Пример #1
    def __init__(self, city, msgs=[], padding=0, background_color=None):
        initialize.  Initialized with a name, destroy button in upper right, and
        basic city information.
        planes.gui.Container.__init__(self, "{}_status".format(city.name),
                                      padding, background_color)
        self.city = city
        if city.owner:
            owner_name = city.owner.name
            owner_name = 'Neutral'
        city_data_strs = [('city_name', city.name), ('city owner', owner_name)]
        self.num_proj = -1

        name_length = max([len(s[1])
                           for s in city_data_strs]) * char_width + char_width
        for s in city_data_strs:
            name_label = planes.gui.Label(s[0],
                                          Rect(0, 0, name_length, 15),

        destroy_button = planes.gui.Button(
            Rect(name_label.rect.width - char_width, 0, char_width, 15),
            lambda x: x.parent.parent.destroy(),
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료메시지):  # 그리기 함수 선언
    화면.blit(배경, (0, 0))  # 화면색상 색으로 칠하기

    # 음식 그리기
    for food in 음식:  # 음식 리스트의 개수 만큼 반복하기
        pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (255, 255, 0),
                            Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20))
        # 음식 그리기(타원)      색                 가로              세로

    # 뱀 그리기
    for body in 뱀:  # 뱀 리스트의 개수 만큼 반복하기
        pygame.draw.rect(화면, (255, 255, 255),
                         Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20))
        # 음식 그리기(타원)   색                 가로                  세로

    # 점수 그리기
    if 점수판 != None:  # 점수에 내용이 있으면
        화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10))  # 점수판 위치

    # 종료 메시지 그리기
    if 게임종료:  # 게임종료 메시지가 내용이 있으면
        게임종료메시지 = my글꼴1.render("게임종료 점수 : " + str(점수), True, (255, 255, 255))
        화면.blit(게임종료메시지, (375, 400))
    pygame.display.update()  # 화면 업데이트
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, game_speed):
     self.x = randrange(350, WIDTH)
     self.y = randrange(4 / 5 * HEIGHT - 80)
     self.speed = game_speed
     self.surface = pygame.Surface((35, 35))
     self.rect = Rect(self.surface.get_rect())
Пример #4
def main():
    """main routine"""

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255))

        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50))
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50)))

        rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0)

        rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50))
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1)

        # circle( Surface, color, pos, radius, width = 0) -> Rect
        pygame.draw.circle(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 50), 20, 10)

        # ellipse( Surface, color, Rect, width = 0) -> Rect
        pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), (50, 150, 110, 60), 5)

        # line( Surface, color, start_ pos, end_ pos, width = 1) -> Rect
        # 青: 斜線( 太 さ 10)
        start_pos = (300, 30)
        end_pos = (380, 200)
        pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), start_pos, end_pos, 10)

Пример #5
def main():
    """main routine"""

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255))

        # 빨간색: 직사각형(꽉 채워서 칠한다.)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50))

        # 빨간색: 직사각형(굵기3)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3)

        # 녹색:직사각형
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50)))

        # 파란색:직사각형,Rect객체
        rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0)

        # 노란색:직사각형,Rect객체
        rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50))
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1)

Пример #6
    def update(self, game):
        """update - update the game window"""
        #self.game_plane.image.blit(self.game_background, (0,0)) #reset background drawing
        for c in game.cities:
            if not c.plane:
                c.plane = clickndrag.Plane("city of %s" % c.name,
                                           Rect(c.location, c.image_size))
                c.plane.image.blit(c.image, (0, 0))

        for d in game.dredges:
            if not d.plane:
                image_size = 50, 50
                d.plane = clickndrag.Plane(d.name,
                                           Rect(d.location, image_size))
                draw_dredge(d.plane.image, d.dimensions,
                            image_size[0])  #todo: figure out scaling
                #d.plane.image.blit(d.image, (0,0))
                d.plane.draggable = True

        self.date_status.text = game.date.strftime("Date: %d %B %Y")
        self.player_status.text = "Value: {0:,}".format(

        return True
	def __init__(self, x_dim, y_dim):


		# Dimensions Game Screen (grid)
		self.x_dim = x_dim
		self.y_dim = y_dim
		self.MARGIN = 8
		self.HEADER_BAR = 70
		self.SPACE_PIXELS = 32

		if (self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN) < 550 :
			self.WIDTH = 550
			self.WIDTH = self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN

		self.HEIGHT = self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.y_dim + 2 * self.MARGIN + self.HEADER_BAR
		self._screen = display.set_mode((self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT))

		if (self.x_dim*self.SPACE_PIXELS) < self.WIDTH :
			self.GAME_SCREEN_LEFT = (self.WIDTH / 2) - ((self.x_dim* self.SPACE_PIXELS) / 2)
		else :

		# Dimensions buttons
		self.BUTTON_WIDTH = math.floor(self.WIDTH/3)

		# Dimensions timer and flag counter
		self.TIMER_WIDTH = 150

		# Game Screen (grid)
		self._gameScreen = self._screen.subsurface(
				Rect(self.GAME_SCREEN_LEFT, self.HEADER_BAR + self.MARGIN, self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.x_dim, self.SPACE_PIXELS*self.y_dim)

		# Reset button
		self._reset = self._screen.subsurface(
				Rect(self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, self.BUTTON_WIDTH, self.HEADER_BAR-self.MARGIN)

		# Timer and flag counter
		self._timer = self._screen.subsurface(
		self._flagCounter = self._screen.subsurface(

		self._screen.fill(Color('light grey'))

        # Cheat Mode button
		self.CHEATMODE_WIDTH = math.floor(self.WIDTH/3)
		self._cheatMode = self._screen.subsurface(
				Rect(self.MARGIN + self.BUTTON_WIDTH + self.MARGIN + self.TIMER_WIDTH + self.MARGIN, self.MARGIN, self.CHEATMODE_WIDTH, self.HEADER_BAR-self.MARGIN)

Пример #8
    def draw_scoreboard(self, screen, screen_size, score):
        """Draws a box with the score in it onto the screen."""
        screenw, screenh = screen_size
        wellx, welly = self.well_pixel_coords(screen_size)
        wellw, wellh = self.well_size()
        border_size = 5
        padding = 20
        height = 50

        left = wellx + wellw + padding
        right = screenw - padding
        top = welly
        #bottom = top + height
        width = right - left + 1

            screen, Color(255, 255, 255, 255),
            Rect(left - border_size, top - border_size,
                 width + border_size * 2, height + border_size * 2))
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                         Rect(left, top, width, height))

        text = str(score)
        font = pygame.font.SysFont("Lucida Console", 32, 1, 0)
        text_surface = font.render(text, False, Color(255, 255, 255, 255))
                    (left + (width - text_surface.get_width()) / 2, top +
                     (height - text_surface.get_height()) / 2))
Пример #9
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료메세지):
    화면.fill((0, 0, 0))  # 검정색으로 칠하기
    화면.blit(배경, (0, 0))

    # 음식 그리기
    for food in 음식:
        pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (0, 255, 0),
                            Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20))

    # 뱀 그리기
    for body in 뱀[::2]:
        pygame.draw.rect(화면, (0, 0, 0), Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20,
    for body in 뱀[1::2]:
        pygame.draw.rect(화면, (255, 255, 255),
                         Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20))

