Пример #1
class RESTHandleClientReadaccessFakedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    '''Testing methods for retrieving values and indices.'''
    def setUp(self):
        self.inst = RESTHandleClient()

    def tearDown(self):

    # get_value_from_handle

    def test_get_value_from_handle_normal(self):
        """Test retrieving a specific value from a handle record."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = RECORD['handle']

        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(handle, 'TEST1', handlerecord)
        self.assertEquals(val, 'val1',
                          'The value of "TEST1" should be "val1".')

    def test_get_value_from_handle_inexistentvalue(self):
        """Test retrieving an inexistent value from a handle record."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(handle, 'TEST100', handlerecord)
        self.assertIsNone(val, 'The value of "TEST100" should be None.')

    def test_get_value_from_handle_HS_ADMIN(self):
        """Test retrieving an HS_ADMIN value from a handle record."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(handle, 'HS_ADMIN', handlerecord)
        self.assertIn('handle', val, 'The HS_ADMIN has no entry "handle".')
        self.assertIn('index', val, 'The HS_ADMIN has no entry "index".')
        self.assertIn('permissions', val,
                      'The HS_ADMIN has no entry "permissions".')
        syntax_ok = check_handle_syntax(val['handle'])
                        'The handle in HS_ADMIN is not well-formatted.')
        self.assertIsInstance(val['index'], (int, long),
                              'The index of the HS_ADMIN is not an integer.')
            str(val['permissions']).replace('0', '').replace('1', ''), '',
            'The permission value in the HS_ADMIN contains not just 0 and 1.')

    def test_get_value_from_handle_duplicatekey(self):
        """Test retrieving a value of a duplicate key."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(handle, 'TESTDUP', handlerecord)
            val, ("dup1", "dup2"),
            'The value of the duplicate key "TESTDUP" should be "dup1" or "dup2".'

    # retrieve_handle_record

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_normal(self):

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        dict_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record(handle, handlerecord)

        self.assertIn('TEST1', dict_record,
                      'Key "test1" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TEST2', dict_record,
                      'Key "test2" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TESTDUP', dict_record,
                      'Key "testdup" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('HS_ADMIN', dict_record,
                      'Key "HS_ADMIN" not in handlerecord dictionary!')

        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST1'], 'val1',
                         'The value of "TEST1" is not "val1.')
        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST2'], 'val2',
                         'The value of "TEST2" is not "val2.')
            dict_record['TESTDUP'], ("dup1", "dup2"),
            'The value of the duplicate key "TESTDUP" should be "dup1" or "dup2".'
            'permissions', dict_record['HS_ADMIN'],
            'The HS_ADMIN has no permissions: ' + dict_record['HS_ADMIN'])

            len(dict_record), 4,
            'The record should have a length of 5 (as the duplicate is ignored.'

    # get_handlerecord_indices_for_key

    def test_get_indices_for_key_normal(self):
        """Test getting the indices for a specific key."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        indices = self.inst.get_handlerecord_indices_for_key(
            'TEST1', handlerecord['values'])
        self.assertEqual(len(indices), 1,
                         'There is more or less than 1 index!')
        self.assertEqual(indices[0], 3, 'The index of "test1" is not 3.')

    def test_get_indices_for_key_duplicatekey(self):
        """Test getting the indices for a duplicate key."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        indices = self.inst.get_handlerecord_indices_for_key(
            'TESTDUP', handlerecord['values'])
        self.assertEqual(len(indices), 2,
                         'There is more or less than 2 indices!')
        self.assertIn(5, indices, '5 is not in indices for key "testdup".')
        self.assertIn(6, indices, '6 is not in indices for key "testdup".')

    def test_get_indices_for_key_inexistentkey(self):
        """Test getting the indices for an inexistent key."""

        handlerecord = RECORD
        handle = handlerecord['handle']

        indices = self.inst.get_handlerecord_indices_for_key(
            'test100', handlerecord['values'])
        self.assertEqual(len(indices), 0, 'There is more than 0 index!')
        self.assertEqual(indices, [], 'Indices should be an empty list!')
Пример #2
class RESTHandleClientReadaccessTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # Read resources from file:
        self.testvalues = RESOURCES_FILE

