Пример #1
import pandas as pd
from pandas_datareader.data import DataReader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import date
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf
from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf

series = 'DGS10'
datasource = 'fred'
start = date(1984, 1, 1)
end = date(2017, 1, 1)
data = DataReader(series, datasource, start)
data['dailydiff'] = data.diff()
autocorrelation_daily = data['dailydiff'].autocorr()
print("The autocorrelation of daily " + str(series) + " changes is %4.2f" %

weekly_data = data[series].resample('W').last()
weekly_data['weeklydiff'] = weekly_data.diff()
autocorrelation_weekly = weekly_data['weeklydiff'].autocorr()
print("The autocorrelation of weekly " + str(series) + " changes is %4.2f" %

monthly_data = data[series].resample('M').last()
monthly_data['monthlydiff'] = monthly_data.diff()
autocorrelation_monthly = monthly_data['monthlydiff'].autocorr()
print("The autocorrelation of monthly " + str(series) + " changes is %4.2f" %

annual_data = data[series].resample('A').last()
annual_data['annualdiff'] = annual_data.diff()
# As described above, the goal of this model was to create an
# interpretable series which could be used to understand the current status
# of the macroeconomy. This is what the coincident index is designed to do.
# It is constructed below. For readers interested in an explanation of the
# construction, see Kim and Nelson (1999) or Stock and Watson (1991).
# In essense, what is done is to reconstruct the mean of the (differenced)
# factor. We will compare it to the coincident index on published by the
# Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (USPHCI on FRED).

usphci = DataReader(
    'USPHCI', 'fred', start='1979-01-01', end='2014-12-01')['USPHCI']
usphci.plot(figsize=(13, 3))

dusphci = usphci.diff()[1:].values

def compute_coincident_index(mod, res):
    # Estimate W(1)
    spec = res.specification
    design = mod.ssm['design']
    transition = mod.ssm['transition']
    ss_kalman_gain = res.filter_results.kalman_gain[:, :, -1]
    k_states = ss_kalman_gain.shape[0]

    W1 = np.linalg.inv(
        np.eye(k_states) -
        np.dot(np.eye(k_states) - np.dot(ss_kalman_gain, design), transition)
Пример #3
# As described above, the goal of this model was to create an
# interpretable series which could be used to understand the current status
# of the macroeconomy. This is what the coincident index is designed to do.
# It is constructed below. For readers interested in an explanation of the
# construction, see Kim and Nelson (1999) or Stock and Watson (1991).
# In essense, what is done is to reconstruct the mean of the (differenced)
# factor. We will compare it to the coincident index on published by the
# Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (USPHCI on FRED).

usphci = DataReader('USPHCI', 'fred', start='1979-01-01',
usphci.plot(figsize=(13, 3))

dusphci = usphci.diff()[1:].values

def compute_coincident_index(mod, res):
    # Estimate W(1)
    spec = res.specification
    design = mod.ssm['design']
    transition = mod.ssm['transition']
    ss_kalman_gain = res.filter_results.kalman_gain[:, :, -1]
    k_states = ss_kalman_gain.shape[0]

    W1 = np.linalg.inv(
        np.eye(k_states) -
        np.dot(np.eye(k_states) - np.dot(ss_kalman_gain, design), transition)
def dynamic_factor_model_example():
	np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=120)

	# Get the datasets from FRED.
	start = '1979-01-01'
	end = '2014-12-01'
	indprod = DataReader('IPMAN', 'fred', start=start, end=end)
	income = DataReader('W875RX1', 'fred', start=start, end=end)
	sales = DataReader('CMRMTSPL', 'fred', start=start, end=end)
	emp = DataReader('PAYEMS', 'fred', start=start, end=end)
	#dta = pd.concat((indprod, income, sales, emp), axis=1)
	#dta.columns = ['indprod', 'income', 'sales', 'emp']

	#HMRMT = DataReader('HMRMT', 'fred', start='1967-01-01', end=end)
	#CMRMT = DataReader('CMRMT', 'fred', start='1997-01-01', end=end)

	#HMRMT_growth = HMRMT.diff() / HMRMT.shift()
	#sales = pd.Series(np.zeros(emp.shape[0]), index=emp.index)

