Пример #1
 def test_valid_hive_work(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("small")
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True, type="work", stage="valid")
         self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata, type="work", stage="valid") + '.' +
                            reg.db_table(metadata, type="work", stage="valid")),
             ("date_field", "string", ""),
             ("time_field", "string", ""),
             ("globalactivepower", "decimal(8,3)", ""),
             ("instance_guid", "string", "")
     self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata))
Пример #2
 def test_raw_hive_work(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("small")
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True, type="work")
     self.assertEqual(self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.'
                                         + reg.db_table(metadata, type="work")),
                      [('date_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'), ('time_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalactivepower', 'string', 'from deserializer')]
Пример #3
def main(args):
    # Check the registry for entries and run the script appropriately

    script = ""
    # Check the number of arguments, if its not exactly one, end
    if len(args) > 2:
        # first arguments is the file itself and is disregarded, so > 2 is really > 1
        logger.info("Too many arguments provided, ending process")
    elif len(args) == 1:
        # first arguments is the file itself and is disregarded, so 1 is really 0
        logger.info("No arguments provided, ending process")
        # we have a single argument, its the name of the script we want to run
        script = args[1]

    # Get the metadata for the script
    metadata = reg.get_refined_metadata(script)

    # Start a hive connection and use it to create the table for the refined script if it doesn't already exist
    val = validator.Hive()
    val.create_hive_table(metadata['refinedDataset'], stage='refined')

    # Count the number rows in the target table
    initial_count = val.row_count(
        reg.db_name(metadata['refinedDataset'], stage='refined') + '.' +
        reg.db_table(metadata['refinedDataset'], stage='refined'))
    logger.info("row count ")

    # print json.dumps(metadata['script'], indent=3) # left for debugging
    # execute the script
    run_script(metadata['script']['path'], metadata)

    # get the row count of the target table after execution
    final_count = val.row_count(
        reg.db_name(metadata['refinedDataset'], stage='refined') + '.' +
        reg.db_table(metadata['refinedDataset'], stage='refined'))

    # register that the script was run
    reg.register_raw(metadata['refinedDataset'], metadata['script']['path'],
                     'refined', final_count - initial_count)
    return 0
Пример #4
    def drop_table(self, metadata, **kwargs):
        # drops the provided table
        # get db and table name from the metadata
        db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, **kwargs)
        db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, **kwargs)

        # create the drop table query
        drop_table = 'drop table if exists ' + db_name + '.' + db_table
        logging.info('Dropping table for recreation ' + db_name + '.' +
            # execute drop table
            logging.info('table dropped')
        except Exception as e:
            # log errors if they occur
Пример #5
    def tearDown(self):
        metadata = reg.get_metadata("household_power_consumption")
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata))
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata, type="work"))
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid") +
                           '.' + reg.db_table(metadata))

        metadata2 = reg.get_metadata("small")
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata2) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata2))
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata2) + '.'
                           + reg.db_table(metadata2, type="work"))
        self.t_hive._query("drop table if exists " + reg.db_name(metadata2, stage="valid") +
                           '.' + reg.db_table(metadata2))
Пример #6
 def test_db_table(self):
     meta = {"file": {"key": "householdElectricPowerConsumption","technical": {"tableName" : "householdelectricpowerconsumption"}}}
     self.assertEquals(reg.db_table(meta), "householdelectricpowerconsumption")
Пример #7
 def test_sandbox_full_MD(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("fullsand")
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True)
     self.assertEqual(self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata)),
                      [('date_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('time_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalactivepower', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalreactivepower', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('voltage', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalintensity', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering1', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering2', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering3', 'string', 'from deserializer')]
Пример #8
 def test_sandbox_nodelim(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("no_delim")
     test_header = 'Date;Time;Global_active_power;Global_reactive_power;Voltage;Global_intensity;'
     test_header += 'Sub_metering_1;Sub_metering_2;Sub_metering_3'
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True, header=test_header)
     self.assertEqual(self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata)),
                      [('column1', 'string', '')]
Пример #9
 def test_sandbox_header_delim(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("sandbox")
     test_header = 'Date;Time;Global_active_power;Global_reactive_power;Voltage;Global_intensity;'
     test_header += 'Sub_metering_1;Sub_metering_2;Sub_metering_3'
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True, header=test_header)
     self.assertEqual(self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata) + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata)),
                      [('date_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('time_field', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalactivepower', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalreactivepower', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('voltage', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('globalintensity', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering1', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering2', 'string', 'from deserializer'),
                       ('submetering3', 'string', 'from deserializer')]
Пример #10
 def test_valid_hive(self):
     metadata = reg.get_metadata("small")
     self.t_hive.create_hive_table(metadata, reset=True, stage="valid")
         self.t_hive._query('describe ' + reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid") + '.' + reg.db_table(metadata)),
         [('globalactivepower', 'decimal(8,3)', ''),
          ('instance_guid', 'string', ''),
          ('time_field', 'string', ''), ('date_field', 'string', ''), ('', None, None),
          ('# Partition Information', None, None),
          ('# col_name            ', 'data_type           ', 'comment             '), ('', None, None),
          ('time_field', 'string', ''), ('date_field', 'string', '')]
Пример #11
    def delta(self, metadata):
        # Adding rows that were in the main file, but not in delta into the work tableff
        logging.info('Adding rows that were not new or edited to work table')
        src_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid")
        src_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, stage="valid")
        tgt_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid")
        tgt_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, type='work')

