Пример #1
def test_plot_beta() :
    print """Test plot for beta angle"""

    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg

    xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50)
    phi = 0
    y0 = [funcy(x, phi,   0) for x in xarr]
    y1 = [funcy(x, phi,  -2) for x in xarr]
    y2 = [funcy(x, phi,  -5) for x in xarr]
    y3 = [funcy(x, phi,  -6) for x in xarr]
    y4 = [funcy(x, phi,  -7) for x in xarr]
    y5 = [funcy(x, phi, -10) for x in xarr]
    y6 = [funcy(x, phi,   2) for x in xarr]
    y7 = [funcy(x, phi,   5) for x in xarr]
    y8 = [funcy(x, phi,  10) for x in xarr]
    fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y0, figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80)) 
    ax2.plot(xarr, y1,'r-')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y2,'y-')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y3,'b-')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y4,'m-')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y5,'g-')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y6,'r.')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y7,'g.')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y8,'b.')
    ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_title('phi=0, theta=10, 5, 2, 0,-2,-5,-6,-7,-10', color='k', fontsize=20)

Пример #2
def test_plot_phi() :
    print """Test plot for phi angle"""

    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg

    xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50)
    tet = -12
    y0 = [funcy(x,   0, tet) for x in xarr]
    y1 = [funcy(x,  -5, tet) for x in xarr]
    y2 = [funcy(x,  -6, tet) for x in xarr]
    y3 = [funcy(x,  -7, tet) for x in xarr]
    y4 = [funcy(x, -10, tet) for x in xarr]
    y5 = [funcy(x,  10, tet) for x in xarr]
    fig1, ax1 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y0, figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80))
    ax1.plot(xarr, y1,'r-')
    ax1.plot(xarr, y2,'y-')
    ax1.plot(xarr, y3,'k-')
    ax1.plot(xarr, y4,'m-')
    ax1.plot(xarr, y5,'g.')
    ax1.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
    ax1.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14)
    ax1.set_title('tet=-12, phi=10,0,-5,-6,-7,-10', color='k', fontsize=20)

Пример #3
def test_plot_beta_l0() :
    print """Test plot for beta angle"""

    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg

    xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50)
    phi = 0
    cmt = 'l0'

    y_000 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,   0) for x in xarr]
    y_p10 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,  10) for x in xarr]
    y_p20 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,  20) for x in xarr]
    y_p30 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,  30) for x in xarr]
    y_p40 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,  40) for x in xarr]
    y_p50 = [funcy_l0(x, phi,  50) for x in xarr] # 48
    y_m10 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -10) for x in xarr]
    y_m20 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -20) for x in xarr]
    y_m30 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -30) for x in xarr]    
    y_m40 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -40) for x in xarr]    
    y_m50 = [funcy_l0(x, phi, -50) for x in xarr] # -48

    #fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_m01, pfmt='k.', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80)) 
    fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) 

    #b: blue
    #g: green
    #r: red
    #c: cyan
    #m: magenta
    #y: yellow
    #k: black
    #w: white

    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p50,'g-x', label=' 50')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p40,'m-',  label=' 40')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p30,'b-',  label=' 30')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p20,'y-',  label=' 20')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p10,'r-',  label=' 10')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-',  label='  0')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m10,'r.',  label='-10')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'y.',  label='-20')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'b.',  label='-30')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'m.',  label='-40')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m50,'g+',  label='-50')
    ax2.legend(loc='upper right')

    ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-50,50]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20)

Пример #4
def test_plot_beta_l1(DoR=0.4292, sgnrt=1.) :
    print """Test plot for beta angle"""

    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg

    xarr = np.linspace(-2,2,50)
    phi = 0

    fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v1
    #fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v0

    cmt = 'POS' if sgnrt > 0 else 'NEG' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)'
    cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR)
    y_p10 = [fancy_plt(x, phi,  10,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    y_000 = [fancy_plt(x, phi,   0,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    y_m10 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -10,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    y_m13 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -13,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]    
    y_m15 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -15,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]    
    y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    y_m30 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -30,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    y_m35 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -35,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]    
    y_m40 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -40,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
    fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) 
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_p10,'g-',  label=' 10')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-',  label='  0')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m10,'g.',  label='-10')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m13,'r-.', label='-13')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m15,'y.',  label='-14')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'r.',  label='-20')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'c.',  label='-30')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m35,'m.',  label='-35')
    ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'b+',  label='-40')

    ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-40,10]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20)

    ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14)

    gg.savefig('test-plot-beta-l1-%s.png' % cmt)
Пример #5
def test_plot_beta_l1_zoom(DoR=0.4292, sgnrt=1.) :
    print """Test plot for beta angle"""

