def stationmodel(self, smdata, **kwargs): """ Plot station model data on the map. :param smdata: (*StationModelData*) Station model data. :param surface: (*boolean*) Is surface data or not. Default is True. :param size: (*float*) Size of the station model symbols. Default is 12. :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param order: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Station model VectoryLayer. """ proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) size = kwargs.pop('size', 12) surface = kwargs.pop('surface', True) ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Point,, size) layer = DrawMeteoData.createStationModelLayer(smdata, ls, 'stationmodel', surface) if (proj != None): layer.setProjInfo(proj) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
def streamplot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot streamline in a map. :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array. :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array. :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind direction. :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind speed. :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array. :param color: (*Color*) Streamline color. Default is blue. :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``. :param isuv: (*boolean*) Is U/V or direction/speed data array pairs. Default is True. :param density: (*int*) Streamline density. Default is 4. :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :param select: (*boolean*) Set the return layer as selected layer or not. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Created streamline VectoryLayer. """ cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs) fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0) proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) cobj = kwargs.pop('color', 'b') color = plotutil.getcolor(cobj) isuv = kwargs.pop('isuv', True) density = kwargs.pop('density', 4) n = len(args) if n < 4: u = args[0] v = args[1] y = u.dimvalue(0) x = u.dimvalue(1) args = args[2:] else: x = args[0] y = args[1] u = args[2] v = args[3] args = args[4:] ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polyline, color, 1) plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs) #layer = __plot_uvgriddata_m(plot, udata, vdata, None, ls, 'streamplot', isuv, proj=proj, density=density) layer = DrawMeteoData.createStreamlineLayer(u.array, v.array, x.array, y.array, density, ls, 'layer', isuv) if not proj is None: layer.setProjInfo(proj) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
def contourf(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot filled contours on the map. :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array. :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array. :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array. :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves to draw, in increasing order. :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string. :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a string, like ``r`` or ``red``, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param isadd: (*boolean*) Add layer or not. Default is ``True``. :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :param smooth: (*boolean*) Smooth countour lines or not. :param select: (*boolean*) Set the return layer as selected layer or not. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Contour VectoryLayer created from array data. """ n = len(args) if n <= 2: a = args[0] y = a.dimvalue(0) x = a.dimvalue(1) args = args[1:] else: x = args[0] y = args[1] a = args[2] args = args[3:] ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme(args, a.min(), a.max(), **kwargs) ls = ls.convertTo(ShapeTypes.Polygon) plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs) isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', True) layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(a.array, x.array, y.array, ls, 'layer', 'data', smooth) proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) if not proj is None: layer.setProjInfo(proj) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) if zorder is None: zorder = 0 self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
print 'Create layer...' ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polyline) ls.setLegendType(LegendType.UniqueValue) values = [500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950,1000] colors = [Color(110,0,220),Color(30,60,255),Color(0,160,255),Color(0,200,200),Color(0,220,0), Color(160,230,50),Color(230,220,50),Color(230,175,45),Color(240,130,40),Color(250,60,60),Color(240,0,130)] lbs = ls.getLegendBreaks() for i in range(0, len(colors)): lb = PolylineBreak() lb.setColor(colors[i]) lb.setStartValue(values[i]) lb.setEndValue(values[i]) lb.setCaption(str(values[i])) lbs.add(lb) layer = DrawMeteoData.createContourLayer(gdata, ls, 'Pressure_contour', 'PS', True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Zoom layout map print 'Zoom layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(0, 360, -90, 90)) #---- Set mapframe mapFrame.setGridXDelt(30) mapFrame.setGridYDelt(30)
lb.setDrawFill(False) lb.setOutlineColor( mapFrame.addLayer(countryLayer) #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a MICAPS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000') mdi.openMICAPSData(fn) #---- Get station data sdata = mdi.getStationData('WeatherNow') #---- Create station weather layer from the station data layer = DrawMeteoData.createWeatherSymbolLayer(sdata, 'All Weather', 'WeatherSymbole') #weathers = [5,10,11,12,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49] #layer = DrawMeteoData.createWeatherSymbolLayer(sdata, weathers, 'WeatherSymbole') #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580)
ynum = 400 xdelt = 0.25 ydelt = 0.25 xlist = [] ylist = [] for i in range(0, xnum): xlist.append(xmin + xdelt * i) for i in range(0, ynum): ylist.append(ymin + ydelt * i) X = jarray.array(xlist, 'd') Y = jarray.array(ylist, 'd') xDim = Dimension(DimensionType.X) xDim.setValues(X) dataInfo.setXDimension(xDim) yDim = Dimension(DimensionType.Y) yDim.setValues(Y) dataInfo.setYDimension(yDim) var = dataInfo.getVariable('precipitation') print var.getName() dimList = [xDim, yDim] var.setDimensions(dimList) gData = mdi.getGridData(var.getName()) aLS = LegendManage.createLegendSchemeFromGridData( gData, LegendType.GraduatedColor, ShapeTypes.Polygon) aLayer = DrawMeteoData.createRasterLayer(gData, "Test_HDF", aLS) mf = miapp.getMapDocument().getActiveMapFrame() mf.addLayer(aLayer) mf.moveLayer(aLayer, 0) print 'Finished!'
