Пример #1
def test():
    Verify operators observe their operands
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # assertions that involve node comparisons must be done very carefully if nodes have
    # {ordering} since then the equality test becomes a node. the current implementation of
    # {node} does not include {ordering}, so we should be ok with naive checks.

    # get the calculator
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # make sure node does not derive from {ordering}
    assert not issubclass(node, calculator.ordering)

    # make a pair of variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)

    # use them in a simple expression
    s = v1 + v2
    # we expect {s} to have two operands
    assert set(s.operands) == {v1, v2}

    # we expect:
    # {v1} to have a single observer: {s}
    assert list(v1.observers) == [s]
    # {v2} to have a single observer: {s}
    assert list(v2.observers) == [s]
    # and s to have none
    assert list(s.observers) == []

    # all done
Пример #2
def test():
    Exercise the interface of dicts
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make some nodes
    nodes = ((str(n), node.variable(value=n)) for n in range(10))

    # make a dict with these nodes
    s1 = node.dict(value=nodes)
    # check that
    for op, node in zip(s1.operands, nodes):
        # the operands are the exact nodes we supplied
        assert op is node
    # verify that the value is what we expect
    assert s1.getValue() == dict((str(n), n) for n in range(10))

    # make some numbers
    ints = dict((str(n), n) for n in range(10))
    # make a dict out of them
    s2 = node.dict(value=ints.items())
    # check that all the {s2} operands
    for op in s2.operands:
        # are literals
        assert isinstance(op, node.literal)
    # verify that the value is what we expect
    assert s2.getValue() == ints

    # all done
Пример #3
def test():
    Verify that the mean operator works as expected
    # externals
    import statistics
    # get the node class
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make some nodes
    nodes = [node.variable(value=v) for v in range(0, 100, 10)]
    # construct a node that computes their mean
    s = node.mean(operands=nodes)

    # check the current value
    assert s.getValue() == statistics.mean(range(0, 100, 10))

    # adjust the values
    for node, value in zip(nodes, range(0, 200, 20)):

    # check again
    assert s.getValue() == statistics.mean(range(0, 200, 20))

    # all done
Пример #4
def test():
    Exercise basic arithmetic operations among variables
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a couple of variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)

    # basic arithmetic among variables
    assert (v1 + v2).getValue() == 3
    assert (v1 - v2).getValue() == -1
    assert (v1 * v2).getValue() == 2
    assert (v1 / v2).getValue() == 0.5
    assert (v1**v2).getValue() == 1
    assert (v1 % v2).getValue() == 1

    # variables and literals
    assert (v1 + 2).getValue() == 3
    assert (v1 - 2).getValue() == -1
    assert (v1 * 2).getValue() == 2
    assert (v1 / 2).getValue() == 0.5
    assert (v1**2).getValue() == 1
    assert (v1 % 2).getValue() == 1

    # all done
Пример #5
def test():
    Exercise basic arithmetic operations among literals
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a couple of literals
    l1 = node.literal(value=1)
    l2 = node.literal(value=2)

    # basic arithmetic among literals
    assert (l1 + l2).getValue() == 3
    assert (l1 - l2).getValue() == -1
    assert (l1 * l2).getValue() == 2
    assert (l1 / l2).getValue() == 0.5
    assert (l1**l2).getValue() == 1
    assert (l1 % l2).getValue() == 1

    # let the {algebra} build the second literal
    assert (l1 + 2).getValue() == 3
    assert (l1 - 2).getValue() == -1
    assert (l1 * 2).getValue() == 2
    assert (l1 / 2).getValue() == 0.5
    assert (l1**2).getValue() == 1
    assert (l1 % 2).getValue() == 1

    # all done
Пример #6
def test():
    Exercise the interface of lists
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make some nodes
    nodes = ( node.variable(value=n) for n in range(10) )

    # make a list with these nodes
    l1 = node.list(value=nodes)
    # check that
    for op, node in zip(l1.operands, nodes):
        # the operands are the exact nodes we supplied
        assert op is node
    # verify that the value is what we expect
    assert l1.getValue() == list(range(10))

