Пример #1
def test_cache_file_generation_and_update(verbose=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Test that cache file process works correctly, using CO as an example.

    Expected behavior:

    - generated when 'regen'
    - updated when using 'True' but input parameters have changed
    - an error is raised when 'force' is used but input parameters have changed

    # TODO: move it as a test of cache_files.py in RADIS

    S = Molecules['CO'][1]['X']

    from os.path import exists, getmtime

    if verbose:
        printm('Testing behavior for Energy cache file with use_cached=')

    # Create a first cache file (or use existing one)
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=12, vmax_morse=48,
                         Jmax=300, use_cached=True, verbose=verbose)

    # .. test file was created
    cachefile = db.cachefile
    assert exists(cachefile)
    last_modif = getmtime(cachefile)
    if verbose:
        printm('... True: energy cache file has been used/created (vmax=12)')

    # Force recalculating (using same inputs, but use_cached='regen')
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=12, vmax_morse=48,
                         Jmax=300, use_cached='regen', verbose=verbose)

    # ... test that cache file was updated
    cachefile = db.cachefile
    assert getmtime(cachefile) > last_modif
    last_modif = getmtime(cachefile)
    if verbose:
        print("... 'regen': energy cache file has been created again (vmax=12)")

    # Recompute with different parameters

    # ... if using 'force', ensures that an error is raised
    with pytest.raises(DeprecatedFileError):  # DeprecatedFileError is expected
        db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=11, vmax_morse=48,
                             Jmax=300, use_cached='force', verbose=verbose)
    if verbose:
            "... 'force': an error was correctly triggered for new input parameters (vmax=11)")

    # ... if using 'True', ensures that cache file is updated
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=11, vmax_morse=48,
                         Jmax=300, use_cached=True, verbose=verbose)
    assert getmtime(cachefile) > last_modif
    if verbose:
        printm('... True: cache file was updated for new input parameters (vmax=11)')
Пример #2
def test_calculatedQ_match_HAPI_CO(vmax=11,
    """ Tested that Q ab_initio (Dunham) match HAPI for CO at different temperatures"""

    vmax = 11
    vmax_morse = 48
    jmax = 300
    iso = 1

    S = Molecules["CO"][iso]["X"]

    # Dont use cached: force recalculating
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S,
                         use_cached=False)  # , ZPE=1081.584383)
    assert not db.use_cached

    #    if plot: db.plot_states()

    hapi = PartFuncHAPI(
    )  # CO  # isotope

    us = []
    hap = []
    T = np.linspace(300, 3000)
    for Ti in T:

    if plot:
        plt.figure(fig_prefix + "Partition function Dunham vs Precomputed")
        plt.plot(T, us, "ok", label="NeQ")
        plt.plot(T, hap, "or", label="HAPI")
        plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)")
        plt.ylabel("Partition function")
        plt.title("Ab-initio partition function calculations\n" +
                  "(vmax:{0},jmax:{1})".format(vmax, jmax))

    # Compare Calculated  vs HAPI
    assert np.allclose(us, hap, rtol=0.02)

    if verbose:
            "Tested Q_CO ab_initio (Dunham) matches HAPI for 300 - 3000 K: OK")

    return True
Пример #3
def test_calculatedQ_match_HAPI(vmax=11,
    ''' Tested that Q_CO ab_initio (Dunham) match HAPI '''

    vmax = 11
    vmax_morse = 48
    jmax = 300
    iso = 1

    S = Molecules['CO'][iso]['X']

    # Dont use cached: force recalculating
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S,
                         use_cached=False)  # , ZPE=1081.584383)
    assert not db.use_cached

    #    if plot: db.plot_states()

    hapi = PartFuncHAPI(
        M=5,  # CO
        I=1,  # isotope

    us = []
    hap = []
    T = np.linspace(300, 3000)
    for Ti in T:

    if plot:
        plt.figure(fig_prefix + 'Partition function Dunham vs Precomputed')
        plt.plot(T, us, 'ok', label='NeQ')
        plt.plot(T, hap, 'or', label='HAPI')
        plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
        plt.ylabel('Partition function')
        plt.title('Ab-initio partition function calculations\n' +
                  '(vmax:{0},jmax:{1})'.format(vmax, jmax))