        join = select_list = ""
        partition_list = []

        logging.debug('starting field list in delta')
        for field in metadata['fields']:
            if 'pk' in field and str(field['pk']).lower() == 'true':
                join += "valid." + field["name"] + " = delta." + field[
                    "name"] + " and "

            if 'partitionPosition' in field and field['partitionPosition'] == 1:

        logging.debug('starting insert_statement in delta')
        insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO TABLE ' + tgt_db_name + '.' + tgt_db_table

        logging.debug('starting field_order in delta')
        field_order = sorted(metadata['fields'], key=lambda k: k['position'])

        for field in field_order:
            select_list += field_conversion(field) + ', '

        insert_statement += ' SELECT ' + select_list + 'instance_guid ' + \
                            ' FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table + ' valid '
        insert_statement += 'where not exists (select 1 from ' + tgt_db_name + '.' + tgt_db_table + ' delta where '
        insert_statement += join

        if len(partition_list) > 0:
            partition_query = 'select ' + partition_list[0][
                "name"] + ' from ' + tgt_db_name + '.' + tgt_db_table
            partition_query += ' group by ' + partition_list[0]["name"]

            logging.info('Partition list query : ' + partition_query)
            compare_values = self._query(partition_query)

            if compare_values is not None and len(compare_values) > 0:
                existing_partitions = ''
                logging.info('Found ' + str(len(compare_values)) + ' values')
                for row in compare_values:
                    if str(partition_list[0]['datatype']).upper() in (
                            'DECIMAL', 'FLOAT', 'INTEGER', 'DOUBLE', 'BIGINT',
                            'SMALLINT', 'TINYINT'):
                        existing_partitions += str(row[0]) + ', '
                    elif str(partition_list[0]['datatype']).upper() in (
                        existing_partitions += "cast('" + str(
                            row[0]) + "' as timestamp), "
                    elif str(
                            partition_list[0]['datatype']).upper() in ("DATE"):
                        existing_partitions += "cast('" + str(
                            row[0]) + "' as date), "
                        existing_partitions += "'" + str(row[0]) + "', "
                insert_statement += partition_list[0][
                    "name"] + ' in  (' + existing_partitions[:-2] + ')) '
                insert_statement = insert_statement[:-5] + ' )'
            insert_statement = insert_statement[:-5] + ' )'
        logger.info("delta insert to work : " + insert_statement)

        except RuntimeError as e:
            logger.error("delta update failed" + e.message)
Пример #12
    def copy_and_compare(self, metadata, instance_guid, file_name):

        src_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata)
        src_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, type='work')
        work_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid", type='work')
        work_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, stage="valid", type='work')
        invalid_reason = {}

        if 'fileUpdateType' in metadata['file']['technical']:
            update_type = metadata['file']['technical']['fileUpdateType']
            update_type = 'append'

        field_order = sorted(metadata['fields'], key=lambda k: k['position'])
        select_list = partition = ''
        partition_list = []
        for field in field_order:  # build the field list for the create statement
            if 'partitionPosition' in field:
                # select_list += field["name"] + ', '
                select_list += field_conversion(field) + ', '

        now = time.time()
        logger.info('Comparison start')

