Пример #1
 def test_returncode(self):
     cmd = [
         "python3", "-c",
         "import sys; print('Truffula trees.'); sys.exit(1)"
     with self.assertRaises(CalledProcessError):
         execWithCapture(cmd[0], cmd[1:], raise_err=True)
Пример #2
def umount(mnt, lazy=False, maxretry=3, retrysleep=1.0):
    '''Unmount the given mountpoint. If lazy is True, do a lazy umount (-l).
    If the mount was a temporary dir created by mount, it will be deleted.
    raises CalledProcessError if umount fails.'''
    umount = ["umount"]
    if lazy: umount += ["-l"]
    umount += [mnt]
    count = 0
    while maxretry > 0:
            rv = runcmd(umount)
        except CalledProcessError:
            count += 1
            if count == maxretry:
            logger.warn("failed to unmount %s. retrying (%d/%d)...", mnt,
                        count, maxretry)
            if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                fuser = execWithCapture("fuser", ["-vm", mnt])
                logger.debug("fuser -vm:\n%s\n", fuser)
    if 'lorax.imgutils' in mnt:
        logger.debug("remove tmp mountdir %s", mnt)
    return (rv == 0)
Пример #3
 def test_exec_filter_stderr(self):
     cmd = [
         "python3", "-c",
         "import sys; print('Truffula trees.', file=sys.stderr); sys.exit(0)"
     stdout = execWithCapture(cmd[0], cmd[1:], filter_stderr=True)
     self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), "")
Пример #4
 def test_execWithCapture(self):
     cmd = [
         "python3", "-c",
         "import sys; print('Truffula trees.', end=''); sys.exit(0)"
     stdout = execWithCapture(cmd[0], cmd[1:], callback=lambda p: True)
     self.assertEqual(stdout.strip(), "Truffula trees.")
Пример #5
def umount(mnt,  lazy=False, maxretry=3, retrysleep=1.0):
    '''Unmount the given mountpoint. If lazy is True, do a lazy umount (-l).
    If the mount was a temporary dir created by mount, it will be deleted.
    raises CalledProcessError if umount fails.'''
    cmd = ["umount"]
    if lazy: cmd += ["-l"]
    cmd += [mnt]
    count = 0
    while maxretry > 0:
            rv = runcmd(cmd)
        except CalledProcessError:
            count += 1
            if count == maxretry:
            logger.warn("failed to unmount %s. retrying (%d/%d)...",
                         mnt, count, maxretry)
            if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
                fuser = execWithCapture("fuser", ["-vm", mnt])
                logger.debug("fuser -vm:\n%s\n", fuser)
    if 'lorax.imgutils' in mnt:
        logger.debug("remove tmp mountdir %s", mnt)
    return (rv == 0)
Пример #6
    def get_iso_label(self):
        Get the iso's label using isoinfo

        Sets self.label if one is found
        isoinfo_output = execWithCapture("isoinfo", ["-d", "-i", self.iso_path])
        for line in isoinfo_output.splitlines():
            if line.startswith("Volume id: "):
                self.label = line[11:]
Пример #7
    def verify(self):
        '''Ensure that contents of the installroot can run'''
        status = True

        ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'

        # Iterate over all files in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
        # For ELF files, gather them into a list and we'll check them all at
        # the end. For files with a #!, check them as we go
        elf_files = []
        usr_bin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/bin')
        usr_sbin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/sbin')
        for path in (str(x) for x in itertools.chain(usr_bin.iterdir(), usr_sbin.iterdir()) \
                     if x.is_file()):
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                magic = f.read(4)
                if magic == ELF_MAGIC:
                    # Save the path, minus the chroot prefix
                elif magic[:2] == b'#!':
                    # Reopen the file as text and read the first line.
                    # Open as latin-1 so that stray 8-bit characters don't make
                    # things blow up. We only really care about ASCII parts.
                    with open(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1") as f_text:
                        # Remove the #!, split on space, and take the first part
                        shabang = f_text.readline()[2:].split()[0]

                    # Does the path exist?
                    if not os.path.exists(self.vars.root + shabang):
                        logger.error('%s, needed by %s, does not exist',
                                     shabang, path)
                        status = False

        # Now, run ldd on all the ELF files
        # Just run ldd once on everything so it isn't logged a million times.
        # At least one thing in the list isn't going to be a dynamic executable,
        # so use execWithCapture to ignore the exit code.
        filename = ''
        for line in execWithCapture('ldd',
            if line and not line[0].isspace():
                # New filename header, strip the : at the end and save
                filename = line[:-1]
            elif 'not found' in line:
                logger.error('%s, needed by %s, not found',
                             line.split()[0], filename)
                status = False

        return status
Пример #8
    def get_iso_label(self):
        Get the iso's label using isoinfo

        Sets self.label if one is found
        isoinfo_output = execWithCapture("isoinfo",
                                         ["-d", "-i", self.iso_path])
        for line in isoinfo_output.splitlines():
            if line.startswith("Volume id: "):
                self.label = line[11:]
Пример #9
    def verify(self):
        '''Ensure that contents of the installroot can run'''
        status = True

        ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'

        # Iterate over all files in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin
        # For ELF files, gather them into a list and we'll check them all at
        # the end. For files with a #!, check them as we go
        elf_files = []
        usr_bin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/bin')
        usr_sbin = Path(self.vars.root + '/usr/sbin')
        for path in (str(x) for x in itertools.chain(usr_bin.iterdir(), usr_sbin.iterdir()) \
                     if x.is_file()):
            with open(path, "rb") as f:
                magic = f.read(4)
                if magic == ELF_MAGIC:
                    # Save the path, minus the chroot prefix
                elif magic[:2] == b'#!':
                    # Reopen the file as text and read the first line.
                    # Open as latin-1 so that stray 8-bit characters don't make
                    # things blow up. We only really care about ASCII parts.
                    with open(path, "rt", encoding="latin-1") as f_text:
                        # Remove the #!, split on space, and take the first part
                        shabang = f_text.readline()[2:].split()[0]

                    # Does the path exist?
                    if not os.path.exists(self.vars.root + shabang):
                        logger.error('%s, needed by %s, does not exist', shabang, path)
                        status = False

        # Now, run ldd on all the ELF files
        # Just run ldd once on everything so it isn't logged a million times.
        # At least one thing in the list isn't going to be a dynamic executable,
        # so use execWithCapture to ignore the exit code.
        filename = ''
        for line in execWithCapture('ldd', elf_files, root=self.vars.root,
                log_output=False, filter_stderr=True).split('\n'):
            if line and not line[0].isspace():
                # New filename header, strip the : at the end and save
                filename = line[:-1]
            elif 'not found' in line:
                logger.error('%s, needed by %s, not found', line.split()[0], filename)
                status = False

        return status