Пример #1
def verif(*stim,
    """Verification environment for comparing DUV results with reference model.
    The environment instantiates the DUV and reference model and drives the
    passed stimulus to both. The outpus are passed to the scoreboard which
    compares the results. Outputs are decoupled to ensure there is no connection
    between the DUV and the environment. Optional delays can be added to all
    input and output interfaces.

        stim: Input stimulus
        f: Gear to be verified
        ref: Gear used as reference model
        delays: List of delays for all inputs and outputs
        tolerance: Tolerance window when performing equality checks

        A report dictionary with pass/fail statistics

    if stim:
        res_tlm = stim | f
        ref_tlm = stim | ref
        res_tlm = f
        ref_tlm = ref

    if check_timing:
        ref_tlm, res_tlm = match_timing(ref_tlm, res_tlm)

    if not isinstance(res_tlm, tuple):
        res_tlm = (res_tlm, )
        ref_tlm = (ref_tlm, )

    if make_report:
        report = [[] for _ in range(len(res_tlm))]
        report = [None for _ in range(len(res_tlm))]

    if delays is None:
        delays = (None, ) * len(res_tlm)

    assert len(ref_tlm) == len(res_tlm)
    assert len(delays) == len(res_tlm)

    for r, res_intf, ref_intf, d in zip(report, res_tlm, ref_tlm, delays):
        if d is not None:
            res_intf = res_intf | d

        res_intf = res_intf | decouple(depth=0)
        ref_intf = ref_intf | decouple(depth=0)

        scoreboard(res_intf, ref_intf, report=r, cmp=cmp)

    return report
Пример #2
def matrix_multiplication(cfg, mat1, mat2, *, cols_per_row):
    """General idea is to parallelize matrix multiplication, this is achieved by
        multiplying one row with several columns at the same time. Number of columns that
        are multiplied with one row is cols_per_row. Column_multiplication is module that multiplies one row
        with one column at the time, it can also store several columns in it.
        First we need to split mat2 by columns and send them to different column_multiplication modules, to be stored,
        then send every row on each column_multiplication."""
    col_chunks = qdeal(mat2, num=cols_per_row, lvl=1)
    row_chunks = row_dispatch(mat1, cols_per_row=cols_per_row) \
        | dreg \
        | decouple(latency=2) \
        | dispatch
    tmp = []
    if not isinstance(col_chunks, tuple):
        col_chunks = (col_chunks, )
    if not isinstance(row_chunks, tuple):
        row_chunks = (row_chunks, )

    for col, row in zip(col_chunks, row_chunks):
        # col is flattened because, after qdeal, every col has type Queue lvl1 with eot == True
        # after flattening, we group it by cols_per_multiplier (set eot (last) after last column that goes
        # to specific column multiplier)
        col = col | flatten | group(size=cfg['cols_per_multiplier'])
        tmp.append(column_multiplication(cfg, row, col) | flatten)

    res = ccat(*tmp) | Array
    return res
Пример #3
def test_cosim(cosim_cls):
    seq = list(range(1, 10))
    directed(drv(t=Uint[16], seq=seq) | delay_rng(0, 2),
             delays=[delay_rng(0, 2)])

Пример #4
def iir_2tsos(din, *, a, b, gain):
    din = din * gain
    y = Intf(din.dtype * 5)
    a1 = ((din * b[2]) - (y * a[2]))
    z1 = a1 | dreg(init=0)
    z2 = ((din * b[1]) + z1 - (y * a[1])) | decouple(init=0)
    y |= (din * b[0]) + z2

    return y
Пример #5
def iir_1dsos(din, *, a, b, gain):
    din = din * gain
    zu1 = din | dreg(init=0)
    zu2 = zu1 | dreg(init=0)

    a1 = (zu1 * b[1]) + (zu2 * b[2])
    a2 = a1 + (din * b[0])

    y = Intf(a2.dtype * 2)

    zy1 = y | a2.dtype | decouple(init=0)
    zy2 = zy1 | dreg(init=0)
    a3 = (zy2 * a[2]) + (zy1 * a[1])
    y |= a2 - a3

    return y
Пример #6
def echo(din: Fixp, *, feedback_gain, sample_rate, delay):
    """Performs echo audio effect on the continuous input sample stream

        din: Stream of audio samples

    Keyword Args:
        feedback_gain (float): gain of the feedback loop
        sample_rate (int): samples per second
        delay (float): delay in seconds
        precision (int): sample fixed point precision
        sample_width (int): sample width in bits

        - **dout** - Stream of audio samples with applied echo


    # Parameter calculation #

    sample_dly_len = round(sample_rate * delay)
    fifo_depth = ceil_pow2(sample_dly_len)
    feedback_gain_fixp = din.dtype(feedback_gain)

    # Hardware description  #

    dout = Intf(din.dtype)

    feedback = dout \
        | decouple(depth=fifo_depth) \
        | prefill(dtype=din.dtype, num=sample_dly_len)

    feedback_attenuated = (feedback * feedback_gain_fixp) | din.dtype

    dout |= (din + feedback_attenuated) | dout.dtype

    return dout
Пример #7
def directed_on_the_fly(*stim, f, refs, delays=None):
    """Similar to ``directed`` function, except ``ref`` is a generator and
    checking is done `on-the-fly`"""
    res_tlm = stim | f

    if not isinstance(res_tlm, tuple):
        res_tlm = (res_tlm, )

    if delays is None:
        delays = (None, ) * len(res_tlm)

    report = [[] for _ in range(len(res_tlm))]
    for r, res_intf, ref, d in zip(report, res_tlm, refs, delays):
        if d is not None:
            res_intf = res_intf | d

        res_intf = res_intf | decouple(depth=0)
        # ref = ref | decouple(depth=0)

        scoreboard(res_intf, ref, report=r)

    return report
Пример #8
def iir_1dsos(din, *, a, b, gain):

    # add input gain and init delayed inputs
    zu0 = din * gain
    zu1 = zu0 | dreg(init=0)
    zu2 = zu1 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform b coefficient sum
    a1 = (zu1 * b[1]) + (zu2 * b[2])
    a2 = a1 + (zu0 * b[0])

    # declare output interface and its type
    y = Intf(a2.dtype)

    # init delayed outputs
    zy1 = y | decouple(init=0)
    zy2 = zy1 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform a coefficient sum
    b1 = (zy2 * a[2]) + (zy1 * a[1])

    # add both sums and set output
    y |= (a2 - b1) | qround(fract=a2.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=a2.dtype)
    return y
Пример #9
def iir_2tsos(din, *, a, b, gain):

    # add input gain
    x = din * gain

    # declare output interface and its type
    y = Intf(din.dtype)

    # perform first tap multiplication and sum
    z0 = ((x * b[2]) - (y * a[2]))

    # delay first sum output
    z0_delayed = z0 | dreg(init=0)

    # perform second tap multiplication and sum
    z1 = ((x * b[1]) + z0_delayed - (y * a[1]))

    # delay second sum output
    z1_delayed = z1 | decouple(init=0)

    # perform final sum and set output
    y |= ((x * b[0]) +
          z1_delayed) | qround(fract=din.dtype.fract) | saturate(t=din.dtype)
    return y
Пример #10
def test_synth_u1_vivado():
Пример #11
def test_synth_u64_vivado():