Пример #1
def ROOT2json(cfg_parser):
    For converting data in the ROOT files to .json files for plotting.
    Increases ease-of-use for making Data/MC plots (don't have to 
    re-process the ROOT file just to make a single plot).

    @param cfg_parser     Object which parsed the configuration file
    loggingLEVEL = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() # DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc.
    logging.critical(" -- In root2json.py")
    logging.info("  ------------  ")
    logging.info("  Initializing the config file.")

    ## -- Configuration -- ##
    p_varList    = cfg_parser.get('datamc','vars')         # ex. 'share/varNames.txt'
    p_inputfiles = cfg_parser.get('datamc','rootfiles')    # ex. 'share/datamc_ntuples.txt'
    p_lepton     = cfg_parser.get('datamc','lepton')       # ex. muel (both muon & electron)
    p_outfile    = cfg_parser.get('datamc','jsonfilename') # ex. 'elLHMedium_pre_A1_1tagin'
    p_nEvents    = int(cfg_parser.get('datamc','nEvents')) # ex. -1
    ## ------------------- ##

    treename   = info.treename()
    bckg_names = info.physicsSamples()['backgrounds']
    savePath   = "{0}/{1}".format(info.getJsonPath(),p_lepton)
    if not os.path.isdir(savePath):
    logging.info("  Set the output path: {0}".format(savePath))

    ## -- Load various files of data
    inputfiles = info.read_txt_file(p_inputfiles)
    if not inputfiles:
        print " ERROR: File {0} is empty (no files!) ".format(p_inputfiles)
        from sys import exit

    i_varList  = info.read_txt_file(p_varList)
    varList    = []
    for p_var in i_varList:
        p_var = p_var.split('[')[0]
        if p_var not in varList:

    ## -- Loop over input files
    logging.info(" inputfiles = {0}".format(inputfiles))
    logged_files = {}  # keeping track if a sample has been used before
                       # the list of input files may have multiple root files
                       # for the same sample (ttbar, wjets, etc.)

    ## -- Make a simple text file that stores all of the json files we just made
    newfile = open("share/jsonfiles2plot.txt","w")
    for p in inputfiles:
        jsonData = config.AutoVivification()
        p_file   = ROOT.TFile.Open(p)
        p_tree   = p_file.Get(treename)

        p_tree.GetEntry(0) # just to get the mcChannelNumber
        name     = config.getSampleName(root_tree=p_tree,dsid=p_tree.mcChannelNumber)['name']
        # need different names from each file (otherwise different ttbar files
        # will overwrite each other!)

        ## -- load the new DataMC object
        if name not in logged_files.keys():
            entry = DataMC_Type(name)
            logged_files[name] = entry

            for var in varList:
                entry.varVals[var]      = []
                entry.scaleFactors[var] = []
                entry.lepCharges[var]   = []
                entry.lepNames[var]     = []
            entry = logged_files[name]

        print "\n   ++ Producing json file from {0}\n".format(p)
        logging.info("   ++ Running {0}".format(name))

        ## -- Attach the data (values,weights) to each DataMC object
        entry = addData.addData(entry, p_tree, varList, cfg_parser)  # Get data from ROOT

        logging.info(" Exporting data to json format.")

        ## -- Log the DataMC object in the dictionary
        ##    not sure that this is being used effectively...
        logged_files[name] = entry

        ## Save each json file now that we have looped over the file
        logging.info("  Saving json information.")

        outfile_name = '{0}/%s_{1}_{2}.json'.format(savePath,p_outfile,name)
        newfile.write("%s\n" % outfile_name)
        for var in varList:

            # put information in dictionaries to be saved to json
            jsonData[var][entry.name]             = entry.varVals[var]
            jsonData[var][entry.name+'_weight']   = entry.scaleFactors[var]
            jsonData[var][entry.name+'_lepNames'] = entry.lepNames[var]
            jsonData[var]['LUMI']                 = info.LUMI()

            print "      Saving output to {0}".format(outfile_name%(var))
            logging.info("   -- Saving output to {0}".format(outfile_name))
            with open(outfile_name%(var),'w') as outputfile:
                json.dump(jsonData[var], outputfile)

    logging.info("  End root2json.py")

Пример #2
    def main(self,parser):
        Main function in the datamc class -- does all the directing for
        reading/writing of data from ROOT to json files, and plotting histograms.
        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        self.p_vars_file    = parser.get('datamc','vars')                   # ex. share/varNames.txt
        self.p_jsonoutput   = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','makejsonfile')) # ex. False
        self.p_plotoutput   = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','makeplot'))     # ex. True
        self.p_mergejson    = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','mergejson'))    # ex. True
        self.p_outfile      = parser.get('datamc','jsonfilename')           # ex. pre
        self.p_lepton       = parser.get('datamc','lepton')                 # ex. muel
        ## ------------------- ##

        ## -- Sanity check -- ##
        if not any([self.p_plotoutput,self.p_jsonoutput,self.p_mergejson]):
            print " You have specified that you don't want to "
            print " make json outputs, don't want to make "
            print " plots, and don't want to merge json files. "
            print " There's nothing left to do. "
            print " Exiting. "
        ## ------------------ ##

        self.p_varlist = info.read_txt_file(self.p_vars_file) # variables from text file
        # for variables that may have [N], e.g., jet_pt[0], make a list
        # that just contains the name, e.g., jet_pt.
        # Plan to is to make a single json file for jet_pt, but
        # only plot [N], or [N+1] (e.g., the user specifies both jet_pt[0] and jet_pt[1]
        # in the text file)
        self.p_varlist_nolead = list(set([p_var.split('[')[0] for p_var in self.p_varlist]))

        loggingLEVEL     = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
        logging.info(" -- In file dataMC.py")
        logging.info(" -- Make json output: {0} ".format(self.p_jsonoutput))

        ## -- Conver ROOT to JSON -- ##
        if self.p_jsonoutput:

            import pyDataMC.root2json as root2json

            logging.info(" > Specified json output ")
            logging.info("   Will produce json files and then plots automatically ")
            logging.info(" -- Making json output")

            print "\n   -- Converting ROOT to json output -- \n"

            ## Making json output, and then making plots (one step is easier...)

        ## -- Merge json files -- ##
        if self.p_mergejson:
            ## merge before plotting!!

        ## -- Plot Histograms -- ##
        if self.p_plotoutput:
            from pyDataMC.json2hist import DataMCPlotter
            logging.info(" -- Making plots from json output")
            print "\n   -- Producing figures -- \n"

            plotter = DataMCPlotter(parser)
            for var in self.p_varlist:

                print "   ++ Plotting {0} ++\n".format(var)
                logging.info("   ++ Plotting {0} ++".format(var))


        logging.info(" Finished datamc.py class DataMC")
