Пример #1
def test_examples_tensor_polar():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for polar grids"""
    grid = PolarSymGrid(1, 32)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3"] * 2] * 2)

    # tensor divergence
    res = tf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"normal_value": [1, 1]}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["3 * r**2", "5 * r**2"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    res = tf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": np.ones((2, 2))}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["3 * r**2", "5 * r**2"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #2
def test_examples_vector_sph():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for spherical grids"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)

    # divergence
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", 0, "r**2"])
    res = vf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "5 * r**2")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", 0, 0])
    res = vf.gradient([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": [1, 1, 1]}])
    expr = [["3 * r**2", 0, 0], [0, "r**2", 0], [0, 0, "r**2"]]
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #3
def test_examples_scalar_polar():
    """compare derivatives of scalar fields for polar grids"""
    grid = PolarSymGrid(1, 32)
    sf = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "r**3")

    # gradient
    res = sf.gradient([{"derivative": 0}, {"derivative": 3}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["3 * r**2", 0])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # gradient squared
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "9 * r**4")
    for c in [True, False]:
        res = sf.gradient_squared([{
            "derivative": 0
        }, {
            "derivative": 3
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # laplace
    res = sf.laplace([{"derivative": 0}, {"derivative": 3}])
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "9 * r")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #4
def test_examples_scalar_cyl():
    """compare derivatives of scalar fields for cylindrical grids"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32)
    expr = "r**3 * sin(z)"
    sf = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, expr)
    bcs = [[{
        "derivative": 0
    }, {
        "value": expr
    }], [{
        "value": expr
    }, {
        "value": expr

    # gradient - The coordinates are ordered as (r, z, φ) in py-pde
    res = sf.gradient(bcs)
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(
        grid, ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", 0])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # gradient squared
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(
        grid, "r**6 * cos(z)**2 + 9 * r**4 * sin(z)**2")
    res = sf.gradient_squared(bcs, central=True)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # laplace
    bcs[0][1] = {
        "curvature": "6 * sin(z)"
    }  # adjust BC to fit laplacian better
    res = sf.laplace(bcs)
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid,
                                         "9 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #5
def test_examples_tensor_sph():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for spherical grids"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3"] * 3] * 3)
    tfd = tf.data
    tfd[0, 1] = tfd[1, 1] = tfd[1, 2] = tfd[2, 1] = tfd[2, 2] = 0

    # tensor divergence
    res = tf.divergence([{"derivative_normal": 0}, {"value_normal": [1, 1, 1]}])
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["5 * r**2", "5 * r**2", "6 * r**2"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #6
def test_tensor_sph_symmetry():
    """test treatment of symmetric tensor field"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 16)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**2", 0, 0])
    vf_grad = vf.gradient({"derivative": 2})
    strain = vf_grad + vf_grad.transpose()

    bcs = [{"value": 0}, {"normal_derivative": [4, 0, 0]}]
    strain_div = strain.divergence(bcs, safe=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strain_div.data[0], 8)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strain_div.data[1:], 0)
Пример #7
def test_examples_vector_cyl():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for cylindrical grids"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32)
    e_r = "r**3 * sin(z)"
    e_φ = "r**2 * sin(z)"
    e_z = "r**4 * cos(z)"
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, [e_r, e_z, e_φ])
    bc_r = ({"derivative_normal": 0}, {"value_normal": "r**3 * sin(z)"})
    bc_z = {"curvature_normal": "-r**4 * cos(z)"}
    bcs = [bc_r, bc_z]

    # divergence
    res = vf.divergence(bcs)
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid,
                                         "4 * r**2 * sin(z) - r**4 * sin(z)")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector Laplacian
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32, periodic_z=True)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3 * sin(z)"] * 3)
    val_r_outer = np.broadcast_to(6 * np.sin(grid.axes_coords[1]), (3, 32))
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = vf.laplace(bcs)
    expr = [
        "8 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
        "9 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
        "8 * r * sin(z) - r**3 * sin(z)",
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = vf.gradient(bcs)
    expr = [
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", "-r**2 * sin(z)"],
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", 0],
        ["3 * r**2 * sin(z)", "r**3 * cos(z)", "r**2 * sin(z)"],
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #8
def test_divergence_field_cyl():
    """test the divergence operator"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(2 * np.pi, [0, 2 * np.pi], [16, 32], periodic_z=True)
    v = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["cos(r) + sin(z)**2", "z * cos(r)**2", 0])
    s = v.divergence(bc="natural")
    assert s.data.shape == grid.shape
    res = ScalarField.from_expression(
        grid, "cos(r)**2 - sin(r) + (cos(r) + sin(z)**2) / r"
        s.data[1:-1, 1:-1], res.data[1:-1, 1:-1], rtol=0.1, atol=0.1
Пример #9
def test_vector_boundary_conditions():
    """test some boundary conditions of operators of vector fields"""
    grid = CartesianGrid([[0, 2 * np.pi], [0, 1]], 32, periodic=[False, True])
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["sin(x)", "0"])

    bc_x = [{"derivative": [-1, 0]}, {"derivative": [1, 0]}]
    tf = vf.gradient(bc=[bc_x, "periodic"])