        # Test values that need to be given by user:
        self.handle = self.testvalues['handle_for_read_tests']
        self.handle_global = self.testvalues['handle_globally_resolvable']
        self.user = self.testvalues['user']

        # Optional:
        self.https_verify = True
        if 'HTTPS_verify' in self.testvalues:
            self.https_verify = self.testvalues['HTTPS_verify']
        self.url = 'http://hdl.handle.net'
        if 'handle_server_url_read' in self.testvalues.keys():
            self.url = self.testvalues['handle_server_url_read']
        self.path_to_api = None
        if 'url_extension_REST_API' in self.testvalues.keys():
            self.path_to_api = self.testvalues['url_extension_REST_API']

        # Others
        prefix = self.handle.split('/')[0]
        self.inexistent_handle = prefix+'/07e1fbf3-2b72-430a-a035-8584d4eada41'
        self.randompassword = '******'

    def setUp(self):
        """ For most test, provide a client instance with the user-specified
        handle server url."""

        self.inst = RESTHandleClient(

        # Before being able to run these tests without write access,
        # the handle that we use for testing must exist. With this code,
        # you can create it. You only need to create it once and leave it
        # on the server, it will not be modified and can be used eternally.
        if False:
            # This should always be false!!! Except for creating the
            # required handle once! 

    def tearDown(self):

    def create_required_test_handles(self):

        # Creating an instance that knows how to write:
        pw = self.testvalues['password']
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(

        authstring = pyhandle.utilhandle.create_authentication_string(self.user, pw)
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Basic '+authstring

        list_of_all_entries = [

        testhandle = self.handle
        url = self.testvalues['handle_server_url_write']+self.testvalues['url_extension_REST_API']+testhandle
        veri = self.https_verify
        head = headers
        data = json.dumps({'values':list_of_all_entries})
        resp = requests.put(url, data=data, headers=head, verify=veri)

    # retrieve_handle_record_json

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_json(self):
        """Test reading handle record from server."""

        rec = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(self.handle)

        received_type = rec['values'][2]['type']
        received_value = rec['values'][2]['data']['value']

        self.assertEqual(received_type, 'TEST1',
            'The type should be "TEST3" but was "%s" (%s).'% (received_type, self.handle))
        self.assertEqual(received_value, 'val1',
            'The value should be "val3" but is "%s" (%s).' % (received_value, self.handle))

    # get_value_from_handle

    def test_get_value_from_handle_normal(self):
        """Test reading existent and inexistent handle value from server."""
        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(self.handle, 'TEST1')
        self.assertEqual(val, 'val1',
            'Retrieving "TEST1" from %s should lead to "val1", but it lead to "%s"' % (self.handle,val))

    def test_get_value_from_handle_inexistent_key(self):
        val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(self.handle, 'TEST100')
            'Retrieving "TEST100" from %s should lead to "None", but it lead to "%s"' % (self.handle,val))

    def test_get_value_from_handle_inexistent_record(self):
        """Test reading handle value from inexistent handle."""
        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):
            val = self.inst.get_value_from_handle(self.inexistent_handle, 'anykey')

    # instantiate

    def test_instantiate_with_username_and_wrong_password(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Create client instance with username and password
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)
    def test_instantiate_with_username_without_index_and_password(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: Exception if username has no index."""
        testusername_without_index = self.user.split(':')[1]

        # Run code to be tested + check exception:
        with self.assertRaises(HandleSyntaxError):

            # Create client instance with username and password
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(

    def test_instantiate_with_nonexistent_username_and_password(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: Exception if username does not exist."""
        testusername_inexistent = '100:'+self.inexistent_handle

        # Run code to be tested + check exception:
        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):

            # Create client instance with username and password
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Test variables
        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

        # Run code to be tested
        # Create instance with credentials
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(

        # Check desired outcomes
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_inexistentuser(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: Exception if username does not exist."""

