Пример #1
def test_oob_sarimax():
    xreg = rs.rand(wineind.shape[0], 2)
    fit = ARIMA(order=(1, 1, 1),
                seasonal_order=(0, 1, 1, 12),
                out_of_sample_size=15).fit(y=wineind, exogenous=xreg)

    fit_no_oob = ARIMA(
            order=(1, 1, 1), seasonal_order=(0, 1, 1, 12),
            out_of_sample_size=0, suppress_warnings=True)\
        .fit(y=wineind[:-15], exogenous=xreg[:-15, :])

    # now assert some of the same things here that we did in the former test
    oob = fit.oob()

    # compare scores:
    scoring = get_callable(fit_no_oob.scoring, VALID_SCORING)
    no_oob_preds = fit_no_oob.predict(n_periods=15, exogenous=xreg[-15:, :])
    assert np.allclose(oob, scoring(wineind[-15:], no_oob_preds), rtol=1e-2)

    # show params are still the same
    assert np.allclose(fit.params(), fit_no_oob.params(), rtol=1e-2)

    # show we can add the new samples and get the exact same forecasts
    xreg_test = rs.rand(5, 2)
    fit_no_oob.add_new_observations(wineind[-15:], xreg[-15:, :])
    assert np.allclose(fit.predict(5, xreg_test),
                       fit_no_oob.predict(5, xreg_test),

    # Show we can get a confidence interval out here
    preds, conf = fit.predict(5, xreg_test, return_conf_int=True)
    assert all(isinstance(a, np.ndarray) for a in (preds, conf))
Пример #2
def test_the_r_src():
    # this is the test the R code provides
    fit = ARIMA(order=(2, 0, 1), trend='c', suppress_warnings=True).fit(abc)

    # the R code's AIC = ~135
    assert abs(135 - fit.aic()) < 1.0

    # the R code's BIC = ~145
    assert abs(145 - fit.bic()) < 1.0

    # R's coefficients:
    #     ar1      ar2     ma1    mean
    # -0.6515  -0.2449  0.8012  5.0370

    # note that statsmodels' mean is on the front, not the end.
    params = fit.params()
                        np.array([5.0370, -0.6515, -0.2449, 0.8012]),

    # > fit = forecast::auto.arima(abc, max.p=5, max.d=5, max.q=5, max.order=100, stepwise=F)
    fit = auto_arima(abc,

    # this differs from the R fit with a slightly higher AIC...
    assert abs(137 - fit.aic()) < 1.0  # R's is 135.28
Пример #3
def test_oob_for_issue_28():
    # Continuation of above: can we do one with an exogenous array, too?
    xreg = rs.rand(hr.shape[0], 4)
    arima = ARIMA(order=(2, 1, 2),
                  out_of_sample_size=10).fit(y=hr, exogenous=xreg)

    oob = arima.oob()
    assert not np.isnan(oob)

    # Assert that the endog shapes match. First is equal to the original,
    # and the second is the differenced array, with original shape - d.
    assert np.allclose(arima.arima_res_.data.endog, hr, rtol=1e-2)
    assert arima.arima_res_.model.endog.shape[0] == hr.shape[0] - 1

    # Now assert the same for exog
    assert np.allclose(arima.arima_res_.data.exog, xreg, rtol=1e-2)
    assert arima.arima_res_.model.exog.shape[0] == xreg.shape[0] - 1

    # Compare the OOB score to an equivalent fit on data - 10 obs, but
    # without any OOB scoring, and we'll show that the OOB scoring in the
    # first IS in fact only applied to the first (train - n_out_of_bag)
    # samples
    arima_no_oob = ARIMA(
            order=(2, 1, 2), suppress_warnings=True,
        .fit(y=hr[:-10], exogenous=xreg[:-10, :])

    scoring = get_callable(arima_no_oob.scoring, VALID_SCORING)
    preds = arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=10, exogenous=xreg[-10:, :])
    assert np.allclose(oob, scoring(hr[-10:], preds), rtol=1e-2)

    # Show that the model parameters are exactly the same
    xreg_test = rs.rand(5, 4)
    assert np.allclose(arima.params(), arima_no_oob.params(), rtol=1e-2)

    # Now assert on the forecast differences.
    with_oob_forecasts = arima.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test)
    no_oob_forecasts = arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test)

    assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_array_almost_equal,
                  with_oob_forecasts, no_oob_forecasts)

    # But after we update the no_oob model with the latest data, we should
    # be producing the same exact forecasts

    # First, show we'll fail if we try to add observations with no exogenous
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],

    # Also show we'll fail if we try to add mis-matched shapes of data
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],

    # Show we fail if we try to add observations with a different dim exog
    assert_raises(ValueError, arima_no_oob.add_new_observations, hr[-10:],
                  xreg_test[:, 2])

    # Actually add them now, and compare the forecasts (should be the same)
    arima_no_oob.add_new_observations(hr[-10:], xreg[-10:, :])
    assert np.allclose(with_oob_forecasts,
                       arima_no_oob.predict(n_periods=5, exogenous=xreg_test),