def buildUI(self): # Make sure there are no duplicated UI if pc.window(self.windowName, exists=True): pc.deleteUI(self.windowName) if pc.dockControl(self.windowName+'_dock', exists=True): pc.deleteUI(self.windowName+'_dock') # Dock window self.uiWidgets['window'] = pc.window(self.windowName, title=self.windowName, h=self.windowHeight, w=self.windowWidth, mnb=False, mxb=False, sizeable=False) # Layout and dock self.uiWidgets['layout'] = pc.columnLayout(p=self.uiWidgets['window']) pc.dockControl(self.windowName+'_dock', label=self.windowName, area='right', content=self.uiWidgets['window']) #### Tabs and buttons creation # Categories list categories = {} # Check for file that has to be ignored ignoreFile = open(pc.internalVar(upd=True)+'scripts/'+self.scanFolder+'/ignore.txt') ignoredFiles = [] for line in ignoreFile: ignoredFiles.append(line.replace('\n','')) # Check for existing *.py files in the script/self.scanFolder folder for pyscript in os.listdir(pc.internalVar(upd=True)+'scripts/'+self.scanFolder): if fnmatch.fnmatch(pyscript, '*.py') and pyscript not in ignoredFiles: # Get the category for later use category = pyscript.partition('_')[0] # If category is not empty if category != '': if category not in categories.keys(): categories[category] = [] # Append the icon path associated to the script print "Adding script '%s' to shelf." % pyscript categories[category].append(pyscript.partition('.')[0]+'.png') print categories for category in categories.keys(): self.uiWidgets[category+'_frameLayout'] = pc.frameLayout(label=category.capitalize(), borderStyle='etchedIn', cll=True, w=self.windowWidth, parent=self.uiWidgets['layout']) self.uiWidgets[category+'_rcLayout']= pc.rowColumnLayout(nc=3, p=self.uiWidgets[category+'_frameLayout']) for icon in categories[category]: iconPath = pc.internalVar(upd=True)+'icons/'+self.scanFolder+'/'+icon # If icon exists, we use it if os.path.exists(iconPath): pc.iconTextButton(w=35, h=35, i1=iconPath,c=partial(self.loadScript, icon.partition('.')[0])) else: pc.iconTextButton(iol=icon.partition('.')[0].partition('_')[2], w=35, h=35, i1=pc.internalVar(upd=True)+'icons/'+self.scanFolder+'/missing.png',c=partial(self.loadScript, icon.partition('.')[0]))
def UI(): # find ui files ehm_uiPath = pm.internalVar( uad=True ) + 'scripts/ehm_tools/ui/' # delete window if exists if pm.window( 'offsetBlends.ui', q=True, exists=True ): pm.deleteUI( 'offsetBlends.ui' ) # load ui uiFile = pm.loadUI( uiFile = ehm_uiPath + 'offsetBlends.ui' ) # connect base button pm.button( "ofb_selectBase_btn", edit=True, command = "offsetBlends.addToTextField('ofb_base_tf')" ) # connect modified button pm.button( "ofb_selectModified_btn", edit=True, command = "offsetBlends.addToTextField('ofb_modified_tf')" ) # connect object to change buttons pm.button( "ofb_selectGeos_btn", edit=True, command = "offsetBlends.addToTextScroll('ofb_geos_tsl')" ) # connect apply change buttons pm.button( "ofb_apply_btn", edit=True, command = "offsetBlends.OffsetBlends()" ) # show ui pm.showWindow( uiFile )
def UI(): # find ui files ehm_uiPath = pm.internalVar(uad=True) + 'scripts/ehm_tools/ui/' # delete window if exists if pm.window('offsetBlends.ui', q=True, exists=True): pm.deleteUI('offsetBlends.ui') # load ui uiFile = pm.loadUI(uiFile=ehm_uiPath + 'offsetBlends.ui') # connect base button pm.button("ofb_selectBase_btn", edit=True, command="offsetBlends.addToTextField('ofb_base_tf')") # connect modified button pm.button("ofb_selectModified_btn", edit=True, command="offsetBlends.addToTextField('ofb_modified_tf')") # connect object to change buttons pm.button("ofb_selectGeos_btn", edit=True, command="offsetBlends.addToTextScroll('ofb_geos_tsl')") # connect apply change buttons pm.button("ofb_apply_btn", edit=True, command="offsetBlends.OffsetBlends()") # show ui pm.showWindow(uiFile)
def find_malware_files(): """ Collect all script files that breed the malware. :rtype: list of path.Path """ maya_user_dir = path.Path(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=True)) user_setup_mel = maya_user_dir / 'scripts' / 'userSetup.mel' user_setup_py = maya_user_dir / 'scripts' / '' user_setup_mel_data = util.read_file_text( user_setup_mel) if user_setup_mel.exists() else '' user_setup_py_data = util.read_file_text( user_setup_py) if user_setup_py.exists() else '' vaccine_py = maya_user_dir / 'scripts' / '' vaccine_pyc = maya_user_dir / 'scripts' / 'vaccine.pyc' malware_files = [] if 'fuck_All_U' in user_setup_mel_data: malware_files.append(user_setup_mel) if 'leukocyte' in user_setup_py_data and 'vaccine' in user_setup_py_data: malware_files.append(user_setup_py) if os.path.exists(vaccine_py): malware_files.append(vaccine_py) if os.path.exists(vaccine_pyc): malware_files.append(vaccine_pyc) return malware_files
def exportPref(cls, data, labelObject, buttonObject, keyframingButtonGrp): ''' Save user preferences to file. Call applyPref(). :param data: dictionary. Main ui button's colors, labels... keyframing preference. :param labelObject: list of the 6 color key label objects from settings ui. :param buttonObject: list of the 6 color key buttons objects from settings ui. :param keyframingButtonGrp: the keyframing option buttonGrp object from settings ui. ''' # Labels for i, j in enumerate(labelObject): data['color%s' % str(i + 1)][0] = j.text() # Colors for i, j in enumerate(buttonObject): data['color%s' % str(i + 1)][1] = ('rgb')[0],'rgb')[1],'rgb')[2]) # Keyframing option data['keyframing'] = keyframingButtonGrp.checkedId() prefDir = pmc.internalVar(userPrefDir=True) prefFile = prefDir + prefFileName with open(prefFile, 'wb') as fh: pickle.dump(data, fh, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ColorKey.applyPref(data)