        # dropping work table if it exists
        self._query('drop table if exists ' + work_db_name + '.' +

        self.create_hive_table(metadata, stage="valid", type='work')
            self.copy_table_data(metadata, instance_guid, copy_type='compare')
        except RuntimeError:
                "badMetadata"] = "Metadata didn't match file and caused hive to fail, check ingestion logs"
        except impala.dbapi.OperationalError:
                "badMetadata"] = "Metadata didn't match file and caused hive to fail, check ingestion logs"

        logger.info('Data loaded to validation table')

        compare = ('SELECT count(*) FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table +
                   ' where ')
        for field in metadata['fields']:
            if str(field['datatype']).upper() in {'TIMESTAMP', 'DATE'}:
                compare += '((' + field["name"] + ' is not null and length(' + field["name"] + ') > 0) and ' +\
                           field_conversion(field) + ' is null) or '

            elif str(field['datatype']).upper() in {'FLOAT'}:
                compare += '((' + field["name"] + ' is not null  and length(' + field["name"] + ') > 0) and  not(' +\
                           field_conversion(field) + ' <=> cast(' + field["name"] + ' as float))) or '

            elif str(field['datatype']).upper() == 'BOOLEAN':
                compare += '( not(' + field_conversion(
                    field) + ' <=> ' + field["name"] + ')) or '

            elif str(field['datatype']).upper() == 'BINARY':

                compare += '((' + field["name"] + ' is not null  and length(' + field["name"] + ') > 0) and  not(' +\
                           field_conversion(field) + ' <=> ' + field["name"] + ')) or '
        compare = compare[:-3]

        logger.info('comparison query : ' + compare)

        raw_rows = valid_rows = invalid_rows = 0
        except Exception as e:

        logger.info('Valid data check query complete')
        # get the number of invalid rows from the comparison query
        for row in self._cur:
            invalid_rows = row[0]

        if invalid_rows > 0:
            logger.info(str(invalid_rows) + " invalid rows ")
            invalid_reason["datatypeMismatch"] = invalid_rows
            logger.info("All copied rows are valid")

        raw_rows = self.row_count(src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table)
        logger.info('Raw row count complete')

        valid_rows = self.row_count(
            work_db_name + '.' + work_db_table,
            'instance_guid = "' + str(instance_guid) + '"')
        logger.info('Valid row count complete')

        logger.info("Raw rows = " + str(raw_rows) + ": Valid Rows = " +
        if raw_rows - valid_rows != 0:
            logger.info("Mismatch count = " + str(raw_rows - valid_rows))
            invalid_reason["rowCountMismatch"] = raw_rows - valid_rows

        logger.info("End copy and compare" + str(time.time()))
        logger.info("finished in " + str(time.time() - now) + " seconds")

        if len(invalid_reason) > 0:
            reg.register_invalid(metadata, instance_guid, file_name,
                                 invalid_reason, valid_rows, compare)

            # Adding append vs full file logic
            if 'fileUpdateType' in metadata['file']['technical']:

                if update_type == 'append':
                    # this is the default path so we don't do anything
                    logging.info('append file')
                elif update_type == 'full':
                    # delete everything in the valid file location
                    logger.info('Deleting existing data from valid table')
                    if hdfs.path.exists(reg.file_path(metadata,
                        hdfs.rmr(reg.file_path(metadata, stage="valid"))
                elif update_type == 'delta':
                    logging.info('delta file')
                    logging.info('update type blank, treating as append file')
                    'no update type or update type null, treating as append file'

            self.create_hive_table(metadata, stage="valid")
                reg.register_valid(metadata, instance_guid, file_name,
                                   valid_rows, compare)
                self._query('drop table if exists ' + work_db_name + '.' +
                if 'fileUpdateType' in metadata['file'][
                        'technical'] and metadata['file']['technical'][
                            'fileUpdateType'] == 'full':
                    logger.info('Deleting existing data from raw table')
                    if hdfs.path.exists(reg.file_path(metadata, stage="raw")):
                        hdfs.rmr(reg.file_path(metadata, stage="raw"))
                    hdfs.cp(reg.file_path(metadata, stage="raw", type='work'),
                            reg.file_path(metadata, stage="raw"))