    # 점수 그리기
    if 점수판 != None:  # 점수에 내용이 있으면
        화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10))

    # 종료 메세지 그리기
    if 게임종료메세지 != None:
        화면.blit(게임종료메세지, (280, 500))

    pygame.display.update()  # 화면 업데이트
def draw_graph():
    # 从左到右让RGB渐变,并尽量不出现RGB(255,255,255)颜色
    setColor = list(color)
    for n in range(0, transformedL.size, GAP):
        if setColor[0] + 5 <= COLOR_BOUND_H:
            setColor[0] += 5
        elif setColor[1] + 5 <= COLOR_BOUND_H:
            setColor[1] += 5
            setColor[0] -= 2
            setColor[0] -= 5
        # 左耳信息绘制在界面中线上方,右耳信息绘制在界面中线下方
        # 为了美观在矩阵(RECT)上方绘制了一条短线
        heightL = np.nan_to_num(transformedL[n])
        heightR = np.nan_to_num(transformedR[n])
            screen, setColor,
            Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2 - heightL / 2 - 5),
                 (GAP * 0.8, 1)))
            screen, setColor,
            Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2), (GAP * 0.8, -heightL / 2)))
            screen, setColor,
            Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2 + heightR / 2 + 5),
                 (GAP * 0.8, 1)))
            screen, setColor,
            Rect((GAP + n, WINDOW_SIZE[1] / 2), (GAP * 0.8, heightR / 2)))
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, game_speed):
     self.x = WIDTH + 100
     self.y = 4 / 5 * HEIGHT - 60
     self.speed = 2.25 * game_speed
     self.surface = pygame.Surface((60, 60))
     self.rect = Rect(self.surface.get_rect())
Пример #12
def paint():
    """update the screen"""
    SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0))

    for shape in SHAPES:
        polygons = shape.model.work
        for vertices in polygons:
            poly = []
            for vertex in vertices:
                pos_z = vertex[2]
                if pos_z <= 1:
                poly.append((vertex[0] / pos_z * 1000 + 300,
                             -vertex[1] / pos_z * 1000 + 300))
            if len(poly) > 1:
                pygame.draw.lines(SURFACE, shape.get_color(), True, poly)

    pos_x, pos_z, theta = CAMERA[0], CAMERA[1], CAMERA_THETA
    RADAR.fill((128, 128, 128))
    pygame.draw.arc(RADAR, (0, 0, 225),
                    Rect(pos_x + 100, -pos_z + 100, 200, 200),
                    theta - 0.6 + pi / 2, theta + 0.6 + pi / 2, 100)
    pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (225, 0, 0), Rect(pos_x + 200, -pos_z + 200, 5, 5))
    for tank in TANKS:
        pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (0, 255, 0),
                         Rect(tank.get_x() + 200, -tank.get_z() + 200, 5, 5))

    for shot in SHOTS:
        pygame.draw.rect(RADAR, (225, 225, 225),
                         Rect(shot.get_x() + 200, -shot.get_z() + 200, 5, 5))

    scaled_radar = pygame.transform.scale(RADAR, (300, 300))
    SURFACE.blit(scaled_radar, (650, 50))
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, toState, image, x, y, w, h):
        '''Initializes button's draw rectangle, image, isDown state and click event transition state'''
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, w, h)
        self.image = image

        self.toState = toState
        self.isDown = False
Пример #14
def main():
    """ main routine """

    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255))

        # 赤:矩形(塗りつぶし)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50))

        # 赤:矩形(太さ3)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3)

        # 緑:矩形
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50)))

        # 青:矩形、Rectオブジェクト
        rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0)

        # 黄:矩形、Rectオブジェクト
        rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50))
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1)

Пример #15
 def update_col(self,
                blank=False):  # ある桁にある数字を表示する関数
     # numをcol桁目に表示、桁は最上位桁の左から右へ進む。
     block_size = self.BLOCK_SIZE
     num = num % base  # デフォルトは16進数表示
     for segment in segments:  # 7つのセグメントのうちの、あるセグメントについて、
         if segment[num] == 1:
             color = self.COLOR_ON
             color = self.COLOR_OFF
         if blank is True:  # ブランク表示の場合は、すべてOFFで上書き
             color = self.COLOR_OFF
         # 桁の原点
         x0 = self.X_ORG + self.COL_INTV * col
         y0 = self.Y_ORG
         # ブロック1、ブロック2の座標オフセット
         x1, y1 = segment[16][0]
         x2, y2 = segment[16][1]
         # ブロック1、ブロック2の原点座標
         org1 = (x0 + x1 * self.BLOCK_INTV, y0 - y1 * self.BLOCK_INTV)
         org2 = (x0 + x2 * self.BLOCK_INTV, y0 - y2 * self.BLOCK_INTV)
         # ブロック1,2を描く
         pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color,
                          Rect(org1[0], org1[1], block_size, block_size))
         pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, color,
                          Rect(org2[0], org2[1], block_size, block_size))
Пример #16
def main():
    pos_x = 0
    pos_y = 0
    velocity_x = 5
    velocity_y = 6
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0))
        pos_x += velocity_x
        if pos_x > 600:
            pos_x = 0

        pos_y += velocity_y
        if pos_y > 600:
            pos_y = 0

        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 255), Rect(pos_x, 200, 10, 10))
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 255), Rect(200, pos_y, 10, 10))

Пример #17
 def __init__(self, table_dim, margins, p1, p2, b):
     self.p1 = fRect(p1.pos, p2.size)
     self.p2 = fRect(p1.pos, p2.size)
     self.b = fRect(b.pos, b.size)
     self.dim = (table_dim[0], table_dim[1])
     self.walls_Rects = [Rect((-100, -100), (table_size[0]+200, 100)),
                    Rect((-100, table_size[1]), (table_size[0]+200, 100))]
Пример #18
    def draw(self, p_game_screen: Surface, p_actor: Actor):
        Draw an Energy bar on a Surface using the energy value of an Actor

            p_game_screen: The Surface to draw to
            p_actor: The Actor to display the energy status of
        if p_actor.get_energy() > 70:
            rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(),
                             60, 20)
            draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['green'], rectangle)
        elif p_actor.get_energy() > 30:
            rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(),
                             60, 20)
            draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['orange'], rectangle)
            rectangle = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x(), self.coordinate.get_y(),
                             60, 20)
            draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['red'], rectangle)

        rectangle_border = Rect(self.coordinate.get_x() - 3,
                                self.coordinate.get_y() - 3, 65, 25)
        draw.rect(p_game_screen, color.THECOLORS['black'], rectangle_border, 2)

        self.draw_header(p_game_screen, "Energy")
Пример #19
    def chamadaImagensDominoCentroMesa(self):

        for i in range(len(Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa)):
            Utils.img = pygame.image.load(
            size = Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['size']
            pos = Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['pos']
            Utils.img = pygame.transform.scale(Utils.img, (size))

            if Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]["rotate"]["verify"] == True:

                Utils.img = pygame.transform.rotate(

                    "rectEsquerda"] = Rect((pos[0], (pos[1] + 2)),
                                           ((size[0] - 6), (size[1] / 2)))

                print "POS = ", pos
                print "SIZE = ", size

                    "rectDireita"] = Rect(((pos[0] + 40), pos[1] + 2),
                                          ((size[0] - 7), (size[1] / 2)))

                Utils.listaPedrasInseridasNaMesa[i]['rect'] = Rect(
Пример #20
def main():
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
        SURFACE.fill((255, 255, 255))

