Пример #1
def array_to_raster(a, gt, wkt, xoff=None, yoff=None, dtype=None):
    Creates a raster from a given array, with optional x- and y-offsets
    if the array was clipped. Arguments:
        a       A NumPy array
        gt      A GDAL GeoTransform tuple
        wkt     Well-Known Text projection
        xoff    The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
        yoff    The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
        dtype   The data type to coerce on the array
    if dtype is not None:
        a = a.astype(dtype)

        rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a)

    except AttributeError:
        # For backwards compatibility with older version of GDAL
        rast = gdal.Open(gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(a))

        rast = gdal_array.OpenArray(a)

    if xoff is not None and yoff is not None:
        # Bit of a hack; essentially, re-create the raster but with the
        #   correct X and Y offsets (don't know how to do this without the
        #   use of CopyDatasetInfo())
        return array_to_raster_clone(a, rast, xoff, yoff)

    return rast
Пример #2
def array_to_raster_clone(a, proto, xoff=None, yoff=None):
    Creates a raster from a given array and a prototype raster dataset, with
    optional x- and y-offsets if the array was clipped. Arguments:
        a       A NumPy array
        proto   A prototype dataset
        xoff    The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
        yoff    The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
        rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a)

    except AttributeError:
        # For backwards compatibility with older version of GDAL
        rast = gdal.Open(gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(a))

        rast = gdal_array.OpenArray(a)

    kwargs = dict()
    if xoff is not None and yoff is not None:
        kwargs = dict(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff)

    # Copy the projection info and metadata from a prototype dataset
    if type(proto) == str:
        proto = gdal.Open(proto)

    gdalnumeric.CopyDatasetInfo(proto, rast, **kwargs)
    return rast
Пример #3
def array_to_raster(a, gt, wkt, xoff=None, yoff=None, dtype=None):
    Creates a raster from a given array, with optional x- and y-offsets
    if the array was clipped. Arguments:
        a       A NumPy array
        gt      A GDAL GeoTransform tuple
        wkt     Well-Known Text projection
        xoff    The offset in the x-direction; should be provided when clipped
        yoff    The offset in the y-direction; should be provided when clipped
        dtype   The data type to coerce on the array
    if dtype is not None:
        a = a.astype(dtype)

        rast = gdal_array.OpenNumPyArray(a)

    except AttributeError:
        # For backwards compatibility with older version of GDAL
        rast = gdal.Open(gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(a))

    kwargs = dict()
    if xoff is not None and yoff is not None:
        kwargs = dict(xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff)


    return rast
Пример #4
def OpenArray(array, prototype_ds=None, xoff=0, yoff=0):
    ds = gdal.Open(gdalnumeric.GetArrayFilename(array))

    if ds is not None and prototype_ds is not None:
        if type(prototype_ds).__name__ == 'str':
            prototype_ds = gdal.Open(prototype_ds)
        if prototype_ds is not None:
            gdalnumeric.CopyDatasetInfo(prototype_ds, ds, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff)
    return ds