def __init__(self, parent): super(AboutMeDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setLayout(qg.QStackedLayout(self)) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setFixedWidth(800) self.setFixedHeight(440) self.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(1,1,1,200);") self.setAttribute(qc.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setModal(True) route = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(usd=1), 'HitchAnimationModule', 'Icons', 'Hitch_UI_aboutMe.jpg') pixmap = qg.QPixmap(route) scaled = pixmap.scaled(self.width(), self.height(), qc.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, qc.Qt.SmoothTransformation) self.frame = qg.QLabel() self.frame.setPixmap(scaled) self.frame.setSizePolicy(qg.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qg.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.layout().addWidget(self.frame) frame_lyt = qg.QVBoxLayout(self.frame) frame_lyt.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.layout().setStackingMode(qg.QStackedLayout.StackAll) self.close_btn = button.CloseButton() self.close_btn.setParent(self) self.close_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close())
def getDirectory(self): # gives us back the name of our library directory and create it if it doesn't exist directory = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=True), 'lightManager') if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) return directory
def _saveSettings(self, *args): tempDir = pm.internalVar(userTmpDir=True) #--- Get tabs in the layout for sLayout in self.shelfTabs: if '(Deleted)' not in sLayout: pm.saveShelf( shelf, (tempDir + sLayout.split('|')[-1] + '_FloatingShelf'))
def showMessageDialog(): fileName = time.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%M") + ".ma" filePath = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(utd=1), fileName) pm.confirmDialog( icon="warning", m="Fatal Error. Attempting to save in {0}".format(filePath), t="maya", button=["OK"], ma="left")
def __config_dumping(self): userPrefPath = pm.internalVar(upd=True) configDir = os.path.join(userPrefPath, CONFIG_DIR) configFile = os.path.join(configDir, CONFIG_FILE) if not os.path.exists(configDir): os.makedirs(configDir) # -- Write 2 File -- # with open(configFile.replace('\\', '/'), 'wb') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self.config, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4))
def __init__(self, parent=maya_main_window()): # call the parent class and pass in the parent object super(DSL, self).__init__(parent) # we have possible root paths saved in a json file self.preferences_file = pm.internalVar( userPrefDir=True) + '/dsl_preferences.json' if not os.path.isfile(self.preferences_file): # if we don't have a preference file save one self.save_preferences({ 'folders': '', 'default_folder': '', 'position': '', 'dockable': False, 'docking_position': '' }) self.current_dir = None # general window setup self.setWindowTitle('DSL Version 3.0') self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # create fonts self.title_font = QtGui.QFont() self.title_font.setPointSize(24) self.title_font.setBold(True) self.empty_font = QtGui.QFont() self.empty_font.setPointSize(12) self.empty_font.setBold(True) # create a main layout self.main_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() # add a menu bar and actions self.menu_bar = QtWidgets.QMenuBar(self) self.file_menu = self.menu_bar.addMenu('File') self.preferences_action = QtWidgets.QAction( 'Preferences', self, statusTip='List of available folders', triggered=self.show_folder_list) self.refresh = QtWidgets.QAction('Refresh', self, statusTip='Refresh script list', triggered=self.load_scripts) self.file_menu.addAction(self.preferences_action) self.file_menu.addAction(self.refresh) # load the scripts from the root dir self.load_scripts()
def __config_loading(self): userPrefPath = pm.internalVar(upd=True) configFile = os.path.join(userPrefPath, CONFIG_DIR, CONFIG_FILE) if not os.path.exists(configFile): self.config.setdefault('root', '') return with open(configFile.replace('\\', '/'), 'rb') as f: self.config = json.load(f) or {} if self.config: self.pathing = self.config['root']
def location( self, update=None ): """Location of the script editor files. update: Refresh the location. If left empty, return the stored location. - Boolean """ #Return location of script editor files if update is None: return pm.optionVar[self.locationName] #Refresh location of script editor files pm.optionVar[self.locationName] = pm.internalVar( userPrefDir=True )
def get_temp_dirname(cls, dir_name): temp_dir = Config.get(TestVars.temp_dir) if not temp_dir: temp_dir = pm.internalVar(utd=1) path = os.path.join(temp_dir, dir_name) count = 0 while os.path.exists(path): count += 1 path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "{0}{1}".format(dir_name, count)) cls.dirs_created.append(path) return path
def UI(): if pm.window('pbudk', exists=True): pm.deleteUI('pbudk') optspath = '%s/pbUDK.json' % pm.internalVar(usd=True) defaultdata = { 'phyType': 1, 'maxVerts': 32, 'center': True, 'child': True, 'fbxPath': '%sdata/' % pm.workspace(q=True, rd=True), 'presetFile': '%s/UDKexport/UDK-FBX.fbxexportpreset' % pm.internalVar(usd=True), 'version': version, 'prefix': False, 'prefix_text': '', 'suffix': False, 'suffix_text': '' } with pm.window('pbudk', title="{0} - {1}".format(title, version), width=250, sizeable=True) as window: with pm.columnLayout(): opts = JSONDict(optspath, defaultdata) PhyUI(opts) FbxUI(opts)
