Пример #1
def __copy_files(FileTxt):

    input_directory = QUEX_PATH
    output_directory = Setup.output_directory

    file_list = map(lambda x: Setup.language_db["$code_base"] + x.strip(),

    # Ensure that all directories exist
    directory_list = []
    for file in file_list:
        directory = path.dirname(output_directory + file)
        if directory in directory_list: continue

    # Sort directories according to length --> create parent directories before child
    for directory in sorted(directory_list, key=len):
        if os.access(directory, os.F_OK) == True: continue
        # Create also parent directories, if required

    for file in file_list:
        input_file = input_directory + file
        output_file = output_directory + file
        # Copy
        content = open_file_or_die(input_file, "rb").read()
        write_safely_and_close(output_file, content)
Пример #2
def UserCodeFragment_straighten_open_line_pragmas(filename, Language):
    if Language not in UserCodeFragment_OpenLinePragma.keys():

    fh = open_file_or_die(filename)
    norm_filename = get_file_reference(filename)

    new_content = ""
    line_n      = 0
    LinePragmaInfoList = UserCodeFragment_OpenLinePragma[Language]
    for line in fh.readlines():
        line_n += 1
        if Language == "C":
            for info in LinePragmaInfoList:
                if line.find(info[0]) == -1: continue
                line = info[1]
                # Since by some definition, line number pragmas < 32768; let us avoid
                # compiler warnings by setting line_n = min(line_n, 32768)
                line = line.replace("NUMBER", repr(int(min(line_n + 1, 32767))))
                # Even under Windows (tm), the '/' is accepted. Thus do not rely on 'normpath'
                line = line.replace("FILENAME", norm_filename)
                line = line + "\n"
        new_content += line


    write_safely_and_close(filename, new_content)
Пример #3
def __copy_files(FileTxt):

    input_directory  = QUEX_PATH               
    output_directory = Setup.output_directory 

    file_list = map(lambda x: Setup.language_db["$code_base"] + x.strip(), FileTxt.split())

    # Ensure that all directories exist
    directory_list = []
    for file in file_list:
        directory = path.dirname(output_directory + file)
        if directory in directory_list: continue

    # Sort directories according to length --> create parent directories before child
    for directory in sorted(directory_list, key=len):
        if os.access(directory, os.F_OK) == True: continue
        # Create also parent directories, if required

    for file in file_list:
        input_file  = input_directory + file
        output_file = output_directory + file
        # Copy
        content     = open_file_or_die(input_file, "rb").read()
        write_safely_and_close(output_file, content)
Пример #4
def do():
    if Setup.buffer_codec == "": return
    if Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info in ["utf8-state-split", "utf16-state-split"]: return

    assert Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info != None

    txt, txt_i = _do(Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info, 

    write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_buffer_codec_header, txt) 
    write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_buffer_codec_header_i, txt_i) 
Пример #5
def do():
    if Setup.buffer_codec == "": return
    if Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info in [
            "utf8-state-split", "utf16-state-split"

    assert Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info != None

    txt, txt_i = _do(Setup.buffer_codec_transformation_info,

    write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_buffer_codec_header, txt)
    write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_buffer_codec_header_i, txt_i)
Пример #6
def do(setup, IndentationSupportF):
    """Creates a file of token-ids from a given set of names.
       Creates also a function:

       const string& $$token$$::map_id_to_name().
    global file_str
    LanguageDB = Setup.language_db


    for standard_token_id in standard_token_id_list:
        assert token_id_db.has_key(standard_token_id)

    assert lexer_mode.token_type_definition != None, \
           "Token type has not been defined yet, see $QUEX_PATH/quex/core.py how to\n" + \
           "handle this."

    # (*) Token ID File ________________________________________________________________
    #     The token id file can either be specified as database of
    #     token-id names, or as a file that directly assigns the token-ids
    #     to variables. If the flag '--user-token-id-file' is defined, then
    #     then the token-id file is provided by the user. Otherwise, the
    #     token id file is created by the token-id maker.
    #     The token id maker considers the file passed by the option '-t'
    #     as the database file and creates a C++ file with the output filestem
    #     plus the suffix "--token-ids". Note, that the token id file is a
    #     header file.
    if len(token_id_db.keys()) == len(standard_token_id_list):
        token_id_str = "%sTERMINATION and %sUNINITIALIZED" % \
                       (setup.token_id_prefix_plain, setup.token_id_prefix_plain) 
        # TERMINATION + UNINITIALIZED = 2 token ids. If they are the only ones nothing can be done.
        error_msg("Only token ids %s are defined.\n" % token_id_str + \
                  "Quex refuses to proceed. Please, use the 'token { ... }' section to\n" + \
                  "specify at least one other token id.")

