Пример #1
    def transform(self, X, n_components=None, in_place=False):
        """ Project a (new) dataset onto the components.
        Return the projected data and the associated d.
        We have to recompute U and d because the argument may not have the same
        number of lines.
        The argument must have the same number of columns than the datset used
        to fit the estimator.
        if n_components is None:
            n_components = self.n_components
        Xk = check_arrays(X)
        if not in_place:
            Xk = Xk.copy()

        n, p = Xk.shape
        if p != self.V.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("The argument must have the same number of "
                             "columns than the datset used to fit the "
        U = np.zeros((n, n_components))
        d = np.zeros((n_components, ))
        for k in range(n_components):
            # Project on component j
            vk = self.V[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
            uk = np.dot(X, vk)
            uk /= np.linalg.norm(uk)
            U[:, k] = uk[:, 0]
            dk = self.compute_d(Xk, uk, vk)
            d[k] = dk
            # Residualize
            Xk -= dk * np.dot(uk, vk.T)
        return U, d
Пример #2
 def l1_max(cls, X):
     """Return the maximal value for l1 parameter for a given data matrix
     X = check_arrays(X)
     s = [np.linalg.norm(X[:, i]) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
     l1_max = np.max(s) / X.shape[0]
     return l1_max
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, X, y, k=0.0, weights=None, penalty_start=0, mean=True):
        X : Numpy array (n-by-p). The regressor matrix. Training vectors, where
                n is the number of samples and p is the number of features.

        y : Numpy array (n-by-1). The regressand vector. Target values (class
                labels in classification).

        k : Non-negative float. The ridge parameter.

        weights: Numpy array (n-by-1). The sample's weights.

        penalty_start : Non-negative integer. The number of columns, variables
                etc., to except from penalisation. Equivalently, the first
                index to be penalised. Default is 0, all columns are included.

        mean : Boolean. Whether to compute the mean loss or not. Default is
                True, the mean loss is computed.
        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self.k = np.maximum(0.0, check_arrays(k, flatten=True))
        if weights is None:
            weights = np.ones(y.shape)  # .reshape(y.shape)
        self.weights = weights
        self.penalty_start = max(0, int(penalty_start))
        self.mean = bool(mean)

Пример #4
    def __init__(self, X, y, k, penalty_start=0, mean=True):
        X : Numpy array (n-by-p). The regressor matrix.

        y : Numpy array (n-by-1). The regressand vector.

        k : Non-negative float. The ridge parameter.

        penalty_start : Non-negative integer. The number of columns, variables
                etc., to except from penalisation. Equivalently, the first
                index to be penalised. Default is 0, all columns are included.

        mean : Boolean. Whether to compute the squared loss or the mean
                squared loss. Default is True, the mean squared loss.
        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self.k = np.maximum(0.0, check_arrays(k, flatten=True))

        self.penalty_start = max(0, int(penalty_start))
        self.mean = bool(mean)

Пример #5
def l1_max_linear_loss(X, y, mean=True):
    """Estimate class weights for unbalanced datasets.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Array of input data;

    y : array-like, shape (n_samples, 1)
        Target values

    mean : Boolean. Whether to compute the squared loss or the mean squared
            loss. Default is True, the mean squared loss.

    l1_max : scalar
        Maximum l1 pentlty to avoid null solution

    X, y = check_arrays(X, y)
    n = float(X.shape[0])
    scale = 1.0 / n if mean else 1.
    l1_max = scale * np.abs(np.dot(X.T, y)).max()
    return 0.95 * l1_max
Пример #6
def transform(X, V):
    """ Project a (new) dataset onto the components.
    Return the projected data and the associated d.
    We have to recompute U and d because the argument may not have the same
    number of lines.
    The argument must have the same number of columns than the datset used
    to fit the estimator.