def onMayaDroppedPythonFile(obj): """ the onMayaDroppedPythonFile method this method name is recognized by maya and is being called when the file is dropped inside the viewport. creates a shelf button for the Image Card Importer tool. raises an error if the Image Card Importer folder is not located inside the scripts folder. """ # get the dropped file location path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.pardir)) # get maya scripts folder path scripts_path = pm.internalVar(usd=True) scripts_path = scripts_path.replace("/", "\\") if scripts_path[-1] == "\\": scripts_path = scripts_path[:-1] # compare the paths and if the current file path is not maya scripts folder, raise an error. if parent_path != scripts_path: error_string = "the image_card_importer folder is inside in the incorrect folder.\nthe correct folder is: " + scripts_path pm.confirmDialog(title='Error', message=error_string, button='OK', defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='OK') else: icon_directory = os.path.join(path, "icons") image_path = os.path.join(icon_directory, "image_card_importer_icon.png") # get current top shelf top_shelf = mel.eval('$nul = $gShelfTopLevel') # create a shelf button on current top shelf if, e=1): parent=top_shelf + "|" +, q=1, st=1), annotation='Image Card Importer', image1=image_path, command= "import image_card_importer.image_card_importer_tool as im\n" "win = im.window_ui()\n" "win.display()", )
def UI(): if pm.window('pbudk', exists=True): pm.deleteUI('pbudk') optspath = '%s/pbUDK.json' % pm.internalVar(usd=True) defaultdata = {'phyType': 1, 'maxVerts': 32, 'center': True, 'child': True, 'fbxPath': '%sdata/' % pm.workspace(q=True, rd=True), 'presetFile': '%s/UDKexport/UDK-FBX.fbxexportpreset' % pm.internalVar(usd=True), 'version': version, 'prefix': False, 'prefix_text': '', 'suffix': False, 'suffix_text': ''} with pm.window('pbudk', title="{0} - {1}".format(title, version), width=250, sizeable=True) as window: with pm.columnLayout(): opts = JSONDict(optspath, defaultdata) PhyUI(opts) FbxUI(opts)
def ioAttrPreset(self, nodeType, save): """doc""" presetLocalDir = str(pm.internalVar(userPresetsDir= 1)) presetVar = presetLocalDir + '%sPreset_%s.mel' # save out presets presetDict = {} for node in nodeType): presetName = if save: pm.nodePreset(save= [node, presetName]) else: pm.nodePreset(load= [node, presetName]) presetDict[] = presetVar % (nodeType, presetName) return presetDict
def getDirectory(self): """ Get directory of our library Returns: directory(str) - a path to the directory """ # Write their properities into the directory directory = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=True), 'lightManager') # Check if it exists or not if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) return directory
def check_local_package(installed_title): """Check installed package in Maya user application directory. :return: True if its exists, Falser otherwise :rtype: bool """ user_app_dir = path.Path(pm.internalVar(uad=True)) installed_dir = user_app_dir / installed_title if installed_dir.isfile(): return False elif installed_dir.isdir(): return True else: return False
def __init__(self, dock=False): ## GET SETTINGS self.settings = settings.get() if not self.settings.DEFAULT_DIR_KEY: self.lastDir = self.getDirectory() else: self.lastDir = self.settings.DEFAULT_DIR_KEY if dock: parent = getDock() else: deleteDock() try: pm.deleteUI('re_manager') except: logger.debug('No previous UI exists') parent = QtWidgets.QMainWindow(parent=getMayaMainWindow()) parent.setObjectName('re_manager') parent.setWindowTitle('RE Engine Tool') super(RE_Manager, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.setupUi(parent) self.setup_buttons() self.parent().layout().addWidget(self) self.parent = parent parent.setWindowTitle("RE Engine Motion Tool " + TOOL_VERSION) self.recentFileActs = [] for i in range(self.settings.RECENT_FILES_MAX): self.recentFileActs.append( QtWidgets.QAction(parent, visible=False, triggered=self.openRecentFile)) self.menuRecent_Files.addAction(self.recentFileActs[i]) self.recent_files_update() #self.lineEditRawDepo.setText(self.settings.repopath) #self.checkBoxImportFace.setChecked(self.settings.importFacePoses) directory = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=True), 're_engine_working') ##DEBUG #self.populate_animSet("F:\\RE3R_MODS\\maya files\\010 anims\\em0000_es_pl_bite.motlist.99") if not dock:
def get_temp_filename(cls, file_name): temp_dir = Config.get(TestVars.temp_dir) if not temp_dir: temp_dir = pm.internalVar(utd=1) if not os.path.exists(temp_dir): os.makedirs(temp_dir) base_name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) path = os.path.join(temp_dir, base_name + ext) count = 0 while os.path.exists(path): count += 1 path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "{0}{1}{2}".format(base_name, count, ext)) cls.files_created.append(path) return path
def getDirectory(self, type): """ set and get the rig Log directory :return: rig log directory """ if type == 'rig': fileName = 'rigLogFiles' elif type == 'twist': fileName = 'twistLogFiles' else:'Unknow directory type name, please check again!') return logDir = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=1), fileName) if not os.path.exists(logDir): os.mkdir(logDir) return logDir
def importPref(cls): '''Import user preferences from file. If preference file doesn't exist, use default values.''' prefDir = pmc.internalVar(userPrefDir=True) if prefFileName in os.listdir(prefDir): prefFile = prefDir + prefFileName with open(prefFile, 'rb') as fh: data = pickle.load(fh) else: data = { 'color1': ['', (255, 255, 0), '_1'], 'color2': ['', (255, 0, 0), '_2'], 'color3': ['', (0, 255, 0), '_3'], 'color4': ['', (255, 0, 255), '_4'], 'color5': ['', (0, 0, 255), '_5'], 'color6': ['', (0, 255, 255), '_6'], 'keyframing': -2, } return data
