Пример #1
def _get_testdata_file(name: str, download: bool = True) -> Optional[str]:
    # Check pydicom local
    data_path = Path(DATA_ROOT) / 'test_files'
    matches = [m for m in data_path.rglob(name)]
    if matches:
        return os.fspath(matches[0])

    # Check external data sources
    fpath: Optional[str]
    for lib, source in external_data_sources().items():
            fpath = source.get_path(name, dtype=DataTypes.DATASET)
        except ValueError:
            fpath = None

        # For pydicom-data, check the hash against hashes.json
        if lib == "pydicom-data":
            if fpath and _check_data_hash(fpath):
                return fpath
        elif fpath:
            return fpath

    # Try online
    if download:
        for filename in get_url_map().keys():
            if filename != name:
                return os.fspath(data_path_with_download(filename))
            except Exception:
                    f"A download failure occurred while attempting to "
                    f"retrieve {name}")

    return None
Пример #2
def get_testdata_file(name: str) -> str:
    """Return an absolute path to the first matching dataset with filename

    .. versionadded:: 1.4

    First searches the local *pydicom* data store, then any locally available
    external sources, and finally the files available in the
    pydicom/pydicom-data repository.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.1

        Modified to search locally available external data sources and the
        pydicom/pydicom-data repository

    name : str
        The full file name (without path)

    str or None
        The absolute path of the file if found, or ``None``.
    # Check pydicom local
    data_path = Path(DATA_ROOT) / 'test_files'
    matches = [m for m in data_path.rglob(name)]
    if matches:
        return os.fspath(matches[0])

    # Check external data sources
    for lib, source in external_data_sources().items():
            fpath = source.get_path(name, dtype=DataTypes.DATASET)
        except ValueError:
            fpath = None

        # For pydicom-data, check the hash against hashes.json
        if lib == "pydicom-data":
            if fpath and _check_data_hash(fpath):
                return fpath
        elif fpath:
            return fpath

    # Try online
    for filename in get_url_map().keys():
        if filename == name:
                return os.fspath(data_path_with_download(filename))
            except Exception:
                    f"A download failure occurred while attempting to "
                    f"retrieve {name}")
Пример #3
def fetch_data_files():
    """Download missing test files to the local cache."""
    cache = get_data_dir()
    paths = {cache / fname: fname for fname in list(get_url_map().keys())}

    error = []
    for p in paths:
        # Download missing files or files that don't match the hash
        except Exception:

    if error:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "An error occurred downloading the following files: "
            f"{', '.join(error)}")
Пример #4
def online_test_file_dummy_paths() -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Return a :class:`dict` of dummy paths to the downloadable test files.

        A dict of dummy paths to the test files available via download.
    filenames = list(get_url_map().keys())

    test_files_root = os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, 'test_files')

    dummy_path_map = {
        os.path.join(test_files_root, filename): filename
        for filename in filenames

    return dummy_path_map
Пример #5
def get_testdata_file(name: str,
                      read: bool = False) -> Union[str, "Dataset", None]:
    """Return an absolute path to the first matching dataset with filename

    .. versionadded:: 1.4

    First searches the local *pydicom* data store, then any locally available
    external sources, and finally the files available in the
    pydicom/pydicom-data repository.

    .. versionchanged:: 2.1

        Modified to search locally available external data sources and the
        pydicom/pydicom-data repository

    .. versionchanged:: 2.2

        Added the `read` keyword parameter.

    name : str
        The full file name (without path)
    read : bool, optional
        If ``True`` then use :func:`~pydicom.filereader.dcmread` to read the
        file and return the corresponding
        :class:`~pydicom.dataset.FileDataset`. Default ``False``.

    str, pydicom.dataset.Dataset or None
        The absolute path of the file if found, the dataset itself if `read` is
        ``True``, or ``None`` if the file is not found.
    from pydicom.filereader import dcmread

    # Check pydicom local
    data_path = Path(DATA_ROOT) / 'test_files'
    matches = [m for m in data_path.rglob(name)]
    if matches:
        path = os.fspath(matches[0])
        return dcmread(path, force=True) if read else path

    # Check external data sources
    for lib, source in external_data_sources().items():
            fpath = source.get_path(name, dtype=DataTypes.DATASET)
        except ValueError:
            fpath = None

        # For pydicom-data, check the hash against hashes.json
        if lib == "pydicom-data":
            if fpath and _check_data_hash(fpath):
                return dcmread(fpath, force=True) if read else fpath
        elif fpath:
            return dcmread(fpath, force=True) if read else fpath

    # Try online
    for filename in get_url_map().keys():
        if filename == name:
                path = os.fspath(data_path_with_download(filename))
                return dcmread(path, force=True) if read else path
            except Exception:
                    f"A download failure occurred while attempting to "
                    f"retrieve {name}")

    return None