Пример #1
if isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Scene):
    scene_mesh = mesh
elif isinstance(mesh, trimesh.Trimesh):
    scene_mesh = trimesh.Scene(mesh)
    print('Unknown type: {}'.format(type(mesh)))

# show mesh and its bounding box; press w to view in wire-frame mode
# (scene_mesh + scene_mesh.bounding_box_oriented).show()

# Scene creation
scene = Scene.from_trimesh_scene(scene_mesh,
                                 ambient_light=np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]),
                                 bg_color=np.array([0, 0, 0]))
# scene = Scene.from_trimesh_scene(scene_mesh, ambient_light=np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]), bg_color=np.array([79, 155, 217]))
diag_size = 1.2 * scene.scale

# compute camera poses
def compute_dist(diag_size, fov, portion_of_fov_for_this_scene=1.0):
    diag_size /= portion_of_fov_for_this_scene
    dist = diag_size / (2.0 * np.tan(fov))
    dist *= 1.1

    return dist
def test_scenes():

    # Basics
    s = Scene()
    assert np.allclose(s.bg_color, np.ones(4))
    assert np.allclose(s.ambient_light, np.zeros(3))
    assert len(s.nodes) == 0
    assert s.name is None
    s.name = 'asdf'
    s.bg_color = None
    s.ambient_light = None
    assert np.allclose(s.bg_color, np.ones(4))
    assert np.allclose(s.ambient_light, np.zeros(3))

    assert s.nodes == set()
    assert s.cameras == set()
    assert s.lights == set()
    assert s.point_lights == set()
    assert s.spot_lights == set()
    assert s.directional_lights == set()
    assert s.meshes == set()
    assert s.camera_nodes == set()
    assert s.light_nodes == set()
    assert s.point_light_nodes == set()
    assert s.spot_light_nodes == set()
    assert s.directional_light_nodes == set()
    assert s.mesh_nodes == set()
    assert s.main_camera_node is None
    assert np.all(s.bounds == 0)
    assert np.all(s.centroid == 0)
    assert np.all(s.extents == 0)
    assert np.all(s.scale == 0)

    # From trimesh scene
    tms = trimesh.load('tests/data/WaterBottle.glb')
    s = Scene.from_trimesh_scene(tms)
    assert len(s.meshes) == 1
    assert len(s.mesh_nodes) == 1

    # Test bg color formatting
    s = Scene(bg_color=[0, 1.0, 0])
    assert np.allclose(s.bg_color, np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]))

    # Test constructor for nodes
    n1 = Node()
    n2 = Node()
    n3 = Node()
    nodes = [n1, n2, n3]
    s = Scene(nodes=nodes)
    s = Scene(nodes=nodes)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s = Scene(nodes=nodes)
    n3.children = []
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s = Scene(nodes=nodes)

    # Test node accessors
    n1 = Node()
    n2 = Node()
    n3 = Node()
    nodes = [n1, n2]
    s = Scene(nodes=nodes)
    assert s.has_node(n1)
    assert s.has_node(n2)
    assert not s.has_node(n3)

    # Test node poses
    for n in nodes:
        assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n), np.eye(4))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.set_pose(n3, np.eye(4))
    tf = np.eye(4)
    tf[:3, 3] = np.ones(3)
    s.set_pose(n1, tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n1), tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n2), np.eye(4))

    nodes = [n1, n2, n3]
    tf2 = np.eye(4)
    tf2[:3, :3] = np.diag([-1, -1, 1])
    n1.matrix = tf
    n2.matrix = tf2
    s = Scene(nodes=nodes)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n1), tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n2), tf.dot(tf2))
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n3), np.eye(4))

    n1 = Node()
    n2 = Node()
    n3 = Node()
    s = Scene()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    s.set_pose(n1, tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n1), tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n2), tf)
    s.set_pose(n2, tf2)
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n2), tf.dot(tf2))

    # Test node removal
    n1 = Node()
    n2 = Node()
    n3 = Node()
    s = Scene(nodes=[n1, n2, n3])
    assert len(s.nodes) == 1
    assert n1 in s.nodes
    assert len(n1.children) == 0
    assert len(n2.children) == 1
    s.add_node(n2, parent_node=n1)
    assert len(n1.children) == 1
    n1.matrix = tf
    n3.matrix = tf2
    assert np.allclose(s.get_pose(n3), tf.dot(tf2))