def uninstall(installed_title): """Uninstall FrMaya package. :arg installed_title: FrMaya package title name. :type installed_title: str """ assert installed_title, 'Package title not found!!!' assert installed_title != 'maya', '{} is not package!!'.format( installed_title) # Maya user application directory user_app_dir = path.Path(pm.internalVar(uad=True)) # modules dir module_dir = user_app_dir / 'modules' module_file = module_dir / '{}.mod'.format(installed_title) if module_file.exists(): module_file.remove() # installed package installed_pkg = user_app_dir / installed_title if installed_pkg.exists(): shutil.rmtree(installed_pkg, ignore_errors=True)
def __init__(self, parent=None): import os import pymel.core as pm # initialize the QlistView QtGui.QTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.GData = g.GData() self.dropOp = QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers, bool, str) #locate the directory where all of the images for the UI live ScriptDir = pm.internalVar(uad = True) self.imgDirectory = str(ScriptDir+"/scripts/pipeline/general/filebrowse/images/") self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setDragEnabled(False) self.setDragDropMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.DropOnly) self.setColumnCount(1) self.setHeaderHidden(True) self.reloadBookmarks()
def install(source_path, package_title='', local_install=False): """Install FrMaya package. :arg source_path: Downloaded or cloned FrMaya package absolute path. :type source_path: str or path.Path :key package_title: Package name. :type package_title: str :key local_install: If True, FrMaya package will be copied into maya user application directory. :type local_install: bool :rtype: bool """ frmaya_content = [ 'FrMaya', 'MayaMenubar', 'RigData', 'startup', 'LICENSE.txt', '' ] source_path = path.Path(source_path).abspath() if package_title: installed_title = package_title else: installed_title = assert source_path.exists(), 'Source path did not exist!!!' assert installed_title, 'Package title not found!!!' for each in frmaya_content: sub_item = source_path / each assert sub_item.exists( ), '{} did not exists, make sure its exists!!'.format(sub_item) # Maya user application directory user_app_dir = path.Path(pm.internalVar(uad=True)) # create modules dir module_dir = user_app_dir / 'modules' if not module_dir.exists(): module_dir.mkdir() # uninstall first if any uninstall(installed_title) if local_install: # FrMaya script folder path target_dir = user_app_dir / installed_title # create FrMaya root dir if not target_dir.exists(): target_dir.mkdir() # copy all sub content into target_dir for each in frmaya_content: src = source_path / each tgt = target_dir / each if src.isdir(): shutil.copytree(src.abspath(), tgt.abspath()) elif src.isfile(): shutil.copy(src.abspath(), tgt.abspath()) else: target_dir = source_path # write module file module_file = module_dir / '{}.mod'.format(installed_title) with open(module_file, 'w') as ss: ss.write('+ FrMaya any {}\n'.format(target_dir)) ss.write('scripts+:=startup\n') ss.write('PYTHONPATH+:=\n') ss.write('PYTHONPATH+:=startup\n') ss.write('MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH+:=startup\n') ss.write('FR_MYMENUBAR+:=MayaMenubar\n') ss.write('FR_CONTROLCURVE+:=RigData\\ControlCurve\n') return True
import os import distutils import pymel.core as pm from PySide2 import QtWidgets def onMayaDroppedPythonFile(*args): pass script_dir = pm.internalVar(usd=True) icon_dir = pm.internalVar(ubd=True) dl_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(dl_dir, 'scripts'), os.path.dirname(script_dir)) distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(dl_dir, 'icons'), os.path.dirname(icon_dir)) shelves = pm.tabLayout(pm.getMelGlobal('string', '$gShelfTopLevel'), query=True, childArray=True) current = shelves.index(pm.tabLayout(pm.getMelGlobal('string', '$gShelfTopLevel'), query=True, selectTab=True)) itm, accepted = QtWidgets.QInputDialog().getItem(None, 'Shelf Button', 'Which Shelf Do You Wish to Add the Button To?', shelves, editable=False, current=current) if accepted: pm.shelfButton(style="iconOnly", parent=itm, image='na_scratch_paper', label='Scratch Paper', command='import na_scratch_paper\nna_scratch_paper.run_maya()')
def getDefaultProject(): """ Returns the Default Project Directory """ return pm.internalVar(uwd=1) # default project
def UI(): # kill window if it already exists if pm.window('varFkUI', exists = True): pm.deleteUI('varFkUI') # build window varFkWindow = pm.window('varFkUI', title = 'Variable Fk Rigger', widthHeight=(365.0, 340.0), sizeable=False, minimizeButton=True, maximizeButton=False) # create tabLayout tabs = pm.tabLayout(imw = 5, imh = 5) # create tabs form = pm.formLayout(numberOfDivisions=100, w = 365, h = 340, parent = tabs) pm.tabLayout(tabs, edit = True, tabLabel = (form, 'VarFk Rigger')) info = pm.formLayout(numberOfDivisions=100, w = 365, h = 340, parent = tabs) pm.tabLayout(tabs, edit = True, tabLabel = (info, 'Help')) # fill info tab pm.setParent ( info ) # Creating Element scrollField_info infotext = 'Variable FK Autorigger \nVersion: 1.00 \nby Julian "fleity" Oberbeck. \n\nBasic variable FK concept by Jeff Brodsky ( \n\n\nVariable FK Rigs allow moving a FK-control along a joint chain, their influence being based on the distance to the joints. \n\n How to use: \n 1. Insert the name of the input