Пример #1
from pypsyc.PSYC.PSYCRoom import Friends as FriendsPackage
from pypsyc.PSYC.PSYCRoom import User as UserPackage
from pypsyc.PSYC.PSYCRoom import Authentication as AuthenticationPackage
from pypsyc.PSYC.PSYCRoom import Devel as DevelPackage
#import Listener

# for linux/posix this should work
CONFIG_FILE = os.getenv("HOME") + "/.pypsyc/config"

# windows users should uncomment the next line and comment the one above
# CONFIG_FILE  = 'config'

config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()    

center = PSYCMessagecenter(config)

gui = None
Gui = None

    guitype = config.get("gui", "type")
    if guitype == "Tkinter":
        import GUI.Tkinter.Gui as Gui
    elif guitype == "Qt":
        import GUI.Qt.Gui as Gui
    elif guitype == 'wx':
        import GUI.wx.devGui as Gui

    if Gui:
        if guitype == 'wx':