def imshow(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Display an image on the map. :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array. :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array. :param z: (*array_like*) 2-D z value array. :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves to draw, in increasing order. :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string. :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple of matplotlib color args (string, float, rgb, etc), different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``. :param fill_color: (*color*) Fill_color. Default is None (white color). :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :param interpolation: (*string*) Interpolation option [None | bilinear | bicubic]. :returns: (*RasterLayer*) RasterLayer created from array data. """ cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs) fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0) ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None) n = len(args) isrgb = False if n <= 2: if isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): isrgb = True rgbdata = args[0] if isinstance(rgbdata[0], DimArray): x = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(1) y = rgbdata[0].dimvalue(0) else: x = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[1]) y = minum.arange(0, rgbdata[0].shape[0]) elif args[0].ndim > 2: isrgb = True rgbdata = args[0] x = rgbdata.dimvalue(1) y = rgbdata.dimvalue(0) else: gdata = minum.asgridarray(args[0]) args = args[1:] elif n <=4: x = args[0] y = args[1] a = args[2] if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): isrgb = True rgbdata = a elif a.ndim > 2: isrgb = True rgbdata = a else: gdata = minum.asgridarray(a, x, y, fill_value) args = args[3:] isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', None) if isrgb: if isinstance(rgbdata, (list, tuple)): rgbd = [] for d in rgbdata: rgbd.append(d.asarray()) rgbdata = rgbd else: rgbdata = rgbdata.asarray() extent = [x[0],x[-1],y[0],y[-1]] igraphic = GraphicFactory.createImage(rgbdata, extent) x = plotutil.getplotdata(x) y = plotutil.getplotdata(y) layer = DrawMeteoData.createImageLayer(x, y, igraphic, 'layer_image') else: if len(args) > 0: if ls is None: level_arg = args[0] if isinstance(level_arg, int): cn = level_arg ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cn, cmap) else: if isinstance(level_arg, MIArray): level_arg = level_arg.aslist() ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, level_arg, cmap) else: if ls is None: ls = LegendManage.createImageLegend(gdata, cmap) plotutil.setlegendscheme(ls, **kwargs) fill_color = kwargs.pop('fill_color', None) if not fill_color is None: cb = ls.getLegendBreaks().get(ls.getBreakNum() - 1) if cb.isNoData(): cb.setColor(plotutil.getcolor(fill_color)) layer = DrawMeteoData.createRasterLayer(gdata, 'layer', ls) proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) if not proj is None: layer.setProjInfo(proj) if not interpolation is None: layer.setInterpolation(interpolation) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) if zorder is None: zorder = 0 self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
def barbs(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot a 2-D field of barbs in a map. :param x: (*array_like*) Optional. X coordinate array. :param y: (*array_like*) Optional. Y coordinate array. :param u: (*array_like*) U component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind direction. :param v: (*array_like*) V component of the arrow vectors (wind field) or wind speed. :param z: (*array_like*) Optional, 2-D z value array. :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level barbs to draw, in increasing order. :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string. :param fill_value: (*float*) Fill_value. Default is ``-9999.0``. :param isuv: (*boolean*) Is U/V or direction/speed data array pairs. Default is True. :param size: (*float*) Base size of the arrows. :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :param select: (*boolean*) Set the return layer as selected layer or not. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Created barbs VectoryLayer. """ cmap = plotutil.getcolormap(**kwargs) fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0) proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) order = kwargs.pop('order', None) isuv = kwargs.pop('isuv', True) n = len(args) iscolor = False cdata = None onlyuv = True if n >= 4 and isinstance(args[3], (DimArray, MIArray)): onlyuv = False if onlyuv: u = minum.asarray(args[0]) v = minum.asarray(args[1]) xx = args[0].dimvalue(1) yy = args[0].dimvalue(0) x, y = minum.meshgrid(xx, yy) args = args[2:] if len(args) > 0: cdata = minum.asarray(args[0]) iscolor = True args = args[1:] else: x = minum.asarray(args[0]) y = minum.asarray(args[1]) u = minum.asarray(args[2]) v = minum.asarray(args[3]) args = args[4:] if len(args) > 0: cdata = minum.asarray(args[0]) iscolor = True args = args[1:] if iscolor: if len(args) > 0: cn = args[0] ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cn, cmap) else: levs = kwargs.pop('levs', None) if levs is None: ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), cmap) else: if isinstance(levs, MIArray): levs = levs.tolist() ls = LegendManage.createLegendScheme(cdata.min(), cdata.max(), levs, cmap) else: if cmap.getColorCount() == 1: c = cmap.getColor(0) else: c = ls = LegendManage.createSingleSymbolLegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Point, c, 10) ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_point(ls, **kwargs) if not cdata is None: cdata = cdata.array layer = DrawMeteoData.createBarbLayer(x.array, y.array, u.array, v.array, cdata, ls, 'layer', isuv) if not proj is None: layer.setProjInfo(proj) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
#---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a GrADS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'GrADS/model.ctl') mdi.openGrADSData(fn) #---- Get U/V grid data mdi.setTimeIndex(2) mdi.setLevelIndex(3) udata = mdi.getGridData('U') vdata = mdi.getGridData('V') #---- Create wind vector layer from the U/V grid data layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridVectorLayer(udata, vdata, 'UV_Vector', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridBarbLayer(udata, vdata, 'UV_Barb', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createStreamlineLayer(udata, vdata, 'Z_Streamline', True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move pressure layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Add wind arrow windArrow = mapLayout.addWindArrow(660, 420)
lb.setOutlineColor( mapFrame.addLayer(countryLayer) #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a MICAPS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000') mdi.openMICAPSData(fn) #---- Get wind direction/speed station data windDir = mdi.getStationData('WindDirection') windSpeed = mdi.getStationData('WindSpeed') #---- Create barb and vector wind layers bLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTBarbLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindBarb_Point', False) vLayer = DrawMeteoData.createSTVectorLayer(windDir, windSpeed, 'WindVector_Point', False) #---- Add layers mapFrame.addLayer(bLayer) mapFrame.addLayer(vLayer) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580) mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55)) #---- Set mapframe
#---- Interpolate station data to grid data print 'Interpolate station data to grid data...' interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60,140,-20,60,160,160,"IDW_Radius",2,1) #radList = [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0] #interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60,140,-20,60,160,160,"Cressman",radList) gdata = sdata.interpolateData(interpSet) #---- Set legend scheme ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polygon) lsfn = 'D:/Temp/rain1.lgs' ls.importFromXMLFile(lsfn) #---- Create shaded layer print 'Create shaded layer...' layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, ls, 'Rain_shaded', 'Rain', True) layer.setMaskout(True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Set sub title stime = stime + timedelta(hours=-6) subTitle = mapLayout.getTexts().get(1) subTitle.setLabelText(u'(' + stime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') + u' 至 ' + etime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') + u')') #---- Set legend legend = mapLayout.getLegends().get(0) legend.setLegendLayer(layer)