    # Now test ADD function
    s = Scene()
    m = Mesh([], name='m')
    cp = PerspectiveCamera(yfov=2.0)
    co = OrthographicCamera(xmag=1.0, ymag=1.0)
    dl = DirectionalLight()
    pl = PointLight()
    sl = SpotLight()

    n1 = s.add(m, name='mn')
    assert n1.mesh == m
    assert len(s.nodes) == 1
    assert len(s.mesh_nodes) == 1
    assert n1 in s.mesh_nodes
    assert len(s.meshes) == 1
    assert m in s.meshes
    assert len(s.get_nodes(node=n2)) == 0
    n2 = s.add(m, pose=tf)
    assert len(s.nodes) == len(s.mesh_nodes) == 2
    assert len(s.meshes) == 1
    assert len(s.get_nodes(node=n1)) == 1
    assert len(s.get_nodes(node=n1, name='mn')) == 1
    assert len(s.get_nodes(name='mn')) == 1
    assert len(s.get_nodes(obj=m)) == 2
    assert len(s.get_nodes(obj=m, obj_name='m')) == 2
    assert len(s.get_nodes(obj=co)) == 0
    nsl = s.add(sl, name='sln')
    npl = s.add(pl, parent_name='sln')
    assert nsl.children[0] == npl
    ndl = s.add(dl, parent_node=npl)
    assert npl.children[0] == ndl
    nco = s.add(co)
    ncp = s.add(cp)

    assert len(s.light_nodes) == len(s.lights) == 3
    assert len(s.point_light_nodes) == len(s.point_lights) == 1
    assert npl in s.point_light_nodes
    assert len(s.spot_light_nodes) == len(s.spot_lights) == 1
    assert nsl in s.spot_light_nodes
    assert len(s.directional_light_nodes) == len(s.directional_lights) == 1
    assert ndl in s.directional_light_nodes
    assert len(s.cameras) == len(s.camera_nodes) == 2
    assert s.main_camera_node == nco
    s.main_camera_node = ncp
    assert len(s.cameras) == len(s.camera_nodes) == 1
    assert s.main_camera_node == nco
    assert len(s.meshes) == 1
    assert len(s.meshes) == 0
    assert len(s.lights) == 0
    assert s.main_camera_node is None

    assert len(s.nodes) == 0

    # Trigger final errors
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.main_camera_node = None
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.main_camera_node = ncp
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.add(m, parent_node=n1)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.add(m, name='asdf')
        s.add(m, name='asdf')
        s.add(m, parent_name='asdf')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        s.add(m, parent_name='asfd')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # Test bounds
    m1 = Mesh.from_trimesh(trimesh.creation.box())
    m2 = Mesh.from_trimesh(trimesh.creation.box())
    m3 = Mesh.from_trimesh(trimesh.creation.box())
    n1 = Node(mesh=m1)
    n2 = Node(mesh=m2, translation=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    n3 = Node(mesh=m3, translation=[0.5, 0.0, 1.0])
    assert np.allclose(s.bounds, [[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [1.5, 0.5, 1.5]])
    s.add_node(n2, parent_node=n1)
    s.add_node(n3, parent_node=n2)
    assert np.allclose(s.bounds, [[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [2.0, 0.5, 1.5]])
    tf = np.eye(4)
    tf[:3, 3] = np.ones(3)
    s.set_pose(n3, tf)
    assert np.allclose(s.bounds, [[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [2.5, 1.5, 1.5]])
    assert np.allclose(s.bounds, [[-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
    assert np.allclose(s.bounds, 0.0)
Пример #3
def dump_rendered_scene(input_path, output_path, cam_pose, width, height,
    # Mesh creation

    # Creating textured meshes from trimeshes
    object_trimesh = trimesh.load(input_path)
    # https://trimsh.org/trimesh.html#trimesh.PointCloud.bounds
    print("Object extents ", object_trimesh.bounds)
    print("Input path ", input_path)

    # Camera creation
    cam_angle = focal
    cam = PerspectiveCamera(yfov=cam_angle)
    # cam_pose = np.array([
    #     [0.0,  -np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2, 0.5],
    #     [1.0, 0.0,           0.0,           0.0],
    #     [0.0,  np.sqrt(2)/2,  np.sqrt(2)/2, 0.4],
    #     [0.0,  0.0,           0.0,          1.0]
    # ])

    # Scene creation

    # scene = Scene(ambient_light=np.array([0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1.0]))
    scene = Scene.from_trimesh_scene(object_trimesh,
                                     bg_color=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
                                         [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]))
    # Rendering offscreen from that camera

    cam_node = scene.add(cam, pose=cam_pose)
    r = OffscreenRenderer(viewport_width=width, viewport_height=height)

    flags = RenderFlags.RGBA
    # color, depth = r.render(scene, flags=flags)
    color, depth = r.render(scene)

    depth_value = depth.copy()
    img_output = color.copy()
    # depth_value[depth_value <= 0.0001] = 1.5
    check_output = np.sum(color, axis=-1)
    print(color.shape, depth_value.shape, np.min(color), np.max(color),
          np.min(depth_value), np.max(depth_value), check_output.shape)
    print(color[check_output == 0].shape)
    # for i in range(width):
    # 	for j in range(height):
    # 		if(np.sum(color[j,i,:])==0):
    # 			img_output[j,i,0] = 255 - img_output[j,i,0]
    # 			img_output[j,i,1] = 255 - img_output[j,i,1]
    # 			img_output[j,i,2] = 255 - img_output[j,i,2]

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
    # plt.imshow(color)

    img = Image.fromarray(img_output, 'RGB')

    return cam_angle