Пример #1
            def Bayesian(self):

                from statistics import mean
                spec = sb.Spectrometer(devices[0])
                intTval = convert_str_int(self.intT.text(), 1000)
                if c == 1:
                    diameterZ = convert_str_int(self.Di.text(), 2)
                    diameterY = convert_str_int(self.Di.text(), 1)

                    diameterZ = convert_str_int(self.Di.text(), 40)
                    diameterY = convert_str_int(self.Di.text(), 20)

                print("Diameter Z and Y :", diameterY, diameterZ)

                S_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT4')))  # Motor 4
                Y_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT5')))
                Z_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT6')))

                print(S_ini, Y_ini, Z_ini)
                from pyGPGO.covfunc import matern32
                from pyGPGO.acquisition import Acquisition
                from pyGPGO.surrogates.GaussianProcess import GaussianProcess
                from pyGPGO.GPGO import GPGO
                if c == 1:
                    range_focus = convert_str_int(self.range_focus.text(), 1)
                    range_focus = convert_str_int(self.range_focus.text(), 20)
                intTval = convert_str_int(self.intT.text(), 1000)

                def scan_F(S, Y, Z):

                    mouve(4, S_ini + S, 'ABSOL')
                    mouve(5, Y_ini + Y, 'ABSOL')
                    mouve(6, Z_ini + Z, 'ABSOL')
                    while execution(ser, "?ASTAT") != "RRRRRRUUU":

                    l = spec.intensities()
                    s = slice(1500, 2100)
                    m = slice(2500, 3500)
                    threshold = np.std(l[m])
                    if max(l[s]) > 3 * threshold:
                        return max(l[s])
                        return None

                cov = matern32()
                gp = GaussianProcess(cov, optimize=True, usegrads=True)
                acq = Acquisition(mode='ExpectedImprovement')
                param = {'S': ('cont', [-(4 / 5) * range_focus, (4 / 5) * range_focus]),
                         'Z': ('cont', [-diameterZ/2, diameterZ/2]),
                         'Y': ('cont', [-diameterY/2, diameterY/2])}

                N_baye = convert_str_int(self.N_baye.text(), 1)
                gpgo = GPGO(gp, acq, scan_F, param)

                mouve(5, Y_ini + gpgo.getResultY(), 'ABSOL')
                mouve(6, Z_ini + gpgo.getResultZ(), 'ABSOL')
                mouve(4, S_ini + gpgo.getResultS(), 'ABSOL')
                while execution(ser, "?ASTAT") != "RRRRRRUUU":

                if c == 1:
                    self.Yscan.setText(str(-1 * round(Y_ini - gpgo.getResultY(), 2)))
                    self.Zscan.setText(str(round(Z_ini - gpgo.getResultZ(), 2)))
                    self.Imax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultI(), 0)))
                    self.Smax.setText(str(round(S_ini + gpgo.getResultS(), 2)))
                    self.Yscan.setText(str(-1 * round((Y_ini - gpgo.getResultY()) / 20, 2)))
                    self.Zscan.setText(str(round((Z_ini - gpgo.getResultZ()) / 40, 2)))
                    self.Imax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultI(), 0)))
                    self.Smax.setText(str(round((S_ini + gpgo.getResultS()) / 20, 2)))
                devices = []
Пример #2
                def zoom_scan():

                    choice = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Precision Scan', "Do you want to get a more accurate point?",       # We create a Message box and a choice for the user
                                                        QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
                    if choice == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:

                        S_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT4')))  # Motor 4
                        Y_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT5')))        #?CNTn -> Read the position value of axis n
                        Z_ini = (int(execution(ser, '?CNT6')))

                        print(S_ini, Y_ini, Z_ini)
                        from pyGPGO.covfunc import matern32  # pyGPGO allow us to use the Bayesian optimization
                        from pyGPGO.acquisition import Acquisition
                        from pyGPGO.surrogates.GaussianProcess import GaussianProcess
                        from pyGPGO.GPGO import GPGO
                        if c == 1:                                                      # Used to convert µm in step and vice versa
                            range_focus = convert_str_int(self.range_focus.text(), 1)  # We let the user choose the focus range
                            range_focus = convert_str_int(self.range_focus.text(), 20)
                        intTval = convert_str_int(self.intT.text(),1000)

                        def scan_S(S, Y, Z):

                            mouve(4, S_ini + S, 'ABSOL')  #This time it also move on the s axis
                            mouve(5, Y_ini + Y, 'ABSOL')
                            mouve(6, Z_ini + Z, 'ABSOL')
                            while execution(ser, "?ASTAT") != "RRRRRRUUU":  #Wait for the end of the movement

                            l = spec.intensities()  # Read all intensities of the spectrum for each point
                            s = slice(1500, 2100)
                            m = slice(2500, 3500)
                            threshold = np.std(l[m])
                            print(mean(l[m]), max(l[s]))

                            if max(l[s])>3*mean(l[m]):      # Work like the other threshold
                                return max(l[s])            # Return the highest intensity
                                return max(l[s])/3          # Reduce intensities' value that aren't above the threshold

                        cov = matern32()                      # We choose the covariance function
                        gp = GaussianProcess(cov, optimize=True, usegrads=True)
                        acq = Acquisition(mode='ExpectedImprovement')
                        param = {'S': ('cont', [-(3 / 5) * range_focus, (2 / 5) * range_focus]),                  # We set the range for Y, Z and S
                                 'Z': ('cont', [-diameterZ * 0.1, diameterZ * 0.1]),
                                 'Y': ('cont', [-diameterY * 0.1, diameterY * 0.1])}

                        N_baye = convert_str_int(self.N_baye.text(), 1)    #  We let the user choose for the number of iterations of the bayesian process
                        gpgo = GPGO(gp, acq, scan_S, param)
                        gpgo.run(max_iter=N_baye)  # Launch of the bayesian process

