Пример #1
 def bounceperiod(self):
     """Return the bounce period at the current position."""
     tpos, ppar = self.trajectory[-1, 0:4], self.trajectory[-1, 4]
     Bmag = self.field.magB(tpos)
     gamma = np.sqrt(1 + 2*self.mu*Bmag/(self.mass*c*c) + (ppar/(self.mass*c))**2)
     if gamma-1 < 1e-6: #nonrelativistic
         p = np.sqrt(2*self.mass*self.mu*Bmag + ppar**2)  # total momentum
         v = p/self.mass
         Bmirror = (p**2) / (2*self.mass*self.mu)
     else:  # relativistic
         p = self.mass * c *np.sqrt((gamma+1)*(gamma-1))  # momentum
         Bmirror = p**2 / ((p-ppar)*(p+ppar)) * Bmag
         v = p/self.mass/gamma
     return rfu.bounceperiod(tpos,self.field,Bmirror,v)
Пример #2
 def bounceperiod(self):
     """Return the bounce period at the current position."""
     tpos, ppar = self.trajectory[-1, 0:4], self.trajectory[-1, 4]
     Bmag = self.field.magB(tpos)
     gamma = np.sqrt(1 + 2*self.mu*Bmag/(self.mass*c*c) + (ppar/(self.mass*c))**2)
     if gamma-1 < 1e-6: #nonrelativistic
         p = np.sqrt(2*self.mass*self.mu*Bmag + ppar**2)  # total momentum
         v = p/self.mass
         Bmirror = (p**2) / (2*self.mass*self.mu)
     else:  # relativistic
         p = self.mass * c *np.sqrt((gamma+1)*(gamma-1))  # momentum
         Bmirror = p**2 / ((p-ppar)*(p+ppar)) * Bmag
         v = p/self.mass/gamma
     return rfu.bounceperiod(tpos,self.field,Bmirror,v)
Пример #3
    def advance(self, delta):
        Advance the particle position for the given duration.
        The trajectory is initialized at the latest state of the object
        and integrated for an additional `delta` seconds. Uses the 
        `scipy.integrate.ode` class with `"dopri5"` solver.
        This method can be called many times.
        delta : float
            The number of seconds to advance the trajectory.
        The explicit runge-kutta method of order 4(5) due to Dormand & Prince
        with stepsize control is used to solve for the motion. The relative 
        tolerance `rtol` and the absolute tolerance `atol` of the solver can be
        set with `rapt.params["solvertolerances"] = (rtol, atol)`

        v = self.v
        gamma = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1 - (v / c)**2)
        Bm = self.mass * gamma**2 * v**2 / (2 * self.mu)
        bp = bounceperiod(self.trajectory[-1, :4], self.field, Bm, v)
        dt = params['BCtimestep'] * bp

        def deriv(t, Y):
            tpos = np.concatenate(([t], Y))
            if self.isequatorial:
                return self._v_grad(Y[:4]) + self._v_inert(Y[:4])
                Bvec = self.field.B(tpos)
                magBsq = np.dot(Bvec, Bvec)
                Sb = halfbouncepath(tpos, self.field, Bm)
                gI = gradI(tpos, self.field, Bm)
                return gamma * self.mass * v * v / (
                    self.charge * Sb * magBsq) * np.cross(gI, Bvec)

        rtol, atol = params["solvertolerances"]
        r = ode(deriv).set_integrator("dopri5", atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
        r.set_initial_value(self.trajectory[-1, 1:], self.trajectory[-1, 0])
        for t in np.arange(self.tcur, self.tcur + delta, dt):
            nextpt = np.hstack(([t], r.integrate(r.t + dt)))
            self.trajectory = np.vstack((self.trajectory, nextpt))
        self.tcur = self.trajectory[-1, 0]
Пример #4
    def advance(self, delta):
        Advance the particle position for the given duration.
        The trajectory is initialized at the latest state of the object
        and integrated for an additional `delta` seconds. Uses the 
        `scipy.integrate.ode` class with `"dopri5"` solver.
        This method can be called many times.
        delta : float
            The number of seconds to advance the trajectory.
        The explicit runge-kutta method of order 4(5) due to Dormand & Prince
        with stepsize control is used to solve for the motion. The relative 
        tolerance `rtol` and the absolute tolerance `atol` of the solver can be
        set with `rapt.params["solvertolerances"] = (rtol, atol)`

        v = self.v
        gamma = 1.0/np.sqrt(1 - (v / c)**2)
        Bm = self.mass*gamma**2*v**2/(2*self.mu)
        bp = bounceperiod(self.trajectory[-1,:4], self.field, Bm, v)
        dt = params['BCtimestep'] * bp
        def deriv(t,Y):
            tpos = np.concatenate(([t],Y))
            if self.isequatorial:
                return self._v_grad(Y[:4])+self._v_inert(Y[:4])
                Bvec = self.field.B(tpos)
                magBsq = np.dot(Bvec, Bvec)
                Sb = halfbouncepath(tpos, self.field, Bm)
                gI = gradI(tpos, self.field, Bm)
                return gamma*self.mass*v*v/(self.charge*Sb*magBsq) * np.cross(gI,Bvec)
        rtol, atol = params["solvertolerances"]
        r = ode(deriv).set_integrator("dopri5", atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
        r.set_initial_value(self.trajectory[-1,1:], self.trajectory[-1,0])
        for t in np.arange(self.tcur, self.tcur+delta, dt):
            nextpt = np.hstack(([t],r.integrate(r.t+dt)))
            self.trajectory = np.vstack((self.trajectory,nextpt))
        self.tcur = self.trajectory[-1,0]