Пример #1
 def test_to_quantumchannel_kraus(self):
     """Test to_quantumchannel for Kraus inputs."""
     a_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.3)]], dtype=complex)
     a_1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(0.3)]], dtype=complex)
     b_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.5)]], dtype=complex)
     b_1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(0.5)]], dtype=complex)
     target = SuperOp(Kraus([a_0, a_1])).tensor(SuperOp(Kraus([b_0, b_1])))
     error = QuantumError([a_0, a_1]).tensor(QuantumError([b_0, b_1]))
     self.assertEqual(target, error.to_quantumchannel())
Пример #2
 def test_pauli_conversion_standard_gates(self):
     """Test conversion of Pauli channel kraus to gates"""
     kraus, error = self.depol_error(1, standard_gates=True)
     for j in range(4):
         instr, _ = error.error_term(j)
         self.assertEqual(len(instr), 1)
         self.assertIn(instr[0][0].name, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'id'])
         self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(instr, instr[0][1]), [0])
     target = SuperOp(kraus)
     self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #3
    def test_expand_unitary_and_kraus(self):
        """Test expand of a unitary and kraus error."""
        kraus, error_kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        kraus_unitaries, error_unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = error_unitaries.expand(error_kraus)
        target = SuperOp(kraus_unitaries).expand(kraus)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ.qubits), [0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #4
    def test_compose_unitary_and_kraus(self):
        """Test compose of a unitary and kraus error."""
        kraus, error_kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        kraus_unitaries, error_unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = error_unitaries.compose(error_kraus)
        target = SuperOp(kraus_unitaries).compose(kraus)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #5
 def test_pauli_conversion_unitary(self):
     """Test conversion of Pauli channel kraus to unitary qobj"""
     error = QuantumError(self.depol_error(1), standard_gates=False)
     for j in range(4):
         instr, _ = error.error_term(j)
         self.assertEqual(len(instr), 1)
         self.assertIn(instr[0]['name'], ['unitary', 'id'])
         self.assertEqual(instr[0]['qubits'], [0])
     target = SuperOp(Kraus(self.depol_error(1)))
     self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #6
    def test_dot_kraus_and_unitary(self):
        """Test dot of a kraus and unitary error."""
        kraus, error_kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        kraus_unitaries, error_unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = error_kraus.dot(error_unitaries)
        target = SuperOp(kraus).dot(kraus_unitaries)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #7
    def test_dot_unitary_and_kraus(self):
        """Test dot of a unitary and kraus error."""
        kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = QuantumError(unitaries).dot(QuantumError(kraus))
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(unitaries)).dot(Kraus(kraus))

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['name'], 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['qubits'], [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #8
    def test_dot_both_kraus(self):
        """Test dot of two kraus errors"""
        kraus0 = self.kraus_error(0.3)
        kraus1 = self.kraus_error(0.5)
        error = QuantumError(kraus0).dot(QuantumError(kraus1))
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(kraus0)).dot(Kraus(kraus1))

        kraus, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(kraus[0]['name'], 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(kraus[0]['qubits'], [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error), msg="Incorrect dot kraus")
Пример #9
    def test_compose_kraus_and_unitary(self):
        """Test compose of a kraus and unitary error."""
        kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = QuantumError(kraus).compose(QuantumError(unitaries))
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(kraus)).compose(Kraus(unitaries))

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['name'], 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['qubits'], [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #10
    def test_expand_both_kraus(self):
        """Test expand of two kraus errors"""
        kraus0 = self.kraus_error(0.3)
        kraus1 = self.kraus_error(0.5)
        error = QuantumError(kraus0).expand(QuantumError(kraus1))
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(kraus0)).expand(Kraus(kraus1))

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['name'], 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(circ[0]['qubits'], [0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #11
    def test_tensor_both_kraus(self):
        """Test tensor of two kraus errors"""
        kraus0, error_kraus0 = self.kraus_error(0.3)
        kraus1, error_kraus1 = self.kraus_error(0.5)
        error = error_kraus0.tensor(error_kraus1)
        target = SuperOp(kraus0).tensor(kraus1)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ.qubits), [0, 1])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error), msg="Incorrect tensor kraus")
Пример #12
    def test_dot_unitary_and_kraus(self):
        """Test dot of a unitary and kraus error."""
        kraus, error_kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        kraus_unitaries, error_unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = error_unitaries.dot(error_kraus)
        target = SuperOp(kraus_unitaries).dot(kraus)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        # self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #13
    def test_dot_both_kraus(self):
        """Test dot of two kraus errors"""
        kraus0, error0 = self.kraus_error(0.3)
        kraus1, error1 = self.kraus_error(0.5)
        error = error0.dot(error1)
        target = SuperOp(kraus0).dot(kraus1)