    Xk = check_arrays(X)
    Xk = Xk.copy()
    n, p = Xk.shape
    if p != V.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("The argument must have the same number of "
                         "columns than the datset used to fit the "
    U = np.zeros((n, V.shape[1]))
    d = np.zeros((V.shape[1], ))
    for k in range(V.shape[1]):
        # Project on component j
        vk = V[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
        uk = np.dot(X, vk)
        uk /= np.linalg.norm(uk)
        U[:, k] = uk[:, 0]
        dk = compute_d(X, uk, vk)
        d[k] = dk
        # Residualize
        Xk -= dk * np.dot(uk, vk.T)
    return U, d
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, X, y, output_nodes, loss,
                 step_size=step_sizes.ConstantStepSize(0.01), weights=None):

        X, y = check_arrays(X, y)

        self.X = X
        self.y = y
        self._input = InputLayer(num_nodes=X.shape[1])
        self._layers = []

        if self._all_nodes_equal(output_nodes, SoftmaxNode) \
                and isinstance(loss, CategoricalCrossEntropyLoss):

            self._output = SoftmaxCategoricalCrossEntropyOutputLayer(loss,
            self._output = OutputLayer(loss,

        loss.set_target(y.T)  # Note: The network outputs column vectors

        self._step_size = step_size

Пример #8
 def l1_max(cls, X):
     """Return the maximal value for l1 parameter for a given data matrix
     X = check_arrays(X)
     s = np.sqrt((X**2).sum(axis=0))
     #s_old = np.asarray([np.linalg.norm(X[:, i]) for i in range(X.shape[1])])
     #assert np.allclose(s, s_old)
     l1_max = np.max(s) / X.shape[0]
     return l1_max
Пример #9
    def _vector(self, x1, x2):

        x1, x2 = check_arrays(x1, x2)

        val = np.dot(x1.T, x2)

        if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
            val = val[0, 0]

        return val
Пример #10
    def _vector(self, x1, x2):

        x1, x2 = check_arrays(x1, x2)

        val = np.dot(x1.T, x2)

        if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
            val = val[0, 0]

        return val
Пример #11
def wilcoxon_test(x, Y, zero_method="zsplit", correction=False):
    """Performs the Wilcoxon signed rank test for comparing one classifier
    to several other classifiers.

    It tests the null hypothesis that two related paired samples comes from the
    same distribution. It is a non-parametric version of the paired t-test.

    x : numpy array of shape (n, 1)
        The measurements for a single classifier.

    Y : numpy array of shape (n, k)
        The measurements for k other classifiers.

    zero_method : string, {"pratt", "wilcox", "zsplit"}, optional
        How to treat zero-differences in the ranking. Default is "zsplit",
        splitting the zero-ranks between the positive and negative ranks.
        See scipy.stats.wilcoxon for more details.

    correction : bool, optional
        Whether or not to apply continuity correction by adjusting the rank
        statistic by 0.5 towards the mean. Default is False.

    statistics : list of float
        The sum of the ranks of the differences, for each of the k classifiers.

    p_values : list of float
        The two-sided p-values for the tests.
    x, Y = check_arrays(x, Y)

    if zero_method not in ["pratt", "wilcox", "zsplit"]:
        raise ValueError('zero_method must be in ["pratt", "wilcox", '

    correction = bool(correction)

    [n, k] = Y.shape

    statistics = [0] * k
    p_values = [0] * k
    for i in range(k):
        statistics[i], p_values[i] = stat.wilcoxon(x,
                                                   Y[:, i],

    return statistics, p_values
Пример #12
def wilcoxon_test(x, Y, zero_method="zsplit", correction=False):
    """Performs the Wilcoxon signed rank test for comparing one classifier
    to several other classifiers.

    It tests the null hypothesis that two related paired samples comes from the
    same distribution. It is a non-parametric version of the paired t-test.

    x : numpy array of shape (n, 1)
        The measurements for a single classifier.