lb.setDrawFill(False) lb.setOutlineColor( mapFrame.addLayer(countryLayer) #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a MICAPS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000') mdi.openMICAPSData(fn) #---- Get station model data smdata = mdi.getStationModelData() #---- Create station info layer from the station model data layer = DrawMeteoData.createStationModelLayer(smdata, 'StationModel') #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580) mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55))
# ---- Interpolate station data to grid data print "Interpolate station data to grid data..." interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60, 140, -20, 60, 160, 160, "IDW_Radius", 2, 1) # radList = [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0] # interpSet = InterpolationSetting(60,140,-20,60,160,160,"Cressman",radList) gdata = sdata.interpolateData(interpSet) # ---- Set legend scheme ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polygon) lsfn = "D:/Temp/rain1.lgs" ls.importFromXMLFile(lsfn) # ---- Create shaded layer print "Create shaded layer..." layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, ls, "Rain_shaded", "Rain", True) layer.setMaskout(True) # ---- miapp object mapFrame = miapp.getMapDocument().getActiveMapFrame() mapLayout = miapp.getMapDocument().getMapLayout() # ---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) # ---- Set sub title stime = stime + timedelta(hours=-6) subTitle = mapLayout.getTexts().get(1) subTitle.setLabelText(u"(" + stime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00") + u" 至 " + etime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00") + u")")
ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Polygon) ls.setLegendType(LegendType.GraduatedColor) values = [450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950,1000, 1050] colors = [Color(160,0,200),Color(110,0,220),Color(30,60,255),Color(0,160,255),Color(0,200,200),Color(0,220,0), Color(160,230,50),Color(230,220,50),Color(230,175,45),Color(240,130,40),Color(250,60,60),Color(240,0,130)] lbs = ls.getLegendBreaks() for i in range(0, len(colors)): lb = PolygonBreak() lb.setColor(colors[i]) lb.setStartValue(values[i]) lb.setEndValue(values[i + 1]) lb.setCaption(str(values[i]) + ' ' + str(values[i + 1])) lb.setDrawOutline(False) lbs.add(lb) layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, ls, 'Pressure_Shaded', 'PS', True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Zoom layout map print 'Zoom layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(0, 360, -90, 90)) #---- Set mapframe mapFrame.setGridXDelt(30) mapFrame.setGridYDelt(30)
qs = es.mul(0.62197).div(DataMath.sub(prs, es.mul(0.378))) #qs = 0.62197*es/(prs-0.378*es) q = qs.mul(rhum).div(100) #q = qs*rhum/100 qhdivg = DataMath.hdivg(q.mul(uwnd).div(g), q.mul(vwnd).div(g)) #qhdivg = DataMath.Hdivg(q*uwnd/g,q*vwnd/g) qv = rhum.mul(es).div(100) #qv = rhum*es/100 uv = DataMath.magnitude(uwnd, vwnd) #uv = DataMath.Magnitude(uwnd, vwnd) uvq = uv.mul(qv).div(9.8*1000) #uvq = uv*qv/(9.8*1000) #---- Create data layer print 'Create data layer...' dataLayer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(qhdivg, "WaterVaporFlux", "Flux", False) #---- Add layer print 'Add layers...' mapFrame.addLayer(dataLayer) mapFrame.moveLayer(dataLayer, 0) #---- Zoom data mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(0,360,-90.1,90.1)) #---- Set MapLayout format = SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') aTime = dataAir.getDataInfo().getTimes().get(tIdx) mapLayout.addText('Water Vapor Flux Divergence - ' + format.format(aTime), 320, 30, 'Arial', 16) aLegend = mapLayout.addLegend(650, 100) aLegend.setLegendStyle(LegendStyles.Bar_Vertical) aLegend.setLegendLayer(dataLayer) layoutMap.setGridXDelt(60)
lb.setDrawFill(False) lb.setOutlineColor( mapFrame.addLayer(countryLayer) #---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a MICAPS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'MICAPS/10101414.000') mdi.openMICAPSData(fn) #---- Get station data sdata = mdi.getStationData('Visibility') #---- Create station point layer from the grid data layer = DrawMeteoData.createSTPointLayer(sdata, 'Visibility_STPoint', 'Visibility') #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580) mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55))
