Пример #1
def test_B():

    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    lam_M = np.matrix((0, 2, 4))
    lam_C = np.matrix((0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
    A_M = 1/120.0 * np.power(lam_M, 5)
    A_M_4d = np.power(lam_C, 1) #* 1/24.

    N_k = lam_C.shape[1]
    N_D = lam_M.shape[1]

    # Prep arrays to be of correct shape
    A_M, lam_M, lam_C, N_k = pspline.prep_spectrum(lam_M, A_M, N_k=N_k)

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = lam_M[1, 0] - lam_M[0, 0]

    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_M)

    B_true = Delta / 12.0 * np.array((
                                      (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                                      (0, 8, 0, 0, 0),
                                      (0, 16, 64, 0, 0),

    from pprint import pprint

    if 0:
        print 'B calculated'
        print B / np.min(B[B != 0])
        print 'B True'
        print B_true / Delta * 12.0

    #assert np.array_equal(B, B_true)

    # Integrate to original function
    A_C = B* A_M_4d.T

    A_M = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_M))
    A_M_4d = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_M_4d))
    A_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_C))

    if 0:
        print 'A_C = '
        print A_C
        print ''
        print 'A_M = '
        print A_M
        print ''
    if 1:
        print 'A_C / A_M = '
        print A_C / A_M
        print ''

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.array(x_C))
    #y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d_calc[:-4]))
    y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d))
    y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=0)

    # Plot
    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    plt.plot(lam_M, A_M, label='f(x)',)
    plt.plot(lam_C, A_M_4d, label="f''''(x)")
    plt.plot(lam_M, A_C, label="Integrated f''''(x)")
    #plt.plot(lam_M, A_C - A_M, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    #plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
Пример #2
def test_B():

    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    lam_M = np.matrix((0, 2, 4))
    lam_C = np.matrix((0, 1, 2, 3, 4))
    A_M = 1 / 120.0 * np.power(lam_M, 5)
    A_M_4d = np.power(lam_C, 1)  #* 1/24.

    N_k = lam_C.shape[1]
    N_D = lam_M.shape[1]

    # Prep arrays to be of correct shape
    A_M, lam_M, lam_C, N_k = pspline.prep_spectrum(lam_M, A_M, N_k=N_k)

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = lam_M[1, 0] - lam_M[0, 0]

    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_M)

    B_true = Delta / 12.0 * np.array((
        (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
        (0, 8, 0, 0, 0),
        (0, 16, 64, 0, 0),

    from pprint import pprint

    if 0:
        print 'B calculated'
        print B / np.min(B[B != 0])
        print 'B True'
        print B_true / Delta * 12.0

    #assert np.array_equal(B, B_true)

    # Integrate to original function
    A_C = B * A_M_4d.T

    A_M = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_M))
    A_M_4d = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_M_4d))
    A_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(A_C))

    if 0:
        print 'A_C = '
        print A_C
        print ''
        print 'A_M = '
        print A_M
        print ''
    if 1:
        print 'A_C / A_M = '
        print A_C / A_M
        print ''

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.array(x_C))
    #y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d_calc[:-4]))
    y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d))
    y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=0)
    y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=0)

    # Plot
    plt.plot(lam_C, A_M_4d, label="f''''(x)")
    plt.plot(lam_M, A_C, label="Integrated f''''(x)")
    #plt.plot(lam_M, A_C - A_M, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    #plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
Пример #3
def test_gauss_integration(ngauss=1):

    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Test integration of fourth derivative of gaussians
    Delta = 0.5
    x0s = (0, 15)
    sigmas = (5, 10)
    As = (20, 10)
    x0s = (-5, 0)
    sigmas = (5, 5)
    As = (10, 20)

    x = np.arange(-30, 30, Delta)
    x = np.linspace(-30, 30, 71)

    if ngauss == 2:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1]) \
            + np.random.normal(0,1, len(x))
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + np.random.normal(0,0.1, len(x))

    A_M, lam_M, lam_C, N_k = pspline.prep_spectrum(x, y)

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(lam_C))

    if ngauss == 2:
        y_4d = gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
               + gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1])
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y_4d = gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0])

    y_4d = np.matrix(y_4d).T
    #y_1d = np.matrix(y_1d).T

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = x[1] - x[0]
    N_D = len(x)
    #print 'lam_0', lam_0
    #print 'Delta', Delta

    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_C)

    trap_integ = pspline.construct_trap_integ(lam_C, lam_C)

    #print B.shape, y_4d.shape
    #print B

    # Integrate to original function
    y_calc = B[:-2, :] * y_4d[:, 0]

    y = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y))
    #y_1d = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y_1d))
    y_calc = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y_calc))

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = abs(lam_C[-1, 0] - lam_C[0, 0]) / (N_k - 1)
    ones = np.matrix(np.ones(A_M.shape[0])).T
    lam_M0 = lam_M - ones * lam_0
    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_M)
    B_prime = np.hstack((B, ones, lam_M0, np.power(lam_M0, 2) / 2.0,
                         np.power(lam_M0, 3) / 6.0))
    beta = pspline.construct_beta(lam_C)
    chi = 10
    y_4d_calc = linalg.inv(B_prime.T * B_prime + chi / Delta**4 * \
            beta.T*beta) * B_prime.T * A_M

    #print y_calc.shape
    #print y_4d.shape

    #x_C = x_[1:-1]

    # Integrate 4th derive to 0th deriv
    from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.array(x_C))
    y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d_calc[:-4]))
    #y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d))
    if 1:
        y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-4, 0])
        y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-3, 0])
        y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-2, 0])
        y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-1, 0])
        y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=0)

