Пример #1
def test_get_description(experiment, some_interdeps):

    ds = DataSet()

    assert ds.run_id == 1

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies_())


    assert ds._interdeps == some_interdeps[1]

    # the run description gets written as the dataset is marked as started,
    # so now no description should be stored in the database
    prematurely_loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)
    assert prematurely_loaded_ds.description == RunDescriber(


    loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)

    expected_desc = RunDescriber(some_interdeps[1])

    assert loaded_ds.description == expected_desc
Пример #2
def test_get_description(some_paramspecs):

    paramspecs = some_paramspecs[2]

    ds = DataSet()

    assert ds.run_id == 1

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies())

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies(paramspecs['ps1']))

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(
        InterDependencies(paramspecs['ps1'], paramspecs['ps2']))

    # the run description gets written as the first data point is added,
    # so now no description should be stored in the database
    prematurely_loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)
    assert prematurely_loaded_ds.description == RunDescriber(

    ds.add_result({'ps1': 1, 'ps2': 2})

    loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)

    assert loaded_ds.description == desc
Пример #3
def test_get_description(experiment, some_paramspecs):

    paramspecs = some_paramspecs[2]

    ds = DataSet()

    assert ds.run_id == 1

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies())

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies(paramspecs['ps1']))

    desc = ds.description
    assert desc == RunDescriber(InterDependencies(paramspecs['ps1'],

    # the run description gets written as the dataset is marked as started,
    # so now no description should be stored in the database
    prematurely_loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)
    assert prematurely_loaded_ds.description == RunDescriber(InterDependencies())


    loaded_ds = DataSet(run_id=1)

    assert loaded_ds.description == desc
Пример #4
def test_serialization_and_back(some_paramspecs):

    idp = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[1].values())
    desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp)

    ser_desc = desc.serialize()

    new_desc = RunDescriber.deserialize(ser_desc)

    assert isinstance(new_desc, RunDescriber)
    assert desc == new_desc
Пример #5
def test_equality(some_paramspecs):
    idp1 = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[1].values())
    idp2 = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[2].values())
    idp3 = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[1].values())

    desc_1 = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp1)
    desc_2 = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp2)
    desc_3 = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp3)

    assert desc_1 == desc_3
    assert desc_1 != desc_2
    assert desc_3 != desc_2
Пример #6
def fix_version_4a_run_description_bug(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> Dict[str, int]:
    Fix function to fix a bug where the RunDescriber accidentally wrote itself
    to string using the (new) InterDependencies_ object instead of the (old)
    InterDependencies object. After the first run, this function should be

        conn: the connection to the database

        A dict with the fix results ('runs_inspected', 'runs_fixed')

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 4:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 4, found version {user_version}')

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Fixing database")

        # collect some metrics
        runs_inspected = 0
        runs_fixed = 0

        for run_id in pbar:

            desc_str = get_run_description(conn, run_id)
            desc_ser = json.loads(desc_str)
            idps_ser = desc_ser['interdependencies']

            if RunDescriber._is_description_old_style(idps_ser):
                new_desc = RunDescriber.from_json(desc_str)
                update_run_description(conn, run_id, new_desc.to_json())
                runs_fixed += 1

            runs_inspected += 1

    return {'runs_inspected': runs_inspected, 'runs_fixed': runs_fixed}
Пример #7
def test_yaml_creation_and_loading(some_paramspecs):
    yaml = YAML()
    for group in some_paramspecs.values():
        paramspecs = group.values()
        idp = InterDependencies(*paramspecs)
        desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp)

        yaml_str = desc.to_yaml()
        assert isinstance(yaml_str, str)
        ydict = dict(yaml.load(yaml_str))
        assert list(ydict.keys()) == ['interdependencies']

        new_desc = RunDescriber.from_yaml(yaml_str)
        assert new_desc == desc
Пример #8
 def _get_run_description_from_db(self) -> RunDescriber:
     Look up the run_description from the database
     desc_str = select_one_where(self.conn, "runs", "run_description",
                                 "run_id", self.run_id)
     return RunDescriber.from_json(desc_str)
Пример #9
def test_fix_wrong_run_descriptions():
    v3fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version3')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v3fixpath,

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the legacy_DB_generation folder")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=3) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        ds1 = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=1)
        expected_description = ds1.description

        empty_description = RunDescriber(InterDependencies_())