    # make some numbers
    ints = list(range(10))
    # make a list out of them
    l2 = node.list(value=ints)
    # check that all the {s2} operands
    for op in l2.operands:
        # are literals
        assert isinstance(op, node.literal)
    # verify that the value is what we expect
    assert l2.getValue() == list(range(10))

    # all done
Пример #7
def test():
    Verify that the product operator works as expected
    # externals
    import functools
    import operator

    # get the node class
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make some nodes
    nodes = [node.variable(value=v) for v in range(0, 100, 10)]
    # construct a node that computes their product
    s = node.product(operands=nodes)

    # check the current value
    assert s.getValue() == functools.reduce(operator.mul, range(0, 100, 10))

    # adjust the values
    for node, value in zip(nodes, range(0, 200, 20)):

    # check again
    assert s.getValue() == functools.reduce(operator.mul, range(0, 100, 10))

    # all done
Пример #8
def test():
    Verify that substituting an operator in a simple expression works as expected
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # assertions that involve node comparisons must be done very carefully if nodes have
    # {ordering} since then the equality test becomes a node. the current implementation of
    # {node} does not include {ordering}, so we should be ok with naive checks.

    # get the calculator
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # make sure node does not derive from {ordering}
    assert not issubclass(node, calculator.ordering)

    # make a few variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)
    v3 = node.variable(value=3)

    # use them in a simple expression
    s = v1 + v2
    # and use this to build a more complicated one
    d = 2 * s

    # verify that the values are computed correctly
    assert s.getValue() == 3
    assert d.getValue() == 6

    # verify the node observers are as expected
    assert set(v1.observers) == { s }
    assert set(v2.observers) == { s }
    assert set(v3.observers) == set()
    assert set(s.observers) == { d }
    assert set(d.observers) == set()

    # now, replace {s} with {v1}
    d.substitute(current=s, replacement=v3)

    # the value of {s} should be unchanged
    assert s.getValue() == 3
    # but {d} is different
    assert d.getValue() == 6

    # check the observers
    # nothing has changed for {v1} since {s} is still alive
    assert set(v1.observers) == { s }
    # same for {v2}
    assert set(v2.observers) == { s }
    # {v3} is now observed by {d}
    assert set(v3.observers) == { d }
    # {s} is not being observed any more
    assert set(s.observers) == set()
    # and, of course, no one is watching {d}
    assert set(d.observers) == set()

    # all done
Пример #9
def test():
    Verify that substituting a variable in a simple expression works as expected
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # assertions that involve node comparisons must be done very carefully if nodes have
    # {ordering} since then the equality test becomes a node. the current implementation of
    # {node} does not include {ordering}, so we should be ok with naive checks.

    # get the calculator
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # make sure node does not derive from {ordering}
    assert not issubclass(node, calculator.ordering)

    # make a few variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)
    v3 = node.variable(value=3)

    # use them in a simple expression
    s = v1 + v2

    # we expect {s} to have two operands
    assert set(s.operands) == {v1, v2}

    # make sure it computes correctly
    assert s.getValue() == 3

    # check observers; we expect
    # {v1} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v1.observers) == {s}
    # {v2} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v2.observers) == {s}
    # and {v3} to have no observers
    assert set(v3.observers) == set()

    # substitute {v3} for {v1}
    s.substitute(current=v1, replacement=v3)

    # verify the substitution took place
    assert set(s.operands) == {v2, v3}
    # make sure it computes correctly
    assert s.getValue() == 5

    # check observers; we expect
    # {v1} to have no observers
    assert set(v1.observers) == set()
    # {v2} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v2.observers) == {s}
    # and {v3} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v3.observers) == {s}

    # all done
Пример #10
def test():
    Verify that the {node} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    import p2.calc
    # and {algebraic} packages
    import p2.algebraic

    # access
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # pull out the {calc} metaclass
    calculator = p2.calc.calculator
    # and the base metaclass
    algebra = p2.algebraic.algebra

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()
    # verify the derivation of the base node
    assert nodeMRO == [
        node, calculator.base, algebra.base, calculator.arithmetic, object

    # all done
Пример #11
def test():
    Exercise the interface of operators
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # use an expression make an operator
    operator = 2 * node.literal(value=1)

