Пример #1
def test_doubleatomsymm():
  """ Bugs when calling atomsymm twice. """
  from tempfile import mkdtemp
  from shutil import rmtree
  from os.path import exists
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal
  from pylada.misc import Changedir

  c = Crystal(136, 4.63909875, 2.97938395, 
              shift=0)                                  \
             .add_atom(0, 0, 0, 'Ti')                   \
             .add_atom(0.306153, 0.306153, 0, 'O')      \
  directory = '/tmp/test' #mkdtemp()
  if directory == '/tmp/test':
    if exists(directory): rmtree(directory)
    with Changedir(directory) as cwd: pass
    if directory != '/tmp/test': rmtree(directory)
Пример #2
def test():
  from numpy import all, abs, dot, identity
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal, External
  from pylada.crystal import which_site

  orig = Crystal(227, 5.43).add_atom(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 'Si')
  b = External(copy=orig.eval())
  assert all(abs(orig.eval().cell - b.initial.cell) < 1e-8)
  assert len(b.initial) == 2
  assert repr(b) == repr( eval(repr(b), {'External': External}) )
  assert len(b.print_input().splitlines()) == 2
  assert b.print_input().splitlines()[0] == 'EXTERNAL'
  assert b.print_input().splitlines()[1] == 'END EXTERNAL'

  # check that symmetries as extracted are ok.
  for atom in b.initial:
    for op in orig.symmetry_operators:
      assert all(abs(identity(3, dtype='float64') - dot(op[:3].T, op[:3])) < 1e-8)
      assert which_site(dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3], b.initial) != -1

  # Check that running structure through crystal works
  c = b.eval()
  assert all(abs(c.cell - b.cell) < 1e-8)
  assert len(c) == 2
  assert all(abs(abs(c[0].pos) - [0.67875]*3) < 1e-8)
  assert all(abs(abs(c[1].pos) - [0.67875]*3) < 1e-8)
  assert all(abs(c[0].pos + c[1].pos) < 1e-8)
Пример #3
def test():
  """ Tests functional prints and reads itself """
  from pylada.dftcrystal.functional import Functional
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal
  from pylada.dftcrystal.parse import parse
  parsed = parse(string)
  structure = Crystal()
  a = Functional()
  assert a.scfdir 
  assert a.maxcycle == 300
  assert a.exchsize == 6937578
  # need structure otherwise parse can't find beginning of input.
  otherstring = a.print_input(structure=structure)
  otherparsed = parse(otherstring)
  b = Functional()
  assert otherstring == b.print_input(structure=structure)
Пример #4
def test_output_map():
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Functional, Crystal
  from pylada.dftcrystal.parse import parse

  a = Functional()
  parsed = parse(input)['']
  structure = Crystal()
  o = a.basis.output_map(structure=structure)
  assert len(o) == 1
  assert o[0] == ('ghosts', '2\n1 2')
  a.basis.ghosts.breaksym = False
  o = a.basis.output_map(structure=structure)
  assert len(o) == 2
  assert o[0] == ('keepsymm', True)
  assert o[1] == ('ghosts', '2\n1 2')
  b = Functional()
  b.basis.raw = o.prefix
  assert set(b.basis) == set(['O', 'Ti'])
  assert repr(b.basis['O']) == repr(a.basis['O'])
  assert repr(b.basis['Ti']) == repr(a.basis['Ti'])
Пример #5
def test_breaksym():
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal, Functional, Shell, DisplaceAtoms, read

  functional = Functional()
  functional.basis['Si'] = [
      Shell('s', a0=[16120.0, 0.001959],
                 a1=[2426.0, 0.01493], 
                 a2=[553.9, 0.07285],
                 a3=[156.3, 0.2461], 
                 a4=[50.07, 0.4859],
                 a5=[17.02, 0.325]),
      Shell('sp', a0=[292.7, -0.002781, 0.004438],
                  a1=[69.87, -0.03571, 0.03267],
                  a2=[22.34, -0.115, 0.1347],
                  a3=[8.15, 0.09356, 0.3287],
                  a4=[3.135, 0.603, 0.4496]), 
      Shell('sp', 4.0, a0=[1.22, 1.0, 1.0]),
      Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.55, 1.0, 1.0]),
      Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.27, 1.0, 1.0]) ]

