Пример #1
 def after_all_players_arrive(self):
     # 1) transfer executed orders to Contracts in the selfre model
     for region in self.subsession.session.vars['selfremarket'].regions:
         for k,x in self.subsession.session.vars['AllOrders'].items():
             if (x.status=='exec' and x.region==region.name):
                 if x.typus=='Bid':
                     buyer=next((z for z in self.subsession.session.vars['selfremarket'].selfremarket.players if z == x.player),None) # match  by name
                     seller=next((z for z in self.subsession.session.vars['selfremarket'].selfremarket.players if z == y.player),None) # match  by name
                     c=selfremarket.Contract(seller,buyer,x.filled_price,region)  # eler,buyer,p,region)
                     # print("foo56 CREATE CONTRACT for players %s, %s"%(x.player,y.player))
                     seller=next((z for z in self.subsession.session.vars['selfremarket'].selfremarket.players if z == x.player),None) # match  by name
                     buyer=next((z for z in self.subsession.session.vars['selfremarket'].selfremarket.players if z == y.player),None) # match  by name
                     print("foo57 CREATE CONTRACT")
     # check if all contracts got inserted...
     print("SelfreMarket - after deals and before nomination:")
Пример #2
 def set_direct_payoff(self):
     c = self.session.config
     if self.donation is not None:
         if self.donation:
             self.direct_payoff = c.get('yes_ego')
             self.nko_payoff = c.get('yes_nko')
             self.direct_payoff = c.get('no_ego')
             self.nko_payoff = c.get('no_nko')
Пример #3
class Constants(BaseConstants):
    name_in_url = 'BaseExperiment'
    players_per_group = 2
    num_rounds = 1
    BasePay = Currency(5)
    BasePrice = Currency(1)
    #    SellingPrice = Currency(1)
    EmployeeRatio = 0.5
    ManagerRatio = 0.25
Пример #4
class Constants(BaseConstants):
    players_per_group = 3
    num_rounds = 3
    name_in_url = 'guess_two_thirds'
    jackpot = Currency(100)
    guess_max = 100
    instructions_template = 'guess_two_thirds/instructions.html'
Пример #5
class Constants(BaseConstants):
    players_per_group = None

    num_rounds = 10
    name_in_url = 'beauty_contest'
    jackpot = Currency(10)
    guess_max = 100

    instructions_template = 'beauty_contest/Instructions.html'
Пример #6
    def configure_player(self, player):
        p = player.id_in_group

        duration_min = self.session.config[f"P{p}_duration_min"]
        duration_max = self.session.config[f"P{p}_duration_max"]
        player.duration = random.randint(duration_min, duration_max)

        price_min = self.session.config[f"P{p}_price_min"]
        price_max = self.session.config[f"P{p}_price_max"]
        player.price = Currency(random.randint(price_min, price_max))
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, qdef, question):
        self._choices = [Choice(c) for c in qdef.iterfind("choice")]
        if len(self._choices) > 0:
            self._has_default = max([c.default() for c in self._choices])
            self._has_default = False

        logger.info("Question has default: %s" % self._has_default)

        super(ChoiceQuestion, self).__init__(qdef, question)
Пример #8
 def get_bmi_info(self):
     # we loop through all possible values in our bmi correspondence table from Constants
     # and look for something that fits into this user's data.
     # as soon as we find it, we exit with this data.
     for c in Constants.bmi_info:
         if c.check_if_in(self.get_bmi()):
             return c
     # if corresponding BMI is not found we don't want to generate an error, and we'll still
     # return something
     return BMI('Not defined', 0, 0, 'Not defined')
Пример #9
    def test_payoff(self):

        session = otree.session.create_session(

        # need to activate cache after creating a session
        # because inside create_session, cache is deactivated
        with otree.db.idmap.use_cache():

