Пример #1
 def get_default_config(cls) -> TrainerConfigDict:
     return Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
             # Use UpperConfidenceBound exploration.
             "exploration_config": {"type": "UpperConfidenceBound"}
Пример #2
 def get_default_config(cls) -> TrainerConfigDict:
     config = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
             # Use ThompsonSampling exploration.
             "exploration_config": {"type": "ThompsonSampling"}
     return config
Пример #3
    def add_policy(self, policy_id: PolicyID, policy_spec: PolicySpec):
        # Merge the policies config overrides with the main config.
        # Also, adjust `num_gpus` (to indicate an individual policy's
        # num_gpus, not the total number of GPUs).
        cfg = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
            dict(policy_spec.config, **{"num_gpus": self.num_gpus_per_policy}),

        # Need to create the replay actor first. Then add the first policy.
        if self.replay_actor is None:
            return self._add_replay_buffer_and_policy(policy_id, policy_spec,

        # Replay actor already exists -> Just add a new policy here.

        assert len(self.policy_actors) < self.max_num_policies

        actual_policy_class = get_tf_eager_cls_if_necessary(
            policy_spec.policy_class, cfg)

        colocated = create_colocated_actors(
                    if not cfg["_fake_gpus"] else 0,
                # Policy c'tor args.
                (policy_spec.observation_space, policy_spec.action_space, cfg),
                # Policy c'tor kwargs={}.
                # Count=1,
            # Force co-locate on the already existing replay actor's node.

        self.policy_actors[policy_id] = colocated[0][0]

        return self.policy_actors[policy_id]
Пример #4
DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
        # === Model ===
        # Number of atoms for representing the distribution of return. When
        # this is greater than 1, distributional Q-learning is used.
        # the discrete supports are bounded by v_min and v_max
        "num_atoms": 1,
        "v_min": -10.0,
        "v_max": 10.0,
        # Whether to use noisy network
        "noisy": False,
        # control the initial value of noisy nets
        "sigma0": 0.5,
        # Whether to use dueling dqn
        "dueling": True,
        # Dense-layer setup for each the advantage branch and the value branch
        # in a dueling architecture.
        "hiddens": [256],
        # Whether to use double dqn
        "double_q": True,
        # N-step Q learning
        "n_step": 1,

        # === Prioritized replay buffer ===
        # If True prioritized replay buffer will be used.
        "prioritized_replay": True,
        # Alpha parameter for prioritized replay buffer.
        "prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6,
        # Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer.
        "prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
        # Final value of beta (by default, we use constant beta=0.4).
        "final_prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
        # Time steps over which the beta parameter is annealed.
        "prioritized_replay_beta_annealing_timesteps": 20000,
        # Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities.
        "prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6,

        # Callback to run before learning on a multi-agent batch of
        # experiences.
        "before_learn_on_batch": None,

        # The intensity with which to update the model (vs collecting samples
        # from the env). If None, uses the "natural" value of:
        # `train_batch_size` / (`rollout_fragment_length` x `num_workers` x
        # `num_envs_per_worker`).
        # If provided, will make sure that the ratio between ts inserted into
        # and sampled from the buffer matches the given value.
        # Example:
        #   training_intensity=1000.0
        #   train_batch_size=250 rollout_fragment_length=1
        #   num_workers=1 (or 0) num_envs_per_worker=1
        #   -> natural value = 250 / 1 = 250.0
        #   -> will make sure that replay+train op will be executed 4x as
        #      often as rollout+insert op (4 * 250 = 1000).
        # See: rllib/agents/dqn/dqn.py::calculate_rr_weights for further
        # details.
        "training_intensity": None,

        # === Parallelism ===
        # Whether to compute priorities on workers.
        "worker_side_prioritization": False,
Пример #5
R2D2_DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
    DQN_DEFAULT_CONFIG,  # See keys in impala.py, which are also supported.
        # Learning rate for adam optimizer.
        "lr": 1e-4,
        # Discount factor.
        "gamma": 0.997,
        # Train batch size (in number of single timesteps).
        "train_batch_size": 64 * 20,
        # Adam epsilon hyper parameter
        "adam_epsilon": 1e-3,
        # Run in parallel by default.
        "num_workers": 2,
        # Batch mode must be complete_episodes.
        "batch_mode": "complete_episodes",