curve. \n 2. Enter a name for the rig. \n 3. Choose number of controls. \n 4. Press "Build."' # Creating Element scrollField_infotext scrollField_infotext = pm.scrollField ( text = infotext, w = 340, h = 295, editable = False, wordWrap = True ) pm.formLayout( info, edit=True, attachForm=[( scrollField_infotext, 'top', 10), ( scrollField_infotext, 'left', 10)] ) # fill main utility tab pm.setParent( form ) # Creating Element img_banner imagePath = pm.internalVar(upd = True) + '/icons/varFk.png' # old imagePath = '/'.join( __file__.split('\\')[:-1] ) + '/varFk.png' img_banner = pm.image( w = 365, h = 110, image = imagePath ) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( img_banner, 'top', 0), ( img_banner, 'left', -5)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element layout_curve_tools shelfLayout_curveTools = pm.shelfTabLayout( 'shelfCurves', w = 225, h = 50, tabsVisible = False ) pm.setParent( shelfLayout_curveTools ) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( shelfLayout_curveTools, 'top', 97), ( shelfLayout_curveTools, 'left', 70)] ) rowLayout_curveTools = pm.rowLayout( 'rowLayout_curveTools', w = 200, h = 45, numberOfColumns = 4, cw4 = [40,40,40,40], ct4 = ['left', 'left', 'left', 'left'], co4 = [10,10,10,10] ) pm.setParent( rowLayout_curveTools ) # ========================================= # Creating Elements curve tool buttons button_CVCurveTool = pm.iconTextButton( 'button_CVCurveTool', w = 40, h = 40, mw = 2, mh = 2, image = 'curveCV.png', command = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.CVCurveTool, ), doubleClickCommand = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.CVCurveToolOptions, ) ) button_EPCurveTool = pm.iconTextButton( 'button_EPCurveTool', w = 40, h = 40, mw = 2, mh = 2, image = 'curveEP.png', command = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.EPCurveTool, ), doubleClickCommand = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.EPCurveToolOptions, ) ) button_PencilCurveTool = pm.iconTextButton( 'button_PencilCurveTool', w = 40, h = 40, mw = 2, mh = 2, image = 'pencil.png', command = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.PencilCurveTool, ), doubleClickCommand = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.PencilCurveToolOptions, ) ) button_BezierCurveTool = pm.iconTextButton( 'button_BezierCurveTool', w = 40, h = 40, mw = 2, mh = 2, image = 'curveBezier.png', command = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.CreateBezierCurveTool, ), doubleClickCommand = pm.Callback(pm.runtime.CreateBezierCurveToolOptions, ) ) # ========================================= pm.setParent( form ) # ========================================= # Creating Element button_insertSelectedCurve button_insertSelectedCurve = pm.button( label='>', w=35, h=25, command=pm.Callback(insertFirstSelected, ) ) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( button_insertSelectedCurve, 'top', 155), ( button_insertSelectedCurve, 'left', 55)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element input_inputCurve input_inputCurve = pm.textField('input_inputCurve', text='Draw a curve, 1 Joint per CV.', w=250, h=25) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( input_inputCurve, 'top', 155), ( input_inputCurve, 'left', 100)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element text_IdName text_IdName = pm.text( label='Prefix Name:', align='right', recomputeSize=True, w=80, h=25) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( text_IdName, 'top', 190), ( text_IdName, 'left', 10)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element input_IdName input_IdName = pm.textField('input_IdName', text='varFk', w=250, h=25) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( input_IdName, 'top', 190), ( input_IdName, 'left', 100)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element text_numOfCtrls text_numOfCtrls = pm.text( label='# of Controls:', align='right', recomputeSize=True, w=80, h=25) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( text_numOfCtrls, 'top', 225), ( text_numOfCtrls, 'left', 10)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element slider_numOfCtrls slider_numOfCtrls = pm.intSliderGrp('slider_numOfCtrls', f=True, min=1, max=10, fieldMinValue=1,fieldMaxValue=999, value=3, ann='Number of Controls', w=255, h=25) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( slider_numOfCtrls, 'top', 225), ( slider_numOfCtrls, 'left', 100)] ) # ========================================= # Creating Element button_build button_build = pm.button( label='Build', w=340, h=40, command = pm.Callback(buildVarFkFromUI, )) pm.formLayout( form, edit=True, attachForm=[( button_build, 'top', 265), ( button_build, 'left', 10)] ) # ========================================= pm.setParent( '..' ) # show window
import os import pymel.core as pm MAYA_APP_PATH = str(pm.internalVar(uad=1)) # type: str TMP_PATH = pm.internalVar(utd=1) # type: str USER_PREFS_PATH = pm.internalVar(upd=1) # type: str LUNA_ROOT_PATH = pm.moduleInfo(moduleName="luna", p=1) # type: str # type: str LOG_FILE = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "luna.log") # type: str SHAPES_LIB_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "res", "shapes") # type: str TEMPLATES_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "res", "templates") # type: str EMPTY_SCENES_PATH = os.path.join(TEMPLATES_PATH, "emptyScenes") # type: str ICONS_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "res", "images", "icons") # type: str FALLBACK_IMG_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "res", "images", "fallbacks") # type: str COMET_ORIENT_PATH = MAYA_APP_PATH + "scripts/comet/cometJointOrient.mel" # type: str DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "configs", "default_config.json") # type:str CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "configs", "config.json") # type:str EXTERNAL_TOOLS_REGISTER = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "configs", "external_tools.json") # type:str TEST_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "tests") # type:str PLUGINS_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "plug-ins") # type:str EDITOR_PLUGINS_PATH = os.path.join(LUNA_ROOT_PATH, "luna_builder", "rig_nodes") def get_icon_path(*path_parts): return os.path.join(ICONS_PATH, *path_parts)
