Пример #1
def gen_overprivileged_instance_profile_findings(
        graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from EC2 instances being loaded with overprivileged instance profiles."""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.is_admin and len(
                node.instance_profile) > 0:

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, EC2 instances can be given an instance profile. These instance profiles ' \
                               'are associated with an IAM Role, and grants access to the permissions of the IAM ' \
                               'Role. Because EC2 instances are at a higher risk of exposure and compromise, both ' \
                               'to external attackers and authorized users in the AWS account, they should not have ' \
                               'access to administrative privileges. The following IAM Roles have administrative ' \
                               'permissions and are associated with an instance profile:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

                'Instance {} Administrator Privileges'.format(
                    'Profiles Have'
                    if len(affected_roles) > 1 else 'Profile Has'), 'High',
                'If an instance with the noted instance profile(s) is compromised, then the AWS account as a whole is at '
                'risk of compromise.', description_preamble + description_body,
                'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted instance profile(s).'

    return result
Пример #2
def gen_overprivileged_function_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from Lambda functions being loaded with overprivileged roles"""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.is_admin:
            if query_interface.resource_policy_authorization('lambda.amazonaws.com', arns.get_account_id(node.arn),
                                                             node.trust_policy, 'sts:AssumeRole', node.arn, {})\
                    == query_interface.ResourcePolicyEvalResult.SERVICE_MATCH:

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, Lambda functions can be assigned an IAM Role to use during execution. These ' \
                               'IAM Roles give the function access to call the AWS API with the permissions of the ' \
                               'IAM Role, depending on the policies attached to it. If the Lambda function can be ' \
                               'compromised, and the attacker can alter the code it executes, the attacker could ' \
                               'make AWS API calls with the IAM Role\'s permissions. The following IAM Roles have ' \
                               'administrative privileges, and can be passed to Lambda functions:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

            'IAM Roles Available to Lambda Functions Have Administrative Privileges' if len(affected_roles) > 1 else
            'IAM Role Available to Lambda Functions Has Administrative Privileges',
            'If an attacker can inject code or commands into the function, or if a lower-privileged principal can '
            'alter the function, the AWS account as a whole could be compromised.',
            description_preamble + description_body,
            'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted IAM Role(s).'

    return result
Пример #3
def gen_os_lpe_finding(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk of SSM permissions being misconfigured (local priv-esc on the host)"""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.instance_profile is not None and len(
                node.instance_profile) > 0:
            # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/systems-manager-setting-up-messageAPIs.html
            if query_interface.local_check_authorization(
                    node, 'ssmmessages:*', '*', {}):
                if query_interface.local_check_authorization(
                        node, 'ssm:SendCommand', '*', {}):
                elif query_interface.local_check_authorization(
                        node, 'ssm:StartSession', '*', {}):

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS EC2, instances can be assigned instance profiles. An instance profile is tied ' \
                               'to a single IAM Role. The instance profile can be used to access the AWS API with ' \
                               'the permissions of the IAM Role. If the IAM Role has permission to call certain SSM ' \
                               'actions such as `ssm:SendCommand` or `ssm:StartSession`, the instance profile ' \
                               'can be used to invoke commands on other instances or itself.' \
                               '\n' \
                               '\n' \
                               'Because the SSM Agent runs with the highest permissions on their hosts ' \
                               '(root or SYSTEM), this can be a way for attackers to pivot and compromise other ' \
                               'instances, or escalate privileges on the local machine. The following IAM Roles ' \
                               'are attached to at least one instance profile and have permissions with the ' \
                               'aforementioned risk:' \
                               '\n' \

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

                'IAM Roles With Unsafe SSM Permissions'
                if len(affected_roles) > 1 else
                'IAM Role With Unsafe SSM Permissions', 'Medium',
                'If an attacker gains access to an instance with the unsafe permissions, they could escalate privileges '
                'on its current host or compromise other hosts.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted IAM Role(s).'

    return result
Пример #4
def gen_circular_access_finding(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to the risk of a set of nodes that can circularly access each other.
    Admins excluded."""

    result = []
    cycles = []

    for node in graph.nodes:
        if node.is_admin:

        cycle_result = _find_cycle(graph, node)
        if cycle_result is not None:

    if len(cycles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, an IAM Principal with a specific set of permissions can gain access ' \
                               'to another principal, such as when an IAM User has permission to call ' \
                               '`sts:AssumeRole` for an IAM Role. Principal Mapper tracks these connections as ' \
                               'Nodes (a.k.a. Vertices) and Edges in a Graph.' \
                               '\n' \
                               '\n' \
                               'However, there may be instances where nodes can access each other in a circular ' \
                               'manner. This presents a risk in the account if an attacker gains access to one ' \
                               'of the principals in a cycle. An attacker can abuse that access to pivot between ' \
                               'each of the principals in a cycle. This can be used to evade detection or ' \
                               'persist access to an AWS account. The following cycles were identified:' \
                               '\n' \

        description_body = ''
        for cycle in cycles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(
                ' -> '.join([x.searchable_name()
                             for x in cycle] + [cycle[0].searchable_name()]))