    # Compare Calculated  vs HAPI
    assert np.allclose(us, hap, rtol=0.02)

    if verbose:
        printm('Tested Q_CO ab_initio (Dunham) matches HAPI: OK')

    return True
Пример #4
def test_calculatedQ_match_HAPI(plot=False, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs):
    """Tested that Q ab_initio (Dunham) match HAPI for different molecules
    and isotopes"""

    # molecule, isotope, temperature, absolute tolerance
    for molecule, iso, T, atol, rtol in [
        ("CO2", 1, 300, 0.9, 0.02),
        ("CO2", 1, 1000, 5.0, 0.02),
        ("CO2", 1, 3000, 2150, 0.02),
        ("CO2", 2, 300, 1.8, 0.02),
        ("CO2", 2, 1000, 25, 0.02),
        ("CO2", 2, 3000, 4962, 0.02),
        ("CO", 1, 300, 0.16, 0.02),
        ("CO", 1, 1000, 1.9, 0.02),
        ("CO", 1, 3000, 27, 0.02),
        ("CO", 2, 300, 0.31, 0.02),
        ("CO", 2, 1000, 4.1, 0.02),
        ("CO", 2, 3000, 56.9, 0.02),
        ("CO", 3, 300, 0.16, 0.02),
        ("CO", 3, 1000, 2.1, 0.02),
        ("CO", 3, 3000, 28.6, 0.02),

        S = Molecules[molecule][iso]["X"]

        # Dont use cached: force recalculating
        db = PartFunc_Dunham(S)

        from radis.db.classes import get_molecule_identifier

        hapi = PartFuncHAPI(M=get_molecule_identifier(molecule), I=iso)

        Q_radis = db.at(T)
        Q_hapi = hapi.at(T)

        if verbose:
            print("Q({0},iso={1},{2}K)\tRADIS: {3:.2f}\tHAPI={4:.2f}".format(
                molecule, iso, T, Q_radis, Q_hapi))

            assert np.isclose(Q_radis, Q_hapi, atol=atol)
            assert np.isclose(Q_radis, Q_hapi, atol=atol)
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Partition function for {0}, iso={1} ".format(molecule, iso) +
                "at {0}K doesnt match in RADIS ".format(T) +
                "({0:.4f}) and HAPI ({1:.4f})".format(Q_radis, Q_hapi))

    if verbose:
        printm("Tested Q ab_initio (Dunham) matches HAPI: OK")

    return True
Пример #5
def test_calculatedQ_match_HAPI(plot=False, verbose=True,
                                *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Tested that Q ab_initio (Dunham) match HAPI for different molecules 
    and isotopes'''

    # molecule, isotope, temperature, absolute tolerance 
    for molecule, iso, T, atol in [('CO2', 1, 300,  0.9),
                                   ('CO2', 1, 1000, 2.0),
                                   ('CO2', 1, 3000, 2000),
                                   ('CO2', 2, 300,  1.8),
                                   ('CO2', 2, 1000, 25),
                                   ('CO2', 2, 3000, 4962),
                                   ('CO', 1, 300,   0.16),
                                   ('CO', 1, 1000,  1.9),
                                   ('CO', 1, 3000,  27),
                                   ('CO', 2, 300,   0.31),
                                   ('CO', 2, 1000,  4.1),
                                   ('CO', 2, 3000,  56.9),
                                   ('CO', 3, 300,   0.16),
                                   ('CO', 3, 1000,  2.1),
                                   ('CO', 3, 3000,  28.6),

        S = Molecules[molecule][iso]['X']
        # Dont use cached: force recalculating
        db = PartFunc_Dunham(S)
        from radis.io.hitran import get_molecule_identifier
        hapi = PartFuncHAPI(M=get_molecule_identifier(molecule),
        Q_radis = db.at(T)
        Q_hapi = hapi.at(T)

        if verbose:
            print('Q({0},iso={1},{2}K)\tRADIS: {3:.2f}\tHAPI={4:.2f}'.format(
                    molecule, iso, T, Q_radis, Q_hapi))
            assert np.isclose(Q_radis, Q_hapi, atol=atol)
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError('Partition function for {0}, iso={1} '.format(molecule, iso)+\
                                 'at {0}K doesnt match in RADIS '.format(T)+\
                                 '({0:.4f}) and HAPI ({1:.4f})'.format(Q_radis, Q_hapi))

    if verbose:
        printm('Tested Q ab_initio (Dunham) matches HAPI: OK')

    return True
Пример #6
def test_recompute_Q_from_QvibQrot_Dunham_Evib123_Erot(verbose=True,
    """Calculate vibrational and rotational partition functions:

