Пример #1
    def trigger_reset(self):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')
        email = request.params.get('email')
        if email is None or not len(email):
            h.flash_error(_("Please enter an email address!"))
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')
        account = Account.by_email(email)
        if account is None:
            h.flash_error(_("No user is registered under this address!"))
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        h.flash_success(_("You've received an email with a link to reset your "
            + "password. Please check your inbox."))
        redirect(h.url_for(controller='account', action='login'))
Пример #2
    def trigger_reset(self):
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')
        email = request.params.get('email')
        if email is None or not len(email):
            h.flash_error(_("Please enter an email address!"))
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')
        account = Account.by_email(email)
        if account is None:
            h.flash_error(_("No user is registered under this address!"))
            return render('account/trigger_reset.html')

            _("You've received an email with a link to reset your " +
              "password. Please check your inbox."))
        redirect(h.url_for(controller='account', action='login'))
Пример #3
    def trigger_reset(self):
        Allow user to trigger a reset of the password in case they forget it

        # Disable the cache

        # If it's a simple GET method we return the form
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Get the email
        email = request.params.get('email')

        # Simple check to see if the email was provided. Flash error if not
        if email is None or not len(email):
            h.flash_error(_("Please enter an email address!"))
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Get the account for this email
        account = Account.by_email(email)

        # If no account is found we let the user know that it's not registered
        if account is None:
            h.flash_error(_("No user is registered under this address!"))
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Send the reset link to the email of this account

        # Let the user know that email with link has been sent
            _("You've received an email with a link to reset your " +
              "password. Please check your inbox."))

        # Redirect to the login page
        redirect(h.url_for(controller='account', action='login'))
Пример #4
    def trigger_reset(self):
        Allow user to trigger a reset of the password in case they forget it

        # Disable the cache

        # If it's a simple GET method we return the form
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Get the email
        email = request.params.get('email')

        # Simple check to see if the email was provided. Flash error if not
        if email is None or not len(email):
            h.flash_error(_("Please enter an email address!"))
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Get the account for this email
        account = Account.by_email(email)

        # If no account is found we let the user know that it's not registered
        if account is None:
            h.flash_error(_("No user is registered under this address!"))
            return templating.render('account/trigger_reset.html')

        # Send the reset link to the email of this account

        # Let the user know that email with link has been sent
        h.flash_success(_("You've received an email with a link to reset your "
            + "password. Please check your inbox."))

        # Redirect to the login page
        redirect(h.url_for(controller='account', action='login'))