def test_dist(self): man = x = man.rand() y = man.rand() # Test separability np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, x), 0.) # Test symmetry np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, y), man.dist(y, x)) # Test alternative implementation # from Eq 6.14 of "Positive definite matrices" d = np.sqrt((np.log(sp.linalg.eigvalsh(x, y))**2).sum()) np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, y), d) # check that dist is consistent with log np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, y), man.norm(x, man.log(x, y))) # Test invariance under inversion np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, y), man.dist(la.inv(y), la.inv(x))) # Test congruence-invariance a = rnd.randn(self.n, self.n) # must be invertible axa = multiprod(multiprod(a, x), multitransp(a)) aya = multiprod(multiprod(a, y), multitransp(a)) np_testing.assert_almost_equal(man.dist(x, y), man.dist(axa, aya))
def log(self, point_a, point_b): ytx = multitransp(point_b) @ point_a At = multitransp(point_b) - ytx @ multitransp(point_a) Bt = np.linalg.solve(ytx, At) u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(multitransp(Bt), full_matrices=False) arctan_s = np.expand_dims(np.arctan(s), -2) return (u * arctan_s) @ vt
def log(self, point_a, point_b): c = np.linalg.cholesky(point_a) c_inv = np.linalg.inv(c) logm = multilogm( c_inv @ point_b @ multitransp(c_inv), positive_definite=True, ) return c @ logm @ multitransp(c)
def log(self, X, Y): ytx = multiprod(multitransp(Y), X) At = multitransp(Y) - multiprod(ytx, multitransp(X)) Bt = np.linalg.solve(ytx, At) u, s, vt = svd(multitransp(Bt), full_matrices=False) arctan_s = np.expand_dims(np.arctan(s), -2) U = multiprod(u * arctan_s, vt) return U
def test_proj(self): # Construct a random point X on the manifold. X = # Construct a vector H in the ambient space. H = rnd.randn(self.k, self.m, self.n) # Compare the projections. Hproj = H - multiprod(X, multiprod(multitransp(X), H) + multiprod(multitransp(H), X)) / 2 np_testing.assert_allclose(Hproj,, H))
def test_projection(self): # Construct a random point X on the manifold. X = self.manifold.random_point() # Construct a vector H in the ambient space. H = np.random.normal(size=(self.k, self.m, self.n)) # Compare the projections. Hproj = H - X @ (multitransp(X) @ H + multitransp(H) @ X) / 2 np_testing.assert_allclose(Hproj, self.manifold.projection(X, H))
def geodesic(point_a, point_b, alpha): if alpha < 0 or 1 < alpha: raise ValueError("Exponent must be in [0,1]") c = np.linalg.cholesky(point_a) c_inv = np.linalg.inv(c) log_cbc = multilogm( c_inv @ point_b @ multitransp(c_inv), positive_definite=True, ) powm = multiexpm(alpha * log_cbc, symmetric=False) return c @ powm @ multitransp(c)
def test_dist(self): manifold = self.manifold x = manifold.random_point() y = manifold.random_point() z = manifold.random_point() # Test separability np_testing.assert_almost_equal(manifold.dist(x, x), 0.0) # Test symmetry np_testing.assert_almost_equal( manifold.dist(x, y), manifold.dist(y, x) ) # Test triangle inequality assert manifold.dist(x, y) <= manifold.dist(x, z) + manifold.dist(z, y) # Test alternative implementation (see equation (6.14) in [Bha2007]). d = np.sqrt((np.log(eigvalsh(x, y)) ** 2).sum()) np_testing.assert_almost_equal(manifold.dist(x, y), d) # Test exponential metric increasing property # (see equation (6.8) in [Bha2007]). assert manifold.dist(x, y) >= np.linalg.norm(logm(x) - logm(y)) # check that dist is consistent with log np_testing.assert_almost_equal( manifold.dist(x, y), manifold.norm(x, manifold.log(x, y)) ) # Test