        _fix_wrong_run_descriptions(conn, [1, 2, 3, 4])

        ds2 = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=2)
        assert expected_description == ds2.description

        ds3 = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=3)
        assert expected_description == ds3.description

        ds4 = DataSet(conn=conn, run_id=4)
        assert empty_description == ds4.description
Пример #10
def test_update_runs_description(dataset):
    invalid_descs = ['{}', 'description']

    for idesc in invalid_descs:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            mut.update_run_description(dataset.conn, dataset.run_id, idesc)

    desc = RunDescriber(InterDependencies()).to_json()
    mut.update_run_description(dataset.conn, dataset.run_id, desc)
Пример #11
def update_run_description(conn: ConnectionPlus, run_id: int,
                           description: str) -> None:
    Update the run_description field for the given run_id. The description
    string must be a valid JSON string representation of a RunDescriber object
    except Exception as e:
        raise ValueError("Invalid description string. Must be a JSON string "
                         "representaion of a RunDescriber object.") from e

    sql = """
          UPDATE runs
          SET run_description = ?
          WHERE run_id = ?
    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        conn.cursor().execute(sql, (description, run_id))
Пример #12
def test_yaml_creation_and_loading(some_paramspecs):

        YAML = RunDescriber._ruamel_importer()
    except ImportError:
        pytest.skip('No ruamel module installed, skipping test')

    yaml = YAML()

    for group in some_paramspecs.values():
        paramspecs = group.values()
        idp = InterDependencies(*paramspecs)
        desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp)

        yaml_str = desc.to_yaml()
        assert isinstance(yaml_str, str)
        ydict = dict(yaml.load(yaml_str))
        assert list(ydict.keys()) == ['interdependencies']

        new_desc = RunDescriber.from_yaml(yaml_str)
        assert new_desc == desc
def test_perform_actual_upgrade_2_to_3_some_runs():

    v2fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version2')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v2fixpath, 'some_runs.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the legacy_DB_generation folder")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=2) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 2


        desc_query = 'SELECT run_description FROM runs'

        c = atomic_transaction(conn, desc_query)
        assert len(c.fetchall()) == 10

        # retrieve the json string and recreate the object

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1
        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        desc = RunDescriber.from_json(json_str)
        idp = desc.interdeps
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        # here we verify that the dependencies encoded in
        # tests/dataset/legacy_DB_generation/generate_version_2.py
        # are recovered

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"
Пример #14
def fix_wrong_run_descriptions(conn: ConnectionPlus,
                               run_ids: Sequence[int]) -> None:
    NB: This is a FIX function. Do not use it unless your database has been
    diagnosed with the problem that this function fixes.

    Overwrite faulty run_descriptions by using information from the layouts and
    dependencies tables. If a correct description is found for a run, that
    run is left untouched.

        conn: The connection to the database
        run_ids: The runs to (potentially) fix

    user_version = get_user_version(conn)

    if not user_version == 3:
        raise RuntimeError('Database of wrong version. Will not apply fix. '
                           'Expected version 3, found version {user_version}')

    log.info('[*] Fixing run descriptions...')
    for run_id in run_ids:
        trusted_paramspecs = get_parameters(conn, run_id)
        trusted_desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=InterDependencies(

        actual_desc_str = select_one_where(conn, "runs", "run_description",
                                           "run_id", run_id)

        if actual_desc_str == trusted_desc.to_json():
            log.info(f'[+] Run id: {run_id} had an OK description')
            log.info(f'[-] Run id: {run_id} had a broken description. '
                     f'Description found: {actual_desc_str}')
            update_run_description(conn, run_id, trusted_desc.to_json())
            log.info(f'    Run id: {run_id} has been updated.')
Пример #15
def test_serialization_as_old(some_paramspecs):
    Test that a RunDescriber always serializes itself as an old style
    RunDescriber, even when given new style interdeps

    idps_old = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[2].values())
    idps_new = old_to_new(idps_old)

    new_desc = RunDescriber(idps_new)
    old_desc = RunDescriber(idps_old)

    assert new_desc.serialize() == old_desc.serialize()
Пример #16
def upgrade_3_to_4(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 3 to version 4. This really
    repeats the version 3 upgrade as it originally had two bugs in
    the inferred annotation. inferred_from was passed incorrectly
    resulting in the parameter being marked inferred_from for each char
    in the inferred_from variable and inferred_from was not handled
    correctly for parameters that were neither dependencies nor dependent on
    other parameters. Both have since been fixed so rerun the upgrade.