#---- Create MeteoDataInfo object mdi = MeteoDataInfo() #---- Open a GrADS data file fn = os.path.join(dataDir, 'GrADS/model.ctl') mdi.openGrADSData(fn) #---- Get grid data mdi.setTimeIndex(2) mdi.setLevelIndex(3) gdata = mdi.getGridData('Z') gdata.extendToGlobal() #---- Create shaded layer from the grid data layer = DrawMeteoData.createContourLayer(gdata, 'Z_contour', 'Z', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, 'Z_shaded', 'Z', True) #layer = DrawMeteoData.createRasterLayer(gdata, 'Z_raster') #layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridFillLayer(gdata, 'Z_gridfill', 'Z') #layer = DrawMeteoData.createGridPointLayer(gdata, 'Z_gridpoint', 'Z') #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) #--- Move pressure layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Zoom layout map
#---- Open GrADS data print 'Open GrADS data...' mdi = MeteoDataInfo() mdi.openGrADSData(os.path.join(dataDir, 'model.ctl')) #---- Set time index mdi.setTimeIndex(2) #---- Get pressure grid data gdata = mdi.getGridData('PS') gdata.extendToGlobal() #---- Create pressure shaded layer print 'Create pressure shaded layer...' pressLayer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, 'Pressure', 'PS', True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(pressLayer) #--- Move pressure layer to bottom mapFrame.moveLayer(pressLayer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Zoom layout map print 'Zoom layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(0, 360, -90, 90)) #---- Set mapframe
def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot lines and/or markers to the map. :param x: (*array_like*) Input x data. :param y: (*array_like*) Input y data. :param style: (*string*) Line style for plot. :param linewidth: (*float*) Line width. :param color: (*Color*) Line color. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Line VectoryLayer. """ fill_value = kwargs.pop('fill_value', -9999.0) proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) order = kwargs.pop('order', None) n = len(args) xdatalist = [] ydatalist = [] styles = [] if n == 1: ydata = plotutil.getplotdata(args[0]) if isinstance(args[0], DimArray): xdata = args[0].dimvalue(0) else: xdata = [] for i in range(0, len(args[0])): xdata.append(i) xdatalist.append(minum.asarray(xdata).array) ydatalist.append(minum.asarray(ydata).array) elif n == 2: if isinstance(args[1], basestring): ydata = plotutil.getplotdata(args[0]) if isinstance(args[0], DimArray): xdata = args[0].dimvalue(0) else: xdata = [] for i in range(0, len(args[0])): xdata.append(i) styles.append(args[1]) else: xdata = plotutil.getplotdata(args[0]) ydata = plotutil.getplotdata(args[1]) xdatalist.append(minum.asarray(xdata).array) ydatalist.append(minum.asarray(ydata).array) else: c = 'x' for arg in args: if c == 'x': xdatalist.append(minum.asarray(arg).array) c = 'y' elif c == 'y': ydatalist.append(minum.asarray(arg).array) c = 's' elif c == 's': if isinstance(arg, basestring): styles.append(arg) c = 'x' else: styles.append('-') xdatalist.append(minum.asarray(arg).array) c = 'y' snum = len(xdatalist) if len(styles) == 0: styles = None else: while len(styles) < snum: styles.append('-') #Get plot data styles - Legend lines = [] ls = kwargs.pop('legend', None) if ls is None: if styles != None: for i in range(0, len(styles)): line = plotutil.getplotstyle(styles[i], str(i), **kwargs) lines.append(line) else: for i in range(0, snum): label = kwargs.pop('label', 'S_' + str(i + 1)) line = plotutil.getlegendbreak('line', **kwargs)[0] line.setCaption(label) lines.append(line) ls = LegendScheme(lines) layer = DrawMeteoData.createPolylineLayer(xdatalist, ydatalist, ls, \ 'Plot_lines', 'ID', -180, 180) if (proj != None): layer.setProjInfo(proj) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
#---- Get station info data sidata = mdi.getStationInfoData() #---- Create station info layer from the station info data ls = LegendScheme(ShapeTypes.Point) ls.setLegendType(LegendType.SingleSymbol) lbs = ls.getLegendBreaks() lb = PointBreak() lb.setSize(16) lb.setColor( lb.setOutlineColor( lb.setStyle(PointStyle.Star) lbs.add(lb) layer = DrawMeteoData.createSTInfoLayer(sidata, ls, 'StationInfo') layer.setAvoidCollision(True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('MeteoInfo script demo', 350, 30, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().setWidth(580) mapLayout.getActiveLayoutMap().zoomToExtentLonLatEx(Extent(70, 140, 15, 55)) #---- Set mapframe
