Пример #1
    def astype(self, dtype, copy: bool = True) -> ArrayLike:
        Cast to a NumPy array or ExtensionArray with 'dtype'.

        dtype : str or dtype
            Typecode or data-type to which the array is cast.
        copy : bool, default True
            Whether to copy the data, even if not necessary. If False,
            a copy is made only if the old dtype does not match the
            new dtype.

        ndarray or ExtensionArray
            NumPy ndarray, BooleanArray or IntegerArray with 'dtype' for its dtype.

            if incompatible type with an IntegerDtype, equivalent of same_kind
        from pandas.core.arrays.boolean import BooleanArray, BooleanDtype

        dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)

        # if we are astyping to an existing IntegerDtype we can fastpath
        if isinstance(dtype, _IntegerDtype):
            result = self._data.astype(dtype.numpy_dtype, copy=False)
            return type(self)(result, mask=self._mask, copy=False)
        elif isinstance(dtype, BooleanDtype):
            result = self._data.astype("bool", copy=False)
            return BooleanArray(result, mask=self._mask, copy=False)

        # coerce
        if is_float_dtype(dtype):
            # In astype, we consider dtype=float to also mean na_value=np.nan
            kwargs = dict(na_value=np.nan)
        elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype):
            kwargs = dict(na_value=np.datetime64("NaT"))
            kwargs = {}

        data = self.to_numpy(dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
        return astype_nansafe(data, dtype, copy=False)
Пример #2
        def cmp_method(self, other):
            from pandas.arrays import BooleanArray

            mask = None

            if isinstance(other, (BooleanArray, IntegerArray)):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if other.ndim > 1:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "can only perform ops with 1-d structures"
                if len(self) != len(other):
                    raise ValueError("Lengths must match to compare")

            if other is libmissing.NA:
                # numpy does not handle pd.NA well as "other" scalar (it returns
                # a scalar False instead of an array)
                # This may be fixed by NA.__array_ufunc__. Revisit this check
                # once that's implemented.
                result = np.zeros(self._data.shape, dtype="bool")
                mask = np.ones(self._data.shape, dtype="bool")
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    # numpy may show a FutureWarning:
                    #     elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead,
                    #     but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
                    # before returning NotImplemented. We fall back to the correct
                    # behavior today, so that should be fine to ignore.
                    warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "elementwise", FutureWarning)
                    with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
                        method = getattr(self._data, f"__{op_name}__")
                        result = method(other)

                    if result is NotImplemented:
                        result = invalid_comparison(self._data, other, op)

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask.copy()
                mask = self._mask | mask

            return BooleanArray(result, mask)