invariance under inversion np_testing.assert_almost_equal( manifold.dist(x, y), manifold.dist(np.linalg.inv(y), np.linalg.inv(x)), ) # Test congruence-invariance a = np.random.normal(size=(self.n, self.n)) # must be invertible axa = a @ x @ multitransp(a) aya = a @ y @ multitransp(a) np_testing.assert_almost_equal( manifold.dist(x, y), manifold.dist(axa, aya) ) # Test proportionality (see equation (6.12) in [Bha2007]). alpha = np.random.uniform() np_testing.assert_almost_equal( manifold.dist(x, geodesic(x, y, alpha)), alpha * manifold.dist(x, y), )
def inner(self, x, u, v): xinvu = la.solve(x, u) if u is v: xinvv = xinvu else: xinvv = la.solve(x, v) return np.tensordot(xinvu, multitransp(xinvv), axes=x.ndim)
def norm(self, x, u): # This implementation is as fast as np.linalg.solve_triangular and is # more stable, as the above solver tends to output non positive # definite results. c = la.cholesky(x) c_inv = la.inv(c) return la.norm(multiprod(multiprod(c_inv, u), multitransp(c_inv)))
def log(self, X, Y): U = multiprod(multitransp(X), Y) if self._k == 1: return multiskew(np.real(logm(U))) for i in range(self._k): U[i] = np.real(logm(U[i])) return multiskew(U)
def euclidean_to_riemannian_hessian(self, point, euclidean_gradient, euclidean_hessian, tangent_vector): Xt = multitransp(point) Xtegrad = Xt @ euclidean_gradient symXtegrad = multisym(Xtegrad) Xtehess = Xt @ euclidean_hessian return multiskew(Xtehess - tangent_vector @ symXtegrad)
def test_rand(self): # Just make sure that things generated are on the manifold and that # if you generate two they are not equal. X = np_testing.assert_allclose(multiprod(multitransp(X), X), multieye(self.k, self.n), atol=1e-10) Y = assert np.linalg.norm(X - Y) > 1e-6
def test_multitransp(self): A = rnd.randn(self.k, self.m, self.n) C = np.zeros((self.k, self.n, self.m)) for i in range(self.k): C[i] = A[i].T np_testing.assert_array_equal(C, multitransp(A))
def test_random_point(self): point = assert point.shape == (self.n, self.n) np_testing.assert_almost_equal(point.T @ point - point @ point.T, 0) np_testing.assert_almost_equal(point.T @ point, np.eye(self.n)) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.det(point), 1) point = self.so_product.random_point() assert point.shape == (self.k, self.n, self.n) np_testing.assert_almost_equal( multitransp(point) @ point - point @ multitransp(point), 0, ) np_testing.assert_almost_equal( multitransp(point) @ point, multieye(self.k, self.n) ) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.det(point), 1)
def test_multitransp(self): A = np.random.normal(size=(self.k, self.m, self.n)) C = np.zeros((self.k, self.n, self.m)) for i in range(self.k): C[i] = A[i].T np_testing.assert_array_equal(C, multitransp(A))
def dist(self, x, y): # Adapted from equation 6.13 of "Positive definite matrices". Chol # decomp gives the same result as matrix sqrt. There may be a more # efficient way to compute this! c = np.linalg.cholesky(x) c_inv = np.linalg.inv(c) l = multilog(multiprod(multiprod(c_inv, y), multitransp(c_inv)), pos_def=True) return la.norm(multiprod(multiprod(c, l), c_inv))
def inner_product(self, point, tangent_vector_a, tangent_vector_b): p_inv_tv_a = np.linalg.solve(point, tangent_vector_a) if tangent_vector_a is tangent_vector_b: p_inv_tv_b = p_inv_tv_a else: p_inv_tv_b = np.linalg.solve(point, tangent_vector_b) return np.tensordot(p_inv_tv_a, multitransp(p_inv_tv_b), axes=tangent_vector_a.ndim)
