Пример #1
def nl2br(value):
    """nl2br(value : any) -> htmltext

    Insert <br /> tags before newline characters.
    text = htmlescape(value)
    return htmltext(text.s.replace('\n', '<br />\n'))
Пример #2
def nl2br(value):
    """nl2br(value : any) -> htmltext

    Insert <br /> tags before newline characters.
    text = htmlescape(value)
    return htmltext(text.s.replace('\n', '<br />\n'))
Пример #3
def htmltag(tag, xml_end=False, css_class=None, **attrs):
    """Create a HTML tag."""
    r = ["<%s" % tag]
    if css_class is not None:
        attrs['class'] = css_class
    for (attr, val) in attrs.items():
        if val is ValuelessAttr:
            val = attr
        if val is not None:
            r.append(' %s="%s"' % (attr, stringify(htmlescape(val))))
    if xml_end:
        r.append(" />")
    return htmltext("".join(r))
Пример #4
def htmltag(tag, xml_end=False, css_class=None, **attrs):
    """Create a HTML tag.
    r = ["<%s" % tag]
    if css_class is not None:
        attrs['class'] = css_class
    for (attr, val) in attrs.items():
        if val is ValuelessAttr:
            val = attr
        if val is not None:
            r.append(' %s="%s"' % (attr, htmlescape(val)))
    if xml_end:
        r.append(" />")
    return htmltext("".join(r))
Пример #5
def _q_format(value, conversion=-1, format_spec=None):
    # Used by f-strings to format the {..} parts
    if conversion == -1 and format_spec is None:
        return htmlescape(value)  # simple and fast case
    if conversion == -1:
        fmt = '{%s}'
        conversion = chr(conversion)
        if conversion == 'r':
            fmt = '{%s!r}'
        elif conversion == 's':
            fmt = '{%s!s}'
        elif conversion == 'a':
            fmt = '{%s!a}'
            assert 0, 'invalid conversion %r' % conversion
    arg = _wraparg(value)
    if format_spec:
        fmt = fmt % (':' + str(format_spec))
        fmt = fmt % ''
    return htmltext(fmt.format(arg))
Пример #6
def href(url, text, title=None, **attrs):
    return (htmltag("a", href=url, title=title, **attrs) + htmlescape(text) +
Пример #7
"""Various functions for dealing with HTML.

These functions are fairly simple but it is critical that they be
used correctly.  Many security problems are caused by escaping errors
(cross site scripting is one example).  The HTML and XML standards on
www.w3c.org and www.xml.com should be studied, especially the sections
on character sets, entities, attribute and values.

htmltext and htmlescape

This type and function are meant to be used with [html] PTL template type.
The htmltext type designates data that does not need to be escaped and the
htmlescape() function calls str() on the argment, escapes the resulting
string and returns a htmltext instance.  htmlescape() does nothing to
htmltext instances.


Use for quoting data to be included as part of a URL, for example:

    input = "foo bar"
    '<a href="/search?keyword=%s">' % url_quote(input)

Note that URLs are usually used as attribute values and might need to have
HTML special characters escaped.  As an example of incorrect usage:

    url = 'http://example.com/?a=1&copy=0' # INCORRECT
Пример #8
def href(url, text, title=None, **attrs):
    return (htmltag("a", href=url, title=title, **attrs) +
            htmlescape(text) +
Пример #9
"""Various functions for dealing with HTML.

These functions are fairly simple but it is critical that they be
used correctly.  Many security problems are caused by escaping errors
(cross site scripting is one example).  The HTML and XML standards on
www.w3c.org and www.xml.com should be studied, especially the sections
on character sets, entities, attribute and values.

htmltext and htmlescape

This type and function are meant to be used with [html] PTL template type.
The htmltext type designates data that does not need to be escaped and the
htmlescape() function calls str() on the argment, escapes the resulting
string and returns a htmltext instance.  htmlescape() does nothing to
htmltext instances.


Use for quoting data to be included as part of a URL, for example:

    input = "foo bar"
    '<a href="/search?keyword=%s">' % url_quote(input)

Note that URLs are usually used as attribute values and might need to have
HTML special characters escaped.  As an example of incorrect usage:

    url = 'http://example.com/?a=1&copy=0' # INCORRECT