    Y : numpy array of shape (n, k)
        The measurements for k other classifiers.

    zero_method : string, {"pratt", "wilcox", "zsplit"}, optional
        How to treat zero-differences in the ranking. Default is "zsplit",
        splitting the zero-ranks between the positive and negative ranks.
        See scipy.stats.wilcoxon for more details.

    correction : bool, optional
        Whether or not to apply continuity correction by adjusting the rank
        statistic by 0.5 towards the mean. Default is False.

    statistics : list of float
        The sum of the ranks of the differences, for each of the k classifiers.

    p_values : list of float
        The two-sided p-values for the tests.
    x, Y = check_arrays(x, Y)

    if zero_method not in ["pratt", "wilcox", "zsplit"]:
        raise ValueError('zero_method must be in ["pratt", "wilcox", '

    correction = bool(correction)

    [n, k] = Y.shape

    statistics = [0] * k
    p_values = [0] * k
    for i in range(k):
        statistics[i], p_values[i] = stat.wilcoxon(x, Y[:, i],

    return statistics, p_values
Пример #13
def l1_max_logistic_loss(X, y, mean=True, class_weight=None):
    """Estimate class weights for unbalanced datasets.

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Array of input data;

    y : array-like, shape (n_samples, 1)
        Array of class labels in {0, 1};

    mean : Boolean. Whether to compute the squared loss or the mean squared
            loss. Default is True, the mean squared loss.

    class_weight : Dict, 'auto' or None. If 'auto', class weights will be
            given inverse proportional to the frequency of the class in
            the data. If a dictionary is given, keys are classes and values
            are corresponding class weights. If None is given, the class
            weights will be uniform.

    l1_max : scalar
        Maximum l1 pentlty to avoid null solution

    X, y = check_arrays(X, check_labels(y))
    sample_weight = class_weight_to_sample_weight(class_weight, y)
    y, sample_weight = check_arrays(y, sample_weight)

    n = float(X.shape[0])
    scale = 1.0 / n if mean else 1.
    l1_max = scale * np.abs(np.dot(X.T, sample_weight * (y - 0.5))).max()
    return 0.95 * l1_max
Пример #14
def predict(X, V):
    """ Return the approximated matrix for a given matrix.
    We have to recompute U and d because the argument may not have the same
    number of lines.
    The argument must have the same number of columns than the datset used
    to fit the estimator.
    Xk = check_arrays(X)
    n, p = Xk.shape
    if p != V.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError("The argument must have the same number of "
                         "columns than the datset used to fit the "
    Ut, dt = transform(Xk, V)
    Xt = np.zeros(Xk.shape)
    for k in range(V.shape[1]):
        vk = V[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
        uk = Ut[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
        Xt += compute_rank1_approx(dt[k], uk, vk)
    return Xt
Пример #15
 def predict(self, X, n_components=None):
     """ Return the approximated matrix for a given matrix.
     We have to recompute U and d because the argument may not have the same
     number of lines.
     The argument must have the same number of columns than the datset used
     to fit the estimator.
     if n_components is None:
         n_components = self.n_components
     Xk = check_arrays(X)
     n, p = Xk.shape
     if p != self.V.shape[0]:
         raise ValueError("The argument must have the same number of "
                          "columns than the datset used to fit the "
     Ut, dt = self.transform(Xk, n_components=n_components)
     Xt = np.zeros(Xk.shape)
     for k in range(n_components):
         vk = self.V[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
         uk = Ut[:, k].reshape(-1, 1)
         Xt += self.compute_rank1_approx(dt[k], uk, vk)
     return Xt
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, l, A=None, mu=consts.TOLERANCE, penalty_start=0):
        l : Non-negative float. The Lagrange multiplier, or regularisation
                constant, of the function.

        A : A (usually sparse) array. The linear operator for the Nesterov
                formulation. May not be None!

        mu: Non-negative float. The regularisation constant for the smoothing.

        penalty_start : Non-negative integer. The number of columns, variables
                etc., to except from penalisation. Equivalently, the first
                index to be penalised. Default is 0, all columns are included.
        self.l = np.maximum(0.0, check_arrays(l, flatten=True))
        if A is None:
            raise ValueError("The linear operator A must not be None.")
        self._A = A
        self.mu = np.asarray(np.maximum(0.0, np.asarray(mu, dtype=float)))
        self.penalty_start = max(0, int(penalty_start))

        self._alpha = None
Пример #17
    def run(self, X, y, alpha=None):
        """Find the best separating margin for the samples in X.