        # === Replay buffer ===
        "replay_buffer_config": {
            # For now we don't use the new ReplayBuffer API here
            "_enable_replay_buffer_api": False,
            "type": "MultiAgentReplayBuffer",
            "prioritized_replay": False,
            "prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6,
            # Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer.
            "prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
            # Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities.
            "prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6,
            # Size of the replay buffer (in sequences, not timesteps).
            "capacity": 100000,
            # Set automatically: The number
            # of contiguous environment steps to
            # replay at once. Will be calculated via
            # model->max_seq_len + burn_in.
            # Do not set this to any valid value!
            "replay_sequence_length": -1,
        # If True, assume a zero-initialized state input (no matter where in
        # the episode the sequence is located).
        # If False, store the initial states along with each SampleBatch, use
        # it (as initial state when running through the network for training),
        # and update that initial state during training (from the internal
        # state outputs of the immediately preceding sequence).
        "zero_init_states": True,
        # If > 0, use the `burn_in` first steps of each replay-sampled sequence
        # (starting either from all 0.0-values if `zero_init_state=True` or
        # from the already stored values) to calculate an even more accurate
        # initial states for the actual sequence (starting after this burn-in
        # window). In the burn-in case, the actual length of the sequence
        # used for loss calculation is `n - burn_in` time steps
        # (n=LSTM’s/attention net’s max_seq_len).
        "burn_in": 0,

        # Whether to use the h-function from the paper [1] to scale target
        # values in the R2D2-loss function:
        # h(x) = sign(x)(􏰅|x| + 1 − 1) + εx
        "use_h_function": True,
        # The epsilon parameter from the R2D2 loss function (only used
        # if `use_h_function`=True.
        "h_function_epsilon": 1e-3,

        # Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` steps.
        "target_network_update_freq": 2500,

        # Experimental flag.
        # If True, the execution plan API will not be used. Instead,
        # a Trainer's `training_iteration` method will be called as-is each
        # training iteration.
        "_disable_execution_plan_api": False,
Пример #6
DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
        # During the sampling phase, each rollout worker will collect a batch
        # `rollout_fragment_length * num_envs_per_worker` steps in size.
        "rollout_fragment_length": 100,
        # Vectorize the env (should enable by default since each worker has
        # a GPU).
        "num_envs_per_worker": 5,
        # During the SGD phase, workers iterate over minibatches of this size.
        # The effective minibatch size will be:
        # `sgd_minibatch_size * num_workers`.
        "sgd_minibatch_size": 50,
        # Number of SGD epochs per optimization round.
        "num_sgd_iter": 10,
        # Download weights between each training step. This adds a bit of
        # overhead but allows the user to access the weights from the trainer.
        "keep_local_weights_in_sync": True,

        # *** WARNING: configs below are DDPPO overrides over PPO; you
        #     shouldn't need to adjust them. ***
        # DDPPO requires PyTorch distributed.
        "framework": "torch",
        # The communication backend for PyTorch distributed.
        "torch_distributed_backend": "gloo",
        # Learning is no longer done on the driver process, so
        # giving GPUs to the driver does not make sense!
        "num_gpus": 0,
        # Each rollout worker gets a GPU.
        "num_gpus_per_worker": 1,
        # Require evenly sized batches. Otherwise,
        # collective allreduce could fail.
        "truncate_episodes": True,
        # This is auto set based on sample batch size.
        "train_batch_size": -1,
        # Kl divergence penalty should be fixed to 0 in DDPPO because in order
        # for it to be used as a penalty, we would have to un-decentralize
        # DDPPO
        "kl_coeff": 0.0,
        "kl_target": 0.0
Пример #7
DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
    appo.DEFAULT_CONFIG,  # See keys in appo.py, which are also supported.
        # TODO: Unify the buffer API, then clean up our existing
        #  implementations of different buffers.
        # This is num batches held at any time for each policy.
        "replay_buffer_capacity": 20,
        # e.g. ratio=0.2 -> 20% of samples in each train batch are
        # old (replayed) ones.
        "replay_buffer_replay_ratio": 0.5,