import os import sip import pymel.core as pm import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui import pymel.api as api from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, uic def getMayaWindow(): 'Get the maya main window as a QMainWindow instance' ptr = api.OpenMayaUI.MQtUtil_mainWindow() return sip.wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QObject) #Get the absolute path to my ui file uiFile = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(usd=True), 'src', 'ui', 'mouseCap.ui') print 'Loading ui file:', os.path.normpath(uiFile) #Load the ui file, and create my class form_class, base_class = uic.loadUiType(uiFile) class MouseCapWindow(base_class, form_class): def __init__(self, parent=getMayaWindow()): '''A custom window with a demo set of ui widgets''' #init our ui using the MayaWindow as parent super(base_class, self).__init__(parent) #uic adds a function to our class called setupUi, calling this creates all the widgets from the .ui file self.setupUi(self) self.setObjectName('myWindow') self.setWindowTitle("MouseCap 0.1.0") self.connect(self.xButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.addToX)
def __init__(self): = "%s/nwModularRiggingTool" %pm.internalVar(userScriptDir = True) self.previousBlueprintListEntry = None self.previousBlueprintModule = None self.previousAnimationModule = None #baseIconsDir = "%s/Icons/" baseIconsDir = "%s/Icons/" %os.environ["RIGGING_TOOL_ROOT"] self.selectedCharacter = self.FindSelectedCharacter() if self.selectedCharacter == None: return self.characterName = self.selectedCharacter.partition("__")[2] self.windowName = "%s_window" %self.characterName # Create UI self.UIElements = {} if pm.window(self.windowName, exists = True): pm.deleteUI(self.windowName) self.windowWidth = 420 self.windowHeight = 730 self.frameColumnHeight = 125 self.UIElements["window"] = pm.window(self.windowName, width = self.windowWidth, height = self.windowHeight, title = "Animation UI: %s" %self.characterName, sizeable = False) self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"] = pm.columnLayout(adjustableColumn = True, rowSpacing = 3, parent = self.UIElements["window"]) buttonWidth = 32 columnOffset = 5 buttonColumnWidth = buttonWidth + (2 * columnOffset) textScrollWidth = (self.windowWidth - buttonColumnWidth - 8) / 2 self.UIElements["listboxRowLayout"] = pm.rowLayout(numberOfColumns = 3, columnWidth3 = [textScrollWidth, textScrollWidth, buttonColumnWidth], columnAttach = ([1, "both", columnOffset], [2, "both", columnOffset], [3, "both", columnOffset]), parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["blueprintModule_textScroll"] = pm.textScrollList(numberOfRows = 12, allowMultiSelection = False, selectCommand = self.RefreshAnimationModuleList, parent = self.UIElements["listboxRowLayout"]) self.InitializeBlueprintModuleList() self.UIElements["animationModule_textScroll"] = pm.textScrollList(numberOfRows = 12, allowMultiSelection = False, selectCommand = self.SetupModuleSpecificControls, parent = self.UIElements["listboxRowLayout"]) self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"] = pm.columnLayout(parent = self.UIElements["listboxRowLayout"]) self.UIElements["pinButton"] = pm.symbolCheckBox(onImage = "%s_pinned.xpm" %baseIconsDir, offImage = "%s_unpinned.xpm" %baseIconsDir, width = buttonWidth, height = buttonWidth, onCommand = self.DeleteScriptJob, offCommand = self.SetupScriptjob, parent = self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"]) if pm.objExists("%s:non_blueprint_grp" %self.selectedCharacter): value = pm.getAttr("%s:non_blueprint_grp.display" %self.selectedCharacter) self.UIElements["non_blueprintVisibility"] = pm.symbolCheckBox(image = "%s_shelf_character.xpm" %baseIconsDir, value = value, width = buttonWidth, height = buttonWidth, onCommand = self.ToggleNonBlueprintVisibility, offCommand = self.ToggleNonBlueprintVisibility, parent = self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"]) value = pm.getAttr("%s:character_grp.animationControlVisibility" %self.selectedCharacter) self.UIElements["animControlVisibility"] = pm.symbolCheckBox(image = "%s_visibility.xpm" %baseIconsDir, value = value, width = buttonWidth, height = buttonWidth, onCommand = self.ToggleAnimControlVisibility, offCommand = self.ToggleAnimControlVisibility, parent = self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["deleteModuleButton"] = pm.symbolButton(image = "%s_shelf_delete.xpm" %baseIconsDir, width = buttonWidth, height = buttonWidth, enable = False, command = self.DeleteSelectedModule, parent = self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["duplicateModuleButton"] = pm.symbolButton(image = "%s_duplicate.xpm" %baseIconsDir, width = buttonWidth, height = buttonWidth, enable = False, parent = self.UIElements["buttonColumnLayout"]) pm.separator(style = "in", parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["activeModuleColumn"] = pm.columnLayout(adjustableColumn = True, parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) self.SetupActiveModuleControls() pm.separator(style = "in", parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["matchingButton"] = pm.button(label = "Match Controls to Result", enable = False, parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) pm.separator(style = "in", parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) pm.rowColumnLayout("module_rowColumn", numberOfRows = 1, rowAttach = [1, "both", 0], rowHeight = [1, self.windowHeight - 395], parent = self.UIElements["topColumnLayout"]) self.UIElements["moduleSpecificControlsScroll"] = pm.scrollLayout(width = self.windowWidth + 10, horizontalScrollBarThickness = 0, parent = "module_rowColumn") self.UIElements["moduleSpecificControlsColumn"] = pm.columnLayout(columnWidth = self.windowWidth, columnAttach = ["both", 5], parent = self.UIElements["moduleSpecificControlsScroll"]) self.RefreshAnimationModuleList() self.SetupScriptjob() pm.showWindow(self.UIElements["window"]) self.SelectionChanged()
def _saveSettings(self,*args): tempDir = pm.internalVar( userTmpDir=True ) #--- Get tabs in the layout for sLayout in self.shelfTabs: if '(Deleted)' not in sLayout: pm.saveShelf( shelf, (tempDir + sLayout.split('|')[-1]+'_FloatingShelf') );
reload(TopPanel) reload(viewportClass) reload(button) reload(spliter) reload(HeadPicker) reload(BodyPicker) reload(Tabs) reload(LeftPanel) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# HITCH_UI = None windowTitle = "Hitch Animation Manager" windowObject = "HitchAnimationUI_Object" STYLESHEET = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(usd=1), 'HitchAnimationModule', 'StyleSheets', 'scheme.txt') HEADERPIXMAP = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(usd=1), 'HitchAnimationModule', 'Icons', 'hitchNameUIHeaderNoBackground.png') WINDOWICON = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(usd=1), 'HitchAnimationModule', 'Icons', 'Hitch_FaceForLogo.png') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # delete ANY maya child with given object name to mantain clean the memory # def deleteFromGlobal(): mayaMainWindowPtr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow() mayaMainWindow = shi.wrapInstance(long(mayaMainWindowPtr), qg.QMainWindow) # Important that it's QMainWindow, and not QWidget try: # Go through main window's children to find any previous instances for obj in mayaMainWindow.children(): # print(obj.objectName())
library or make no selection to save the whole scene. Name model appropriately. To overwrite a model, save new model with same name. Output is a .ma file located in a default directory. If a model file is deleted from the default directory it's library membership will be revoked next time the app is executed. The model file will still be present in the directory, but no longer loaded into the library. To load or delete a model from the library, select the model's icon in the gui and click the appropriate action. Hover over an icon to see more information on the model. """ import pymel.core as pmc import os import json import pprint import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui from PySide import QtGui, QtCore from shiboken import wrapInstance USER_APP_DIR = pmc.internalVar(userAppDir=True) DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(USER_APP_DIR, 'modelLibrary') JSON_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_DIRECTORY, 'modelLibrary.json') UNIQUE_HANDLE = 'ModelLibWindow' def get_maya_main_window(): main_win_ptr = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow() return wrapInstance(long(main_win_ptr), QtGui.QWidget) class ModelLibUI(QtGui.QDialog): SIZE = 64 BUFFER = 20
def getDirectory(self): directory = os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userAppDir=True), 'lightManager') if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) return directory
Note : This file lives in the maya script directory. """ #=============================================================================== # IMPORT #=============================================================================== import pymel.core as pm import os, sys, logging import json #=============================================================================== # Environment Variables #=============================================================================== config_filename = "pixo_rigging_config.json" pm.mel.putenv("PIXO_RIGGING_CONFIG_PATH", os.path.join(pm.internalVar(userScriptDir=True), config_filename)) #=============================================================================== # FOLDERS AND PATHS #=============================================================================== TOOL_FOLDER = "tool" SYSTEM_FOLDER = "system" SETUP_FOLDER = 'setup' PATCH_FOLDER = 'patch' PLUGIN_FOLDER = 'plugin' DATA_FOLDER = 'data' MENU_FOLDER = "menu" #=============================================================================== # LOGGER #===============================================================================
Author: Ehsan HM ( [email protected] ) Script Name: ExportImportAnim() Version: 1.0 What does this do: exports and imports animation of selected objects. ''' import pymel.core as pm import sys import os uad = pm.internalVar( uad=True ) import pymel.core as pm from functools import partial class ExportImportAnim(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if args or kwargs: self.importAnim(*args, **kwargs) else: self.UI() def UI(self):