  functional.dft.pbe0 = True
  functional.fmixing = 30
  functional.shrink = 8, 16
  functional.levshift = 5, True
  functional.maxcycle = 600
  functional.optgeom.keepsymm = True
  functional.optgeom.enabled = True

  crystal = Crystal(227, 5.43).add_atom(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 'Si')
  crystal.append(DisplaceAtoms().add_atom(0.01, 0, 0, 1))
  string = functional.print_input(structure=crystal)
  assert string.splitlines()[10] == 'KEEPSYMM'
  cry, func = read(string)
  assert cry.is_breaksym
  assert func.optgeom.enabled 
  assert func.optgeom.keepsymm 

  functional.optgeom.keepsymm = False
  string = functional.print_input(structure=crystal)
  assert string.splitlines()[10] == 'OPTGEOM'
  cry, func = read(string)
  assert cry.is_breaksym
  assert func.optgeom.enabled 
  assert func.optgeom.breaksym 

  crystal[0] = 'keepsymm'
  string = functional.print_input(structure=crystal)
  assert string.splitlines()[11] == 'BREAKSYM'
  cry, func = read(string)
  assert not cry.is_breaksym
  assert func.optgeom.enabled 
  assert func.optgeom.breaksym 

  functional.optgeom.keepsymm = True
  string = functional.print_input(structure=crystal)
  assert string.splitlines()[11] == 'OPTGEOM'
  cry, func = read(string)
  assert not cry.is_breaksym
  assert func.optgeom.enabled 
  assert func.optgeom.keepsymm 

  string = crystal.print_input()
  assert crystal.print_input() == string
  assert crystal.print_input() != string
  assert len(crystal.print_input().splitlines()) == len(string.splitlines()) + 1
Пример #6
def test():
  from tempfile import mkdtemp
  from numpy import array, all, abs
  from shutil import rmtree
  from os.path import exists
  from os import mkdir
  from pylada.dftcrystal import Crystal, relax, Shell, DisplaceAtoms
  from pylada import default_comm

  functional = relax.Relax()
  functional.basis['Si'] = [
      Shell('s', a0=[16120.0, 0.001959],
                 a1=[2426.0, 0.01493], 
                 a2=[553.9, 0.07285],
                 a3=[156.3, 0.2461], 
                 a4=[50.07, 0.4859],
                 a5=[17.02, 0.325]),
      Shell('sp', a0=[292.7, -0.002781, 0.004438],
                  a1=[69.87, -0.03571, 0.03267],
                  a2=[22.34, -0.115, 0.1347],
                  a3=[8.15, 0.09356, 0.3287],
                  a4=[3.135, 0.603, 0.4496]), 
      Shell('sp', 4.0, a0=[1.22, 1.0, 1.0]),
      Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.55, 1.0, 1.0]),
      Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.27, 1.0, 1.0]) ]

  functional.dft.pbe0 = True
  functional.fmixing = 30
  functional.optgeom.fulloptg = True
  functional.shrink = 8, 16
  functional.levshift = 5, True
  functional.maxcycle = 600
  functional.guessp = True
  functional.optgeom.keepsymm = True

  crystal = Crystal(227, 5.43).add_atom(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 'Si')
  crystal.append(DisplaceAtoms().add_atom(0.01, 0, 0, 1))
  directory = mkdtemp()
  if directory == '/tmp/test/' and exists(directory):
     results = functional(crystal, outdir=directory, comm=default_comm)
     assert results.success
     # check that final crystals are same as final structures.
     for crystal, structure in zip(results.details.crystal.itervalues(),
       estruc = crystal.eval()
       assert all(abs(estruc.cell - structure.cell) < 1e-8)
       assert all(abs( array([a.pos for a in estruc])
                       - array([a.pos for a in structure]) ) < 1e-8)
       assert all( array([a.type for a in estruc])
                   == array([a.type for a in structure]) )
     instruc = results.details.input_crystal.values()[1:] + [results.crystal]
     outstruc = results.details.structure.values()
     for a, b in zip(instruc, outstruc):
       a = a.eval()
       assert all(abs(a.cell - b.cell) < 1e-8)
       assert all(abs( array([v.pos for v in a])
                       - array([v.pos for v in b]) ) < 1e-8)
       assert all( array([v.type for v in a])
                   == array([v.type for v in b]) )
    if directory != '/tmp/test/': rmtree(directory)