    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg

    phi = 0

    fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v1
    #fancy_plt = funcy_l1_v0

    if sgnrt > 0 : 

        cmt = 'POS' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)'
        cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR)
        xarr = np.linspace(-0.29,0.29,60)

        y_000 = [fancy_plt(x, phi,   0,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m05 = [fancy_plt(x, phi,  -5,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m09 = [fancy_plt(x, phi,  -9,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m13 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -13.3, DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]    
        y_m18 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -18,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_000, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) 
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_000,'k-',  label='  0')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m05,'g.',  label=' -5')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m09,'y.',  label=' -9')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m13,'r-.', label='-13')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m18,'c.',  label='-18')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'b.',  label='-20')
        ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-20,0]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20)
        ax2.legend(loc='upper center')

    if sgnrt < 0 : 

        cmt = 'NEG' #'-B -/+ sqrt(B*B-C)'
        cmt = '%s-DoR-%.3f' % (cmt, DoR)
        xarr = np.linspace(-1,1,50)

        y_m20 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -20,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m23 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -23,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m25 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -25,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m27 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -27,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m30 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -30,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m35 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -35,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m40 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -40,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        y_m60 = [fancy_plt(x, phi, -60,   DoR, sgnrt) for x in xarr]
        fig2, ax2 = gg.plotGraph(xarr, y_m25, pfmt='k-', figsize=(10,5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.80), lw=2) 
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m20,'g+-', label='-20')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m23,'m-',  label='-23')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m25,'k-',  label='-25')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m27,'b.',  label='-27')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m30,'y.',  label='-30')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m35,'r.',  label='-35')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m40,'c.',  label='-40')
        ax2.plot(xarr, y_m60,'+',   label='-60')
        ax2.set_title('%s: phi=%.1f, beta=[-60,-20]' % (cmt,phi), color='k', fontsize=20)
        ax2.legend(loc='lower right')

    ax2.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=14)
    ax2.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=14)

    gg.savefig('test-plot-beta-l1-%s-zoomed.png' % cmt)
Пример #6
def plot_lattice(b1 = (1.,0.,0.), b2 = (0.,1.,0.), b3 = (0.,0.,1.),\
                 hmax=3, kmax=2, lmax=1, cdtype=np.float32,\
                 evald_rad=0.5, qtol=0.01, prefix='', do_movie=False, delay=400,\
                 hmin=None, kmin=None, lmin=None, title_add='') :
    """Plots 2-d reciprocal space lattice, evald sphere,
       generates series of plots for rotated lattice and movie from these plots.

       - do_movie = True/False - on/off production of movie
       - delay - is a time in msec between movie frames.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import pyimgalgos.GlobalGraphics as gg
    print '\nIn %s' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
    print '%s\nTest lattice with default parameters' % (80*'_')

    x, y, z, r, h, k, l = lattice(b1, b2, b3, hmax, kmax, lmax, cdtype, hmin, kmin, lmin)

    x.shape = (x.size,)
    y.shape = (y.size,)
    z.shape = (z.size,)

    xlimits = ylimits = (-0.3, 0.3) # plot limits in (1/A)
    #ylimits = (-0.4, 0.4) # plot limits in (1/A)
    #xlimits = (-0.5, 0.3) # plot limits in (1/A)

    fig, ax = gg.plotGraph(x,y, figsize=(8,7.5), window=(0.17, 0.10, 0.78, 0.84), pfmt='bo')

    ax.set_xlabel('Reciprocal x ($1/\AA$)', fontsize=18)
    ax.set_ylabel('Reciprocal y ($1/\AA$)', fontsize=18)
    gg.save_fig(fig, '%sreciprocal-space-lattice.png' % prefix, pbits=1)

    lst_omega = range(0,180,2) if do_movie else range(0,11,10)
    #lst_omega = range(0,180,5) if do_movie else range(0,13,11)
    #lst_omega = range(0,180,45) if do_movie else range(0,13,11)

    beta_deg = 0
    for omega_deg in lst_omega :

        xrot1, yrot1 = rotation(x, y, omega_deg)
        xrot2, zrot2 = rotation(xrot1, z, beta_deg)        
        dr, qv, qh, qt, ql = q_components(xrot2, yrot1, zrot2, evald_rad)

        xhit = [xr for dq,xr in zip(dr.flatten(), xrot2.flatten()) if math.fabs(dq)<qtol]
        yhit = [yr for dq,yr in zip(dr.flatten(), yrot1.flatten()) if math.fabs(dq)<qtol]

        #fig, ax = gg.plotGraph(xrot2, yrot1, figsize=(8,7.5), window=(0.15, 0.10, 0.78, 0.84), pfmt='bo')
        ax.plot(xrot1, yrot1, 'yo')
        if len(xhit)>0 and len(yhit)>0 : ax.plot(xhit, yhit, 'bo')

        tit = 'beta=%.0f omega=%.0f' % (beta_deg, omega_deg)
        if title_add : tit += ' %s' % (title_add)
        ax.set_title(tit, color='k', fontsize=12)
        ax.set_xlabel('Reciprocal x ($1/\AA$)', fontsize=18)
        ax.set_ylabel('Reciprocal y ($1/\AA$)', fontsize=18)
        gg.drawCenter(ax, (-evald_rad,0), s=0.04, linewidth=2, color='k')
        gg.drawCircle(ax, (-evald_rad,0), evald_rad, linewidth=1, color='k', fill=False)
        gg.show('Do not hold!')
        gg.save_fig(fig, '%slattice-rotated-beta%03d-omega%03d.png'%\
                    (prefix, int(beta_deg), int(omega_deg)), pbits=1)

    if do_movie :
        import os
        #dir_movie = 'movie'
        #os.system('mkdir %s'% dir_movie)
        cmd = 'convert -delay %f %slattice-rotated-beta*.png movie.gif' % (delay, prefix)
        print 'Wait for completion of the command: %s' % cmd
        print 'DONE!'