        # Red rectangle(full)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50))

        # Red rectangle(not full)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 50), 3)

        # Green rectangle
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0), (100, 80, 80, 50))

        # Blue rectangle
        rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 0, 255), rect0)

        # Yellow rectangle
        rect1 = Rect(30, 160, 100, 50)
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 0), rect1)

Пример #21
def main():  # メイン関数

    while True:  # 無限ループ

        for event in pygame.event.get():  # イベントキューからイベントを取得
            if event.type == QUIT:  # 終了イベントの判定
                pygame.quit()  # PyGameの初期化を解除
                sys.exit()  # プログラム終了

        # White surface
        SCREEN.fill((255, 255, 255))
        # Red:rectangle
        pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (10, 20, 100, 50))
        # Red:rectangle
        pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 0, 0), (150, 10, 100, 30), 3)
        # Green:rectangle
        pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (0, 255, 0), ((100, 80), (80, 50)))
        # Blue:rectangle Rect object
        rect0 = Rect(200, 60, 140, 80)
        pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (0, 0, 255), rect0)
        # Yellow:rectangle Rect object
        rect1 = Rect((30, 160), (100, 50))
        pygame.draw.rect(SCREEN, (255, 255, 0), rect1)

        pygame.display.update()  # 描画内容を画面に反映
        FPSCLOCK.tick(3)  # 1 秒間に 3 回ループする
Пример #22
def paint(message):
    SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0))
    for food in FOODS:
        pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (0, 255, 0),
                            Rect(food[0] * 30, food[1] * 30, 30, 30))
    for bomb in BOMBS:
        pygame.draw.ellipse(SURFACE, (255, 0, 0),
                            Rect(bomb[0] * 30, bomb[1] * 30, 30, 30))
    for body in SNAKE:
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (0, 255, 255),
                         Rect(body[0] * 30, body[1] * 30, 30, 30))
    for enemy in ENEMY:
        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 30, 30),
                         Rect(enemy[0] * 30, enemy[1] * 30, 30, 30))
    for index in range(20):
        pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (64, 64, 64), (index * 30, 0),
                         (index * 30, 600))
        pygame.draw.line(SURFACE, (64, 64, 64), (0, index * 30),
                         (600, index * 30))
    if message is not None:
        SURFACE.blit(message, (150, 300))

    smallfont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 36)
    message_score = smallfont.render("SCORE = "
                                     f'{len(SNAKE)}', True, (0, 255, 255))
    SURFACE.blit(message_score, (250, 0))

Пример #23
    def __init__(self, screensize, id):
        self.screensize = screensize
        self.id = id

        # place ball in the center
        self.centerx = int(screensize[0] * 0.5)
        self.centery = int(screensize[1] * 0.5)

        self.radius = 8

        # create shape and sizes it
        self.rect = Rect(self.centerx - self.radius,
                         self.centery - self.radius, self.radius * 2,
                         self.radius * 2)
        self.color = const.WHITE
        self.direction = [1, 1]  # current direction to the right and up
        # list so we can access each individual part because it will change

        self.speedx = 2
        self.speedy = 5

        self.hit_left_edge = False
        self.hit_right_edge = False

        self.ai_score = 0
        self.player_score = 0

        self.player_paddle_win = False
        self.ai_paddle_win = False
        self.play_sound = False
Пример #24
def 그리기(점수판, 게임종료):

    # 음식 그리기
    for food in 음식:
        pygame.draw.ellipse(화면, (0, 255, 0),
                            Rect(food[0] * 20, food[1] * 20, 20, 20))
        # 타원그리기( 화면이동 , (칼라[RGB] , 타원( x축 , y축 , 가로크기 , 세로크기 )

    # 점수 그리기
    if 점수판 != None:  # 점수에 내용이 있으면
        화면.blit(점수판, (10, 10))  # x좌표 y좌표 표기

    # 뱀 그리기
    for body in 뱀:
        pygame.draw.rect(화면, (0, 255, 255),
                         Rect(body[0] * 20, body[1] * 20, 20, 20))
        # 사각형그리기( 화면이름 , (칼라[RGB] , 사각형( x축 , y축 , 가로크기 , 세로크기 )

    # 종료메세지 그리기
    if 게임종료:  # 게임종료메세지 내용이 있으면
        게임종료메세지 = my글꼴.render("게임 종료 [ 획득점수는: ] " + str(점수), True,
                              (255, 255, 0))
        화면.blit(게임종료메세지, (275, 450))  # x좌표 y좌표에 표기

    pygame.display.update()  # 화면 업데이트
Пример #25
def main():
    rect = Rect(0, 600, 10, 10)
    velocity = [5, -20]
    accel = (0, 0.5)
    while True:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:

        SURFACE.fill((0, 0, 0))
        velocity[1] += accel[1];

        if rect.x > 600:
            rect.x = 0
        if rect.y > 600:
            velocity[1] = -20

        pygame.draw.rect(SURFACE, (255, 255, 255), rect)

Пример #26
    def __init__(self, left: int, top: int, game_player, image_height: int=50):

        self.game_player = game_player

        surface = game_player.character.face_image
        name = game_player.player.name
        stock = game_player.stock

        # キャラ画像
        image_width = image_height
        rect = Rect(left, top, image_width, image_height)
        image = surface_fit_to_rect(surface, rect)
        self.character_sprite = SimpleSprite(rect, image)

        # ストックの丸
        self.stock = stock
        self.stock_sprites = [Group() for i in range(stock)]
        x, y = self.character_sprite.rect.bottomright
        stock_radius = int(0.05 * image_height)
        left, top = x, y - stock_radius * 2
        for i in range(stock):
            surface = Surface((stock_radius * 2, stock_radius * 2)).convert_alpha()
            surface.fill((125, 125, 125))
            surface.set_colorkey(surface.get_at((0, 0)))
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(surface, stock_radius, stock_radius, stock_radius-1, (255, 255, 255))
            stock_sprite = SimpleSprite(Rect(left, top, stock_radius * 2, stock_radius * 2), surface)
            left += stock_radius * 2

        # プレイヤーネーム
        font_size = int(0.2 * image_height)
        font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)
        left, bottom = self.character_sprite.rect.bottomright
        bottom -= stock_radius * 2
        self.player_name_sprite = TextSprite(
            color=(255, 255, 255)

        # プレイヤーネームのbg
        width = self.character_sprite.rect.w + max(stock_radius * 2 * stock, self.player_name_sprite.rect.w) + 10
        height = self.character_sprite.rect.h
        self.base_rect = Rect(*self.character_sprite.rect.topleft, width, height)
        rect = self.base_rect
        bg_image = Surface(rect.size).convert_alpha()
        bg_image.fill((0, 0, 0))
        bg_sprite = SimpleSprite(rect, bg_image)
        self.bg_group = Group()
Пример #27
 def makeRectangle(self,xCenter,yCenter):
     # rectangle
     rectangle = Rect(0,0,config.buttonWidth,config.buttonHeight)
     # align
     rectangle.centerx = xCenter
     rectangle.centery = yCenter
     # store
Пример #28
    def __init__(self, pos, piece, isIt):
        self.pos = pos
        self.piece = piece
        self.isFull = isIt
        self.clicked = False
        self.highlightme = False