	# Fill in the recent entries (1997 onwards).
	#sales[CMRMT.index] = CMRMT

	# Backfill the previous entries (pre 1997).
	#idx = sales.loc[:'1997-01-01'].index
	#for t in range(len(idx)-1, 0, -1):
	#	month = idx[t]
	#	prev_month = idx[t-1]
	#	sales.loc[prev_month] = sales.loc[month] / (1 + HMRMT_growth.loc[prev_month].values)

	dta = pd.concat((indprod, income, sales, emp), axis=1)
	dta.columns = ['indprod', 'income', 'sales', 'emp']

	dta.loc[:, 'indprod':'emp'].plot(subplots=True, layout=(2, 2), figsize=(15, 6));

	# Create log-differenced series.
	dta['dln_indprod'] = (np.log(dta.indprod)).diff() * 100
	dta['dln_income'] = (np.log(dta.income)).diff() * 100
	dta['dln_sales'] = (np.log(dta.sales)).diff() * 100
	dta['dln_emp'] = (np.log(dta.emp)).diff() * 100

	# De-mean and standardize.
	dta['std_indprod'] = (dta['dln_indprod'] - dta['dln_indprod'].mean()) / dta['dln_indprod'].std()
	dta['std_income'] = (dta['dln_income'] - dta['dln_income'].mean()) / dta['dln_income'].std()
	dta['std_sales'] = (dta['dln_sales'] - dta['dln_sales'].mean()) / dta['dln_sales'].std()
	dta['std_emp'] = (dta['dln_emp'] - dta['dln_emp'].mean()) / dta['dln_emp'].std()

	# Get the endogenous data.
	endog = dta.loc['1979-02-01':, 'std_indprod':'std_emp']

	# Create the model.
	mod = sm.tsa.DynamicFactor(endog, k_factors=1, factor_order=2, error_order=2)
	initial_res = mod.fit(method='powell', disp=False)
	res = mod.fit(initial_res.params, disp=False)


	# Estimated factors.
	fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 3))

	# Plot the factor.
	dates = endog.index._mpl_repr()
	ax.plot(dates, res.factors.filtered[0], label='Factor')

	# Retrieve and also plot the NBER recession indicators.
	rec = DataReader('USREC', 'fred', start=start, end=end)
	ylim = ax.get_ylim()
	ax.fill_between(dates[:-3], ylim[0], ylim[1], rec.values[:-4,0], facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)

	# Post-estimation.
	res.plot_coefficients_of_determination(figsize=(8, 2))

	# Coincident index.
	usphci = DataReader('USPHCI', 'fred', start='1979-01-01', end='2014-12-01')['USPHCI']
	usphci.plot(figsize=(13, 3))

	dusphci = usphci.diff()[1:].values

	fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 3))

	# Compute the index.
	coincident_index = compute_coincident_index(mod, res, dta, usphci, dusphci)

	# Plot the factor.
	dates = endog.index._mpl_repr()
	ax.plot(dates, coincident_index, label='Coincident index')
	ax.plot(usphci.index._mpl_repr(), usphci, label='USPHCI')
	ax.legend(loc='lower right')

	# Retrieve and also plot the NBER recession indicators.
	ylim = ax.get_ylim()
	ax.fill_between(dates[:-3], ylim[0], ylim[1], rec.values[:-4,0], facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)

	# Extended dynamic factor model.

	# Create the model.
	extended_mod = ExtendedDFM(endog)
	initial_extended_res = extended_mod.fit(maxiter=1000, disp=False)
	extended_res = extended_mod.fit(initial_extended_res.params, method='nm', maxiter=1000)

	extended_res.plot_coefficients_of_determination(figsize=(8, 2))

	fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,3))

	# Compute the index.
	extended_coincident_index = compute_coincident_index(extended_mod, extended_res, dta, usphci, dusphci)

	# Plot the factor.
	dates = endog.index._mpl_repr()
	ax.plot(dates, coincident_index, '-', linewidth=1, label='Basic model')
	ax.plot(dates, extended_coincident_index, '--', linewidth=3, label='Extended model')
	ax.plot(usphci.index._mpl_repr(), usphci, label='USPHCI')
	ax.legend(loc='lower right')
	ax.set(title='Coincident indices, comparison')

	# Retrieve and also plot the NBER recession indicators.
	ylim = ax.get_ylim()
	ax.fill_between(dates[:-3], ylim[0], ylim[1], rec.values[:-4,0], facecolor='k', alpha=0.1)