def scatter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a scatter plot on a map. :param x: (*array_like*) Input x data. :param y: (*array_like*) Input y data. :param z: (*array_like*) Input z data. :param levs: (*array_like*) Optional. A list of floating point numbers indicating the level curves to draw, in increasing order. :param cmap: (*string*) Color map string. :param colors: (*list*) If None (default), the colormap specified by cmap will be used. If a string, like ‘r’ or ‘red’, all levels will be plotted in this color. If a tuple, different levels will be plotted in different colors in the order specified. :param size: (*int of list*) Marker size. :param marker: (*string*) Marker of the points. :param fill: (*boolean*) Fill markers or not. Default is True. :param edge: (*boolean*) Draw edge of markers or not. Default is True. :param facecolor: (*Color*) Fill color of markers. Default is black. :param edgecolor: (*Color*) Edge color of markers. Default is black. :param proj: (*ProjectionInfo*) Map projection of the data. Default is None. :param zorder: (*int*) Z-order of created layer for display. :returns: (*VectoryLayer*) Point VectoryLayer. """ n = len(args) if n == 1: a = args[0] y = a.dimvalue(0) x = a.dimvalue(1) args = args[1:] else: x = args[0] y = args[1] if not isinstance(x, MIArray): x = minum.array(x) if not isinstance(y, MIArray): y = minum.array(y) if n == 2: a = x args = args[2:] else: a = args[2] if not isinstance(a, MIArray): a = minum.array(a) args = args[3:] ls = kwargs.pop('symbolspec', None) if ls is None: isunique = False colors = kwargs.get('colors', None) if not colors is None: if isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)) and len(colors) == len(x): isunique = True size = kwargs.get('size', None) if not size is None: if isinstance(size, (list, tuple, MIArray)) and len(size) == len(x): isunique = True if isunique: ls = LegendManage.createUniqValueLegendScheme(len(x), ShapeTypes.Point) else: ls = plotutil.getlegendscheme(args, a.min(), a.max(), **kwargs) ls = plotutil.setlegendscheme_point(ls, **kwargs) if a.size == ls.getBreakNum() and ls.getLegendType() == LegendType.UniqueValue: layer = DrawMeteoData.createSTPointLayer_Unique(a.array, x.array, y.array, ls, 'layer', 'data') else: layer = DrawMeteoData.createSTPointLayer(a.array, x.array, y.array, ls, 'layer', 'data') proj = kwargs.pop('proj', None) if not proj is None: layer.setProjInfo(proj) avoidcoll = kwargs.pop('avoidcoll', None) if not avoidcoll is None: layer.setAvoidCollision(avoidcoll) # Add layer isadd = kwargs.pop('isadd', True) if isadd: zorder = kwargs.pop('zorder', None) select = kwargs.pop('select', True) self.add_layer(layer, zorder, select) self.axes.setDrawExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) self.axes.setExtent(layer.getExtent().clone()) return MILayer(layer)
lb = PolygonBreak() lb.setColor(colors[i]) lb.setStartValue(values[i]) lb.setEndValue(values[i + 1]) if i == 0: lb.setCaption('< ' + str(values[i + 1])) elif i == len(colors) - 1: lb.setCaption('> ' + str(values[i])) else: lb.setCaption(str(values[i]) + ' - ' + str(values[i + 1])) lb.setDrawOutline(False) lbs.add(lb) #---- Create shaded layer print 'Create shaded layer...' layer = DrawMeteoData.createShadedLayer(gdata, ls, 'Rain_shaded', 'Rain', True) layer.setMaskout(True) #---- Add layer mapFrame.addLayer(layer) mapFrame.moveLayer(layer, 0) #---- Add title title = mapLayout.addText('Precipitation map of China', 280, 40, 'Arial', 18) stime = stime + timedelta(hours=-6) subTitle = mapLayout.addText('(' + stime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') + ' to ' + etime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00') + ')', 280, 60, 'Arial', 16) #---- Set layout map print 'Set layout map...' layoutMap.setDrawGridLine(False)
xnum = 1440 ynum = 400 xdelt = 0.25 ydelt = 0.25 xlist = [] ylist = [] for i in range(0,xnum): xlist.append(xmin + xdelt * i) for i in range(0,ynum): ylist.append(ymin + ydelt * i) X = jarray.array(xlist, 'd') Y = jarray.array(ylist, 'd') xDim = Dimension(DimensionType.X) xDim.setValues(X) dataInfo.setXDimension(xDim) yDim = Dimension(DimensionType.Y) yDim.setValues(Y) dataInfo.setYDimension(yDim) var = dataInfo.getVariable('precipitation') print var.getName() dimList = [xDim, yDim] var.setDimensions(dimList) gData = mdi.getGridData(var.getName()) aLS = LegendManage.createLegendSchemeFromGridData(gData, LegendType.GraduatedColor, ShapeTypes.Polygon) aLayer = DrawMeteoData.createRasterLayer(gData, "Test_HDF", aLS) mf = miapp.getMapDocument().getActiveMapFrame() mf.addLayer(aLayer) mf.moveLayer(aLayer, 0) print 'Finished!'