    L = max(map(lambda name: len(name), token_id_db.keys()))
    def space(Name):
        return " " * (L - len(Name))

    # -- define values for the token ids
    def define_this(txt, token):
        if setup.language == "C":
            txt.append("#define %s%s %s((QUEX_TYPE_TOKEN_ID)%i)\n" \
                       % (setup.token_id_prefix_plain, token.name, space(token.name), token.number))
            txt.append("const QUEX_TYPE_TOKEN_ID %s%s%s = ((QUEX_TYPE_TOKEN_ID)%i);\n" \
                       % (setup.token_id_prefix_plain, token.name, space(token.name), token.number))

    if setup.token_id_foreign_definition_file != "":
        token_id_txt = ["#include \"%s\"\n" % get_file_reference(setup.token_id_foreign_definition_file)]

        if setup.language == "C": 
            prolog = ""
            epilog = ""
            prolog = LanguageDB["$namespace-open"](setup.token_id_prefix_name_space)
            epilog = LanguageDB["$namespace-close"](setup.token_id_prefix_name_space)

        token_id_txt = [prolog]

        # Assign values to tokens with no numeric identifier
        # NOTE: This has not to happen if token's are defined by the user's provided file.
        i = setup.token_id_counter_offset
        # Take the 'dummy_name' only to have the list sorted by name. The key 'dummy_name' 
        # may contain '--' to indicate a unicode value, so do not use it as name.
        for dummy_name, token in sorted(token_id_db.items()):
            if token.number == None: 
                while __is_token_id_occupied(i):
                    i += 1
                token.number = i; 

            define_this(token_id_txt, token)

        # Double check that no token id appears twice
        # Again, this can only happen, if quex itself produced the numeric values for the token
        token_list = token_id_db.values()
        for i, x in enumerate(token_list):
            for y in token_list[i+1:]:
                if x.number != y.number: continue
                error_msg("Token id '%s'" % x.name, x.file_name, x.line_n, DontExitF=True)
                error_msg("and token id '%s' have same numeric value '%s'." \
                          % (y.name, x.number), y.file_name, y.line_n, DontExitF=True)

    tc_descr   = lexer_mode.token_type_definition

    content = blue_print(file_str,
                         [["$$TOKEN_ID_DEFINITIONS$$",        "".join(token_id_txt)],
                          ["$$DATE$$",                        time.asctime()],
                          ["$$TOKEN_CLASS_DEFINITION_FILE$$", get_file_reference(lexer_mode.token_type_definition.get_file_name())],
                          ["$$INCLUDE_GUARD_EXT$$",           get_include_guard_extension(
                                                                  + "__" + tc_descr.class_name)],
                          ["$$TOKEN_PREFIX$$",                setup.token_id_prefix]])

    write_safely_and_close(setup.output_token_id_file, content)
Пример #7
def do():
    """Generates state machines for all modes. Each mode results into 
       a separate state machine that is stuck into a virtual function
       of a class derived from class 'quex_mode'.

    mode_db = __get_mode_db(Setup)

    IndentationSupportF = lexer_mode.requires_indentation_count(mode_db)
    BeginOfLineSupportF = lexer_mode.requires_begin_of_line_condition_support(mode_db)

    # (*) Implement the 'quex' core class from a template
    # -- do the coding of the class framework
    header_engine_txt,           \
    constructor_and_memento_txt, \
    header_configuration_txt     = quex_class_out.do(mode_db, IndentationSupportF, 

    mode_implementation_txt  = mode_classes.do(mode_db)

    # (*) Generate the token ids
    #     (This needs to happen after the parsing of mode_db, since during that
    #      the token_id_db is developped.)
    token_id_maker.do(Setup, IndentationSupportF) 
    map_id_to_name_function_implementation_txt = token_id_maker.do_map_id_to_name_function()

    # (*) [Optional] Make a customized token class
    token_class_h, token_class_txt = token_class_maker.do()
    # (*) [Optional] Generate a converter helper

    # (*) implement the lexer mode-specific analyser functions
    inheritance_info_str = ""
    analyzer_code        = ""

    # (*) Get list of modes that are actually implemented
    #     (abstract modes only serve as common base)
    mode_list      = filter(lambda mode: mode.options["inheritable"] != "only", mode_db.values())
    mode_name_list = map(lambda mode: mode.name, mode_list)

    for mode in mode_list:        

        # accumulate inheritance information for comment
        code = get_code_for_mode(mode, mode_name_list, IndentationSupportF, BeginOfLineSupportF) 
        analyzer_code += code

        if Setup.comment_mode_patterns_f:
            inheritance_info_str += mode.get_documentation()

    # Bring the info about the patterns first
    if Setup.comment_mode_patterns_f:
        analyzer_code += Setup.language_db["$ml-comment"]("BEGIN: MODE PATTERNS\n" + \
                                                          inheritance_info_str     + \
                                                          "\nEND: MODE PATTERNS")
        analyzer_code += "\n" # For safety: New content may have to start in a newline, e.g. "#ifdef ..."

    # generate frame for analyser code
    analyzer_code = generator.frame_this(analyzer_code)

    # Implementation (Potential Inline Functions)
    implemtation_txt =   constructor_and_memento_txt + "\n" \
                       + token_class_txt             + "\n" 

    # Engine (Source Code)
    source_txt =   mode_implementation_txt                    + "\n" \
                 + analyzer_code                              + "\n" \
                 + map_id_to_name_function_implementation_txt + "\n" 

    # (*) Write Files
    write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_configuration_file, header_configuration_txt)
    if Setup.language == "C":
        write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_header_file, header_engine_txt)
                               source_txt + implemtation_txt)
        header_txt = header_engine_txt.replace("$$ADDITIONAL_HEADER_CONTENT$$", implemtation_txt)
        write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_header_file, header_txt)
        write_safely_and_close(Setup.output_code_file, source_txt)

    if token_class_h != "":

    UserCodeFragment_straighten_open_line_pragmas(Setup.output_header_file, "C")
    UserCodeFragment_straighten_open_line_pragmas(Setup.output_code_file, "C")

    # assert lexer_mode.token_type_definition != None
    UserCodeFragment_straighten_open_line_pragmas(lexer_mode.token_type_definition.get_file_name(), "C")

    if Setup.source_package_directory != "":