Пример #1
def test_list(data_init):
    Test that the method general_plots.line() reads the data as lists
    # Create the object:
    ob = general_plots((1, 1), display=False)
    # Call the method:
    ob.line(data_init, [0, 1])
Пример #2
def test_dataframe(data_init):
    Test that the method general_plots.line() reads the data as a dataframe
    # Define the data as a dataframe:
    data = pd.DataFrame(data_init, columns=['x', 'cos', 'tan', 'sin'])
    # Create the object:
    ob = general_plots((1, 1), display=False)
    # Call the method:
    ob.line(data, ['x', 'sin'])
Пример #3
def test_array(data_init):
    Test that the method general_plots.line() reads the data as arrays
    # Define the data as an array:
    data = data_init
    # Create the object:
    ob = general_plots((1, 1), display=False)
    # Call the method:
    ob.line(data, [0, 1])
Пример #4
def test_tuple():
    Test that the method general_plots.line() reads the data as tuples
    # Define the data as a tuple of tuples:
    data = ((9, 7, 5), (8, 6, 5), (3, 1, 2), (33, 4, 55), (4, 5, 6))
    # Create the object:
    ob = general_plots((1, 1), display=False)
    # Call the method:
    ob.line(data, [1, 2])
Пример #5
def test_saving():
    Test that the method general_plots._savefig() saves the figure
    # Define the data as a tuple of tuples:
    data = ((9, 7, 5), (8, 6, 5), (3, 1, 2), (33, 4, 55), (4, 5, 6))
    # Define the file path and name:
    file_path = "./test_fig.png"
    # Delete the file if it already exists:
    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
    # Create the object:
    ob = general_plots((1, 1), display=False, save_path=file_path)
    # Call the method:
    ob.line(data, [1, 2])
    # Check that the file has been created:
    assert os.path.isfile(file_path)
Пример #6
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from package.plotting import general_plots 

if __name__ == "__main__":

    x  = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)
    y1 = np.cos(x)
    y2 = np.tan(x)
    y3 = np.sin(x)
    data = list([x, y1, y2, y3])
    data0 = np.transpose(data)
    data1 = pd.DataFrame(data0, columns=['x', 'cos', 'tan', 'sin'])
    data2 = ((9,7,5), (8,6,5), (3,1,2), (33,4,55), (4,5,6))
    data3 = [(9,7,5), (8,6,5), (3,1,2), (33,4,55), (4,5,6)]

    nb_rows_col = (1,1)
    c = general_plots(nb_rows_col, save_path="./test_fig.png")
    #c.line(data2,[1,2], xlim=[0,1])
    c.line(data0,[1,2], xlim=[0,1])

    #c.histogram(data0, [1], bins=100, xlim=[0,1])