            except RuntimeError or impala.dbapi.OperationalError:
                invalid_reason["badMetadata"] = "Metadata didn't match file and " + \
                        "caused hive to fail, check ingestion logs"
                reg.register_invalid(metadata, instance_guid, file_name,
                                     invalid_reason, valid_rows, compare)
Пример #13
    def copy_table_data(self, metadata, instance_guid, **kwargs):
        tgt_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid")
        work_copy = False
        if 'copy_type' in kwargs and kwargs['copy_type'] == 'compare':
            work_copy = True
            src_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata)
            src_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, type='work')
            tgt_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, type='work')
            src_db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, stage="valid")
            src_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, type='work', stage="valid")
            tgt_db_table = reg.db_table(metadata)

        if 'update_type' in kwargs:
            update_type = kwargs['update_type']
            update_type = 'append'

        field_order = sorted(metadata['fields'], key=lambda k: k['position'])
        select_list = partition = partition_conversion = ''
        partition_list = []

        if 'copy_type' in kwargs and kwargs['copy_type'] == 'compare':
            work_copy = True

        for field in field_order:  # build the field list for the create statement
            if 'partitionPosition' in field and not work_copy:
                # select_list += field["name"] + ', '
                select_list += field_conversion(field) + ', '

        if update_type == 'delta':
            insert_statement = 'INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ' + tgt_db_name + '.' + tgt_db_table
            insert_statement = 'INSERT INTO TABLE ' + tgt_db_name + '.' + tgt_db_table

        if len(partition_list) > 0:
            partition_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['partitionPosition'])
            for field in partition_list:
                partition += field["name"] + ', '
                partition_conversion += field_conversion(field) + ', '

            insert_statement += ' PARTITION (' + partition[:-2] + ')'

            if 'valid_copy' in kwargs and kwargs['valid_copy']:
                insert_statement += ' SELECT ' + select_list + ' instance_guid, ' + \
                                partition_conversion[:-2] + ' FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table
                insert_statement += ' SELECT ' + select_list + '"' + str(instance_guid) + '", ' + \
                                    partition_conversion[:-2] + ' FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table
            if 'valid_copy' in kwargs and kwargs['valid_copy']:
                insert_statement += ' SELECT ' + select_list + ' instance_guid FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table
                insert_statement += ' SELECT ' + select_list + '"' + str(instance_guid) + \
                                    '" FROM ' + src_db_name + '.' + src_db_table
        logger.info('insert statement : ' + insert_statement)

        except RuntimeError as e:
            logger.error("Metadata didn't match file" + e.message)
        except impala.dbapi.OperationalError as e:
            logger.error("Metadata didn't match file" + e.message)
Пример #14
    def create_hive_table(self, metadata, **kwargs):
        logging.info('Create Hive Table')

        # set up the list for partition fields and other variables
        partition_list = []
        raw_table = work_table = sandbox = False

        if 'stage' in kwargs and kwargs['stage'] == 'sandbox':
            sandbox = True
        elif 'stage' not in kwargs or (kwargs['stage'] != 'valid'
                                       and kwargs['stage'] != 'refined'):
            raw_table = True

        if 'type' in kwargs and kwargs['type'] == 'work':
            work_table = True

        # check for a delimiter and set it up, or set it to nothing
        if 'technical' in metadata['file'] and 'fieldDelimiter' in metadata['file']['technical'] \
                and metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter'] is not None \
                and metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter'] != '':
            delimiter = metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter']
            delimiter = ''

        # get db name and table name from registry
        db_name = reg.db_name(metadata, **kwargs)
        db_table = reg.db_table(metadata, **kwargs)
        logging.info("Creating " + db_name + '.' + db_table)

        # create the DB if it doesn't exist
        self._cur.execute("create database if not exists " + db_name)

        # sort the fields in the metadata by order
        field_order = sorted(metadata['fields'], key=lambda k: k['position'])

        # start the table creation script
        logging.info('Begin table creation script')
        if not raw_table:
            table_create = 'CREATE '
            table_create = 'CREATE external '

        # add db and table to table create script
        table_create += 'TABLE if not exists ' + db_name + '.' + db_table + ' '

        # loop through the field list
        if len(field_order) > 0:
            # table with metadata
            field_order = sorted(metadata['fields'],
                                 key=lambda k: k['position'])

            table_create += ' ( '