def exp(self, point, tangent_vector): pt_tv = multitransp(point) @ tangent_vector if self._k == 1: identity = np.eye(self._p) else: identity = multieye(self._k, self._p) a = np.block([point, tangent_vector]) b = multiexpm( np.block([ [ pt_tv, -multitransp(tangent_vector) @ tangent_vector, ], [identity, pt_tv], ]))[..., :self._p] c = multiexpm(-pt_tv) return a @ (b @ c)
def dist(self, x, y): # Adapted from equation 6.13 of "Positive definite matrices". The # Cholesky decomposition gives the same result as matrix sqrt. There # may be more efficient ways to compute this. c = la.cholesky(x) c_inv = la.inv(c) logm = multilog(multiprod(multiprod(c_inv, y), multitransp(c_inv)), pos_def=True) return la.norm(logm)
def randskew(n, N=1): idxs = np.triu_indices(n, 1) S = np.zeros((N, n, n)) for i in range(N): S[i][idxs] = rnd.randn(int(n * (n - 1) / 2)) S = S - multitransp(S) if N == 1: return S.reshape(n, n) return S
def test_inner(self): man = x = man.rand() a = man.randvec(x) b = man.randvec(x) # b is not symmetric, it is Hermitian np.testing.assert_almost_equal( np.tensordot(a, multitransp(b), axes=a.ndim), man.inner(x, multiprod(x, a), multiprod(x, b))) assert man.inner(x, a, b).dtype == np.float
def test_randvec(self): # Make sure things generated are in tangent space and if you generate # two then they are not equal. X = U = np_testing.assert_allclose(multisym(multiprod(multitransp(X), U)), np.zeros((self.k, self.n, self.n)), atol=1e-10) V = assert la.norm(U - V) > 1e-6
def random_tangent_vector(self, point): n, k = self._n, self._k inds = np.triu_indices(n, 1) vector = np.zeros((k, n, n)) for i in range(k): vector[i][inds] = np.random.normal(size=int(n * (n - 1) / 2)) vector = vector - multitransp(vector) if k == 1: vector = vector[0] return vector / np.sqrt(np.tensordot(vector, vector, axes=vector.ndim))
def rand(self): # The way this is done is arbitrary. I think the space of p.d. # matrices would have infinite measure w.r.t. the Riemannian metric # (cf. integral 0-inf [ln(x)] dx = inf) so impossible to have a # 'uniform' distribution. # Generate eigenvalues between 1 and 2 d = np.ones((self._k, self._n, 1)) + rnd.rand(self._k, self._n, 1) # Generate an orthogonal matrix. Annoyingly qr decomp isn't # vectorized so need to use a for loop. Could be done using # svd but this is slower for bigger matrices. u = np.zeros((self._k, self._n, self._n)) for i in range(self._k): u[i], r = la.qr(rnd.randn(self._n, self._n)) if self._k == 1: return multiprod(u, d * multitransp(u))[0] return multiprod(u, d * multitransp(u))
def random_point(self): # Generate eigenvalues between 1 and 2. d = 1.0 + np.random.uniform(size=(self._k, self._n, 1)) # Generate an orthogonal matrix. q, _ = multiqr(np.random.normal(size=(self._n, self._n))) point = q @ (d * multitransp(q)) if self._k == 1: return point[0] return point
def test_random_tangent_vector(self): point = tangent_vector = np_testing.assert_almost_equal(tangent_vector, -tangent_vector.T) point = self.so_product.random_point() tangent_vector = self.so_product.random_tangent_vector(point) np_testing.assert_almost_equal( tangent_vector, -multitransp(tangent_vector) )
def exp(self, point, tangent_vector): u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(tangent_vector, full_matrices=False) cos_s = np.expand_dims(np.cos(s), -2) sin_s = np.expand_dims(np.sin(s), -2) Y = point @ (multitransp(vt) * cos_s) @ vt + (u * sin_s) @ vt # From numerical experiments, it seems necessary to re-orthonormalize. # This is quite expensive. q, _ = multiqr(Y) return q