        self.square = Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], 80, 80)
Пример #29
 def __init__(self, xpos):
     self.rect = Rect(xpos, 550, 40, 40)
     self.exploded = False
     strip = pygame.image.load("strip.png")
     self.images = (pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SRCALPHA),
                    pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SRCALPHA))
     self.images[0].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(0, 0, 20, 20))
     self.images[1].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(20, 0, 20, 20))
Пример #30
 def __init__(self, rect, offset0, offset1):
     strip = pygame.image.load("./image/strip.png")
     self.images = (pygame.Surface((24, 24), pygame.SRCALPHA),
                    pygame.Surface((24, 24), pygame.SRCALPHA))
     self.rect = rect
     self.count = 0
     self.images[0].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(offset0, 0, 24, 24))
     self.images[1].blit(strip, (0, 0), Rect(offset1, 0, 24, 24))
Пример #31
class World(object):
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = 300
        self.height = 300
        self.grid_size = 20

        self.pixel_size = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
        self.full_grid = Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
        self.view_grid = Rect(10, 10, 0, 0)
        self.prev_view_grid = None

        self.ground = [[0 for col in range(self.width)] for row in range(self.height)]

        for y in range(self.height):
            for x in range(self.width):
                self.ground[y][x] = Assets.colors_db.any('dirt')
        self.surface = Surface((width, height), HWSURFACE, 32)

    def draw(self, screen):
        rect = self.view_grid
        if self.prev_view_grid != rect:
            self.prev_view_grid = Rect(rect)
            x1 = rect.left
            y1 = rect.top
            x2 = min(self.width, rect.left + rect.width)
            y2 = min(self.height, rect.top + rect.height)

            r = Rect(0, 0, self.grid_size, self.grid_size)
            for row in self.ground[y1:y2 - 1]:
                for col in row[x1:x2 - 1]:
                    self.surface.fill(col, r)
                    r.left += self.grid_size
                r.left = 0
                r.top += self.grid_size

        screen.blit(self.surface, self.pixel_size)

    def view_move(self, move):
        self.view_grid.left += move.x
        self.view_grid.top += move.y

    def zoom_in(self):

    def zoom_out(self):

    def zoom(self, dz):
        if 50 >= self.grid_size + dz >= 5:
            self.grid_size = self.grid_size + dz
            self.view_grid.width = int(math.ceil(self.pixel_size.width / float(self.grid_size))) + 1
            self.view_grid.height = int(math.ceil(self.pixel_size.height / float(self.grid_size))) + 1
            self.prev_view_grid = None
Пример #32
 def testRow1(self):
     rect = Rect(3 * view.TILE_SIZE + 4, 5 * view.TILE_SIZE + 4, 24, 24)
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(16, 0)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(32, 0)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
Пример #33
    def draw(self, screen):
        rect = self.view_grid
        if self.prev_view_grid != rect:
            self.prev_view_grid = Rect(rect)
            x1 = rect.left
            y1 = rect.top
            x2 = min(self.width, rect.left + rect.width)
            y2 = min(self.height, rect.top + rect.height)

            r = Rect(0, 0, self.grid_size, self.grid_size)
            for row in self.ground[y1:y2 - 1]:
                for col in row[x1:x2 - 1]:
                    self.surface.fill(col, r)
                    r.left += self.grid_size
                r.left = 0
                r.top += self.grid_size

        screen.blit(self.surface, self.pixel_size)
Пример #34
 def initBaseRect(self):
     baseRectWidth = self.mapRect.width 
     baseRectHeight = BASE_RECT_HEIGHT
     if hasattr(self, "baseRectSize"):
         baseRectWidth = self.baseRectSize[0]
         baseRectHeight = self.baseRectSize[1]
     baseRectTop = self.getBaseRectTop(baseRectHeight)
     baseRectLeft = (self.mapRect.width - baseRectWidth) / 2
     self.baseRect = Rect(baseRectLeft, baseRectTop, baseRectWidth, baseRectHeight)
Пример #35
    def __init__(self, x_init_world, y_init_world, width_view_camera, height_view_camera):

        # rect that represents the surface visible of the camera
        self.rect_view_camera = Rect(x_init_world, y_init_world, width_view_camera, height_view_camera)

        self.pos_dest_screen = (0, 0)  # Position to draw the map captured by this Camera
        self.map_handler = None  # Controller of the map

        self.map_tile_surface = None  # Surface Buffer that contains the map drawn
        self.rect_hidden_camera = None  # Rect of the surface buffer with pos on map

        self.following = None
        self.can_follow = {"left": False, "top": False, "bottom": False, "right": True}
Пример #36
    def create_image(self, rect_camera_map):
        # pre: rect_image must be created <TILE_SIZE*rows>X<TILE_SIZE*columns>
        assert self.is_map_loaded, "There's no map loaded yet!"

        image_map_tile = pygame.Surface(rect_camera_map.size, SRCALPHA)

        n_rows = rect_camera_map.height // self.tile_size
        n_columns = rect_camera_map.width // self.tile_size

        i_init_matriz = rect_camera_map.y // self.tile_size
        j_init_matriz = rect_camera_map.x // self.tile_size

        src_srfc_tile_rect = Rect(0, 0, self.tile_size, self.tile_size)

        for i in range(n_rows):

            i_matrix = i_init_matriz + i
            if i_matrix >= self.n_rows:

            for j in range(n_columns):

                j_matrix = j_init_matriz + j

                if j_matrix >= self.n_cols:

                tile_index = self.matrix_tiles[i_matrix][j_matrix]

                if tile_index != 0:
                    src_srfc_tile_rect.x = self.tile_size * (tile_index - 1)
                    image_map_tile.blit(self.tileset_surface, (
                        (j_matrix - j_init_matriz) * self.tile_size, (i_matrix - i_init_matriz) * self.tile_size),

        return image_map_tile
Пример #37
    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not hasattr(self, "image"):
            self.image = None
        if not hasattr(self, "rect"):
            self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 32, 32)

        self._group = args[0]
        self._visible = False
        self._zindex = 0
        self._dirty = True
        self._alpha = 255
        self.damaged = False
        self.damaged_areas = []
        self.last_state = None

        Sprite.__init__(self, *args)
Пример #38
    def __init__(self):
        self.Sprite = Sprite.Sprite()
        self.start  = (0, 0)
        self.end    = (0, 0)
        self.dim    = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.on     = False

        self.shaders  = ("", "")
        self.anim_rate= -1
        self.anim_fn  = ""

        # Various entity attributes
        self.phyz     = False
        self.anim     = False
        self.static   = False
        self.p_spawn  = False
        self.e_spawn  = False
Пример #39
class ButtonRect:
    """Button class for add players based on the Command pattern."""

    def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, command):
        """ Constructor """
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, w, h)
        self.command = command

    def handleMouseDown(self, x, y):
        if self.rect.collidepoint(x, y):
            if self.command <> None:

    def draw(self, surface):
        # TODO : use picture here.
        # This method could also be implemented by subclasses.
        pygame.draw.rect(surface, (100, 100, 100), self.rect)
Пример #40
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        self.width = 300
        self.height = 300
        self.grid_size = 20

        self.pixel_size = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
        self.full_grid = Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
        self.view_grid = Rect(10, 10, 0, 0)
        self.prev_view_grid = None

        self.ground = [[0 for col in range(self.width)] for row in range(self.height)]

        for y in range(self.height):
            for x in range(self.width):
                self.ground[y][x] = Assets.colors_db.any('dirt')
        self.surface = Surface((width, height), HWSURFACE, 32)
Пример #41
    def __init__(self):
        # References to draw
        self.image_path = ('character', 'human_sprite.png')
        self.image = Assets.load_image(self.image_path)
        self.name = Assets.names_db.random_full_name()
        #frm = display.font.render(str(frame), True, text_color)
        #rect = frm.get_rect()
        self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.location = Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.target = Rect(50, 20, 1, 1)
        self.pct = 0.0
        self.next = Rect(self.location.x, self.location.y, 1, 1)