        X : ndarray
            The matrix with samples to separate.

        y : array_like
            The class belongings for the samples in X. Values must be -1
            or 1.

        alpha : numpy array
            A start vector for the lagrange multipliers. Default is to use a
            zero vector.
        X, y = check_arrays(X, check_array_in(y, [-1, 1]))

        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            _t = utils.time()

        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self._f = []

        n, p = X.shape

        # Set up error cache
        self._E = np.zeros(n)
        self._Evalid = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool)

        # Bias (intercept/threshold)
        self.bias = 0.0
        # Lagrange multipliers
        if alpha is None:
            self.alpha = np.zeros((n, 1))
            self.alpha = alpha

        numChanged = 0
        examineAll = True
        while numChanged > 0 or examineAll:
            numChanged = 0
            if examineAll:
                for i in range(n):
                    numChanged += self._examineSample(i, X, y)
                for i in range(n):
                    if self.alpha[i, 0] > 0.0 and self.alpha[i, 0] < self.C:
                        numChanged += self._examineSample(i, X, y)

            if examineAll:
                examineAll = False
            elif numChanged == 0:
                examineAll = True

        if self.info_requested(Info.time):
            self.info_set(Info.time, utils.time() - _t)
        if self.info_requested(Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(Info.func_val, self._f)
            del self._f  # Remove for future runs
        if self.info_requested(Info.ok):
            self.info_set(Info.ok, True)

        return self._compute_w(X, y)
Пример #18
    def fit(self, X, in_place=False):
        """Fit the estimator to the data
        X = check_arrays(X)

        l1_max = self.l1_max(X)
        if self.l1 >= l1_max:
            msg_fmt = "l1 ({l1}) is larger than l1_max ({l1_max})."
            msg = msg_fmt.format(l1=self.l1, l1_max=l1_max)
            if self.raise_if_l1_too_large:
                raise ValueError(msg)
                msg += "Solution will be 0."

        if not in_place:
            X = X.copy()
        n, p = X.shape
        self.U = np.empty([n, self.n_components])
        self.d = np.empty([self.n_components])
        self.V = np.empty([p, self.n_components])
        self.info = []
        self.crit = []
        self.subfunc = []
        self.func = []
        self.v_func = []
        self.converged = []

        for j in range(self.n_components):
            if self.verbose:
                print('Component', j)
            _converged = False
            _stopped = False
            k = 0
            v_new = self.start_vector.get_vector(p)
            v_new = v_new / np.linalg.norm(v_new)
            _info = []
            _crit = []
            _subfunc = []
            # Real objective function (only if criteria == "Frobenius")
            _func = []
            # Objective function for fixed u problem
            _v_func = []
            while (not _converged) and (not _stopped):
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Iteration', k)
                # Save previous iteration results
                k = k + 1
                v_old = np.copy(v_new)
                if k >= 2:
                    u_old = np.copy(u_new)

                # Minimize u for v fixed (explicit formula)
                u_new = np.dot(X, v_old)
                u_new_norm = np.linalg.norm(u_new)
                if u_new_norm != 0:
                    u_new /= u_new_norm

                # Minimize v for u fixed
                info_conf = [Info.fvalue, Info.num_iter]
                function = RightSingularL1L2SmoothedTV_CONESTA(X,
                algorithm = proximal.CONESTA(eps=self.inner_eps,
                v_new = algorithm.run(function, v_old)
                info = algorithm.info_get()
                if self.verbose:
                    #print("Inner FISTA iterations:", algorithm.num_iter)
                    print("Inner calls to FISTA:", info[Info.num_iter])

                if self.criterion == "frobenius":
                    # Compute the normalized Frobenius norm of the
                    # approximation error.
                    # X is the deflated matrix so this is the distance
                    # explained by the current component
                    d_tmp = self.compute_d(X, u_new, v_new)
                    #                    X_approx = d * np.dot(u_new, v_new.T)
                    X_approx = self.compute_rank1_approx(d_tmp, u_new, v_new)
                    f = np.linalg.norm(X - X_approx, ord='fro') / (2 * n)
                    del X_approx