                        mouve(5, Y_ini + gpgo.getResultY(), 'ABSOL')
                        mouve(6, Z_ini + gpgo.getResultZ(), 'ABSOL')
                        mouve(4, S_ini + gpgo.getResultS(), 'ABSOL')
                        while execution(ser, "?ASTAT") != "RRRRRRUUU":

                        if c == 1:
                            self.Yscan.setText(str(-1 * round(Y_ini - gpgo.getResultY(), 2)))  # Print all the results on the GUI
                            self.Zscan.setText(str(round(Z_ini - gpgo.getResultZ(), 2)))
                            self.Imax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultI(), 0)))
                            self.Smax.setText(str(round(S_ini + gpgo.getResultS(), 2)))
                            self.Yscan.setText(str(-1 * round((Y_ini - gpgo.getResultY()) / 20, 2)))
                            self.Zscan.setText(str(round((Z_ini - gpgo.getResultZ()) / 40, 2)))
                            self.Imax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultI(), 0)))
                            self.Smax.setText(str(round((S_ini + gpgo.getResultS()) / 20, 2)))

Пример #3
    def Scan(self):
        from pyGPGO.covfunc import matern32  # pyGPGO est le module qui permet d'éffectuer l'optimisation bayèsienne
        from pyGPGO.acquisition import Acquisition
        from pyGPGO.surrogates.GaussianProcess import GaussianProcess
        from pyGPGO.GPGO import GPGO
        diameterZ = convert_str_int(
            self.Di.text(), 35
        )  # On définit le diamètre en fonction de l'indication de l'utilisateur, 35 est le facteur de conversion de Z
        diameterY = convert_str_int(
            self.Di.text(), 20
        )  # La fonction convert_str_int() convertit une chaîne de caractère et la multiplie par le 2ième argument
        range_focus = convert_str_int(
            self.focus.text(), 0.5
        )  # On divise cette valeur par 2 car l'intervalle va être [-range_focus;range_focus]
            100 * 1000
        )  #On définit le temps d'intégration sans laisser le choix à l'utilisateur

        def scan_f(Z, Y):

            l1 = spec.intensities()
            #print("Before :", int(Y), int(Z), int(positionvalue(5)), int(positionvalue(6)), int(max(l1)))
            #mouve(4, S, 'ABSOL')
            mouve(5, Y, 'ABSOL')
            mouve(6, Z, 'ABSOL')
            #print(execution(ser, "?ASTAT"))
            #print(execution(ser, "?ASTAT"))
            #print(execution(ser, "?ASTAT"))

            while execution(ser, "?ASTAT") != "RRRRRRUUU":
            l2 = spec.intensities()
            lw = spec.wavelengths()
            W_m = lw[np.array(l2).argmax()]
            #print("After : ", int(Y), int(Z), "Y =",int(positionvalue(5)),"Z =", int(positionvalue(6)),"Imax =", int(max(l2)))
            #print("Longeur d'onde Imax :",W_m)
            return max(l2)

        cov = matern32()
        gp = GaussianProcess(cov, optimize=True, usegrads=True)
        acq = Acquisition(mode='ExpectedImprovement')
        param = {
            'Z': ('cont', [0,
                           diameterZ]),  # On définit les intervalles de Z et Y
            'Y': ('cont', [0, diameterY])

        gpgo = GPGO(gp, acq, scan_f, param)
        )  # On lance l'optimisation e nindiquant le nombre d'itérations à réaliser

        print("Z max :", gpgo.getResultZ())
        print("Y Max:", gpgo.getResultY())

        mouve(5, gpgo.getResultY(),
              'ABSOL')  # On déplace la cellule aux coordonnées du rubis
        mouve(6, gpgo.getResultZ(), 'ABSOL')

            ser, 'CRES4'
        )  # CRESn -> reset current position for an axis      # On réinitialise l'origine de tout les points
            ser, 'CRES5'
        )  # Cela est toujours nécéssaires pour se replacer sur les coordonnées
        execution(ser, 'CRES6')  # du rubis après la nouvelle optimisation

        def scan_S(S, Y, Z):

                4, S, 'RELAT'
            )  # Cette fois on se déplace aussi en profondeur, sur l'axe S
            mouve(5, Y, 'RELAT')
            mouve(6, Z, 'RELAT')
            while execution(
                    ser, "?ASTAT"
            ) != "RRRRRRUUU":  # On attend la fin du déplacement

            l = spec.intensities()  #On relève le spèctre
            return max(
                l)  # On renvoie le maximun d'intensité su spectre obtenu

        cov = matern32()
        gp = GaussianProcess(cov, optimize=True, usegrads=True)
        acq = Acquisition(mode='ProbabilityImprovement')
        param = {
            ('cont', [-range_focus, range_focus
                      ]),  # On définit les intervalles de valeurs de S,Y et Z
            'Z': ('cont', [-50, 50]),
            'Y': ('cont', [-50, 50])
        gpgo = GPGO(gp, acq, scan_S, param)
                 )  # On lance l'lgorithme qui doit éffectuer 10 itérations

        mouve(5, gpgo.getResultY(), 'ABSOL')
        mouve(6, gpgo.getResultZ(), 'ABSOL')
        mouve(4, gpgo.getResultS(), 'ABSOL')

        end = time.time()  # Permet de mesurer le temps d'optimisation
        print(end - start)

            -1 * gpgo.getResultY(),
            2)))  # On affiche tous les résultats sur l'interface graphique
        self.Zscan.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultZ(), 2)))
        self.Imax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultI(), 0)))
        self.Smax.setText(str(round(gpgo.getResultS(), 2)))