        # Traits and skills. General idea
        self.traits = {
            "health": 100,
            "intelligence": 0,
            "strength": 0,
            "mining": 0,
            "shooting": 0,
            "armour": 0,
            "weight": 0,
            "rotation": 0,
            "speed": 0,
            "versatility:": 0,
            "weight-capacity:": 0

        # What the character has equipped
        self.equips = {
            "body_part_upper": None,
            "body_part_lower": None

        # Condition: [inflicted?, Damage, Duration, Duration Remaining]
        self.conditions = {
            "Burn": [False, 1, 10, 0],
            "Frost": [False, 1, 15, 0],
            "Stun": [False, 1, 5, 0],
            "Sleep": [False, 1, 20, 0],
            "Shock": [False, 1, 3, 0],
            "Poison": [False, 1, 15, 0],
            "Bleed": [False, 1, 3, 0]
Пример #42
class ButtonCircle:
    """Button class for add players based on the Command pattern."""

    def __init__(self, x, y, r, command, color=(100,100,100)):
        """ Constructor """
        self.r = r
        self.rect = Rect(x-r, y-r, r*2, r*2)
        self.command = command
        self.color = color

    def handleMouseDown(self, x, y):
        if self.rect.collidepoint(x, y):
            if self.command <> None:

    def draw(self, surface):
        # TODO : use picture here.
        # This method could also be implemented by subclasses.
        pygame.draw.circle(surface, self.color, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y),
Пример #43
    def load_map(self, path_to_file_level):

        # Tile s positioning data
        file_level = open(path_to_file_level)

        self.matrix_tiles = []
        # lines = file_level.readlines()
        # n_lines = len(lines)
        self.n_rows, self.n_cols, self.n_tiles = read_n_rows_columns_num_tiles(file_level)

        if self.is_map_loaded:
            self.check_loaded_tileset()  # We check that we can cover the tiles with our current
        # tile set

        i = 0
        while i < self.n_rows:
            j = 0
            line = list(file_level.readline().strip())
            while j < self.n_cols:
                    line[j] = int(line[j])
                    if line[j] < 0 or line[j] >= self.n_tiles:
                        raise AssertionError("Tile Value at ({0},{1}) must be in range {2}-{3}. '{4}' not permitted".
                                             format(i + 2, j + 1, 0, self.n_tiles - 1, line[j]))

                except ValueError:
                    raise AssertionError("Tile Value at ({0},{1}) must be an Integer. '{2}' not permitted".
                                         format(i + 2, j + 1, line[j]))
                except IndexError:
                    raise AssertionError("Wrong number of tiles at line {0}. {1} tiles are missing".
                                         format(i + 2, self.n_cols - j))

                j += 1

            i += 1

        self.rect_full_map = Rect(0, 0, self.n_cols * self.tile_size, self.n_rows * self.tile_size)
        self.is_map_loaded = True
Пример #44
 def testLevel3(self):
     rect = Rect(10 * view.TILE_SIZE + 4, 2 * view.TILE_SIZE + 4, 24, 24)
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 3), rpgMap.isMoveValid(3, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 3), rpgMap.isMoveValid(3, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 32)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 3), rpgMap.isMoveValid(3, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 48)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 3), rpgMap.isMoveValid(3, baseRect))
     baseRect = rect.move(0, 64)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 3), rpgMap.isMoveValid(3, baseRect))
Пример #45
class MapHandler:
    def __init__(self, tile_size):

        self.matrix_tiles = None
        self.rect_full_map = None
        self.tileset_surface = None
        self.is_map_loaded = False
        self.n_rows = 0
        self.n_cols = 0
        self.n_tiles = 0
        self.path_to_tileset = None
        self.tile_size = tile_size

    # Load a file containing tile positioning
    def load_map(self, path_to_file_level):

        # Tile s positioning data
        file_level = open(path_to_file_level)

        self.matrix_tiles = []
        # lines = file_level.readlines()
        # n_lines = len(lines)
        self.n_rows, self.n_cols, self.n_tiles = read_n_rows_columns_num_tiles(file_level)

        if self.is_map_loaded:
            self.check_loaded_tileset()  # We check that we can cover the tiles with our current
        # tile set

        i = 0
        while i < self.n_rows:
            j = 0
            line = list(file_level.readline().strip())
            while j < self.n_cols:
                    line[j] = int(line[j])
                    if line[j] < 0 or line[j] >= self.n_tiles:
                        raise AssertionError("Tile Value at ({0},{1}) must be in range {2}-{3}. '{4}' not permitted".
                                             format(i + 2, j + 1, 0, self.n_tiles - 1, line[j]))

                except ValueError:
                    raise AssertionError("Tile Value at ({0},{1}) must be an Integer. '{2}' not permitted".
                                         format(i + 2, j + 1, line[j]))
                except IndexError:
                    raise AssertionError("Wrong number of tiles at line {0}. {1} tiles are missing".
                                         format(i + 2, self.n_cols - j))

                j += 1

            i += 1

        self.rect_full_map = Rect(0, 0, self.n_cols * self.tile_size, self.n_rows * self.tile_size)
        self.is_map_loaded = True

    def clamp_rect(self, rect):
        return rect.clamp(self.rect_full_map)

    def has_map_loaded(self):
        return self.is_map_loaded

    def load_tileset(self, path_to_file_image):

        # Tile s image
        self.tileset_surface = pygame.image.load(path_to_file_image)


        self.path_to_tileset = path_to_file_image

    def is_rect_out_of_map_bounds(self, rect):
        return not self.rect_full_map.contains(rect)

    # Create a Surface that contains/draws all the visible tiles that are contained in rect_cut
    def create_image(self, rect_camera_map):
        # pre: rect_image must be created <TILE_SIZE*rows>X<TILE_SIZE*columns>
        assert self.is_map_loaded, "There's no map loaded yet!"

        image_map_tile = pygame.Surface(rect_camera_map.size, SRCALPHA)

        n_rows = rect_camera_map.height // self.tile_size
        n_columns = rect_camera_map.width // self.tile_size

        i_init_matriz = rect_camera_map.y // self.tile_size
        j_init_matriz = rect_camera_map.x // self.tile_size

        src_srfc_tile_rect = Rect(0, 0, self.tile_size, self.tile_size)

        for i in range(n_rows):

            i_matrix = i_init_matriz + i
            if i_matrix >= self.n_rows:

            for j in range(n_columns):

                j_matrix = j_init_matriz + j

                if j_matrix >= self.n_cols:

                tile_index = self.matrix_tiles[i_matrix][j_matrix]

                if tile_index != 0:
                    src_srfc_tile_rect.x = self.tile_size * (tile_index - 1)
                    image_map_tile.blit(self.tileset_surface, (
                        (j_matrix - j_init_matriz) * self.tile_size, (i_matrix - i_init_matriz) * self.tile_size),

        return image_map_tile

    def check_loaded_tileset(self):
        if normalize(self.tileset_surface.get_width(), self.tile_size) != self.tileset_surface.get_width() or \
                                self.tileset_surface.get_width() // self.tile_size < (
                            self.n_tiles - 1) or self.tileset_surface.get_height() != self.tile_size:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Wrong tileset, {0} must be width>={1} , height={2} and contain {3} different aligned tiles.'.format(
                    self.path_to_tileset, self.n_tiles * self.tile_size, self.tile_size, self.n_tiles - 1))

    def collide_map(self, rect):
        assert self.is_map_loaded, "There's no map loaded yet!"