            # for some reason id=1 test fails, because the session only has
            # participant with id=2. ah, that makes sense. even if the DB
            # is truncated, PKs will still be incremented, i think.
            participant = session.participant_set.first()

            round_players = participant.get_players()

            round_payoff = Currency(13)

            round_players[0].payoff = round_payoff
            round_players[1].payoff = round_payoff

        payoff = participant.payoff
        self.assertEqual(payoff, 2 * round_payoff)

        participation_fee = session.config['participation_fee']
        self.assertEqual(participation_fee, 1.25)

        real_world_currency_per_point = session.config[
        self.assertEqual(real_world_currency_per_point, 0.5)

        payoff_in_real_world_currency = payoff * real_world_currency_per_point

        payoff_plus_participation_fee = participant.payoff_plus_participation_fee(

                         payoff_in_real_world_currency + participation_fee)

        payments_url = reverse('SessionPayments', args=[session.code])

        client = django.test.Client()
        resp = client.get(payments_url)
        html = resp.content.decode('utf-8')
        for amount in [
                '\u20ac1.25',  # participation fee
                '\u20ac13.00',  # participant.payoff
                '\u20ac14.25'  # base plus participant.payoff
            self.assertIn(amount, html)
Пример #10
    def vars_for_template(self):
        c = []
        p = []
        for cons in self.subsession.session.vars[
            if (cons.bringer == str(self.player.id_in_group)):
        for prod in self.subsession.session.vars[
            if (prod.receiver == str(self.player.id_in_group)):
        if len(c) == 0:
            c2 = 'None'
            c2 = ','.join(str(x) for x in c)

        if len(p) == 0:
            p2 = 'None'
            p2 = ','.join(str(x) for x in p)

        return {'productionfacilities': p2, 'consumptionfacilities': c2}
Пример #11
    def helper(self):

        session = otree.session.create_session(

        # need to activate cache after creating a session
        # because inside create_session, cache is deactivated

        participant = session.participant_set.get(id=1)

        round_players = participant.get_players()

        round_payoff = Currency(13)

        round_players[0].payoff = round_payoff
        round_players[1].payoff = round_payoff


        payoff = participant.payoff
        self.assertEqual(payoff, 2 * round_payoff)

        participation_fee = session.config['participation_fee']
        self.assertEqual(participation_fee, 1.25)

        real_world_currency_per_point = session.config[
        self.assertEqual(real_world_currency_per_point, 0.5)

        payoff_in_real_world_currency = payoff * real_world_currency_per_point

        payoff_plus_participation_fee = participant.payoff_plus_participation_fee(

                         payoff_in_real_world_currency + participation_fee)

        payments_url = reverse('SessionPayments', args=[session.code])

        client = django.test.Client()
        resp = client.get(payments_url)
        html = resp.content.decode('utf-8')
        for amount in [
                '\u20ac1.25',  # participation fee
                '\u20ac13.00',  # participant.payoff
                '\u20ac14.25'  # base plus participant.payoff
            self.assertIn(amount, html)
Пример #12
    def test_participant_payoff(self):
        '''Should be able to set participant.payoff directly'''
        session = otree.session.create_session(

        payoff = Currency(10)

        participant = session.participant_set.first()
        participant.payoff = payoff

        participant = session.participant_set.first()
        self.assertEqual(participant.payoff, payoff)
Пример #13
    def test_valid_but_invalid_error_message(self):
        '''valid individual fields but passes error_message'''
        values = dict(default_submission)
        values['f_char'] = Constants.invalid_f_char


        auto_submit_defaults = {
            'f_bool': False,
            'f_char': '',
            'f_currency': Currency(0),
            'f_float': 0,
            'f_posint': 0,

Пример #14
class Constants(BaseConstants):

    # oTree Constants
    name_in_url = 'bret'
    players_per_group = None

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- Overall Settings and Appearance --- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # value of single collected box
    # if the bomb is not collected, player's payoff per round is determined by <box_value> times <boxes_collected>
    # note that the currency of any earnings is determined by the oTree settings in settings.py
    # if you set this to a decimal number, you must set POINTS_DECIMAL_PLACES in settings.py
    box_value = Currency(5)

    # number of rows and columns
    # i.e. the total number of boxes is determined by <num_rows> times <num_cols>
    num_rows = 5
    num_cols = 5