                'IAM Principals with Circular Access', 'Low',
                'If an attacker gains access to one of the identified principals, they can potentially evade detections '
                'or persist access.', description_preamble + description_body,
                'Break the cycle of access by altering/removing permissions assigned to one of the noted principals.'

    return result
Пример #5
def gen_privesc_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to privilege escalation risks."""
    result = []

    node_path_list = []

    for node in graph.nodes:
        if node.is_admin:
            continue  # skip current admins
        privesc_res, edge_list = can_privesc(graph, node)
        if privesc_res:
            node_path_list.append((node, edge_list))

    if len(node_path_list) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, IAM Principals such as IAM Users or IAM Roles have their permissions defined ' \
                               'using IAM Policies. These policies describe different actions, resources, and ' \
                               'conditions where the principal can make a given API call to a service.\n\n' \
                               'Administrative principals can call any action with any resource, as in the ' \
                               'AdministratorAccess AWS-managed policy. However, some permissions may allow another ' \
                               'non-administrative principal to gain access to an administrative principal. ' \
                               'This represents a privilege escalation risk.\n\n' \
                               'The following principals could escalate privileges:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node, edge_list in node_path_list:
            end_of_list = edge_list[-1].destination
            description_body += '* {} can escalate privileges by accessing the administrative principal {}:\n'.format(
                node.searchable_name(), end_of_list.searchable_name())
            for edge in edge_list:
                description_body += '   * {}\n'.format(edge.describe_edge())
            description_body += '\n'

                'IAM {} Can Escalate Privileges'.format(
                    'Principals' if len(node_path_list) > 1 else 'Principal'),
                'A lower-privilege IAM User or Role is able to gain administrative privileges. This could lead to the '
                'lower-privilege principal being used to compromise the account and its resources.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Review the IAM Policies that are applicable to the affected IAM User(s) or Role(s). Either reduce the '
                'permissions of the administrative principal(s), or reduce the permissions of the principal(s) that can '
                'access the administrative principals.'))

    return result
Пример #6
def gen_mfa_actions_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from IAM Users able to call sensitive actions without needing MFA."""
    result = []
    affected_users = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':user/' in node.arn and node.is_admin and node.access_keys > 0:
            # Check if the given admin user with access keys can call sensitive actions without MFA
            # TODO: Check for other actions in here?
            actions = [
                'iam:CreateUser', 'iam:CreateRole', 'iam:CreateGroup',
                'iam:PutUserPolicy', 'iam:PutRolePolicy', 'iam:PutGroupPolicy',
                'iam:AttachUserPolicy', 'iam:AttachRolePolicy',
                'iam:AttachGroupPolicy', 'sts:AssumeRole'
            if _can_call_without_mfa(node, actions):

    if len(affected_users) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, IAM Users can be configured to use an MFA device. When an IAM User has MFA ' \
                               'enabled, they are required to provide the second factor of authentication when they ' \
                               'log in to the AWS Console. However, unless there is a specific IAM policy attached ' \
                               'to the user, they will not need to provide a second factor of authentication when ' \
                               'making API calls.\n\nThe following administrative IAM Users have at least one set of ' \
                               'access keys, and can call sensitive actions to alter permissions or add users ' \
                               'without using a second factor of authentication:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_users:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

                'Administrative IAM {} Can Call Sensitive Actions Without MFA'.
                format('Users' if len(affected_users) > 1 else 'User'),
                'An adminstrative IAM User is able to call sensitive actions, such as creating more principals or '
                'modifying permissions, without using MFA.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Implement and attach an IAM Policy to the noted user(s) that rejects requests when MFA is not used.'

    return result
Пример #7
def gen_admin_users_without_mfa_finding(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to IAM Users that have administrative privileges in an AWS account but no
    MFA device configured."""