def rand(self): # The way this is done is arbitrary. I think the space of p.d. # matrices would have infinite measure w.r.t. the Riemannian metric # (c.f. integral 0-inf [ln(x)] dx = inf) so impossible to have a # 'uniform' distribution. # Generate eigenvalues between 1 and 2 d = np.ones((self._k, self._n, 1)) + rnd.rand(self._k, self._n, 1) # Generate an orthogonal matrix. Annoyingly qr decomp isn't # vectorized so need to use a for loop. Could be done using # svd but this is slower for bigger matrices. u = np.zeros((self._k, self._n, self._n)) for i in range(self._k): u[i], r = la.qr(rnd.randn(self._n, self._n)) if self._k == 1: return multiprod(u, d * multitransp(u))[0] else: return multiprod(u, d * multitransp(u))
def test_random_tangent_vector(self): # Make sure things generated are in tangent space and if you generate # two then they are not equal. X = self.manifold.random_point() U = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(X) np_testing.assert_allclose( multisym(multitransp(X) @ U), np.zeros((self.k, self.n, self.n)), atol=1e-10, ) V = self.manifold.random_tangent_vector(X) assert np.linalg.norm(U - V) > 1e-6
def test_retr(self): # Test that the result is on the manifold and that for small # tangent vectors it has little effect. x = u = xretru =, u) np_testing.assert_allclose(multiprod(multitransp(xretru), xretru), multieye(self.k, self.n), atol=1e-10) u = u * 1e-6 xretru =, u) np_testing.assert_allclose(xretru, x + u)
def test_exp(self): # Check that exp lies on the manifold and that exp of a small vector u # is close to x + u. s = x = s.rand() u = s.randvec(x) xexpu = s.exp(x, u) np_testing.assert_allclose(multiprod(multitransp(xexpu), xexpu), multieye(self.k, self.n), atol=1e-10) u = u * 1e-6 xexpu = s.exp(x, u) np_testing.assert_allclose(xexpu, x + u)
def dist(self, X, Y): if self._k == 1: u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(, Y)) s[s > 1] = 1 s = np.arccos(s) return np.linalg.norm(s) else: XtY = multiprod(multitransp(X), Y) square_d = 0 for i in xrange(self._k): s = np.linalg.svd(XtY[i], compute_uv=False) # Ensure that -1 <= s <= 1 s = np.fmin(s, [1]) s = np.fmax(s, [-1]) square_d = square_d + np.linalg.norm(np.arccos(s))**2 return np.sqrt(square_d)
def exp(self, X, U): u, s, vt = svd(U, full_matrices=False) cos_s = np.expand_dims(np.cos(s), -2) sin_s = np.expand_dims(np.sin(s), -2) Y = (multiprod(multiprod(X, multitransp(vt) * cos_s), vt) + multiprod(u * sin_s, vt)) # From numerical experiments, it seems necessary to # re-orthonormalize. This is overall quite expensive. if self._k == 1: Y, unused = np.linalg.qr(Y) return Y else: for i in range(self._k): Y[i], unused = np.linalg.qr(Y[i]) return Y
def log(self, x, y): c = la.cholesky(x) c_inv = la.inv(c) l = multilog(multiprod(multiprod(c_inv, y), multitransp(c_inv)), pos_def=True) return multiprod(multiprod(c, l), multitransp(c))
def proj(self, X, U): UNew = U - multiprod( X, multiprod(multitransp(X), U) + multiprod(multitransp(U), X)) / 2 return UNew
def test_multitransp_singlemat(self): A = rnd.randn(self.m, self.n) np_testing.assert_array_equal(A.T, multitransp(A))
def ehess2rhess(self, X, egrad, ehess, H): # Convert Euclidean into Riemannian Hessian. XtG = multiprod(multitransp(X), egrad) symXtG = multisym(XtG) HsymXtG = multiprod(H, symXtG) return self.proj(X, ehess - HsymXtG)
def dist(self, X, Y): u, s, v = svd(multiprod(multitransp(X), Y)) s[s > 1] = 1 s = np.arccos(s) return np.linalg.norm(s)
def proj(self, X, U): return U - multiprod(X, multiprod(multitransp(X), U))
def ehess2rhess(self, X, egrad, ehess, H): # Convert Euclidean into Riemannian Hessian. PXehess = self.proj(X, ehess) XtG = multiprod(multitransp(X), egrad) HXtG = multiprod(H, XtG) return PXehess - HXtG