Пример #1
def collect_heavy_outputs(wfn_sim: NumpyWavefunctionSimulator,
                          permutations: np.ndarray,
                          gates: np.ndarray) -> List[int]:
    Collects and returns those 'heavy' bitstrings which are output with greater than median
    probability among all possible bitstrings on the given qubits.

    The method uses the provided wfn_sim to calculate the probability of measuring each bitstring
    from the output of the circuit comprised of the given permutations and gates.

    :param wfn_sim: a NumpyWavefunctionSimulator that can simulate the provided program
    :param permutations: array of depth-many arrays of size n_qubits indicating a qubit permutation
    :param gates: depth by num_gates_per_layer many matrix representations of 2q gates.
            The first row of matrices is the earliest-time layer of 2q gates applied.
    :return: a list of the heavy outputs of the circuit, represented as ints

    for layer_idx, (perm, layer) in enumerate(zip(permutations, gates)):
        for gate_idx, gate in enumerate(layer):
            wfn_sim.do_gate_matrix(gate, (perm[gate_idx], perm[gate_idx + 1]))

    # Note that probabilities are ordered lexicographically with qubit 0 leftmost.
    probabilities = np.abs(wfn_sim.wf.reshape(-1))**2

    median_prob = median(probabilities)

    # store the integer indices, which implicitly represent the bitstring outcome.
    heavy_outputs = [
        idx for idx, prob in enumerate(probabilities) if prob > median_prob

    return heavy_outputs
Пример #2
def single_q_tomo_fixture():
    qubits = [0]
    qc = get_test_qc(n_qubits=len(qubits))

    # Generate random unitary
    u_rand = haar_rand_unitary(2 ** 1, rs=np.random.RandomState(52))
    state_prep = Program().defgate("RandUnitary", u_rand)
    state_prep.inst([("RandUnitary", qubits[0])])

    # True state
    wfn = NumpyWavefunctionSimulator(n_qubits=1)
    psi = wfn.do_gate_matrix(u_rand, qubits=[0]).wf.reshape(-1)
    rho_true = np.outer(psi, psi.T.conj())

    # Get data from QVM
    tomo_expt = generate_state_tomography_experiment(state_prep, qubits)
    results = list(measure_observables(qc=qc, tomo_experiment=tomo_expt, n_shots=4000))

    return results, rho_true