        # Test variables
        testusername_inexistent = '100:'+self.inexistent_handle
        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

        # Run code to be tested + check exception:
        # Create instance with credentials
        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(credentials,

        # If the user name has no index, exception is already thrown in credentials creation!
        #self.assertRaises(HandleSyntaxError, pyhandle.PIDClientCredentials, 'url', 'prefix/suffix', randompassword)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_config_override(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Test variables
        credentials = mock.MagicMock()
        config_from_cred = {}
        valuefoo = 'foo/foo/foo/' # passed via credentials
        valuebar = 'bar/bar/bar'  # passed directly to constructor
        config_from_cred['REST_API_url_extension'] = valuefoo

        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

            'Config: '+str(credentials.get_config()))

        # foo/foo/ from the credentials should be overridden by bar/bar/ which is directly passed

        # Run code to be tested - we expect an exception, as it will try to do a GET on the bogus rest api:
        with self.assertRaises(GenericHandleError):
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(

            # So this code can only be reached if something went wrong:
            self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)
            # Check if bar/bar instead of foo/foo was stored as path!
            serverconn = inst._EUDATHandleClient__handlesystemconnector 
            self.assertIn('/bar/', serverconn._HandleSystemConnector__REST_API_url_extension)
            self.assertNotIn('/foo/', serverconn._HandleSystemConnector__REST_API_url_extension)
            self.assertEquals(serverconn._HandleSystemConnector__REST_API_url_extension, valuebar)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_config(self):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Test variables
        credentials = mock.MagicMock()
        config_from_cred = {}
        valuefoo = 'foo/foo/foo/'
        config_from_cred['REST_API_url_extension'] = valuefoo
        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

            'Config: '+str(credentials.get_config()))

        # foo/foo/ from the credentials should override default api/handles/

        # Run code to be tested - we expect an exception, as it will try to do a GET on the bogus rest api:
        with self.assertRaises(GenericHandleError):
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(

            # So this code can only be reached if something went wrong:
            self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)
            # Check if foo/foo instead of api/handles was stored as path!
            serverconn = inst._EUDATHandleClient__handlesystemconnector 
            self.assertIn('/foo/', serverconn._HandleSystemConnector__REST_API_url_extension)
            self.assertEquals(serverconn._HandleSystemConnector__REST_API_url_extension, valuefoo)

    def test_global_resolve(self):
        """Testing if instantiating with default handle server'works
        and if a handle is correctly retrieved. """

        # Create instance with default server url:
        inst = RESTHandleClient(HTTPS_verify=self.https_verify)
        rec = inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(self.handle_global)

        self.assertIn('handle', rec,
            'Response lacks "handle".')
        self.assertIn('responseCode', rec,
            'Response lacks "responseCode".')

    def test_instantiate_for_read_access(self):
        """Testing if instantiating with default handle server works
        and if a handle is correctly retrieved. """

        # Create client instance with username and password
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_for_read_access(HTTPS_verify=self.https_verify)
        rec = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(self.handle)
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)
        self.assertIn('handle', rec,
            'Response lacks "handle".')
        self.assertIn('responseCode', rec,
            'Response lacks "responseCode".')
class RESTHandleClientReadaccessPatchedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    '''Testing methods that read the 10320/loc entry.'''

    def setUp(self):
        self.inst = RESTHandleClient()

    def tearDown(self):

    # retrieve_handle_record_json:

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_json_normal(self, getpatch):
        """Test if retrieve_handle_record_json returns the correct things.."""

        # Test variables:
        handlerecord = RECORD
        expected = json.loads(handlerecord)

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True, content=handlerecord)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        received = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(expected['handle'])
        self.assertEqual(received, expected,
            'Unexpected return from handle retrieval.')

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_json_handle_does_not_exist(self, getpatch):
        """Test return value (None) if handle does not exist (retrieve_handle_record_json)."""