    res = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "cos(x)")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf[0, 0].data, res.data, atol=0.01, rtol=0.01)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf[0, 1].data, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf[1, 0].data, 0)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(tf[1, 1].data, 0)
Пример #10
def test_vector_bcs():
    """test boundary conditions on vector fields"""
    grid = UnitGrid([3, 3], periodic=False)
    v = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["x", "cos(y)"])

    bc_x = {"value": [0, 1]}
    bc_y = {"value": [2, 3]}
    bcs = [bc_x, bc_y]

    s1 = v.divergence(bcs, backend="scipy").data
    div = grid.make_operator("divergence", bcs)
    s2 = div(v.data)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(s1, s2)
Пример #11
def test_evaluate_func_vector():
    """test the evaluate function with vector fields"""
    grid = UnitGrid([3])
    field = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "x")
    vec = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["x"])

    res = evaluate("inner(v, v)", {"v": vec})
    assert isinstance(res, ScalarField)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res.data, grid.axes_coords[0] ** 2)

    res = evaluate("outer(v, v)", {"v": vec})
    assert isinstance(res, Tensor2Field)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res.data, [[grid.axes_coords[0] ** 2]])

    assert isinstance(evaluate("gradient(a)", {"a": field}), VectorField)
Пример #12
def test_from_expressions():
    """test initializing vector fields with expressions"""
    grid = UnitGrid([4, 4])
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["x**2", "x * y"])
    xs = grid.cell_coords[..., 0]
    ys = grid.cell_coords[..., 1]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vf.data[0], xs**2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vf.data[1], xs * ys)

    # corner case
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["1", "x * y"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vf.data[0], 1)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, [1, "x * y"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vf.data[0], 1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        VectorField.from_expression(grid, "xy")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["xy"])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["x"] * 3)
Пример #13
def test_examples_tensor_sph(conservative):
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for spherical grids"""
    # test explicit expression for which we know the results
    grid = SphericalSymGrid(1, 32)
    expressions = [["r**4", 0, 0], [0, "r**3", 0], [0, 0, "r**3"]]
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expressions)

    # tensor divergence
    bc = [{"derivative": 0}, {"normal_derivative": [4, 3, 3]}]
    res = tf.divergence(bc, conservative=conservative)
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid,
                                         ["2 * r**2 * (3 * r - 1)", 0, 0])
    if conservative:
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data[:, 1:-1],
                                   expect.data[:, 1:-1],
Пример #14
def test_examples_tensor_cyl():
    """compare derivatives of tensorial fields for cylindrical grids"""
    grid = CylindricalSymGrid(1, [0, 2 * np.pi], 32, periodic_z=True)
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, [["r**3 * sin(z)"] * 3] * 3)

    # tensor divergence
    rs, zs = grid.axes_coords
    val_r_outer = np.broadcast_to(6 * rs * np.sin(zs), (3, 32))
    bcs = [({"derivative": 0}, {"curvature": val_r_outer}), "periodic"]
    res = tf.divergence(bcs)
    expect = VectorField.from_expression(
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 3 * sin(z))",
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 4 * sin(z))",
            "r**2 * (r * cos(z) + 5 * sin(z))",
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #15
def test_examples_vector_polar():
    """compare derivatives of vector fields for polar grids"""
    grid = PolarSymGrid(1, 32)
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["r**3", "r**2"])

    # divergence
    res = vf.divergence([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    expect = ScalarField.from_expression(grid, "4 * r**2")
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # # vector Laplacian
    # res = vf.laplace([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": 1}])
    # expect = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["8 * r", "3"])
    # np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)

    # vector gradient
    res = vf.gradient([{"derivative": 0}, {"value": [1, 1]}])
    expr = [["3 * r**2", "-r"], ["2 * r", "r**2"]]
    expect = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expr)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res.data, expect.data, rtol=0.1, atol=0.1)
Пример #16
def test_conservative_sph():
    """test whether the integral over a divergence vanishes"""
    grid = SphericalSymGrid((0, 2), 50)
    expr = "1 / cosh((r - 1) * 10)"

    # test divergence of vector field
    vf = VectorField.from_expression(grid, [expr, 0, 0])
    div = vf.divergence(bc="derivative", conservative=True)
    assert div.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-2)

    # test laplacian of scalar field
    lap = vf[0].laplace("derivative")
    assert lap.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-13)

    # test double divergence of tensor field
    expressions = [[expr, 0, 0], [0, expr, 0], [0, 0, expr]]
    tf = Tensor2Field.from_expression(grid, expressions)
    res = tf._apply_operator("tensor_double_divergence",
    assert res.integral == pytest.approx(0, abs=1e-3)
Пример #17
Plotting a vector field

This example shows how to initialize and visualize the vector field 
:math:`\boldsymbol u = \bigl(\sin(x), \cos(x)\bigr)`.

from pde import CartesianGrid, VectorField

grid = CartesianGrid([[-2, 2], [-2, 2]], 32)
field = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ['sin(x)', 'cos(x)'])
field.plot(method='streamplot', title='Stream plot')
Пример #18
Plotting a vector field

This example shows how to initialize and visualize the vector field 
:math:`\boldsymbol u = \bigl(\sin(x), \cos(x)\bigr)`.

from pde import CartesianGrid, VectorField

grid = CartesianGrid([[-2, 2], [-2, 2]], 32)
field = VectorField.from_expression(grid, ["sin(x)", "cos(x)"])
field.plot(method="streamplot", title="Stream plot")