Пример #1
            title='1+ TOR warn for 100 most active TOR warn days 1986-2015',
            subtitle=('A day is defined as 12 to 12 UTC period, did the '
                      'county get 1+ warning during those 100 events?'),

bins = np.arange(0, 101, 10)
bins[0] = 1
norm = mpcolors.BoundaryNorm(bins, cmap.N)

 WITH data as (
  SELECT ugc, date(issue at time zone 'UTC' + '12 hours'::interval)
  from warnings where phenomena in ('TO') and significance = 'W'
 maxdays as (
  SELECT date, count(*) from data GROUP by date ORDER by count DESC LIMIT 100
 events as (
 SELECT distinct ugc, d.date from data d JOIN maxdays m on (m.date = d.date)

 SELECT ugc, count(*) from events GROUP by ugc
data = {}
for row in pcursor:
    data[row[0]] = float(row[1])

m.fill_ugc_counties(data, bins, cmap=cmap, units='Count')
Пример #2
  GROUP by ugc),
 u as (SELECT ugc, ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom, 2163)) / 1000000. as area
 from ugcs where substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C' and end_ts is null)

 SELECT data.ugc, data.data, data.data / u.area
 from data JOIN u on (u.ugc = data.ugc)

WITH data as (
SELECT ugc, count(*) / %s  as data from
 (select distinct ugc, generate_series(issue, expire, '1 minute'::interval)
 from warnings where phenomena in %s and significance = 'W'
 and ugc is not null and (expire - issue) < '1440 minutes'::interval
 and issue > %s and issue < %s) as foo2
 GROUP by ugc),

 u as (SELECT ugc, ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom, 2163)) / 1000000. as area
 from ugcs where substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C' and end_ts is null)

 SELECT data.ugc, data.data, data.data / u.area
 from data JOIN u on (u.ugc = data.ugc)
""", (opts['years'], opts['dbcols'], opts['sdate'], opts['edate']))
data = {}
for row in pcursor:
    data[row[0]] = float(row[2 if opts['normalized'] else 1])

m.fill_ugc_counties(data, bins, cmap=cmap, units=opts['units'])
subprocess.call("xv %s" % (fn,), shell=True)
Пример #3
 u as (SELECT ugc, ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom, 2163)) / 1000000. as area
 from ugcs where substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C' and end_ts is null)

 SELECT data.ugc, data.data, data.data / u.area
 from data JOIN u on (u.ugc = data.ugc)

WITH data as (
SELECT ugc, count(*) / %s  as data from
 (select distinct ugc, generate_series(issue, expire, '1 minute'::interval)
 from warnings where phenomena in %s and significance = 'W'
 and ugc is not null and (expire - issue) < '1440 minutes'::interval
 and issue > %s and issue < %s) as foo2
 GROUP by ugc),

 u as (SELECT ugc, ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom, 2163)) / 1000000. as area
 from ugcs where substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C' and end_ts is null)

 SELECT data.ugc, data.data, data.data / u.area
 from data JOIN u on (u.ugc = data.ugc)
""", (opts['years'], opts['dbcols'], opts['sdate'], opts['edate']))
data = {}
for row in pcursor:
    data[row[0]] = float(row[2 if opts['normalized'] else 1])

m.fill_ugc_counties(data, bins, cmap=cmap, units=opts['units'])
subprocess.call("xv %s" % (fn, ), shell=True)
Пример #4
 WITH data as (
   SELECT distinct s.iemid from summary s JOIN stations t on (t.iemid = s.iemid)
   WHERE t.network = 'IACOCORAHS' and s.day > '2014-04-12' and pday > 0)

 SELECT ugc_county, count(*) from stations t JOIN data d on (d.iemid = t.iemid)
 GROUP by ugc_county ORDER by count DESC

data = {}
for row in icursor:
    data[row[0]] = row[1]

# Query out centroids of counties...
pcursor.execute("""SELECT ugc, ST_x(ST_centroid(geom)) as lon, 
  ST_y(ST_centroid(geom)) as lat 
 from ugcs WHERE state = 'IA' and end_ts is null and substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C'""")
clons = []
clats = []
cvals = []
for row in pcursor:

m = MapPlot(axisbg='white', title='Iowa CoCoRaHS Observers Per County',
            subtitle='Sites with at least one report in past year (Apr 2014-2015)')
m.fill_ugc_counties(data, [1,2,3,4,5,7,10,15,20])
m.plot_values(clons, clats, cvals)
Пример #5
    title='1+ TOR warn for 100 most active TOR warn days 1986-2015',
    'A day is defined as 12 to12 UTC period, did the county get 1+ warning during those 100 events?',

bins = np.arange(0, 101, 10)
bins[0] = 1
norm = mpcolors.BoundaryNorm(bins, cmap.N)

 WITH data as (
  SELECT ugc, date(issue at time zone 'UTC' + '12 hours'::interval)
  from warnings where phenomena in ('TO') and significance = 'W'
 maxdays as (
  SELECT date, count(*) from data GROUP by date ORDER by count DESC LIMIT 100
 events as (
 SELECT distinct ugc, d.date from data d JOIN maxdays m on (m.date = d.date)

 SELECT ugc, count(*) from events GROUP by ugc
data = {}
for row in pcursor:
    data[row[0]] = float(row[1])

m.fill_ugc_counties(data, bins, cmap=cmap, units='Count')
Пример #6
   SELECT distinct s.iemid from summary s JOIN stations t on (t.iemid = s.iemid)
   WHERE t.network = 'IACOCORAHS' and s.day > '2014-04-12' and pday > 0)

 SELECT ugc_county, count(*) from stations t JOIN data d on (d.iemid = t.iemid)
 GROUP by ugc_county ORDER by count DESC

data = {}
for row in icursor:
    data[row[0]] = row[1]

# Query out centroids of counties...
pcursor.execute("""SELECT ugc, ST_x(ST_centroid(geom)) as lon, 
  ST_y(ST_centroid(geom)) as lat 
 from ugcs WHERE state = 'IA' and end_ts is null and substr(ugc,3,1) = 'C'""")
clons = []
clats = []
cvals = []
for row in pcursor:
    cvals.append(data.get(row[0], 0))

m = MapPlot(
    title='Iowa CoCoRaHS Observers Per County',
    subtitle='Sites with at least one report in past year (Apr 2014-2015)')
m.fill_ugc_counties(data, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20])
m.plot_values(clons, clats, cvals)