    # access the value
    assert operator.getValue() == 2

    # attempt to
        # set the value
        # which should fail
        assert False, "unreachable"
    # because there is no base with an implementation
    except AttributeError as error:
        # all good

    # all done
Пример #12
def test():
    Exercise the interface of literals
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a literal
    literal = node.literal(value=0)

    # access the value
    assert literal.getValue() == 0

    # attempt to
        # set the value
        # which should fail
        assert False, "unreachable"
    # because {const} is protecting it
    except NotImplementedError as error:
        # all good

    # all done
Пример #13
def test():
    Verify that the {literal} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # and {algebraic} metaclasses
    from p2.algebraic import algebra

    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()

    # get the literal class
    literal = node.literal
    # and its mro
    literalMRO = literal.mro()
    # verify the structure
    assert literalMRO == [
        literal, calculator.const, calculator.value, algebra.literal,
    ] + nodeMRO

    # all done
Пример #14
def test():
    Verify that the {variable} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # and {algebraic} metaclasses
    from p2.algebraic import algebra

    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()

    # get the variable class
    variable = node.variable
    # and its mro
    variableMRO = variable.mro()
    # verify the structure
    assert variableMRO == [
        # the user visible class
        # observable
        calculator.dependency, calculator.observable, calculator.reactor,
        # value management
        # base {variable} from {algebra}
        algebra.variable, algebra.leaf
        # node
        ] + nodeMRO

    # all done
Пример #15
def test():
    Verify that the {unresolved} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # and {algebraic} metaclasses
    from p2.algebraic import algebra

    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()

    # get the unresolved class
    unresolved = node.unresolved
    # and its mro
    unresolvedMRO = unresolved.mro()
    # verify the structure
    assert unresolvedMRO == [
        calculator.observable, calculator.reactor,
        calculator.unresolved, algebra.leaf
        ] + nodeMRO

    # all done
Пример #16
def test():
    Verify that attempting to replace a node that is not present in an expression is a no-op
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # assertions that involve node comparisons must be done very carefully if nodes have
    # {ordering} since then the equality test becomes a node. the current implementation of
    # {node} does not include {ordering}, so we should be ok with naive checks.

    # get the calculator
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # make sure node does not derive from {ordering}
    assert not issubclass(node, calculator.ordering)

    # make a few variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)
    v3 = node.variable(value=3)

    # use them in a simple expression
    s = v1 + v2

    # ask {v1} to replace {v3}

    # verify that nothing was disturbed
    assert set(s.operands) == {v1, v2}
    # make sure it computes correctly
    assert s.getValue() == 3

    # check observers; we expect
    # {v1} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v1.observers) == {s}
    # {v2} to be observed by {s}
    assert set(v2.observers) == {s}
    # and {v3} to have no observers
    assert set(v3.observers) == set()

    # all done
Пример #17
def test():
    Verify that nodes get cleaned up correctly
    # get the node base class
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node
    # verify that it is has extent, and that it is empty
    assert len(node.pyre_extent) == 0

    # make a couple of variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)
    # verify that the two nodes are accounted for
    assert len(node.pyre_extent) == 2

    # build an expression
    e = v1**2 + 2 * v1 * v2 + v2**2
    # we just created an additional 9 nodes (count them!)
    assert len(node.pyre_extent) == 11

    # all done; all nodes go out of scope here, so they should get destroyed
Пример #18
def test():
    Exercise the interface of lists
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a list
    l = node.list(value=[])
    # access the value
    assert l.getValue() == []

    # make some nodes
    nodes = list( node.variable(value=n) for n in range(10) )
    # and some numbers
    numbers = [1, 2, 3]
    # set the value
    # verify it happened correctly
    assert l.getValue() == [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 1,2,3]

    # all done
Пример #19
def test():
    Exercise the interface of dicts
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a dict
    s = node.dict(value=[])
    # access the value
    assert s.getValue() == dict()

    # make some nodes
    nodes = tuple( (str(n), node.variable(value=n)) for n in range(10) )
    # and some numbers
    numbers = ( ("1", 1), ("2", 2), ("3",3))
    # set the value
    # verify it happened correctly
    assert s.getValue() == dict((str(n), n) for n in range(10))

