Пример #1
    def applyMove(self, move):
        flag = move >> 12

        fcord = (move >> 6) & 63
        tcord = move & 63

        fpiece = fcord if flag == DROP else self.arBoard[fcord]
        tpiece = self.arBoard[tcord]

        color = self.color
        opcolor = 1 - self.color
        castling = self.castling

        if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
        if self.variant == CAMBODIANCHESS:
                KING: self.is_first_move[KING][:],
                QUEEN: self.is_first_move[QUEEN][:]

        self.opchecked = None
        self.checked = None

        if flag == NULL_MOVE:
            self.plyCount += 1
            return move

        if self.variant == CAMBODIANCHESS:
            if fpiece == KING and self.is_first_move[KING][color]:
                self.is_first_move[KING][color] = False
            elif fpiece == QUEEN and self.is_first_move[QUEEN][color]:
                self.is_first_move[QUEEN][color] = False

        # Castling moves can be represented strangely, so normalize them.
        if flag in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE):
            side = flag - QUEEN_CASTLE
            fpiece = KING
            tpiece = EMPTY  # In FRC, there may be a rook there, but the king doesn't capture it.
            fcord = self.ini_kings[color]
            if FILE(fcord) == 3 and self.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS,
                side = 0 if side == 1 else 1
            tcord = self.fin_kings[color][side]
            rookf = self.ini_rooks[color][side]
            rookt = self.fin_rooks[color][side]

        # Capture (sittuyin in place promotion is not capture move!)
        if tpiece != EMPTY and fcord != tcord:
            self._removePiece(tcord, tpiece, opcolor)
            self.pieceCount[opcolor][tpiece] -= 1
            if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
                if self.promoted[tcord]:
                    if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                        self.holding[color][PAWN] += 1
                        self.hash ^= holdingHash[color][PAWN][
                    self.capture_promoting = True
                    if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                        self.holding[color][tpiece] += 1
                        self.hash ^= holdingHash[color][tpiece][
                    self.capture_promoting = False
            elif self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import piecesAround
                apieces = [
                    (fcord, fpiece, color),
                for acord, apiece, acolor in piecesAround(self, tcord):
                    if apiece != PAWN and acord != fcord:
                        self._removePiece(acord, apiece, acolor)
                        self.pieceCount[acolor][apiece] -= 1
                        apieces.append((acord, apiece, acolor))
                    if apiece == ROOK and acord != fcord:
                        if acord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][0]:
                            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][0]
                        elif acord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][1]:
                            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][1]

        # Remove moving piece(s), then add them at their destination.
        if flag == DROP:
            if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
                assert self.holding[color][fpiece] > 0
            self.holding[color][fpiece] -= 1
            self.hash ^= holdingHash[color][fpiece][self.holding[color]
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] += 1
            self._removePiece(fcord, fpiece, color)

        if flag in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE):
            self._removePiece(rookf, ROOK, color)
            self._addPiece(rookt, ROOK, color)
            self.hasCastled[color] = True

        if flag == ENPASSANT:
            takenPawnC = tcord + (color == WHITE and -8 or 8)
            self._removePiece(takenPawnC, PAWN, opcolor)
            self.pieceCount[opcolor][PAWN] -= 1
            if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                self.holding[color][PAWN] += 1
                self.hash ^= holdingHash[color][PAWN][self.holding[color]
            elif self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import piecesAround
                apieces = [
                    (fcord, fpiece, color),
                for acord, apiece, acolor in piecesAround(self, tcord):
                    if apiece != PAWN and acord != fcord:
                        self._removePiece(acord, apiece, acolor)
                        self.pieceCount[acolor][apiece] -= 1
                        apieces.append((acord, apiece, acolor))
        elif flag in PROMOTIONS:
            # Pretend the pawn changes into a piece before reaching its destination.
            fpiece = flag - 2
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] += 1
            self.pieceCount[color][PAWN] -= 1

        if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
            if tpiece == EMPTY:
                self.capture_promoting = False

            if flag in PROMOTIONS:
                self.promoted[tcord] = 1
            elif flag != DROP:
                if self.promoted[fcord]:
                    self.promoted[fcord] = 0
                    self.promoted[tcord] = 1
                elif tpiece != EMPTY:
                    self.promoted[tcord] = 0

        if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS and (tpiece != EMPTY
                                            or flag == ENPASSANT):
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] -= 1
            self._addPiece(tcord, fpiece, color)

        if fpiece == PAWN and abs(fcord - tcord) == 16:
            self.setEnpassant((fcord + tcord) // 2)

        if tpiece == EMPTY and fpiece != PAWN:
            self.fifty += 1
            self.fifty = 0