        rect_collide = create_camera_rect(rect, self.tile_size)

        n_rows = rect_collide.height // self.tile_size
        n_columns = rect_collide.width // self.tile_size

        i_init_matriz = rect_collide.y // self.tile_size
        j_init_matriz = rect_collide.x // self.tile_size

        collide_list = []
        for i in range(n_rows):

            i_matrix = i_init_matriz + i
            if i_matrix >= self.n_rows:

            for j in range(n_columns):

                j_matrix = j_init_matriz + j

                if j_matrix >= self.n_cols:

                tile_index = self.matrix_tiles[i_matrix][j_matrix]

                if tile_index != 0:
                    collide_list.append((tile_index, (i, j)))

        return collide_list

    def get_tile_size(self):
        return self.tile_size

    def get_floor_dist(self, x, y, max_dist):
        """Obtiene la distancia entre el punto (x, y) y el proximo bloque solido hacia abajo"""

        for dy in range(max_dist):
            if (y + dy) % self.tile_size == 0 and self.matrix_tiles[int((y + dy) // self.tile_size)][
                        x // self.tile_size] != 0:
                return dy

        return max_dist

    def get_nearest_bottom_tile(self, rect, max_deep):
        """"Regresa el primer tile que se encuentre hacia abajo"""

        rect_collide = create_camera_rect(rect, self.tile_size)

        n_columns = rect_collide.width // self.tile_size

        i_init_matriz = rect_collide.bottom // self.tile_size
        j_init_matriz = rect_collide.x // self.tile_size

        for i in range(max_deep):

            i_matrix = i_init_matriz + i
            if i_matrix >= self.n_rows:
                return None

            for j in range(n_columns):

                j_matrix = j_init_matriz + j

                if j_matrix >= self.n_cols:

                tile_index = self.matrix_tiles[i_matrix][j_matrix]

                if tile_index != 0:
                    return tile_index, (i_matrix, j_matrix), rect_collide.bottom - rect.bottom + i * self.tile_size

        return None
Пример #46
class Character(object):
    This class defines the characteristics of any character starting out
    def __init__(self):
        # References to draw
        self.image_path = ('character', 'human_sprite.png')
        self.image = Assets.load_image(self.image_path)
        self.name = Assets.names_db.random_full_name()
        #frm = display.font.render(str(frame), True, text_color)
        #rect = frm.get_rect()
        self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.location = Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
        self.target = Rect(50, 20, 1, 1)
        self.pct = 0.0
        self.next = Rect(self.location.x, self.location.y, 1, 1)

        # Traits and skills. General idea
        self.traits = {
            "health": 100,
            "intelligence": 0,
            "strength": 0,
            "mining": 0,
            "shooting": 0,
            "armour": 0,
            "weight": 0,
            "rotation": 0,
            "speed": 0,
            "versatility:": 0,
            "weight-capacity:": 0

        # What the character has equipped
        self.equips = {
            "body_part_upper": None,
            "body_part_lower": None

        # Condition: [inflicted?, Damage, Duration, Duration Remaining]
        self.conditions = {
            "Burn": [False, 1, 10, 0],
            "Frost": [False, 1, 15, 0],
            "Stun": [False, 1, 5, 0],
            "Sleep": [False, 1, 20, 0],
            "Shock": [False, 1, 3, 0],
            "Poison": [False, 1, 15, 0],
            "Bleed": [False, 1, 3, 0]

    # Draw character
    def draw(self, screen, world):
        if not world.view_grid.contains(self.location) and not world.view_grid.contains(self.next):

        if world.grid_size != self.rect.width:
            self.rect.width = self.rect.height = world.grid_size
            self.image = Assets.load_image(self.image_path, (world.grid_size, world.grid_size))
        self.rect.x = (self.location.x - world.view_grid.x) * world.grid_size \
            + (self.next.x - self.location.x) * self.pct * world.grid_size
        self.rect.y = (self.location.y - world.view_grid.y) * world.grid_size \
            + (self.next.y - self.location.y) * self.pct * world.grid_size
        screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)

    # Equip component

    # Un-equip component

    # Equip Upper or Lower Body Part
    def body_part_equip(self, part):
        #If it's an upper body part
        if part.upper:
            self.equips["body_part_upper"] = part
            self.equips["body_part_lower"] = part

        #Pad character's stats with the stats of the part
        #Example: self.traits["weight"] = self.traits["weight"] + part.weight

    # Un-equip Armour
    def body_part_unequip(self, part):
        if part.upper:
            self.equips["body_part_upper"] = None
            self.equips["body_part_lower"] = None

        #Unpad character's stats with the stats of the part

    def weight(self):
        return self.traits["weight"] + sum(p.weight for p in self.equips.values() if p is not None)

    # Apply condition on the character.
    def inflict(self, condition):
        if condition not in self.conditions:
        self.conditions[condition][0] = True
        self.conditions[condition][3] = self.conditions[condition][2]

    def set_target(self, pos):
        self.target.x, self.target.y = pos

    def tick(self):
        if self.target != self.location:
            if self.pct >= 0.9:
                self.location = self.next.copy()
                self.pct = 0.0

            if self.next == self.location:
                # pick a block to go to next
                if self.target.x > self.location.x:
                    self.next.x = self.location.x + 1
                elif self.target.x < self.location.x:
                    self.next.x = self.location.x - 1

                if self.target.y > self.location.y:
                    self.next.y = self.location.y + 1
                elif self.target.y < self.location.y:
                    self.next.y = self.location.y - 1

            self.pct += 0.2

        for condition in self.conditions:
            if self.conditions[condition][0]:
                if self.conditions[condition][3] == 0:  # character lived through the condition
                    self.conditions[condition][0] = False
                    self.traits["health"] -= self.conditions[condition][1]
                    self.conditions[condition][3] -= 1

    # Character died. (Need to know what happens when a character dies)
    def death(self):
        print("Character has died.")

        # Absolve character of all conditions
        self.conditions = self.conditions.fromkeys(self.conditions, False)
Пример #47
class RpgSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, spriteFrames, position = (0, 0)):
        # properties common to all RpgSprites
        self.spriteFrames = spriteFrames
        self.position = [i * SCALAR for i in position]
        self.image, temp = self.spriteFrames.advanceFrame(0)
        # indicates if this sprite stands upright
        self.upright = True
        # indicates if this sprite is currently visible
        self.inView = False
        # indicates if this sprite is currently masked by any map tiles
        self.masked = False
        # indicates if this sprite should be removed on next update
        self.toRemove = False
    def setup(self, uid, rpgMap, eventBus):
        self.uid = uid
        self.rpgMap = rpgMap
        self.eventBus = eventBus
    def setTilePosition(self, tx, ty, level):
        self.x, self.y = tx, ty
        self.setPixelPosition(tx * TILE_SIZE + self.position[0],
                              ty * TILE_SIZE + self.position[1],