    # all done
Пример #20
def test():
    Exercise the interface of tuples
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a tuple
    t = node.tuple(value=[])
    # access the value
    assert t.getValue() == ()

    # make some nodes
    nodes = tuple(node.variable(value=n) for n in range(10))
    # and some numbers
    numbers = (1, 2, 3)
    # set the value
    t.setValue(value=nodes + numbers)
    # verify it happened correctly
    assert t.getValue() == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)

    # all done
Пример #21
def test():
    Verify that the {list} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # and {algebraic} metaclasses
    from p2.algebraic import algebra

    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()

    # get the list class
    list = node.list
    # and its mro
    listMRO = list.mro()
    # verify the structure
    assert listMRO == [
        # the user visible class
        # observer
        # observable
        # base {list} from {calculator}
        # base {sequence} from {calculator}
        # composite
        # node
    ] + nodeMRO

    # all done
Пример #22
def test():
    Exercise the interface of variables
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a variable
    variable = node.variable(value=0)

    # access the value
    assert variable.getValue() == 0

    # set the value
    # verify it happened correctly
    assert variable.getValue() == 1

    # all done
Пример #23
def test():
    Verify that probes get notified when the values of their nodes change
    # get the node class
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # make a probe that records the values of the monitored nodes
    class probe(node.probe):
        def flush(self, observable):
            self.nodes[observable] = observable.getValue()
            return self

        def __init__(self, **kwds):
            self.nodes = {}

    # make a probe
    p = probe()

    # make a node
    v = 80.
    production = node.variable(value=v)
    assert production.getValue() == v

    # insert the probe

    # set and check the value
    assert production.getValue() == v
    assert p.nodes[production] == v

    # once more
    v = 100.
    assert production.getValue() == v
    assert p.nodes[production] == v

Пример #24
def test():
    Verify that the {count} class hierarchy looks as expected
    # get the {calc}
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # and {algebraic} metaclasses
    from p2.algebraic import algebra

    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # get the base node {mro}
    nodeMRO = node.mro()

    # get the count operator
    count = node.count
    # and its mro
    countMRO = count.mro()
    # verify the structure
    assert countMRO == [
        # the user visible class
        # observer
        # observable
        # the evaluator
        # composite
        # node
    ] + nodeMRO

    # all done
Пример #25
def test():
    Verify that attempting to substitute nodes in a complicated expression works as expected
    # get the base node from the {calc} package
    from p2.calc.Node import Node as node

    # assertions that involve node comparisons must be done very carefully if nodes have
    # {ordering} since then the equality test becomes a node. the current implementation of
    # {node} does not include {ordering}, so we should be ok with naive checks.

    # get the calculator
    from p2.calc import calculator
    # make sure node does not derive from {ordering}
    assert not issubclass(node, calculator.ordering)

    # make a few variables
    v1 = node.variable(value=1)
    v2 = node.variable(value=2)

    # compute their sum
    s = v1 + v2
    # and their difference
    d = v1 - v2

    # form the product
    p = s * d

    # verify that the values are computed correctly
    assert s.getValue() == 3
    assert d.getValue() == -1
    assert p.getValue() == (v1**2 - v2**2).getValue()

    # verify the node observers are as expected
    assert set(v1.observers) == {s, d}
    assert set(v2.observers) == {s, d}
    assert set(s.observers) == {p}
    assert set(d.observers) == {p}

    # now, replace {d} with {s} in {p}
    p.substitute(current=d, replacement=s)

    # the value of {s} should be unchanged
    assert s.getValue() == 3
    # {d} as well
    assert d.getValue() == -1
    # but {p} is different
    assert p.getValue() == ((v1 + v2)**2).getValue()

    # check the observers
    # nothing has changed for {v1}
    assert set(v1.observers) == {s, d}
    # nor {v2}
    assert set(v2.observers) == {s, d}
    # {s} is being observed by {p}, as before
    assert set(s.observers) == {p}
    # and {d} is not observed
    assert set(d.observers) == set()

    # all done