        kraus, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(kraus[0][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(kraus, kraus[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error), msg="Incorrect dot kraus")
Пример #14
    def test_compose_kraus_and_unitary(self):
        """Test compose of a kraus and unitary error."""
        kraus, error_kraus = self.kraus_error(0.4)
        kraus_unitaries, error_unitaries = self.depol_error(0.1)
        error = error_kraus.compose(error_unitaries)
        target = SuperOp(kraus).compose(kraus_unitaries)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        # self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #15
 def test_to_quantumchannel_kraus(self):
     """Test to_quantumchannel for Kraus inputs."""
     a_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.3)]], dtype=complex)
     a_1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(0.3)]], dtype=complex)
     b_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, np.sqrt(1 - 0.5)]], dtype=complex)
     b_1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, np.sqrt(0.5)]], dtype=complex)
     target = SuperOp(Kraus([a_0, a_1])).tensor(SuperOp(Kraus([b_0, b_1])))
     with self.assertWarns(
         msg=r"Constructing QuantumError .* Kraus channel .* qiskit-aer 0\.10\.0 .*",
         error = QuantumError([a_0, a_1]).tensor(QuantumError([b_0, b_1]))
     self.assertEqual(target, error.to_quantumchannel())
Пример #16
    def test_expand_both_kraus(self):
        """Test expand of two kraus errors"""
        kraus0, error0 = self.kraus_error(0.3)
        kraus1, error1 = self.kraus_error(0.5)
        error = error0.expand(error1)
        target = SuperOp(kraus0).expand(kraus1)

        circ, prob = error.error_term(0)
        self.assertEqual(prob, 1)
        self.assertEqual(circ[0][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(circ[1][0].name, 'kraus')
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[1][1]), [1])
        self.assertEqual(target, SuperOp(error))
Пример #17
    def test_dot_both_unitary_standard_gates(self):
        """Test dot of two unitary standard gate errors"""
        unitaries0 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.9, 0.1], ['z', 's'])
        unitaries1 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.6, 0.4], ['x', 'y'])
        error0 = QuantumError(unitaries0, standard_gates=True)
        error1 = QuantumError(unitaries1, standard_gates=True)
        error = error0.dot(error1)
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(unitaries0)).dot(Kraus(unitaries1))

        for j in range(4):
            circ, _ = error.error_term(j)
            self.assertIn(circ[0]['name'], ['s', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
            self.assertEqual(circ[0]['qubits'], [0])
        self.assertEqual(SuperOp(error), target)
Пример #18
    def test_compose_both_unitary_instruction(self):
        """Test compose of two unitary instruction errors."""
        unitaries0 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.9, 0.1], ['z', 's'])
        unitaries1 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.6, 0.4], ['x', 'y'])

        error0 = QuantumError(unitaries0, standard_gates=False)
        error1 = QuantumError(unitaries1, standard_gates=False)
        error = error0.compose(error1)
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(unitaries0)).compose(Kraus(unitaries1))

        for j in range(4):
            circ, _ = error.error_term(j)
            self.assertEqual(circ[0]['name'], 'unitary')
            self.assertEqual(circ[0]['qubits'], [0])
        self.assertEqual(SuperOp(error), target)
Пример #19
 def _compose_instr(instr0, instr1):
     """Helper function for compose a kraus with another instruction."""
     # If one of the instructions is an identity we only need
     # to return the other instruction
     if instr0['name'] == 'id':
         return instr1
     if instr1['name'] == 'id':
         return instr0
     # Check qubits match
     qubits0 = instr0['qubits']
     qubits1 = instr1['qubits']
     if qubits0 != qubits1:
         raise NoiseError("Unitary instructions are on different qubits")
     # Convert to ops
     op0 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr0)
     op1 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr1)
     # Check if at least one of the instructions is a channel
     # and if so convert to Kraus representation.
     if isinstance(op0,
                   (SuperOp, Kraus)) or isinstance(op1, (SuperOp, Kraus)):
         name = 'kraus'
         params = Kraus(SuperOp(op0).compose(op1)).data
         name = 'unitary'
         params = op0.compose(op1).data
     return {'name': name, 'qubits': qubits0, 'params': params}
Пример #20
    def test_dot_both_unitary_standard_gates(self):
        """Test dot of two unitary standard gate errors"""
        kraus0, error0 = self.mixed_unitary_error(
            [0.9, 0.1], ['z', 's'], standard_gates=True,
        kraus1, error1 = self.mixed_unitary_error(
            [0.6, 0.4], ['x', 'y'], standard_gates=True,
        error = error0.dot(error1)
        target = SuperOp(kraus0).dot(kraus1)

