Пример #1
    def testProperties(self):
        """Tests the properties."""
        pid = os.getpid()
        process_information = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)

Пример #2
    def testGetMemoryInformation(self):
        """Tests the GetMemoryInformation function."""
        pid = os.getpid()
        process_information = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)

        memory_information = process_information.GetMemoryInformation()
        self.assertNotEqual(memory_information, None)
Пример #3
  def MonitorWorker(self, label=None, pid=None, name=None):
    """Starts monitoring a worker by adding it to the monitor list.

    This function requires either a label to be set or a PID and a process
    name. If the label is empty or if both a PID and a name is not provided
    the function does nothing, as in no process is added to the list of
    workers to monitor (and no indication).

      label: A process label (instance of PROCESS_LABEL), if not provided
             then a pid and a name is required. Defaults to None (if None
             then both a pid and name have to be provided).
      pid: The process ID (PID) of the worker that should be added to the
           monitor list. This is only required if label is not provided.
           Defaults to None. This is only used if label is set to None, in
           which case it has to be set.
      name: The name of the worker process, only required if label is not
            provided. Defaults to None, only used if label is set to None,
            in which case it has to be set.
    if label is None:
      if pid is None or name is None:
      label = self.PROCESS_LABEL(name, pid, process_info.ProcessInfo(pid=pid))

    if not label:

    if label not in self._process_labels:
Пример #4
  def TerminateProcess(self, label=None, pid=None, name=None):
    """Terminate a process, even if it is not in the watch list.

      label: A process label (instance of PROCESS_LABEL), if not provided
             then a pid and a name is required. It defaults to None, in which
             case you need to provide a pid and/or a name.
      pid: The process ID (PID) of the worker. This is only required if label
           is not provided and defaults to None.
      name: The name of the worker process, only required if label is not
            provided and defaults to None.
    if label is not None:

    if pid is not None:
      for process_label in self._process_labels:
        if process_label.pid == pid:

    if name is not None:
      for process_label in self._process_labels:
        if process_label.label == name:

    # If we reach here the process is not in our watch list.
    if pid is not None and name is not None:
      process_label = self.PROCESS_LABEL(
          name, pid, process_info.ProcessInfo(pid=pid))
Пример #5
  def StopMonitoringWorker(self, label=None, pid=None, name=None):
    """Stop monitoring a particular worker and remove it from monitor list.

    The purpose of this function is to remove a worker from the list of
    monitored workers. In order to do that the function requires either a
    label or a pid and a name.

      label: A process label (instance of PROCESS_LABEL). Defaults to None, and
             so then a pid and name are required.
      pid: The process ID (PID) of the worker that should no longer be
           monitored. This is only required if label is not provided and
           defaults to None.
      name: The name of the worker process, defaults to None and is only
            required if label is not set.
    if label is None:
      if pid is None or name is None:
      label = self.PROCESS_LABEL(name, pid, process_info.ProcessInfo(pid=pid))

    if label not in self._process_labels:

    index = self._process_labels.index(label)
    del self._process_labels[index]
        u'{0:s} [{1:d}] has been removed from foreman monitoring.'.format(
            label.label, label.pid))
Пример #6
    def testProperties(self):
        """Tests the properties."""
        pid = os.getpid()
        process_info_object = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)

        self.assertEqual(process_info_object.pid, pid)


        # The following values will vary per platform and how the test is invoked.
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.command_line, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.cpu_percent, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.cpu_times, None)
        # Testing on OSX fails because get_io_counters from psutils is not
        # available on that platform.
        # Ref: https://github.com/log2timeline/plaso/issues/175
        # self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.io_counters, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.memory_map, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.name, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.number_of_threads, 0)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.open_files, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.parent, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(process_info_object.start_time, None)

        for _ in process_info_object.children:
Пример #7
  def __init__(self, show_memory_usage=False):
    """Initialize the foreman process.

      show_memory_usage: Optional boolean value to indicate memory information
                         should be included in logging. The default is false.
    super(Foreman, self).__init__()
    self._last_status_dict = {}
    self._process_information = process_info.ProcessInfo()
    self._process_labels = []
    self._processing_done = False
    self._show_memory_usage = show_memory_usage
Пример #8
    def MonitorWorker(self, label=None, pid=None, name=None):
        """Starts monitoring a worker by adding it to the monitor list.

