Пример #1

Do Geo stat with frequency and compare with center count
method: :ref:`sphx_glr_python_module_10_tracking_diagnostics_pet_center_count.py`
import py_eddy_tracker_sample
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

from py_eddy_tracker.observations.tracking import TrackEddiesObservations

# %%
# Load an experimental med atlas over a period of 26 years (1993-2019)
a = TrackEddiesObservations.load_file(
c = TrackEddiesObservations.load_file(

# %%
# Parameters
step = 0.125
bins = ((-10, 37, step), (30, 46, step))
kwargs_pcolormesh = dict(
    cmap="terrain_r", vmin=0, vmax=0.75, factor=1 / a.nb_days, name="count"

Пример #2
        for i, b0, b1 in self.iter_on("track"):
            y_ = y[i]
            size_ = y_.size
            if size_ == 0:
            sum_profile(x, y_, out)
            nb_track += 1
        return x, out / nb_track * factor

# %%
# Load atlas
# ----------
kw = dict(include_vars=("speed_radius", "amplitude", "track"))
a = MyObs.load_file(
    get_demo_path("eddies_med_adt_allsat_dt2018/Anticyclonic.zarr"), **kw
c = MyObs.load_file(get_demo_path("eddies_med_adt_allsat_dt2018/Cyclonic.zarr"), **kw)

nb_max_a = a.nb_obs_by_track.max()
nb_max_c = c.nb_obs_by_track.max()

# %%
# Compute normalised lifetime
# ---------------------------

# Radius
AC_radius = a.eddy_norm_lifetime("speed_radius", nb=nb_max_a, factor=1e-3)
CC_radius = c.eddy_norm_lifetime("speed_radius", nb=nb_max_c, factor=1e-3)
# Amplitude
AC_amplitude = a.eddy_norm_lifetime("amplitude", nb=nb_max_a, factor=1e2)