    def setPixelPosition(self, px = 0, py = 0, level = None):
        # main rect
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        # other rectangles as required by the game engine
        self.mapRect = self.image.get_rect()
        # if required, move to the requested position
        if level:
            self.level = level
        if px > 0 or py > 0:
            self.doMove(px, py)
    def initBaseRect(self):
        baseRectWidth = self.mapRect.width 
        baseRectHeight = BASE_RECT_HEIGHT
        if hasattr(self, "baseRectSize"):
            baseRectWidth = self.baseRectSize[0]
            baseRectHeight = self.baseRectSize[1]
        baseRectTop = self.getBaseRectTop(baseRectHeight)
        baseRectLeft = (self.mapRect.width - baseRectWidth) / 2
        self.baseRect = Rect(baseRectLeft, baseRectTop, baseRectWidth, baseRectHeight)
        # print self.uid, self.baseRect.width, self.baseRect.height
    def getBaseRectTop(self, baseRectHeight):
        return self.mapRect.bottom - baseRectHeight
    def doMove(self, px, py):
        self.mapRect.move_ip(px, py)
        self.baseRect.move_ip(px, py)
        # a pseudo z order is used to test if one sprite is behind another
        self.z = int(self.mapRect.bottom + self.level * TILE_SIZE)

    def clearMasks(self):
        if self.masked:
            self.masked = False
    def applyMasks(self):
        # masks is a map of lists, keyed on the associated tile points
        masks = self.rpgMap.getMasks(self)
        if len(masks) > 0:
            self.masked = True
            for tilePoint in masks:
                px = tilePoint[0] * view.TILE_SIZE - self.mapRect.left
                py = tilePoint[1] * view.TILE_SIZE - self.mapRect.top
                [self.image.blit(mask, (px, py)) for mask in masks[tilePoint]]
    def advanceFrame(self, increment, metadata):
        self.image, frameIndex = self.spriteFrames.advanceFrame(increment, **metadata)
    def playSound(self, frameIndex):
    def isIntersecting(self, sprite):
        if self != sprite and self.level == sprite.level and self.baseRect.colliderect(sprite.baseRect):
            return True
        return False;
    def processCollision(self, player):
    def processAction(self, player):
Пример #48
 def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, command):
     """ Constructor """
     self.rect = Rect(x, y, w, h)
     self.command = command
Пример #49
class SmartSprite(Sprite):
    __slots__ = ("_group", "_zindex", "_dirty", "_alpha", "_visible",
                 "damaged", "last_state", "rect", "image")

    def __init__(self, *args):
        if not hasattr(self, "image"):
            self.image = None
        if not hasattr(self, "rect"):
            self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 32, 32)

        self._group = args[0]
        self._visible = False
        self._zindex = 0
        self._dirty = True
        self._alpha = 255
        self.damaged = False
        self.damaged_areas = []
        self.last_state = None

        Sprite.__init__(self, *args)
    # __init__()

    def __cmp__(self, obj):
        return cmp(self._zindex, obj.zindex)
    # __cmp__()

    def get_dirty(self):
        return self._dirty
    # get_dirty()

    def set_dirty(self, v):
        self._dirty = v
        if v:
            self._group.dirty = True
    # set_dirty()
    dirty = property(get_dirty, set_dirty)

    def get_alpha(self):
        return self._alpha
    # get_alpha()

    def set_alpha(self, v):
        if v == self._alpha:

        self._alpha = v
        if self.image:
            self.image.set_alpha(v, RLEACCEL)
            self.dirty = True
    # set_alpha()
    alpha = property(get_alpha, set_alpha)

    def get_zindex(self):
        return self._zindex
    # get_zindex()

    def set_zindex(self, v):
        if v == self._zindex:

        self._zindex = v
    # set_zindex()
    zindex = property(get_zindex, set_zindex)

    def get_visible(self):
        return self._visible
    # get_visible()

    def set_visible(self, v):
        if v == self._visible:

        self._visible = v
        self.dirty = True
    # set_visible()
    visible = property(get_visible, set_visible)

    def show(self):
        self.visible = True
    # show()

    def hide(self):
        self.visible = False
    # hide()

    def move(self, x, y):
        r = self.rect
        d = False

        if r.left != x:
            r.left = x
            d = True

        if r.top != y:
            r.top = y
            d = True

        if d:
            self.dirty = True
    # move()

    def move_rel(self, dx, dy):
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:

        self.rect.move_ip(dx, dy)
        self.dirty = True
    # move_rel()

    def last_state_changed(self):
        return self.last_state and self.last_state.changed()
    # last_state_changed()

    def mouse_click(self, x, y):
    # mouse_click()

    def __str__(self):
        return ("%s(rect=%s, zindex=%s, visible=%s, dirty=%s, "
                "alpha=%s, damaged=%s, group=%s, last_state=%s)" )% \
                (self.__class__.__name__, self.rect, self.zindex,
                 self.visible, self.dirty, self.alpha, self.damaged,
                 self._group, self.last_state)
Пример #50
 def __init__(self, x, y, r, command, color=(100,100,100)):
     """ Constructor """
     self.r = r
     self.rect = Rect(x-r, y-r, r*2, r*2)
     self.command = command
     self.color = color
Пример #51
 for obj in shash.objects:
     print obj
 print 'Cell position:'
 for i in range(len(shash.buckets)):
     print i,shash.get_cell_grid(i),shash.get_cell_pos(i)
 print 'Nearby objects:'
 print '  Reference:', o,shash.cell_ids[o]
 for obj in shash.get_nearby_objects(o):
     print '  nearby:',obj,shash.cell_ids[obj]
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(world_rect.size)
 draw_line = pygame.draw.line
 draw_rect = pygame.draw.rect
 color = pygame.Color('darkgrey')
 left,right,top,bottom = world_rect.left,world_rect.right,world_rect.top,world_rect.bottom
 fill_rect = Rect(0,0,shash.cell_size,shash.cell_size)
 while 1:
     minx = -1
     miny = -1
     for cell_id,cell in enumerate(shash.itercells()):
         x,y = shash.get_cell_pos(cell_id)
         if x > minx:
             minx = x
             p1 = x,top
             p2 = x,bottom
             draw_line(screen, color, p1, p2)
         if y > miny:
             miny = y
             p1 = left,y
Пример #52
class MapCamera:
    def __init__(self, x_init_world, y_init_world, width_view_camera, height_view_camera):

        # rect that represents the surface visible of the camera
        self.rect_view_camera = Rect(x_init_world, y_init_world, width_view_camera, height_view_camera)

        self.pos_dest_screen = (0, 0)  # Position to draw the map captured by this Camera
        self.map_handler = None  # Controller of the map

        self.map_tile_surface = None  # Surface Buffer that contains the map drawn
        self.rect_hidden_camera = None  # Rect of the surface buffer with pos on map

        self.following = None
        self.can_follow = {"left": False, "top": False, "bottom": False, "right": True}

    # Start the camera setting buffers
    def init(self):
        assert self.map_handler is not None, "There's not a " + str(MapHandler.__class__) + " instance "
        assert self.map_handler.has_map_loaded(), "MapHandler has no map loaded yet!"

    def __create_buffer(self):

        self.rect_hidden_camera = create_camera_rect(self.rect_view_camera, self.map_handler.get_tile_size())
        self.map_tile_surface = self.map_handler.create_image(self.rect_hidden_camera)

    def set_pos_screen(self, x_screen, y_screen):  # Set position to draw the map on screen
        self.pos_dest_screen = (x_screen, y_screen)

    def set_maphandler(self, map_handler):
        self.map_handler = map_handler

    # Move camera x y pixels
    def move(self, x_world, y_world):

        rect_moved = self.rect_view_camera.move(x_world, y_world)

        if self.map_handler.is_rect_out_of_map_bounds(rect_moved):

        self.rect_view_camera.move_ip(x_world, y_world)

        if not self.rect_hidden_camera.contains(self.rect_view_camera):
            # If new pos is out of the buffer, we create a new one!

