Пример #1
def plot_power_balance_rlc_with_split():
    # Define the simulation parameters
    config = {
        'fs': 48e3,  # Sample rate
        'grad': 'discret',  # in {'discret', 'theta', 'trapez'}
        'theta': 0.5,  # theta-scheme for the structure
        'split': False,  # apply core.split_linear() beforehand
        'maxit': 10,  # Max iteration for NL solvers
        'path': path,  # Path to the results folder
        'pbar': False,  # Display a progress bar
        'timer': True,  # Display minimal timing infos
        'lang': 'python',  # in {'python', 'c++'}

    # retrieve the pyphs.Core of a linear RLC from the examples
    from pyphs.examples.rlc.rlc import core as rlc

    rlc_ = rlc.__copy__()
    simu = Simulation(rlc_.to_method(), config=config)

    dur = 0.01
    u = signalgenerator(which='sin', f0=800., tsig=dur, fs=simu.config['fs'])

    sequ = u[:, np.newaxis]

    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='single', show=False)
    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='multi', show=False)

    if not os.name.lower().startswith('nt'):

    return True
Пример #2
def simulation_rlc_without_split():
    rlc = core.__copy__()
    # Define the simulation parameters
    config = {'fs': 48e3,               # Sample rate
              'grad': 'discret',    # in {'discret', 'theta', 'trapez'}
              'theta': 0.5,             # theta-scheme for the structure
              'split': False,           # apply core.split_linear() beforehand
              'maxit': 10,              # Max iteration for NL solvers
              'eps': 1e-16,          # Global numerical tolerance
              'path': path,             # Path to the results folder
              'pbar': False,      # Display a progress bar
              'timer': True,            # Display minimal timing infos
              'lang': 'python',     # in {'python', 'c++'}

    simu = Simulation(rlc.to_method(), config=config)

    dur = 0.01
    u = signalgenerator(which='sin', f0=800., tsig=dur, fs=simu.config['fs'])

    def sequ():
        for el in u():
            yield (el, )

    simu.init(u=sequ(), nt=int(dur*simu.config['fs']))


    if not os.name.lower().startswith('nt'):
    return True
Пример #3
def plot_power_balance_rlc_with_split():
    # Define the simulation parameters
    config = {
        'fs': 48e3,  # Sample rate
        'gradient': 'discret',  # in {'discret', 'theta', 'trapez'}
        'theta': 0.5,  # theta-scheme for the structure
        'split': True,  # apply core.split_linear() beforehand
        'maxit': 10,  # Max iteration for NL solvers
        'numtol': 1e-16,  # Global numerical tolerance
        'path': None,  # Path to the results folder
        'progressbar': True,  # Display a progress bar
        'timer': True,  # Display minimal timing infos
        'language': 'python',  # in {'python', 'c++'}
        'cpp_build_and_run_script': None,  # compile and exec binary
        'eigen_path': None,  # path to Eigen library

    # retrieve the pyphs.PHSCore of a linear RLC from the examples
    from pyphs.examples.rlc.rlc import core as rlc

    rlc_ = rlc.__copy__()
    simu = PHSSimulation(rlc_, config=config)

    dur = 0.01
    u = signalgenerator(which='sin', f0=800., tsig=dur, fs=simu.fs)

    def sequ():
        for el in u():
            yield (el, )

    simu.init(sequ=sequ(), nt=int(dur * simu.fs))

    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='single', show=False)
    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='multi', show=False)

    return True
Пример #4
def plot_power_balance_rlc_with_split():
    # Define the simulation parameters
    config = {'fs': 48e3,               # Sample rate
              'grad': 'discret',    # in {'discret', 'theta', 'trapez'}
              'theta': 0.5,             # theta-scheme for the structure
              'split': False,           # apply core.split_linear() beforehand
              'maxit': 10,              # Max iteration for NL solvers
              'eps': 1e-16,          # Global numerical tolerance
              'path': path,             # Path to the results folder
              'pbar': False,      # Display a progress bar
              'timer': True,            # Display minimal timing infos
              'lang': 'python',     # in {'python', 'c++'}

    # retrieve the pyphs.Core of a linear RLC from the examples
    from pyphs.examples.rlc.rlc import core as rlc

    rlc_ = rlc.__copy__()
    simu = Simulation(rlc_.to_method(), config=config)

    dur = 0.01
    u = signalgenerator(which='sin', f0=800., tsig=dur, fs=simu.config['fs'])

    def sequ():
        for el in u():
            yield (el, )

    simu.init(u=sequ(), nt=int(dur*simu.config['fs']))

    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='single', show=False)
    simu.data.plot_powerbal(mode='multi', show=False)

    if not os.name.lower().startswith('nt'):
    return True