    This function requires either a label to be set or a PID and a process
    name. If the label is empty or if both a PID and a name is not provided
    the function does nothing, as in no process is added to the list of
    workers to monitor (and no indication).

      label: A process label (instance of PROCESS_LABEL), if not provided
             then a pid and a name is required. Defaults to None (if None
             then both a pid and name have to be provided).
      pid: The process ID (PID) of the worker that should be added to the
           monitor list. This is only required if label is not provided.
           Defaults to None. This is only used if label is set to None, in
           which case it has to be set.
      name: The name of the worker process, only required if label is not
            provided. Defaults to None, only used if label is set to None,
            in which case it has to be set.

      IOError: if the RPC client cannot connect to the server.
      RuntimeError: if the RPC client is already set for a certain PID.
        if label is None:
            if pid is None or name is None:

            if pid in self._rpc_clients_per_pid:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    u'RPC client (PID: {0:d}) already exists'.format(pid))

            rpc_client = xmlrpc.XMLProcessStatusRPCClient()

            hostname = u'localhost'
            port = rpc.GetProxyPortNumberFromPID(pid)
            if not rpc_client.Open(hostname, port):
                raise IOError(
                    (u'RPC client (PID: {0:d}) unable to connect to server: '
                     u'{1:s}:{2:d}').format(pid, hostname, port))

            self._rpc_clients_per_pid[pid] = rpc_client

            process_information = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)
            label = self.PROCESS_LABEL(name, pid, process_information)

        if label.pid not in self._monitored_process_labels:
            if label.pid in self._completed_process_labels:
                del self._completed_process_labels[label.pid]
            self._monitored_process_labels[label.pid] = label
Пример #9
    def _StartMonitoringProcess(self, pid):
        """Starts monitoring a process.

      pid (int): process identifier (PID).

      KeyError: if the process is not registered with the engine or
                if the process if the processed is already being monitored.
      IOError: if the RPC client cannot connect to the server.

        if pid in self._process_information_per_pid:
            raise KeyError(
                u'Process (PID: {0:d}) already in monitoring list.'.format(

        if pid in self._rpc_clients_per_pid:
            raise KeyError(
                u'RPC client (PID: {0:d}) already exists'.format(pid))

        process = self._processes_per_pid[pid]
        rpc_client = plaso_xmlrpc.XMLProcessStatusRPCClient()

        # Make sure that a process has started its RPC server. RPC port will
        # be 0 if no server is available.
        rpc_port = process.rpc_port.value
        time_waited_for_process = 0.0
        while not rpc_port:
            rpc_port = process.rpc_port.value
            time_waited_for_process += 0.1

            if time_waited_for_process >= self._RPC_SERVER_TIMEOUT:
                raise IOError(
                    u'RPC client unable to determine server (PID: {0:d}) port.'

        hostname = u'localhost'

        if not rpc_client.Open(hostname, rpc_port):
            raise IOError(
                (u'RPC client unable to connect to server (PID: {0:d}) '
                 u'http://{1:s}:{2:d}').format(pid, hostname, rpc_port))

        self._rpc_clients_per_pid[pid] = rpc_client
        self._process_information_per_pid[pid] = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)
Пример #10
 def testInitialization(self):
     """Tests the initialization."""
     pid = os.getpid()
     process_information = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)
     self.assertNotEqual(process_information, None)
Пример #11
    def testIsAlive(self):
        """Tests the IsAlive function."""
        pid = os.getpid()
        process_info_object = process_info.ProcessInfo(pid)
