Пример #1
def s3_get(conf, s3url, dest, etag=None):
    High-speed download from S3 that can use multiple simultaneous
    download threads to optimize the downloading of a single file.
    S3 file is given in s3url (using s3://BUCKET/FILE naming
    convention) and will be saved in dest.  If etag from previous
    download is provided, and file hasn't changed since then, don't
    download the file and instead raise an exception of type
    paracurl.Exception where the first element of the exception
    tuple == paracurl.PC_ERR_ETAG_MATCH.  Returns tuple of
    (file_length, etag).
    import paracurl

    paracurl_kw = {
        'max_threads' : int(conf.get('CURL_MAX_THREADS', '16')),
        'n_retries' : int(conf.get('CURL_N_RETRIES', '4')),
        'debug' : int(conf.get('CURL_DEBUG', '1'))
    if etag:
        paracurl_kw['etag'] = etag
    s3tup = parse_s3_url(s3url)
    if not s3tup or len(s3tup) != 2:
        raise ValueError("s3_get: bad s3 url: %r" % (s3url,))
    conn = get_s3_conn(conf)
    buck = conn.get_bucket(s3tup[0])
    k = boto.s3.key.Key(buck)
    k.key = s3tup[1]
    url = k.generate_url(600, force_http=True)
    return paracurl.download(dest, url, **paracurl_kw)
Пример #2
def s3_get(conf, s3url, dest, etag=None):
    High-speed download from S3 that can use multiple simultaneous
    download threads to optimize the downloading of a single file.
    S3 file is given in s3url (using s3://BUCKET/FILE naming
    convention) and will be saved in dest.  If etag from previous
    download is provided, and file hasn't changed since then, don't
    download the file and instead raise an exception of type
    paracurl.Exception where the first element of the exception
    tuple == paracurl.PC_ERR_ETAG_MATCH.  Returns tuple of
    (file_length, etag).
    import paracurl

    paracurl_kw = {
        'max_threads': int(conf.get('CURL_MAX_THREADS', '16')),
        'n_retries': int(conf.get('CURL_N_RETRIES', '4')),
        'debug': int(conf.get('CURL_DEBUG', '1'))
    if etag:
        paracurl_kw['etag'] = etag
    s3tup = parse_s3_url(s3url)
    if not s3tup or len(s3tup) != 2:
        raise ValueError("s3_get: bad s3 url: %r" % (s3url, ))
    conn = get_s3_conn(conf)
    buck = conn.get_bucket(s3tup[0])
    k = boto.s3.key.Key(buck)
    k.key = s3tup[1]
    url = k.generate_url(600, force_http=True)
    return paracurl.download(dest, url, **paracurl_kw)
Пример #3
import boto
import paracurl

conn = boto.connect_s3()
buck = conn.get_bucket('marble_factory')
k = boto.s3.key.Key(buck)
k.key = 'blend.gz'
url = k.generate_url(600, force_http=True)

    etag = '779ccf330e7c227ebbf7b34f0a6bae79foo'
    status = paracurl.download('foo.dat',
except paracurl.Exception, e:
    print "Caught Exception:", e
    print "Return Value:", status
Пример #4
import boto
import paracurl

conn = boto.connect_s3()
buck = conn.get_bucket('marble_factory')
k = boto.s3.key.Key(buck)
k.key = 'marble-factory-lossless.mov'
url = k.generate_url(600, force_http=True)

    status = paracurl.download('foo.dat', url, max_threads=64, debug=1)
except paracurl.Exception, e:
    print "Caught Exception:", e
    print "Return Value:", status

Пример #5
import boto
import paracurl

conn = boto.connect_s3()
buck = conn.get_bucket('marble_factory')
k = boto.s3.key.Key(buck)
k.key = 'blend.gz'
url = k.generate_url(600, force_http=True)

    etag = '779ccf330e7c227ebbf7b34f0a6bae79foo'
    status = paracurl.download('foo.dat', url, max_threads=4, n_retries=4, etag=etag, debug=2)
except paracurl.Exception, e:
    print "Caught Exception:", e
    print "Return Value:", status