        # Timeout to use for `ray.wait()` when waiting for samplers to have placed
        # new data into the buffers. If no samples are ready within the timeout,
        # the buffers used for mixin-sampling will return only older samples.
        "sample_wait_timeout": 0.0,
        # Timeout to use for `ray.wait()` when waiting for the policy learner actors
        # to have performed an update and returned learning stats. If no learner
        # actors have produced any learning results in the meantime, their
        # learner-stats in the results will be empty for that iteration.
        "learn_wait_timeout": 0.0,

        # League-building parameters.
        # The LeagueBuilder class to be used for league building logic.
        "league_builder_config": {
            "type": AlphaStarLeagueBuilder,
            # The number of random policies to add to the league. This must be an
            # even number (including 0) as these will be evenly distributed
            # amongst league- and main- exploiters.
            "num_random_policies": 2,
            # The number of initially learning league-exploiters to create.
            "num_learning_league_exploiters": 4,
            # The number of initially learning main-exploiters to create.
            "num_learning_main_exploiters": 4,
            # Minimum win-rate (between 0.0 = 0% and 1.0 = 100%) of any policy to
            # be considered for snapshotting (cloning). The cloned copy may then
            # be frozen (no further learning) or keep learning (independent of
            # its ancestor policy).
            # Set this to lower values to speed up league growth.
            "win_rate_threshold_for_new_snapshot": 0.9,
            # If we took a new snapshot of any given policy, what's the probability
            # that this snapshot will continue to be trainable (rather than become
            # frozen/non-trainable)? By default, only keep those policies trainable
            # that have been trainable from the very beginning.
            "keep_new_snapshot_training_prob": 0.0,
            # Probabilities of different match-types:
            # LE: Learning league_exploiter vs any.
            # ME: Learning main exploiter vs any main.
            # M: Main self-play (p=1.0 - LE - ME).
            "prob_league_exploiter_match": 0.33,
            "prob_main_exploiter_match": 0.33,
            # Only for ME matches: Prob to play against learning
            # main (vs a snapshot main).
            "prob_main_exploiter_playing_against_learning_main": 0.5,

        # The maximum number of trainable policies for this Trainer.
        # Each trainable policy will exist as a independent remote actor, co-located
        # with a replay buffer. This is besides its existence inside
        # the RolloutWorkers for training and evaluation.
        # Set to None for automatically inferring this value from the number of
        # trainable policies found in the `multiagent` config.
        "max_num_policies_to_train": None,

        # By default, don't drop last timestep.
        # TODO: We should do the same for IMPALA and APPO at some point.
        "vtrace_drop_last_ts": False,

        # Reporting interval.
        "min_time_s_per_reporting": 2,

        # Use the `training_iteration` method instead of an execution plan.
        "_disable_execution_plan_api": True,
Пример #8
DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
        # === Model ===
        # Number of atoms for representing the distribution of return. When
        # this is greater than 1, distributional Q-learning is used.
        # the discrete supports are bounded by v_min and v_max
        "num_atoms": 1,
        "v_min": -10.0,
        "v_max": 10.0,
        # Whether to use noisy network
        "noisy": False,
        # control the initial value of noisy nets
        "sigma0": 0.5,
        # Whether to use dueling dqn
        "dueling": True,
        # Dense-layer setup for each the advantage branch and the value branch
        # in a dueling architecture.
        "hiddens": [256],
        # Whether to use double dqn
        "double_q": True,
        # N-step Q learning
        "n_step": 1,

        # === Replay buffer ===
        # Deprecated, use capacity in replay_buffer_config instead.
        "buffer_size": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
        "replay_buffer_config": {
            # For now we don't use the new ReplayBuffer API here
            "_enable_replay_buffer_api": True,
            "type": "MultiAgentPrioritizedReplayBuffer",
            # Size of the replay buffer. Note that if async_updates is set,
            # then each worker will have a replay buffer of this size.
            "capacity": 50000,
            "prioritized_replay_alpha": 0.6,
            # Beta parameter for sampling from prioritized replay buffer.
            "prioritized_replay_beta": 0.4,
            # Epsilon to add to the TD errors when updating priorities.
            "prioritized_replay_eps": 1e-6,
            # The number of continuous environment steps to replay at once. This may
            # be set to greater than 1 to support recurrent models.
            "replay_sequence_length": 1,
        # Set this to True, if you want the contents of your buffer(s) to be
        # stored in any saved checkpoints as well.
        # Warnings will be created if:
        # - This is True AND restoring from a checkpoint that contains no buffer
        #   data.
        # - This is False AND restoring from a checkpoint that does contain
        #   buffer data.
        "store_buffer_in_checkpoints": False,