        # Clear castle flags
        king = self.ini_kings[color]
        wildcastle = FILE(king) == 3 and self.variant in (
        if fpiece == KING:
            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][0]
            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][1]
        elif fpiece == ROOK:
            if fcord == self.ini_rooks[color][0]:
                side = 1 if wildcastle else 0
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][side]
            elif fcord == self.ini_rooks[color][1]:
                side = 0 if wildcastle else 1
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][side]
        if tpiece == ROOK:
            if tcord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][0]:
                side = 1 if wildcastle else 0
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][side]
            elif tcord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][1]:
                side = 0 if wildcastle else 1
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][side]

        self.plyCount += 1
Пример #2
    def applyMove (self, move):
        flag = move >> 12

        fcord = (move >> 6) & 63
        tcord = move & 63
        fpiece = fcord if flag==DROP else self.arBoard[fcord]
        tpiece = self.arBoard[tcord]
        color = self.color
        opcolor = 1-self.color
        castling = self.castling
        if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
        if self.variant == CAMBODIANCHESS:
            self.hist_is_first_move.append({KING: self.is_first_move[KING][:], \
                                            QUEEN: self.is_first_move[QUEEN][:]})
        self.opchecked = None
        self.checked = None

        if flag == NULL_MOVE:
            self.plyCount += 1
            return move

        if self.variant == CAMBODIANCHESS:
            if fpiece == KING and self.is_first_move[KING][color]:
                self.is_first_move[KING][color] = False
            elif fpiece == QUEEN and self.is_first_move[QUEEN][color]:
                self.is_first_move[QUEEN][color] = False

        # Castling moves can be represented strangely, so normalize them.
        if flag in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE):
            side = flag - QUEEN_CASTLE
            fpiece = KING
            tpiece = EMPTY # In FRC, there may be a rook there, but the king doesn't capture it.
            fcord = self.ini_kings[color]
            if FILE(fcord) == 3 and self.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS, WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS):
                side = 0 if side == 1 else 1
            tcord = self.fin_kings[color][side]
            rookf = self.ini_rooks[color][side]
            rookt = self.fin_rooks[color][side]

        # Capture (sittuyin in place promotion is not capture move!)
        if tpiece != EMPTY and fcord != tcord:
            self._removePiece(tcord, tpiece, opcolor)
            self.pieceCount[opcolor][tpiece] -= 1
            if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
                if self.promoted[tcord]:
                    if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                        self.holding[color][PAWN] += 1
                    self.capture_promoting = True
                    if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                        self.holding[color][tpiece] += 1
                    self.capture_promoting = False
            elif self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import piecesAround
                apieces = [(fcord, fpiece, color),]
                for acord, apiece, acolor in piecesAround(self, tcord):
                    if apiece != PAWN and acord != fcord:
                        self._removePiece(acord, apiece, acolor)
                        self.pieceCount[acolor][apiece] -= 1
                        apieces.append((acord, apiece, acolor))
                    if apiece == ROOK and acord != fcord:
                        if acord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][0]:
                            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][0]
                        elif acord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][1]:
                            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][1]
        # Remove moving piece(s), then add them at their destination.
        if flag == DROP:
            if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
                assert self.holding[color][fpiece] > 0
            self.holding[color][fpiece] -= 1
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] += 1
            self._removePiece(fcord, fpiece, color)

        if flag in (KING_CASTLE, QUEEN_CASTLE):
            self._removePiece (rookf, ROOK, color)
            self._addPiece (rookt, ROOK, color)
            self.hasCastled[color] = True
        if flag == ENPASSANT:
            takenPawnC = tcord + (color == WHITE and -8 or 8)
            self._removePiece (takenPawnC, PAWN, opcolor)
            self.pieceCount[opcolor][PAWN] -= 1
            if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                self.holding[color][PAWN] += 1
            elif self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import piecesAround
                apieces = [(fcord, fpiece, color),]
                for acord, apiece, acolor in piecesAround(self, tcord):
                    if apiece != PAWN and acord != fcord:
                        self._removePiece(acord, apiece, acolor)
                        self.pieceCount[acolor][apiece] -= 1
                        apieces.append((acord, apiece, acolor))
        elif flag in PROMOTIONS:
            # Pretend the pawn changes into a piece before reaching its destination.
            fpiece = flag - 2
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] += 1
            self.pieceCount[color][PAWN] -=1

        if self.variant in DROP_VARIANTS:
            if tpiece == EMPTY:
                self.capture_promoting = False
            if flag in PROMOTIONS:
                self.promoted[tcord] = 1
            elif flag != DROP:
                if self.promoted[fcord]:
                    self.promoted[fcord] = 0
                    self.promoted[tcord] = 1
                elif tpiece != EMPTY:
                    self.promoted[tcord] = 0

        if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS and (tpiece != EMPTY or flag == ENPASSANT):
            self.pieceCount[color][fpiece] -= 1
            self._addPiece(tcord, fpiece, color)

        if fpiece == PAWN and abs(fcord-tcord) == 16:
            self.setEnpassant ((fcord + tcord) // 2)
        else: self.setEnpassant (None)
        if tpiece == EMPTY and fpiece != PAWN:
            self.fifty += 1
            self.fifty = 0
        # Clear castle flags
        king = self.ini_kings[color]
        wildcastle = FILE(king) == 3 and self.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS, WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS)
        if fpiece == KING:
            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][0]
            castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][1]
        elif fpiece == ROOK:
            if fcord == self.ini_rooks[color][0]:
                side = 1 if wildcastle else 0
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][side]
            elif fcord == self.ini_rooks[color][1]:
                side = 0 if wildcastle else 1
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[color][side]
        if tpiece == ROOK:
            if tcord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][0]:
                side = 1 if wildcastle else 0
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][side]
            elif tcord == self.ini_rooks[opcolor][1]:
                side = 0 if wildcastle else 1
                castling &= ~CAS_FLAGS[opcolor][side]

        self.plyCount += 1