Пример #1
def read(filename):
    pyuvdata changed the conjugate convention for uvfits, flip things back here.
    uv = uvd.UVData()
    uv.data_array = np.conj(uv.data_array)
    uv.uvw_array = -uv.uvw_array
    return uv
Пример #2
if not len(args) == 1: raise IOError('Do not support multiple files.')
obsid = args[0]

#start processing
    #create an out put filename
if opts.outtype == 'uvfits':
    if opts.intype == 'fhd': suffix = 'FO'
    else: suffix = 'O'
    if opts.ave: suffix = suffix + 'A'
    if opts.tave: suffix = suffix + 'T'
    newfile = opts.outpath + obsid.split('/')[-1] + '_' + suffix + '.uvfits'
if os.path.exists(newfile): raise IOError('   %s exists.  Skipping...' % newfile)

    #read in the file
print '  Reading', obsid
uvi = uvd.UVData()
if opts.intype == 'fhd':
elif opts.intype == 'uvfits':

Nblts = uvi.Nblts
Nfreqs = uvi.Nfreqs
Nbls = uvi.Nbls
pollist = uvi.polarization_array
freqs = uvi.freq_array[0]

    #find npz for each pol, then apply
for ip,p in enumerate(pols):
    pid = np.where(pollist == aipy.miriad.str2pol[p])[0][0]
    if opts.ave: omnifile = 'omni_sol/' + obsid.split('/')[-1]+'.'+p+'.omni.npz'
Пример #3
import numpy as np, sys
import pyuvdata.uvdata as uvd
obs = sys.argv[1]
uv = uvd.UVData()
print 'loading...'
uv.read_uvfits(obs + '.uvfits', run_check=False, run_check_acceptability=False)
print 'averaging..'
data = (uv.data_array * np.logical_not(uv.flag_array)).reshape(
    uv.Nblts, uv.Nspws, uv.Nfreqs / 2, 2, uv.Npols)
wgts = np.logical_not(
    uv.flag_array.reshape(uv.Nblts, uv.Nspws, uv.Nfreqs / 2, 2, uv.Npols))
data = np.sum(data, axis=3)
wgts = np.sum(wgts, axis=3)
uv.flag_array = (wgts <= 0)
uv.nsample_array = np.float32(wgts * 8)
ind = np.where(wgts == 0)
wgts[ind] = -1
uv.data_array = data / wgts
fq = uv.freq_array.reshape(uv.Nspws, uv.Nfreqs / 2, 2)
uv.freq_array = np.mean(fq, axis=2)
uv.Nfreqs /= 2
uv.channel_width *= 2
del data, wgts
print 'writing...'
uv.write_uvfits('./uvfitsdata/' + obs + '.uvfits', spoof_nonessential=True)