    result = []
    affected_nodes = []

    for node in graph.nodes:
        if node.searchable_name().startswith(
                'user/') and node.is_admin and not node.has_mfa:

    if len(affected_nodes) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, an IAM User can be assigned a device for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). ' \
                               'When an IAM User is assigned an MFA device, they are required to provide an extra ' \
                               'factor of authentication when logging in to the AWS Console. It is also possible to ' \
                               'create IAM Policies that impose extra restrictions on the permissions of IAM Users ' \
                               'depending on whether or not they have authenticated with MFA when using the AWS API. ' \
                               'Any IAM User with administrative privileges should be configured to have an MFA ' \
                               'device. \n\n' \
                               'The following IAM Users with administrative privileges do not have an MFA ' \
                               'device configured:' \
                               '\n' \

        user_list = []
        for node in affected_nodes:
            user_list.append('* {}'.format(node.searchable_name()))
        description_body = '\n'.join(user_list)

                'IAM Users With Administrative Permissions But No MFA Device',
                'If an attacker gains access to any of the noted sensitive IAM Users, there is no secondary layer of '
                'protection in place to prevent the AWS from being compromised.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Assign an MFA device to each of the noted IAM Users.'))

    return result
Пример #8
def gen_overprivileged_stack_findings(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to risk from CloudFormation stacks being loaded with overprivileged roles"""
    result = []
    affected_roles = []
    for node in graph.nodes:
        if ':role/' in node.arn and node.is_admin:
            if query_interface.resource_policy_authorization('cloudformation.amazonaws.com',
                                                             arns.get_account_id(node.arn), node.trust_policy,
                                                             'sts:AssumeRole', node.arn, {}) == \

    if len(affected_roles) > 0:
        description_preamble = 'In AWS, CloudFormation stacks can be given an IAM Role. When a stack has an IAM ' \
                               'Role, it can use that IAM Role to make AWS API calls to create the resources ' \
                               'defined in the template for that stack. If the IAM Role has administrator access ' \
                               'to the account, and an attacker is able to make the right CloudFormation API calls, ' \
                               'they would be able to use the IAM Role to escalate privileges and compromise the ' \
                               'account as a whole. The following IAM Roles can be used in CloudFormation and ' \
                               'have administrative privileges:\n\n'

        description_body = ''
        for node in affected_roles:
            description_body += '* {}\n'.format(node.searchable_name())

                'IAM Roles Available to CloudFormation Stacks Have Administrative Privileges'
                if len(affected_roles) > 1 else
                'IAM Role Available to CloudFormation Stacks Has Administrative Privileges',
                'If an attacker has the right permissions in the AWS Account, they can grant themselves adminstrative '
                'access to the account to compromise the account.',
                description_preamble + description_body,
                'Reduce the scope of permissions attached to the noted IAM Role(s).'

    return result
Пример #9
def gen_resources_with_potential_confused_deputies(graph: Graph) -> List[Finding]:
    """Generates findings related to AWS resources that allow access to AWS services (via resource policy)
    that may not correctly verify which AWS account is the true source of a request that
    affects the given resource.

    Primarily works by inspecting resource policies and making sure that access is guarded
    with a condition using aws:SourceAccount."""

    result = []

    resource_service_action_map = {
        's3': {
            'serverlessrepo.amazonaws.com': [

    affected_policies = []  # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str]]
    for resource_type in resource_service_action_map.keys():
        for policy in graph.policies:
            if arns.get_service(policy.arn) == resource_type:
                for service, action_list in resource_service_action_map[resource_type].items():
                    available_actions = []
                    for action in action_list:
                        rpa_result = resource_policy_authorization(
                                'aws:SourceAccount': '000000000000'
                        if rpa_result.SERVICE_MATCH:
                    if len(available_actions) > 0:
                            (policy.arn, service, ' | '.join(available_actions))

    if len(affected_policies) > 0:
        desc_list_str = '\n'.join(['* With service {}, the resource {} for the action(s): {}'.format(y, x, z) for x, y, z in affected_policies])
                'Resources With A Potential Confused-Deputy Risk',
                'Depending on the affected resources and services, an attacker may be able to execute read or write '
                'operations on the resources from another AWS account.',
                'In AWS, certain services will create and use resources in the customer\'s own AWS account. This may '
                'be controlled using a resource policy that grants access to the service that created the resource '
                'in the customer\'s AWS account. However, some services require customers to use the '
                '`${aws:SourceAccount}` condition context key to control access to the account resource from the '
                'service. In other words, to prevent the service from accessing the resource on the behalf of '
                'another customer, the resource needs a resource policy that allow-lists the true "source" of a '
                'The following AWS services and resources could allow an external account to potentially gain '
                'read/write access to the resources:\n\n' + desc_list_str,
                'Update the resource policy for all affected resources, and ensure that all statements granting '
                'access to AWS services check against the `${aws:SourceAccount}` condition context key when '

    return result