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        result_tables = _2to3_get_result_tables(conn)
        layout_ids_all = _2to3_get_layout_ids(conn)
        indeps_all = _2to3_get_indeps(conn)
        deps_all = _2to3_get_deps(conn)
        layouts = _2to3_get_layouts(conn)
        dependencies = _2to3_get_dependencies(conn)

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database")

        for run_id in pbar:

            if run_id in layout_ids_all:

                result_table_name = result_tables[run_id]
                layout_ids = list(layout_ids_all[run_id])
                if run_id in indeps_all:
                    independents = tuple(indeps_all[run_id])
                    independents = ()
                if run_id in deps_all:
                    dependents = tuple(deps_all[run_id])
                    dependents = ()

                paramspecs = _2to3_get_paramspecs(conn, layout_ids, layouts,
                                                  dependencies, dependents,

                interdeps = InterDependencies(*paramspecs.values())
                desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=interdeps)
                json_str = desc.to_json()


                json_str = RunDescriber(InterDependencies()).to_json()

            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET run_description = ?
                   WHERE run_id == ?
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (json_str, run_id))
            log.debug(f"Upgrade in transition, run number {run_id}: OK")
Пример #17
 def _get_run_description_from_db(self) -> RunDescriber:
     Look up the run_description from the database
     desc_str = get_run_description(self.conn, self.run_id)
     return RunDescriber.from_json(desc_str)
Пример #18
 def description(self) -> RunDescriber:
     return RunDescriber(interdeps=self._interdeps)
Пример #19
def generate_DB_file_with_some_runs_having_not_run_descriptions():
    Generate a .db-file with a handful of runs some of which lack run
    description or have it as empty object (based on a real case).

    Generated runs:
        #1: run with parameters and correct run description
        #2: run with parameters but run description is NULL
        #3: run with parameters but run description is empty RunDescriber
        #4: run without parameters but run description is NULL
    v3fixturepath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'version3')
    os.makedirs(v3fixturepath, exist_ok=True)
    path = os.path.join(v3fixturepath, 'some_runs_without_run_description.db')

    if os.path.exists(path):

    from qcodes.dataset.measurements import Measurement
    from qcodes.dataset.experiment_container import Experiment
    from qcodes import Parameter
    from qcodes.dataset.descriptions import RunDescriber
    from qcodes.dataset.dependencies import InterDependencies

    exp = Experiment(path_to_db=path,
    conn = exp.conn

    # Now make some parameters to use in measurements
    params = []
    for n in range(5):
                      label=f'Parameter {n}',
                      unit=f'unit {n}',

    # Set up a measurement

    meas = Measurement(exp)
    meas.register_parameter(params[2], basis=(params[0], ))
    meas.register_parameter(params[3], basis=(params[1], ))
    meas.register_parameter(params[4], setpoints=(params[2], params[3]))

    # Initially make 3 correct runs

    run_ids = []

    for _ in range(3):

        with meas.run() as datasaver:

            for x in np.random.rand(10):
                for y in np.random.rand(10):
                    z = np.random.rand()
                    datasaver.add_result((params[2], x), (params[3], y),
                                         (params[4], z))


    assert [1, 2, 3] == run_ids, 'Run ids of generated runs are not as ' \
                                 'expected after generating runs #1-3'

    # Formulate SQL query for adjusting run_description column

    set_run_description_sql = f"""
               UPDATE runs
               SET run_description = ?
               WHERE run_id == ?

    # Make run_description of run #2 NULL

    conn.execute(set_run_description_sql, (None, run_ids[1]))
    conn.commit()  # just to be sure

    # Make run_description of run #3 equivalent to an empty RunDescriber

    empty_run_description = RunDescriber(InterDependencies()).to_json()
    conn.execute(set_run_description_sql, (empty_run_description, run_ids[2]))
    conn.commit()  # just to be sure

    # Set up a measurement without parameters, and create run #4 out of it

    meas_no_params = Measurement(exp)

    with meas_no_params.run() as datasaver:


    assert [1, 2, 3, 4] == run_ids, 'Run ids of generated runs are not as ' \
                                    'expected after generating run #4'

    # Make run_description of run #4 NULL

    conn.execute(set_run_description_sql, (None, run_ids[3]))
    conn.commit()  # just to be sure
Пример #20
def test_perform_upgrade_v3_to_v4():
    Test that a db upgrade from v2 to v4 works correctly.