    def draw(self, screen):

        rect_area_visible = Rect(self.rect_view_camera.x - self.rect_hidden_camera.x,
                                 self.rect_view_camera.y - self.rect_hidden_camera.y,
                                 self.rect_view_camera.width, self.rect_view_camera.height)
        screen.blit(self.map_tile_surface, self.pos_dest_screen, rect_area_visible)

    def get_x(self):
        return self.rect_view_camera.x

    def get_y(self):
        return self.rect_view_camera.y

    def follow(self, player):
        self.following = player

    def update(self):
        if self.following:
            x_p, y_p = self.following.x, \

            if self.can_follow['right']:
                if x_p > self.rect_view_camera.x + self.rect_view_camera.width / 4:
                    rect_moved = self.rect_view_camera.copy()
                    rect_moved.x = x_p - self.rect_view_camera.width / 4

                    if self.map_handler.is_rect_out_of_map_bounds(rect_moved):

                    self.rect_view_camera = rect_moved

                    if not self.rect_hidden_camera.contains(self.rect_view_camera):
                        # If new pos is out of the buffer, we create a new one!

    def is_rect_out_of_camera_bounds(self, rect):
        return not self.rect_view_camera.contains(rect)
Пример #53
 def testEmptyTile(self):
     baseRect = Rect(7 * TILE_SIZE + 2, 5 * TILE_SIZE + 8, 28, 18)
     # [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual(True, all(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1] [ ]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual(True, all(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [ ]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual(True, all(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [ ] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual(True, all(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual(True, all(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
Пример #54
 def testSpan2_2(self):
     # horizontally spans only one tile                          
     baseRect = Rect(6 * TILE_SIZE + 18, 1 * TILE_SIZE + 8, 28, 18)
     # [1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1] [1] [1,2] [1,2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1,2] [1,2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1,2] [1,2] [2] [2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [2] [2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [2] [2] [X] [X]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [X] [X]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [X] [X] [1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
Пример #55
 def testSpan2_1(self):
     # horizontally spans only one tile                          
     baseRect = Rect(5 * TILE_SIZE + 18, 2 * TILE_SIZE + 8, 28, 18)
     # [1,2] [1,2] [S2] [2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S2] [2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S2] [2] [S1.5] [X]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2, -1), rpgMap.isHorizontalValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [X]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5, 0), rpgMap.isHorizontalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [X] [S1.5] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isHorizontalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1, 1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5, 0), rpgMap.isHorizontalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [1] [S1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1, 1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1, -1), rpgMap.isVerticalValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1, 1), rpgMap.isHorizontalValid(1, baseRect))
     # [S1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1] [1] [1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(4, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getSpanTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
Пример #56
 def testSpan1_1(self):
     # horizontally spans only one tile                          
     baseRect = Rect(5 * TILE_SIZE + 2, 2 * TILE_SIZE + 8, 28, 18)
     # [1,2] [S2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S2]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S2] [S1.5]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1.5]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [S1.5]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1.5]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1.5] [S1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [S1] [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 1.5), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1.5, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
     # [1]
     baseRect.move_ip(0, 16)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(rpgMap.getBaseRectTiles(baseRect)))
     self.assertEqual((True, 1), rpgMap.isMoveValid(1, baseRect))
     self.assertEqual((False, 2), rpgMap.isMoveValid(2, baseRect))
Пример #57
class Entity:
    def __init__(self):
        self.Sprite = Sprite.Sprite()
        self.start  = (0, 0)
        self.end    = (0, 0)
        self.dim    = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        self.on     = False

        self.shaders  = ("", "")
        self.anim_rate= -1
        self.anim_fn  = ""

        # Various entity attributes
        self.phyz     = False
        self.anim     = False
        self.static   = False
        self.p_spawn  = False
        self.e_spawn  = False

    def Load(self, filename=None, surface=None):
        if(filename): self.Sprite.Load(filename=filename)
        elif surface: self.Sprite.Load(surface=surface)
        return self

    def Update(self, x, y):
        if not self.on: return

        self.Sprite.Move(x, y)
        self.end = (x, y)

    def Pan(self, x, y):
        self.start  = (self.start[0] + x, self.start[1] + y)
        self.end    = (self.end[0] + x, self.end[1] + y)
        self.dim.x += x
        self.dim.y += y

    def Enable(self, x, y):
        self.on     = True
        self.start  = (x, y)
        self.end    = (x, y)
        self.dim.x  = x
        self.dim.y  = y

    def Disable(self, x, y):
        self.on     = False

    def Collide(self, rect):
        return self.dim.colliderect(rect)

    def Render(self, screen):
        # Calculate how many should be rendered.
        count_x = abs(self.start[0] - self.end[0]) / self.Sprite.GetW()
        count_y = abs(self.start[1] - self.end[1]) / self.Sprite.GetH()

        # Fix dimensions.
        self.dim.topleft    = self.start
        self.dim.w          = (count_x + 1) * self.Sprite.GetW()
        self.dim.h          = (count_y + 1) * self.Sprite.GetH()

        # Render count_x * count_y copies.
        for x in xrange(count_x + 1):
            for y in xrange(count_y + 1):
                coord = (self.start[0] + (x * self.Sprite.GetW()),  \
                        (self.start[1] + (y * self.Sprite.GetH())))

                screen.blit(self.Sprite.GetSprite(), coord)

        return self

    def BuildMeshString(self):
        return MESH_FORMAT %                                        \
            (self.GetW(), self.GetW(), self.GetH(), self.GetH(),    \
             self.GetH() / (1.0 * self.Sprite.GetH()),              \
             self.GetW() / (1.0 * self.Sprite.GetW()),              \
             self.GetH() / (1.0 * self.Sprite.GetH()),              \
             self.GetW() / (1.0 * self.Sprite.GetW()),              \
             os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.Sprite.GetFilename()))[0] + ".tga")

    def TogglePhysics(self):self.phyz = not self.phyz; return self.phyz
    def ToggleStatic(self): self.static = not self.static; return self.static
    def TogglePSpawn(self): self.p_spawn = not self.p_spawn; return self.p_spawn
    def ToggleESpawn(self): self.e_spawn = not self.e_spawn; return self.e_spawn

    def IsAnimation(self):  return self.anim
    def IsPhysical(self):   return self.phyz
    def IsStatic(self):     return self.static
    def IsSpawn(self):      return self.p_spawn or self.e_spawn

    def HasShader(self):    return self.shaders[0] != "" or self.shaders[1] != ""

    def GetX(self):         return self.start[0]
    def GetY(self):         return self.start[1]
    def GetW(self):         return self.dim.w
    def GetH(self):         return self.dim.h
    def _GetRect(self):     return self.dim

    def GetFilename(self):  return self.Sprite.GetFilename()
    def GetVShader(self):   return self.shaders[0]
    def GetFShader(self):   return self.shaders[1]

    def ToggleAnimation(self):      self.anim = not self.anim; return self.anim
    def GetAnimationFilename(self): return self.anim_fn
    def GetAnimationRate(self):     return self.anim_rate