                # To stop or not to stop
                if k >= self.max_iter:
                    _stopped = True
                if k >= 2:
                    # Evaluate stopping criteria
                    if self.criterion == "uv":
                        old = np.vstack((u_old, v_old))
                        new = np.vstack((u_new, v_new))
                        crit = np.linalg.norm(new - old)
                    if self.criterion == "frobenius":
                        crit = np.abs((_func[-1] - _func[-2]) / _func[-1])
                    if self.criterion == "v":
                        crit = np.abs(
                            (_v_func[-1] - _v_func[-2]) / _v_func[-1])
                    if crit < self.eps:
                        _converged = True

            # Store informations for this component

            d_new = self.compute_d(X, u_new, v_new)
            X = X - self.compute_rank1_approx(d_new, u_new, v_new)

            self.U[:, j] = u_new[:, 0]
            self.d[j] = d_new
            self.V[:, j] = v_new[:, 0]

        return self
Пример #19
    def run(self, g, x):
        """Find the best separating margin for the samples in X.

        g : MajoriserFunction
            The function that majorises self.function.

        x : array_like
            The point at which to start the minimisation process.
        x = check_arrays(x)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = []
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            _f = []
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, False)

        xnew = xold = x
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
                tm = utils.time()

            xold = xnew
            if isinstance(g, properties.MajoriserFunction):
                maj_f = g(self.function, xold)
                maj_f = g
            xnew = self.algorithm.run(maj_f, xold)

            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
                _t.append(utils.time() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):

            if self.callback is not None:

            if i >= self.min_iter and np.linalg.norm(xnew - xold) < self.eps:

                if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


        self.num_iter = i

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.num_iter, self.num_iter)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return xnew
Пример #20
    def run(self, X, y, alpha=None):
        """Find the best separating margin for the samples in X.

        X : ndarray
            The matrix with samples to separate.

        y : array_like
            The class belongings for the samples in X. Values must be -1
            or 1.

        alpha : numpy array
            A start vector for the lagrange multipliers. Default is to use a
            zero vector.
        X, y = check_arrays(X, check_array_in(y, [-1, 1]))

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = time()

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            self._f = []

        n, p = X.shape

        # Set up error cache
        self._E = np.zeros(n)
        self._Evalid = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool)

        # Bias (intercept/threshold)
        self.bias = 0.0
        # Lagrange multipliers
        if alpha is None:
            self.alpha = np.zeros((n, 1))
            self.alpha = alpha

        numChanged = 0
        examineAll = True
        while numChanged > 0 or examineAll:
            numChanged = 0
            if examineAll:
                for i in xrange(n):
                    numChanged += self._examineSample(i, X, y)
                for i in xrange(n):
                    if self.alpha[i, 0] > 0.0 and self.alpha[i, 0] < self.C:
                        numChanged += self._examineSample(i, X, y)

            if examineAll:
                examineAll = False
            elif numChanged == 0:
                examineAll = True

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, time() - _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, self._f)
            del self._f  # Remove for future runs
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return self._compute_w(X, y)
Пример #21
    def run(self, g, x):
        """Find the best separating margin for the samples in X.

        g : MajoriserFunction
            The function that majorises self.function.

        x : array_like
            The point at which to start the minimisation process.
        x = check_arrays(x)

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, False)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            _t = []
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            _f = []
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, False)

        xnew = xold = x
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):

            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
                tm = utils.time()

            xold = xnew
            if isinstance(g, properties.MajoriserFunction):
                maj_f = g(self.function, xold)
                maj_f = g
            xnew = self.algorithm.run(maj_f, xold)

            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
                _t.append(utils.time() - tm)
            if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):

            if self.callback is not None:

            if i >= self.min_iter and np.linalg.norm(xnew - xold) < self.eps:

                if self.info_requested(utils.Info.converged):
                    self.info_set(utils.Info.converged, True)


        self.num_iter = i

        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.num_iter):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.num_iter, self.num_iter)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.time):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.time, _t)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.func_val):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.func_val, _f)
        if self.info_requested(utils.Info.ok):
            self.info_set(utils.Info.ok, True)

        return xnew