    v3fixpath = os.path.join(fixturepath, 'db_files', 'version3')

    dbname_old = os.path.join(v3fixpath, 'some_runs_upgraded_2.db')

    if not os.path.exists(dbname_old):
        pytest.skip("No db-file fixtures found. You can generate test db-files"
                    " using the scripts in the "
                    "https://github.com/QCoDeS/qcodes_generate_test_db/ repo")

    with temporarily_copied_DB(dbname_old, debug=False, version=3) as conn:

        assert get_user_version(conn) == 3

        sql = f"""
              SELECT run_description
              FROM runs
              WHERE run_id == 1


        c = atomic_transaction(conn, sql)
        json_str = one(c, 'run_description')

        desc = RunDescriber.from_json(json_str)
        idp = desc.interdeps
        assert isinstance(idp, InterDependencies)

        p0 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p0'][0]
        assert p0.depends_on == ''
        assert p0.depends_on_ == []
        assert p0.inferred_from == ''
        assert p0.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p0.label == "Parameter 0"
        assert p0.unit == "unit 0"

        p1 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p1'][0]
        assert p1.depends_on == ''
        assert p1.depends_on_ == []
        assert p1.inferred_from == ''
        assert p1.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p1.label == "Parameter 1"
        assert p1.unit == "unit 1"

        p2 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p2'][0]
        assert p2.depends_on == ''
        assert p2.depends_on_ == []
        assert p2.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p2.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p2.label == "Parameter 2"
        assert p2.unit == "unit 2"

        p3 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p3'][0]
        assert p3.depends_on == ''
        assert p3.depends_on_ == []
        assert p3.inferred_from == 'p1, p0'
        assert p3.inferred_from_ == ['p1', 'p0']
        assert p3.label == "Parameter 3"
        assert p3.unit == "unit 3"

        p4 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p4'][0]
        assert p4.depends_on == 'p2, p3'
        assert p4.depends_on_ == ['p2', 'p3']
        assert p4.inferred_from == ''
        assert p4.inferred_from_ == []
        assert p4.label == "Parameter 4"
        assert p4.unit == "unit 4"

        p5 = [p for p in idp.paramspecs if p.name == 'p5'][0]
        assert p5.depends_on == ''
        assert p5.depends_on_ == []
        assert p5.inferred_from == 'p0'
        assert p5.inferred_from_ == ['p0']
        assert p5.label == "Parameter 5"
        assert p5.unit == "unit 5"
Пример #21
def _insert_run(
    conn: ConnectionPlus,
    exp_id: int,
    name: str,
    guid: str,
    parameters: Optional[List[ParamSpec]] = None,
    # get run counter and formatter from experiments
    run_counter, format_string = select_many_where(conn,
    run_counter += 1
    formatted_name = format_table_name(format_string, name, exp_id,
    table = "runs"

    parameters = parameters or []
    desc_str = RunDescriber(InterDependencies(*parameters)).to_json()

    with atomic(conn) as conn:

        if parameters:
            query = f"""
            INSERT INTO {table}
            curr = transaction(conn, query, name, exp_id, guid, formatted_name,
                               run_counter, None,
                               ",".join([p.name for p in parameters]), False,

            _add_parameters_to_layout_and_deps(conn, formatted_name,

            query = f"""
            INSERT INTO {table}
            curr = transaction(conn, query, name, exp_id, guid, formatted_name,
                               run_counter, None, False, desc_str)
    run_id = curr.lastrowid
    return run_counter, formatted_name, run_id
Пример #22
def upgrade_2_to_3(conn: ConnectionPlus) -> None:
    Perform the upgrade from version 2 to version 3

    Insert a new column, run_description, to the runs table and fill it out
    for exisitng runs with information retrieved from the layouts and
    dependencies tables represented as the to_json output of a RunDescriber

    no_of_runs_query = "SELECT max(run_id) FROM runs"
    no_of_runs = one(atomic_transaction(conn, no_of_runs_query), 'max(run_id)')
    no_of_runs = no_of_runs or 0