    # box height and box width in pixels
    # make sure that the size of the boxes fits the screen of the device
    # note that the layout is responsive, i.e. boxes will break into new rows if they don't fit
    box_height = '50px'
    box_width = '50px'

    # number of rounds to be played
    num_rounds = 2

    # determines whether all rounds played are payed-off or whether one round is randomly chosen for payment
    # if <random_payoff = True>, one round is randomly determined for payment
    # if <random_payoff = False>, the final payoff of the task is the sum of all rounds played
    # note that this is only of interest for the case of <num_rounds> larger than 1
    random_payoff = True

    # if <instructions = True>, a separate template "Instructions.html" is rendered prior to the task in round 1
    # if <instructions = False>, the task starts immediately (e.g. in case of printed instructions)
    instructions = True

    # show feedback by resolving boxes, i.e. toggle boxes and show whether bomb was collected or not
    # if <feedback = True>, the button "Solve" will be rendered and active after game play ends ("Stop")
    # if <feedback = False>, the button "Solve" won't be rendered such that no feedback about game outcome is provided
    feedback = True

    # show results page summarizing the game outcome
    # if <results = True>, a separate page containing all relevant information is displayed after finishing the task
    # if <num_rounds> larger than 1, results are summarized in a table and only shown after all rounds have been played
    results = True

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # --- Settings Determining Game Play --- #
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # "dynamic" or "static" game play
    # if <dynamic = True>, one box per time interval is collected automatically
    # in case of <dynamic = True>, game play is affected by the variables <time_interval> and <random> below
    # if <dynamic = False>, subjects collect as many boxes as they want by clicking or entering the respective number
    # in case of <dynamic = False>, game play is affected by the variables <random>, <devils_game> and <undoable>
    dynamic = False

    # time interval between single boxes being collected (in seconds)
    # note that this only affects game play if <dynamic = True>
    time_interval = 1.00

    # collect boxes randomly or systematically
    # if <random = False>, boxes are collected row-wise one-by-one, starting in the top-left corner
    # if <random = True>, boxes are collected randomly (Fisher-Yates Algorithm)
    # note that this affects game play in both cases, <dynamic = True> and <dynamic = False>
    random = True

    # determines whether static game play allows for selecting boxes by clicking or by entering a number
    # if <devils_game = True>, game play is similar to Slovic (1965), i.e. boxes are collected by subjects
    # if <devils_game = False>, subjects enter the number of boxes they want to collect
    # note that this only affects game play if <dynamic = False>
    devils_game = True

    # determine whether boxes can be toggled only once or as often as clicked
    # if <undoable = True> boxes can be selected and de-selected indefinitely often
    # if <undoable = False> boxes can be selected only once (i.e. decisions can not be undone)
    # note that this only affects game play if <dynamic = False> and <devils_game = True>
    undoable = True
Пример #15
from tests.timeout_submission.models import Player, Constants
from tests.timeout_submission import views
import django.test
from otree.api import Submission, Currency, Page
import itertools
import time
import otree.timeout.tasks  #.submit_expired_url.schedule(
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock

test_client = django.test.Client()

# tuple instead of dict so we don't mutate it by mistake
default_submission = (
    ('f_bool', True),
    ('f_char', 'hello'),
    ('f_currency', Currency(2)),
    ('f_float', 0.1),
    ('f_posint', 3),

class PageWithTimeout(Page):

    timeout_seconds = 50

class PageWithNoTimeout(Page):

class TestTimeout(TestCase):
Пример #16
 def savings_choices(self):
     return [[c,c.to_real_world_currency(self.session)] for c in [c(0),c(.5),c(1)]]
Пример #17
 def savings_choices(self):
     return [[c, c.to_real_world_currency(self.session)]
             for c in currency_range(0, 4, 2)]
Пример #18
class Player(BasePlayer):
    player_field = models.CurrencyField(initial=Currency(3.14))
    align_group = models.CharField()
    align_participant = models.CharField()