        for j in range(4):
            circ, _ = error.error_term(j)
            self.assertIn(circ[0][0].name, ['s', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
            self.assertEqual(self.qubits_list(circ, circ[0][1]), [0])
        self.assertEqual(SuperOp(error), target)
Пример #21
    def test_tensor_both_unitary_standard_gates(self):
        """Test tensor of two unitary standard gate errors"""
        unitaries0 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.9, 0.1], ['z', 's'])
        unitaries1 = self.mixed_unitary_error([0.6, 0.4], ['x', 'y'])
        error0 = QuantumError(unitaries0, standard_gates=True)
        error1 = QuantumError(unitaries1, standard_gates=True)
        error = error0.tensor(error1)
        target = SuperOp(Kraus(unitaries0)).tensor(Kraus(unitaries1))

        for j in range(4):
            circ, _ = error.error_term(j)
            self.assertEqual(len(circ), 2)
            for instr in circ:
                self.assertIn(instr['name'], ['s', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
                self.assertIn(instr['qubits'], [[0], [1]])
        self.assertEqual(SuperOp(error), target)
Пример #22
 def test_to_quantum_channel(self):
     """Test conversion into quantum channel."""
     meas_kraus = Kraus([np.diag([1, 0]),
                         np.diag([0, 1])])
     actual = QuantumError(meas_kraus).to_quantumchannel()
     expected = SuperOp(np.diag([1, 0, 0, 1]))
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Пример #23
    def test_expand_both_unitary_standard_gates(self):
        """Test expand of two unitary standard gate errors"""
        kraus0, error0 = self.mixed_unitary_error(
            [0.9, 0.1], ['z', 's'], standard_gates=True,
        kraus1, error1 = self.mixed_unitary_error(
            [0.6, 0.4], ['x', 'y'], standard_gates=True,
        error = error0.expand(error1)
        target = SuperOp(kraus0).expand(kraus1)

        for j in range(4):
            circ, _ = error.error_term(j)
            self.assertEqual(len(circ), 2)
            for instr, qargs, _ in circ:
                self.assertIn(instr.name, ['s', 'x', 'y', 'z'])
                self.assertIn(self.qubits_list(circ, qargs), [[0], [1]])
        self.assertEqual(SuperOp(error), target)
Пример #24
 def to_quantumchannel(self):
     """Convert the QuantumError to a SuperOp quantum channel."""
     # Initialize as an empty superoperator of the correct size
     dim = 2**self.number_of_qubits
     channel = SuperOp(np.zeros([dim * dim, dim * dim]))
     for circuit, prob in zip(self._noise_circuits,
         component = prob * circuit2superop(circuit, self.number_of_qubits)
         channel = channel + component
     return channel
Пример #25
    def test_kraus(self):
        """ Test Kraus.
        See https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/pull/2238#issuecomment-487630014"""
        expected = '\n'.join(
            ["        ┌───────┐", "q_0: |0>┤ Kraus ├", "        └───────┘"])

        error = SuperOp(0.75 * numpy.eye(4) +
                        0.25 * numpy.diag([1, -1, -1, 1]))
        qr = QuantumRegister(1, name='q')
        qc = QuantumCircuit(qr)
        qc.append(error, [qr[0]])