        # Callback to run before learning on a multi-agent batch of
        # experiences.
        "before_learn_on_batch": None,

        # The intensity with which to update the model (vs collecting samples
        # from the env). If None, uses the "natural" value of:
        # `train_batch_size` / (`rollout_fragment_length` x `num_workers` x
        # `num_envs_per_worker`).
        # If provided, will make sure that the ratio between ts inserted into
        # and sampled from the buffer matches the given value.
        # Example:
        #   training_intensity=1000.0
        #   train_batch_size=250 rollout_fragment_length=1
        #   num_workers=1 (or 0) num_envs_per_worker=1
        #   -> natural value = 250 / 1 = 250.0
        #   -> will make sure that replay+train op will be executed 4x as
        #      often as rollout+insert op (4 * 250 = 1000).
        # See: rllib/agents/dqn/dqn.py::calculate_rr_weights for further
        # details.
        "training_intensity": None,

        # === Parallelism ===
        # Whether to compute priorities on workers.
        "worker_side_prioritization": False,

        # Experimental flag.
        # If True, the execution plan API will not be used. Instead,
        # a Trainer's `training_iteration` method will be called as-is each
        # training iteration.
        "_disable_execution_plan_api": True,
Пример #9
R2D2_DEFAULT_CONFIG = Trainer.merge_trainer_configs(
    DQN_DEFAULT_CONFIG,  # See keys in dqn.py, which are also supported.
        # Learning rate for adam optimizer.
        "lr": 1e-4,
        # Discount factor.
        "gamma": 0.997,
        # Train batch size (in number of single timesteps).
        "train_batch_size": 64,
        # Adam epsilon hyper parameter
        "adam_epsilon": 1e-3,
        # Run in parallel by default.
        "num_workers": 2,
        # Batch mode must be complete_episodes.
        "batch_mode": "complete_episodes",

        # === Replay buffer ===
        "replay_buffer_config": {
            "type": "MultiAgentReplayBuffer",
            # Specify prioritized replay by supplying a buffer type that supports
            # prioritization, for example: MultiAgentPrioritizedReplayBuffer.
            "prioritized_replay": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
            # Size of the replay buffer (in sequences, not timesteps).
            "capacity": 100000,
            "storage_unit": "sequences",
            # Set automatically: The number
            # of contiguous environment steps to
            # replay at once. Will be calculated via
            # model->max_seq_len + burn_in.
            # Do not set this to any valid value!
            "replay_sequence_length": -1,
            # If > 0, use the `replay_burn_in` first steps of each replay-sampled
            # sequence (starting either from all 0.0-values if `zero_init_state=True` or
            # from the already stored values) to calculate an even more accurate
            # initial states for the actual sequence (starting after this burn-in
            # window). In the burn-in case, the actual length of the sequence
            # used for loss calculation is `n - replay_burn_in` time steps
            # (n=LSTM’s/attention net’s max_seq_len).
            "replay_burn_in": 0,
        # If True, assume a zero-initialized state input (no matter where in
        # the episode the sequence is located).
        # If False, store the initial states along with each SampleBatch, use
        # it (as initial state when running through the network for training),
        # and update that initial state during training (from the internal
        # state outputs of the immediately preceding sequence).
        "zero_init_states": True,

        # Whether to use the h-function from the paper [1] to scale target
        # values in the R2D2-loss function:
        # h(x) = sign(x)(􏰅|x| + 1 − 1) + εx
        "use_h_function": True,
        # The epsilon parameter from the R2D2 loss function (only used
        # if `use_h_function`=True.
        "h_function_epsilon": 1e-3,

        # Update the target network every `target_network_update_freq` sample steps.
        "target_network_update_freq": 2500,

        # Deprecated keys:
        # Use config["replay_buffer_config"]["replay_burn_in"] instead
        "burn_in": DEPRECATED_VALUE