    # If one run fails, we want the whole upgrade to roll back, hence the
    # entire upgrade is one atomic transaction

    with atomic(conn) as conn:
        sql = "ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN run_description TEXT"
        transaction(conn, sql)

        result_tables = _2to3_get_result_tables(conn)
        layout_ids_all = _2to3_get_layout_ids(conn)
        indeps_all = _2to3_get_indeps(conn)
        deps_all = _2to3_get_deps(conn)
        layouts = _2to3_get_layouts(conn)
        dependencies = _2to3_get_dependencies(conn)

        pbar = tqdm(range(1, no_of_runs + 1))
        pbar.set_description("Upgrading database")

        for run_id in pbar:

            if run_id in layout_ids_all:

                result_table_name = result_tables[run_id]
                layout_ids = list(layout_ids_all[run_id])
                if run_id in indeps_all:
                    independents = tuple(indeps_all[run_id])
                    independents = ()
                if run_id in deps_all:
                    dependents = tuple(deps_all[run_id])
                    dependents = ()

                paramspecs = _2to3_get_paramspecs(conn, layout_ids, layouts,
                                                  dependencies, dependents,

                interdeps = InterDependencies(*paramspecs.values())
                desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=interdeps)
                json_str = desc.to_json()


                json_str = RunDescriber(InterDependencies()).to_json()

            sql = f"""
                   UPDATE runs
                   SET run_description = ?
                   WHERE run_id == ?
            cur = conn.cursor()
            cur.execute(sql, (json_str, run_id))
            log.debug(f"Upgrade in transition, run number {run_id}: OK")
Пример #23
def test_serialization_dict_keys(some_paramspecs):
    idp = InterDependencies(*some_paramspecs[1].values())
    desc = RunDescriber(interdeps=idp)

    ser_desc = desc.serialize()
    assert list(ser_desc.keys()) == ['interdependencies']
Пример #24
    def __init__(self,
                 path_to_db: str = None,
                 run_id: Optional[int] = None,
                 conn: Optional[ConnectionPlus] = None,
                 name: str = None,
                 specs: SPECS = None,
                 metadata=None) -> None:
        Create a new DataSet object. The object can either hold a new run or
        an already existing run. If a run_id is provided, then an old run is
        looked up, else a new run is created.

            path_to_db: path to the sqlite file on disk. If not provided, the
              path will be read from the config.
            run_id: provide this when loading an existing run, leave it
              as None when creating a new run
            conn: connection to the DB; if provided and `path_to_db` is
              provided as well, then a ValueError is raised (this is to
              prevent the possibility of providing a connection to a DB
              file that is different from `path_to_db`)
            exp_id: the id of the experiment in which to create a new run.
              Ignored if run_id is provided.
            name: the name of the dataset. Ignored if run_id is provided.
            specs: paramspecs belonging to the dataset. Ignored if run_id is
            values: values to insert into the dataset. Ignored if run_id is
            metadata: metadata to insert into the dataset. Ignored if run_id
              is provided.
        if path_to_db is not None and conn is not None:
            raise ValueError("Both `path_to_db` and `conn` arguments have "
                             "been passed together with non-None values. "
                             "This is not allowed.")
        self._path_to_db = path_to_db or get_DB_location()

        self.conn = make_connection_plus_from(conn) if conn is not None else \

        self._run_id = run_id
        self._debug = False
        self.subscribers: Dict[str, _Subscriber] = {}

        if run_id is not None:
            if not run_exists(self.conn, run_id):
                raise ValueError(f"Run with run_id {run_id} does not exist in "
                                 f"the database")
            self._completed = completed(self.conn, self.run_id)
            self._started = self.number_of_results > 0
            self._description = self._get_run_description_from_db()
            self._metadata = get_metadata_from_run_id(self.conn, run_id)

            # Actually perform all the side effects needed for the creation
            # of a new dataset
            if exp_id is None:
                if len(get_experiments(self.conn)) > 0:
                    exp_id = get_last_experiment(self.conn)
                    raise ValueError("No experiments found."
                                     "You can start a new one with:"
                                     " new_experiment(name, sample_name)")
            name = name or "dataset"
            _, run_id, __ = create_run(self.conn, exp_id, name,
                                       generate_guid(), specs, values,
            # this is really the UUID (an ever increasing count in the db)
            self._run_id = run_id
            self._completed = False
            self._started = False
            specs = specs or []
            self._description = RunDescriber(InterDependencies(*specs))
            self._metadata = get_metadata_from_run_id(self.conn, self.run_id)
Пример #25
def test_wrong_input_type_raises():

    for interdeps in ['interdeps', ['p1', 'p2'], 0]:

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):