Author: Ehsan HM ( [email protected] ) Script Name: ExportImportAnim() Version: 1.0 What does this do: exports and imports animation of selected objects. ''' import pymel.core as pm import sys import os uad = pm.internalVar(uad=True) import pymel.core as pm from functools import partial class ExportImportAnim(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if args or kwargs: self.importAnim(*args, **kwargs) else: self.UI() def UI(self): # create window
def AutoRig_UI(): if pm.window("AutoRig_JT", q=True, exists = True): pm.deleteUI("AutoRig_JT") windowUI = pm.window("AutoRig_JT",titleBarMenu=True, menuBar=True, mxb = False, t="AutoRig_JT", w = 300, h = 500, sizeable = False, bgc=[0.15,0.15,0.15],maximizeButton=False) label='File', tearOff=True ) pm.menuItem( label='Quit', c = partial(quit, "AutoRig_JT")) label='Help', helpMenu=True ) pm.menuItem( 'Application..."', label='About Creator', c = about ) pm.menuItem( 'Instructions', label='Instructions', c = instructions ) mainLayout = pm.columnLayout(adj = True, w=300, h=700) # unique UI stuff imagePath = pm.internalVar(upd = True) + "icons/autoRig_banner.jpg" pm.image(w = 300, h = 100,image = imagePath, parent = mainLayout) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.rowColumnLayout(nc = 2, cw = [(1,100),(2,200)],parent = mainLayout, columnOffset = ([(1,"left",10),(2,"left",0)])) pm.text(l=' Rig_Prefix : ') RigPrefix = pm.textFieldGrp("RigPrefix",tx='Character_',w=80) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.text(l='Spine Joints : ') spineNumberField = pm.intFieldGrp("spineNumberField",numberOfFields=1,v1=3,w=190) pm.setParent(u=True) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.separator(style = 'none',h=20) pm.button(l='Create Reference Skeleton',c=referenceSkeleton, w=190,h=40,bgc=[0.2,0.2,0.2]) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.button(l='Mirror Locators (X+ to -X) (edit)', c=mirrorLocators, w=190, h=40, bgc=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) pm.separator(style='none', h=20) pm.button(l='Create Joint Skeleton (edit)', c=jointSkeleton, w=190, h=40, bgc=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) pm.separator(style='none', h=20) pm.radioButtonGrp('ZAxisOption', label='Z Align Axis', labelArray3=['X', 'Y', 'Z'], numberOfRadioButtons=3,cw=[(1,70),(2,35),(3,35)] ) pm.radioButtonGrp('directionOption', label='+ or -', labelArray2=['+', '-'], numberOfRadioButtons=2,cw=[(1,70),(2,35)] ) pm.button(l='Align Joints (select joints in chain you want to align)', c=alignChain, w=190, h=40, bgc=[0.2, 0.2, 0.2]) pm.separator(style='none', h=20) pm.button(l='Finalize Rig',c=finalize, w=190,h=40,bgc=[0.2,0.2,0.2]) pm.separator(style = 'none', h=20) pm.button(l='Exit',c=partial(quit,"AutoRig_JT"), w=190,h=40,bgc=[0.2,0.2,0.2]) print windowUI pm.showWindow(windowUI) pm.window("AutoRig_JT", e=True,w=300,h=600)
def cgFxShaderSetup(files): shdPath = str( pm.internalVar( uad = True ) + "scripts/pipeline/shaders/") getSel = = True) shdName = str(getSel[0]+"_CGFX") cgfx = pm.shadingNode("cgfxShader", asShader = True, n = shdName) pm.mel.eval('cgfxShader -e -fx "'+shdPath+'cgfx/lcUberShader_3.0.cgfx" '+shdName+";") # create file nodes for all textures and set them up # setup diffuse difNode = tx.texNode(cgfx, "Diffuse", getSel[0]) if not files['Diffuse'] == "": print "setting file: "+str(files['Diffuse']) print "to Diffuse Channel" pm.setAttr(difNode+".fileTextureName", str(files['Diffuse'])) pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".useDiffuseMap"), True) # now connect our new file node to the shader difNode.outColor >> cgfx.diffuseMapSampler # setup specular specNode = tx.texNode(cgfx, "Specular", getSel[0]) if not files['Specular'] == "": print "setting file: "+str(files['Specular']) print "to Specular Channel" pm.setAttr(specNode+".fileTextureName", str(files['Specular'])) pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".useSpecularMap"), True) # now connect our new file node to the shader specNode.outColor >> cgfx.specularMapSampler # setup normal nrmlNode = tx.texNode(cgfx, "Normal", getSel[0]) if not files['Normal'] == "": print "setting file: "+str(files['Normal']) print "to Normal Channel" pm.setAttr(nrmlNode+".fileTextureName", str(files['Normal'])) pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".useNormalMap"), True) # now connect our new file node to the shader nrmlNode.outColor >> cgfx.normalMapSampler # I should check to see if this node exists before I just set it up envNode = tx.texNode(cgfx, "Environment", "cgfx") pm.setAttr("cgfxEnvironment_File.fileTextureName", str(shdPath+"CubeMaps/")) envNode.outColor >> cgfx.envCubeMapSampler pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".useReflCube"), True) pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".useAmbCube"), True) # create a three point light setup lights = ld.threePointlight("directional") # connecting the lights to the shader pm.mel.eval("cgfxShader_connectVector "+shdName+".light1Dir "+lights[0]+";") pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".light1Color"),[1.0, 0.95, 0.82]) pm.mel.eval("cgfxShader_connectVector "+shdName+".light2Dir "+lights[1]+";") pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".light2Color"),[0.61, 0.8, 1.0]) pm.mel.eval("cgfxShader_connectVector "+shdName+".light3Dir "+lights[2]+";") pm.setAttr(str(shdName+".light3Color"),[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]) # assign Material # create a surface Shader and attach out cgfx shader to it. cgfxShd = pm.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=str(shdName+"SurfaceShader")) cgfx.outColor >> cgfxShd.surfaceShader # Assign the Shader to the objects pm.sets(cgfxShd, edit=True, forceElement=getSel[0])