        self.assertEqual(str(_text_circuit_drawer(qc)), expected)
Пример #26
 def _combine_kraus(noise_ops, num_qubits):
     """Combine any noise circuits containing only Kraus instructions."""
     kraus_instr = []
     kraus_probs = []
     new_circuits = []
     new_probs = []
     # Partion circuits into Kraus and non-Kraus
     for circuit, prob in noise_ops:
         if len(circuit) == 1 and circuit[0]['name'] == 'kraus':
     # Combine matching Kraus instructions via Choi rep
     if len(kraus_probs) == 1:
     elif len(kraus_probs) > 1:
         dim = 2**num_qubits
         iden = SuperOp(np.eye(dim**2))
         choi_sum = Choi(np.zeros((dim**2, dim**2)))
         for prob, instr in zip(kraus_probs, kraus_instr):
             choi_sum = choi_sum + prob * iden.compose(
                 Kraus(instr['params']), instr['qubits'])
         # Renormalize the Choi operator to find probability
         # of Kraus error
         chan_prob = abs(np.trace(choi_sum.data) / dim)
         chan_instr = {
             "name": "kraus",
             "qubits": list(range(num_qubits)),
             "params": Kraus(choi_sum / chan_prob).data
     return list(zip(new_circuits, new_probs))
Пример #27
 def _compose_instr(instr0, instr1, num_qubits):
     """Helper function for compose a kraus with another instruction."""
     # If one of the instructions is an identity we only need
     # to return the other instruction
     if instr0['name'] == 'id':
         return instr1
     if instr1['name'] == 'id':
         return instr0
     # Convert to ops
     op0 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr0)
     op1 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr1)
     # Check if at least one of the instructions is a channel
     # and if so convert both to SuperOp representation
     if isinstance(op0,
                   (SuperOp, Kraus)) or isinstance(op1, (SuperOp, Kraus)):
         name = 'kraus'
         op0 = SuperOp(op0)
         op1 = SuperOp(op1)
         name = 'unitary'
     # Check qubits for compositions
     qubits0 = instr0['qubits']
     qubits1 = instr1['qubits']
     if qubits0 == qubits1:
         composed = op0.compose(op1)
         qubits = qubits0
         # If qubits don't match we compose with total number of qubits
         # for the error
         if name == 'kraus':
             composed = SuperOp(np.eye(4 ** num_qubits))
             composed = Operator(np.eye(2 ** num_qubits))
         composed.compose(op0, qargs=qubits0).compose(op1, qargs=qubits1)
         qubits = list(range(num_qubits))
     # Get instruction params
     if name == 'kraus':
         params = Kraus(composed).data
         params = [composed.data]
     return {'name': name, 'qubits': qubits, 'params': params}
Пример #28
 def test_to_quantumchannel_circuit(self):
     """Test to_quantumchannel for circuit inputs."""
     noise_ops = [([{
         'name': 'reset',
         'qubits': [0]
     }], 0.2), ([{
         'name': 'reset',
         'qubits': [1]
     }], 0.3), ([{
         'name': 'id',
         'qubits': [0]
     }], 0.5)]
     error = QuantumError(noise_ops)
     reset = SuperOp(
         np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]))
     iden = SuperOp(np.eye(4))
     target = 0.2 * iden.tensor(reset) + 0.3 * reset.tensor(
         iden) + 0.5 * iden.tensor(iden)
     self.assertEqual(target, error.to_quantumchannel())
Пример #29
 def _tensor_instr(instr0, instr1):
     """Tensor of two operator qobj instructions."""
     # If one of the instructions is an identity we only need
     # to return the other instruction
     if instr0['name'] == 'id':
         return instr1
     if instr1['name'] == 'id':
         return instr0
     # Combine qubits
     qubits = instr0['qubits'] + instr1['qubits']
     # Convert to ops
     op0 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr0)
     op1 = QuantumError._instr2op(instr1)
     # Check if at least one of the instructions is a channel
     # and if so convert to Kraus representation.
     if isinstance(op0, SuperOp) or isinstance(op1, SuperOp):
         name = 'kraus'
         params = Kraus(SuperOp(op0).expand(op1)).data
         name = 'unitary'
         params = [op0.expand(op1).data]
     return {'name': name, 'qubits': qubits, 'params': params}
Пример #30
 def test_to_quantumchannel_circuit(self):
     """Test to_quantumchannel for circuit inputs."""
     noise_ops = [
         ([{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [0]}], 0.2),
         ([{'name': 'reset', 'qubits': [1]}], 0.3),
         ([{'name': 'id', 'qubits': [0]}], 0.5),
     with self.assertWarns(
         msg=r"Constructing QuantumError .* list of dict .* qiskit-aer 0\.10\.0 .*",
         error = QuantumError(noise_ops)
     reset = SuperOp(
         np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
     iden = SuperOp(np.eye(4))
     target = (
         0.2 * iden.tensor(reset)
         + 0.3 * reset.tensor(iden)
         + 0.5 * iden.tensor(iden)
     self.assertEqual(target, error.to_quantumchannel())