    - with Dunham expansions. Evib, Erot = (Evib1+Evib2+Evib3, Erot)
    - under nonequilibrium

    Calculate total rovibrational partition function, and compare

    Test if partition function can be recomputed correctly from vibrational
    populations and rotational partition function (note that we are in a coupled
    case so partition function is not simply the product of Qvib, Qrot)

    iso = 1
    Tvib = 1500
    Trot = 300

    S = Molecules["CO2"][iso]["X"]

    Qf = PartFunc_Dunham(
            "CO2": (["Evib1", "Evib2", "Evib3"], ["Erot"])

    Q = Qf.at_noneq(Tvib, Trot)
    _, Qvib, dfQrot = Qf.at_noneq(Tvib, Trot, returnQvibQrot=True)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q", Q)
    if verbose:
        printm("Qvib", Qvib)

    # 1) Test Q vs Q recomputed from Qrot, Qvib

    # Recompute Qtot
    df = dfQrot
    Q2 = ((df.gvib * exp(-df.Evib * hc_k / Tvib)) * df.Qrot).sum()
    # Todo: non Boltzmann case

    assert np.isclose(Q, Q2)

    if verbose:
        printm("Tested Q vs recomputed from (Qvib, Qrot) are the same: OK")

    return True
Пример #7
def test_Q_1Tvib_vs_Q_3Tvib(T=1500,
    """Test if partition function calculated in 1-Tvib mode returns the same
    result as partition function calculated in 3-Tvib mode

    b = True

    # input
    M = "CO2"
    I = 1  # isotope
    S = Molecules[M][I]["X"]

    Qf = PartFunc_Dunham(S, use_cached=True)
    df = Qf.df

    # First make sure energies match
    if not (df.Evib == df.Evib1 + df.Evib2 + df.Evib3).all():
        b *= False
        if warnings:
                "WARNING in test_Q_1Tvib_vs_Q_3Tvib: Evib != Evib1 + Evib2 + Evib3"

    # Then calculate Q vs Q3T
    Q = Qf.at_noneq(T, T)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q", Q)

    Q3T = Qf.at_noneq_3Tvib((T, T, T), T)
    if verbose:
        printm("Q3T", Q3T)

    assert np.isclose(Q, Q3T)
    if verbose:
            "Tested Q in 1-Tvib vs Q in 3-Tvib modes (T={0:.0f}K): OK".format(

    return True
Пример #8
def test_Morse_Potential_effect_CO(T=3000, rtol=1e-4, verbose=True, warnings=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Quantify effect of calculating upper levels near dissociation limit
    with Morse Potential 

    Returns True if difference is less than rtol

    vmax = 11
    vmax_morse = 48
    jmax = 300
    iso = 1
    S = Molecules['CO'][iso]['X']

    # TODO: remove vmax, vmax_morse from Dunham method. Only use the one in ElecState
    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=vmax, vmax_morse=0,
                         Jmax=jmax, use_cached=False)
    Q_nomorse = db.at(T)

    db = PartFunc_Dunham(S, vmax=vmax, vmax_morse=vmax_morse,
                         Jmax=jmax, use_cached=False)
    Q_morse = db.at(T)

    if verbose:
        printm('Morse vs no Morse potential (T={0}K)'.format(T))
        printm('Q_morse: {0:.3f}'.format(Q_morse))
        printm('Q_nomorse: {0:.3f}'.format(Q_nomorse))
        printm('Difference: {0:.4f}%'.format(

    assert abs(Q_nomorse-Q_morse)/Q_morse < rtol
Пример #9
def test_delete_all_cached_energies(verbose=True, warnings=True, *args, **kwargs):
    ''' Doesnt really test anything, but cleans all cached energy levels '''
    for molecule, isotopes in Molecules.items():
        for isotope, states in isotopes.items():
            for state, ElecState in states.items():
                # Delete cache file for Dunham expansions
                energies = PartFunc_Dunham(ElecState, use_cached='return')
                cachefile = energies.cachefile
                if exists(cachefile):
                    print(('Cleaned cached energies for {0}'.format(