
    >>> def f(a, b, camelCase=True, none=None, quantity=3.0*unit.angstroms):
    ...     pass
    >>> f_dict = generate_signature_schema(f, exclude_keys=['quantity'])
    >>> print(isinstance(f_dict, dict))
    >>> f_validator = Validator(generate_signature_schema(f))
    >>> f_validator.validated({'quantity': '1.0*nanometer'})
    {'quantity': Quantity(value=1.0, unit=nanometer)}

    if update_keys is None:
        update_keys = {}

    func_schema = {}
    arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(unwrap_py2(func))
    args = arg_spec.args
    defaults = arg_spec.defaults

    # Check keys that must be excluded from first pass
    exclude_keys = set(exclude_keys)

    # Transform camelCase to underscore
    args = [utils.camelcase_to_underscore(arg) for arg in args]

    # Build schema
    optional_validator = {
        'required': False
    }  # Keys are always optional for this type
    for arg, default_value in zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults):
        if arg not in exclude_keys:  # User defined keys are added later
            if default_value is None:  # None defaults are always accepted, and considered nullable
                validator = {'nullable': True}
            elif isinstance(default_value,
                            unit.Quantity):  # Convert unit strings
                validator = {'coerce': to_unit_coercer(default_value.unit)}
                validator = type_to_cerberus_map(type(default_value))
            # Add the argument to the existing schema as a keyword
            # To the new keyword, add the optional flag and the "validator" flag
            # of either 'validator' or 'type' depending on how it was processed
            func_schema = {
                    arg: {

    # Add special user keys

    return func_schema
Пример #2
def generate_signature_schema(func, update_keys=None, exclude_keys=frozenset()):
    """Generate a dictionary to test function signatures with Cerberus' Schema.

    func : function
        The function used to build the schema.
    update_keys : dict
        Keys in here have priority over automatic generation. It can be
        used to make an argument mandatory, or to use a specific validator.
    exclude_keys : list-like
        Keys in here are ignored and not included in the schema.

    func_schema : dict
        The dictionary to be used as Cerberus Validator schema. Contains all keyword
        variables in the function signature as optional argument with
        the default type as validator. Unit bearing strings are converted.
        Argument with default None are always accepted. Camel case
        parameters in the function are converted to underscore style.

    >>> from cerberus import Validator
    >>> def f(a, b, camelCase=True, none=None, quantity=3.0*unit.angstroms):
    ...     pass
    >>> f_dict = generate_signature_schema(f, exclude_keys=['quantity'])
    >>> print(isinstance(f_dict, dict))
    >>> f_validator = Validator(generate_signature_schema(f))
    >>> f_validator.validated({'quantity': '1.0*nanometer'})
    {'quantity': Quantity(value=1.0, unit=nanometer)}

    if update_keys is None:
        update_keys = {}

    func_schema = {}
    arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(unwrap_py2(func))
    args = arg_spec.args
    defaults = arg_spec.defaults

    # Check keys that must be excluded from first pass
    exclude_keys = set(exclude_keys)

    # Transform camelCase to underscore
    args = [utils.camelcase_to_underscore(arg) for arg in args]

    # Build schema
    optional_validator = {'required': False}  # Keys are always optional for this type
    for arg, default_value in zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults):
        if arg not in exclude_keys:  # User defined keys are added later
            if default_value is None:  # None defaults are always accepted, and considered nullable
                validator = {'nullable': True}
            elif isinstance(default_value, unit.Quantity):  # Convert unit strings
                validator = {'coerce': to_unit_coercer(default_value.unit)}
                validator = type_to_cerberus_map(type(default_value))
            # Add the argument to the existing schema as a keyword
            # To the new keyword, add the optional flag and the "validator" flag
            # of either 'validator' or 'type' depending on how it was processed
            func_schema = {**func_schema, **{arg: {**optional_validator, **validator}}}

    # Add special user keys

    return func_schema