    # Calculate spectrum to compare with computed
    if ngauss == 2:
        y_C = gauss(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x_C, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1])
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y_C = gauss(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0])

    norm = np.sum((y_0d - y_C)**2)
    print('L2 norm of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))

    print('\ny_0d[0] =', y_0d[0])

    # Plot
    scale = np.max(y) / np.max(y_4d)
    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d * scale, label="f''''(x) x " + str(scale))
    plt.plot(x_C, y_3d, label="Calc. f'''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_2d, label="Calc. f''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_1d, label="Calc. f'(x)")
        label="Calc. f(x)",
    )  #marker='o')
        label="Integrated f''''(x)",
    )  #marker='+')
    #plt.plot(x, y_calc - y, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
    plt.savefig('figures/integration_test_ngauss' + str(ngauss) + '.png')

    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d, label="f''''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d_calc[:-4], label="f''''(x) Calc")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_3d, label="Calc. f'''(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_2d, label="Calc. f''(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_1d, label="Calc. f'(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_0d, label="Calc. f(x)")
    #plt.plot(x, y_calc - y, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
    plt.savefig('figures/integration_test_derivs_ngauss_' + str(ngauss) +
Пример #4
def test_gauss_integration(ngauss=1):

    import pspline
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import linalg
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Test integration of fourth derivative of gaussians
    Delta = 0.5
    x0s = (0, 15)
    sigmas = (5, 10)
    As = (20, 10)
    x0s = (-5, 0)
    sigmas = (5, 5)
    As = (10, 20)

    x = np.arange(-30, 30, Delta)
    x = np.linspace(-30, 30, 71)

    if ngauss == 2:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1]) \
            + np.random.normal(0,1, len(x))
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y = gauss(x, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + np.random.normal(0,0.1, len(x))

    A_M, lam_M, lam_C, N_k = pspline.prep_spectrum(x, y)

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.asarray(lam_C))

    if ngauss == 2:
        y_4d = gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
               + gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1])
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y_4d = gauss_4th_deriv(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0])

    y_4d = np.matrix(y_4d).T
    #y_1d = np.matrix(y_1d).T

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = x[1] - x[0]
    N_D = len(x)
    #print 'lam_0', lam_0
    #print 'Delta', Delta

    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_C)

    trap_integ = pspline.construct_trap_integ(lam_C, lam_C)

    #print B.shape, y_4d.shape
    #print B

    # Integrate to original function
    y_calc = B[:-2,:] * y_4d[:, 0]

    y = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y))
    #y_1d = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y_1d))
    y_calc = np.squeeze(np.asarray(y_calc))

    lam_0 = lam_M[0, 0]
    Delta = abs(lam_C[-1, 0] - lam_C[0, 0]) / (N_k - 1)
    ones = np.matrix(np.ones(A_M.shape[0])).T
    lam_M0 = lam_M - ones * lam_0
    B = pspline.construct_B(lam_C, lam_M)
    B_prime = np.hstack((B,
                         np.power(lam_M0, 2) / 2.0,
                         np.power(lam_M0, 3) / 6.0))
    beta = pspline.construct_beta(lam_C)
    chi = 10
    y_4d_calc = linalg.inv(B_prime.T * B_prime + chi / Delta**4 * \
            beta.T*beta) * B_prime.T * A_M

    #print y_calc.shape
    #print y_4d.shape

    #x_C = x_[1:-1]

    # Integrate 4th derive to 0th deriv
    from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz

    x_C = np.squeeze(np.array(x_C))
    y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d_calc[:-4]))
    #y_4d = np.squeeze(np.array(y_4d))
    if 1:
        y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-4, 0])
        y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-3, 0])
        y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-2, 0])
        y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=y_4d_calc[-1, 0])
        y_3d = cumtrapz(y_4d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_2d = cumtrapz(y_3d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_1d = cumtrapz(y_2d, x_C, initial=0)
        y_0d = cumtrapz(y_1d, x_C, initial=0)

    # Calculate spectrum to compare with computed
    if ngauss == 2:
        y_C = gauss(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0]) \
            + gauss(x_C, sigmas[1], x0s[1], As[1])
    elif ngauss == 1:
        y_C = gauss(x_C, sigmas[0], x0s[0], As[0])

    norm = np.sum((y_0d - y_C)**2)
    print('L2 norm of calc y and true y = {0:.2f}'.format(norm))

    print('\ny_0d[0] =', y_0d[0])

    # Plot
    scale = np.max(y) / np.max(y_4d)
    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    plt.plot(x, y, label='f(x)',)
    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d * scale, label="f''''(x) x " + str(scale))
    plt.plot(x_C, y_3d, label="Calc. f'''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_2d, label="Calc. f''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_1d, label="Calc. f'(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_0d, label="Calc. f(x)",)#marker='o')
    plt.plot(x_C[:-2], y_calc, label="Integrated f''''(x)",) #marker='+')
    #plt.plot(x, y_calc - y, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
    plt.savefig('figures/integration_test_ngauss' + str(ngauss) + '.png')

    plt.clf(); plt.close()
    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d, label="f''''(x)")
    plt.plot(x_C, y_4d_calc[:-4], label="f''''(x) Calc")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_3d, label="Calc. f'''(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_2d, label="Calc. f''(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_1d, label="Calc. f'(x)")
    #plt.plot(x_C, y_0d, label="Calc. f(x)")
    #plt.plot(x, y_calc - y, label="Integrated f''''(x) - f(x)")
    plt.xlim(-30, 30)
    #plt.ylim(-15, max(As)*1.1)
    plt.savefig('figures/integration_test_derivs_ngauss_' + str(ngauss) + '.png')