        # Test variables:
        testhandle = 'dont/exist'

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(notfound=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        json_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(testhandle)
            'The return value should be None if the handle does not exist, not: '+str(json_record))

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_json_handle_empty(self, getpatch):
        """Test return value if handle is empty (retrieve_handle_record_json)."""

        # Test variables:
        testhandle = 'dont/exist'

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(empty=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        json_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(testhandle)
            'Unexpected return value: '+str(json_record))

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_json_genericerror(self, getpatch):
        """Test exception if retrieve_handle_record_json returns a strange HTTP code."""

        # Test variables:
        testhandle = 'dont/exist'

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(status_code=99999)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        with self.assertRaises(GenericHandleError):
            json_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record_json(testhandle)

    # retrieve_handle_record:

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_when_json_not_given(self, getpatch):
        """Test retrieving a handle record"""

        # Test variables
        handlerecord_string = RECORD
        handlerecord_json = json.loads(handlerecord_string)
        testhandle = handlerecord_json['handle']
        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True, content=handlerecord_string)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        dict_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record(testhandle)
        self.assertIn('TEST1', dict_record,
            'Key "test1" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TEST2', dict_record,
            'Key "test2" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TESTDUP', dict_record,
            'Key "TESTDUP" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('HS_ADMIN', dict_record,
            'Key "HS_ADMIN" not in handlerecord dictionary!')

        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST1'], 'val1',
            'The value of "test1" is not "val1.')
        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST2'], 'val2',
            'The value of "test2" is not "val2.')
        self.assertIn(dict_record['TESTDUP'], ("dup1", "dup2"),
            'The value of the duplicate key "TESTDUP" should be "dup1" or "dup2".')
        self.assertIn('permissions', dict_record['HS_ADMIN'],
            'The HS_ADMIN has no permissions: '+dict_record['HS_ADMIN'])

        self.assertEqual(len(dict_record), 4,
            'The record should have a length of 5 (as the duplicate is ignored.')

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_when_handle_is_wrong(self, getpatch):
        """Test error when retrieving a handle record with contradicting inputs."""
        # Test variable
        testhandle = 'something/else'
        handlerecord_string = RECORD
        handlerecord_json = json.loads(handlerecord_string)

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True, content=handlerecord_string)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        with self.assertRaises(GenericHandleError):

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_when_handle_is_None(self, getpatch):
        """Test error when retrieving a handle record with a None input."""

        # Test variable
        testhandle = None

        # Call method and check result:
        with self.assertRaises(HandleSyntaxError):

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_when_handle_is_wrong(self, getpatch):
        """Test error when retrieving a nonexistent handle record."""
        # Test variable
        testhandle = 'who/cares'

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(notfound=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        hrec = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record(testhandle)
            'The handle record for a nonexistent handle should be None!')

    def test_retrieve_handle_record_when_handlerecord_is_None(self, getpatch):
        """Test error when retrieving a handle record, giving a None type."""

        # Test variable
        handlerecord_string = RECORD
        handlerecord_json = json.loads(handlerecord_string)
        testhandle = handlerecord_json['handle']
        givenrecord = None

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True, content=handlerecord_string)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        dict_record = self.inst.retrieve_handle_record(testhandle, givenrecord)
        self.assertIn('TEST1', dict_record,
            'Key "test1" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TEST2', dict_record,
            'Key "test2" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('TESTDUP', dict_record,
            'Key "TESTDUP" not in handlerecord dictionary!')
        self.assertIn('HS_ADMIN', dict_record,
            'Key "HS_ADMIN" not in handlerecord dictionary!')

        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST1'], 'val1',
            'The value of "test1" is not "val1.')
        self.assertEqual(dict_record['TEST2'], 'val2',
            'The value of "test2" is not "val2.')
        self.assertIn(dict_record['TESTDUP'], ("dup1", "dup2"),
            'The value of the duplicate key "TESTDUP" should be "dup1" or "dup2".')
        self.assertIn('permissions', dict_record['HS_ADMIN'],
            'The HS_ADMIN has no permissions: '+dict_record['HS_ADMIN'])

        self.assertEqual(len(dict_record), 4,
            'The record should have a length of 5 (as the duplicate is ignored.')

    # get_value_from_handle

    def test_get_value_from_handle_when_handle_inexistent(self, getpatch):
        """Test error when retrieving a handle record, giving a None type."""
        # Test variables
        testhandle = 'who/cares'
        key = 'foo'

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(notfound=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Call method and check result:
        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):
            self.inst.get_value_from_handle(testhandle, key=key)

        # Instantiation

    def test_instantiate_with_username_and_password_wrongpw(self, getpatch):

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(
                'http://someurl', '100:my/testhandle', 'passywordy')

        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)

    def test_instantiate_with_username_and_password_inexistentuser(self, getpatch):
        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(notfound=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_username_and_password(
                'http://someurl', '100:john/doe', 'passywordy')

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_inexistentuser(self, getpatch):
        """Test instantiation of client: Exception if username does not exist."""

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(notfound=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Test variables
        testusername_inexistent = '100:john/doe'
        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

        # Run code to be tested + check exception:
        # Create instance with credentials
        with self.assertRaises(HandleNotFoundException):
            inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(credentials)

        # If the user name has no index, exception is already thrown in credentials creation!
        #self.assertRaises(HandleSyntaxError, pyhandle.PIDClientCredentials, 'url', 'prefix/suffix', randompassword)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials(self, getpatch):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True)
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Test variables
        credentials = pyhandle.clientcredentials.PIDClientCredentials(

        # Run code to be tested
        # Create instance with credentials
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(credentials)

        # Check desired outcomes
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_config(self, checkpatch):
        """Test instantiation of client: No exception if password wrong."""

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True)
        checkpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Test variables
        credentials = MockCredentials(restapi='foobar')

            'Config: '+str(credentials.get_config()))

        # Run code to be tested
        # Create instance with credentials
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(credentials)
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)

    def test_instantiate_with_credentials_config_override(self, getpatch, checkpatch):
        """Test instantiation of client: We pass a config value in the credentials
        and also as an arg in the instantiation. We want the latter to override the
        first one.

        # Define the replacement for the patched method:
        # We pretend the username exists!
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True)
        checkpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Define the replacement for the patched GET:
        cont = {"responseCode":1,"handle":"my/testhandle","values":[{"index":111,"type":"TEST1","data":{"format":"string","value":"val1"},"ttl":86400,"timestamp":"2015-09-30T15:08:49Z"},{"index":2222,"type":"TEST2","data":{"format":"string","value":"val2"},"ttl":86400,"timestamp":"2015-09-30T15:08:49Z"},{"index":333,"type":"TEST3","data":{"format":"string","value":"val3"},"ttl":86400,"timestamp":"2015-09-30T15:08:49Z"},{"index":4,"type":"TEST4","data":{"format":"string","value":"val4"},"ttl":86400,"timestamp":"2015-09-30T15:08:49Z"}]}
        mock_response = MockResponse(success=True, content=json.dumps(cont))
        getpatch.return_value = mock_response

        # Test variables
        # Passing mock credentials, give them the value "foobar", which
        # should be overridden!
        credentials = MockCredentials(restapi='foobar')
            'Config: '+str(credentials.get_config()))

        # Run code to be tested
        # Create instance with credentials. It gets the "REST_API_url_extention"
        # from both the credentials and as a param.
        inst = RESTHandleClient.instantiate_with_credentials(
        self.assertIsInstance(inst, RESTHandleClient)

        # How to know now which one was used?
        # Call a read and check its url! Did it get foobar or barbarbar appended?
        inst.get_value_from_handle('my/testhandle', 'key')
        positional_args_passed = getpatch.call_args_list[len(getpatch.call_args_list)-1][0]
        passed_url = positional_args_passed[0]

        # Compare with expected URL:
            'bar/bar/bar is not specified in the URL '+passed_url)