            # build the field list and partition list for the create statement
            for field in field_order:
                # raw tables are always string, unless they're boolean which we have to interpret as boolean
                if raw_table:
                    if str(field["datatype"]).upper() == 'BOOLEAN':
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                            "datatype"] + ', '
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' string, '
                elif 'partitionPosition' in field and not work_table and not sandbox:
                    # if its not raw, we may have partition fields, they go somewhere different in the query than the rest of the fileds
                #elif sandbox and str(field['datatype']).upper() in {'DATE', 'TIMESTAMP'}:
                # sandboxes usually get the specified data types, but dates stay string
                #    table_create += field["name"] + ' string, '
                    # add in the precision on data types that have it ie, decimal and varchar
                    if "precision" in field and field[
                            "precision"] is not None and field[
                                "precision"] != '':
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                            "datatype"] + '(' + str(field["precision"]) + '), '
                    elif str(field["datatype"]).upper() == 'VARCHAR':
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                            "datatype"] + '(65355), '
                    elif str(field["datatype"]).upper() == 'CHAR':
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                            "datatype"] + '(255), '
                        table_create += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                            "datatype"] + ', '

            if 'stage' in kwargs and kwargs['stage'] == 'valid':
                # valid tables get the instance guid tacked on
                table_create += "instance_guid string)"
            elif len(partition_list) != len(field_order):
                # get rid of the trailing comma
                table_create = table_create[:-2] + ") "
                # if it gets to this point, there are no fields in the table that aren't in the
                #  partition list.  This is bad
                sys.exit('No non-partition fields in table')
                table_create = table_create[:
                                            -2]  # get rid of the trailing comma

        # dealing with the header row from sandbox files
        elif 'technical' in metadata['file'] \
                and ('containsHeaderRow' in metadata['file']['technical'] and metadata['file']['technical']['containsHeaderRow']) \
                and ('fieldDelimiter' in metadata['file']['technical']
                     and metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter'] is not None
        and metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter'] != ''):

            # table with field names from a header row and a delimiter
            fields = kwargs['header'].replace('.', '_').replace('"', '').split(
            table_create += ' ( '
            for field in fields:
                table_create += escape_hive(field) + ' string, '
            table_create = table_create[:-2] + ") "
        # dealing with delimited files that don't have field names
        elif 'technical' in metadata['file'] and (
                'containsHeaderRow' not in metadata['file']['technical']
                or not metadata['file']['technical']['containsHeaderRow']):
            # no header row but there's a delimiter
            table_create += ' ( '
            if delimiter is not None and len(delimiter) > 0:
                fields = kwargs['header'].split(delimiter)
                for n in range(len(fields)):
                    table_create += ' column' + str(n + 1) + ' string, '
                fields = kwargs['header']
                table_create += ' column1 string, '

            table_create = table_create[:-2] + ") "
        else:  # no header row or delimiter
            table_create += '(column1 string) '

        logging.info('field list done, moving to partitioning')

        # if the partition list has anything in it, add partitioning to the table create
        if len(partition_list) > 0:
            partition = 'PARTITIONED BY ('
            partition_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['partitionPosition'])

            for field in partition_list:
                if "precision" in field and field["precision"] is not None:
                    partition += field["name"] + ' ' + field[
                        "datatype"] + '(' + str(field["precision"]) + '), '

                    partition += field["name"] + ' ' + field["datatype"] + ', '

            partition = partition[:-2] + ") "
            table_create += partition

        if delimiter == ';':
            delimiter = '\u0059'

        logging.info('partitioning done, moving to delimiting')

        # add in the delimiter, if there's a mulit-character delimiter, include the neccesary serde
        if 'technical' in metadata['file'] and 'fieldDelimiter' in metadata['file']['technical'] \
                and metadata['file']['technical']['fieldDelimiter'] is not None and len(delimiter) > 0:
            if len(delimiter) == 1 and (raw_table or sandbox):
                logging.info('single character delimiter ' + delimiter)
                table_create += 'ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY "' + delimiter + '" '
                # table_create += 'ROW FORMAT DELIMITED'
            elif raw_table or sandbox:
                logging.info('multi character delimiter ' + delimiter)
                table_create += 'ROW FORMAT SERDE "org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.MultiDelimitSerDe" ' + \
                    'WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("field.delim"="' + delimiter + '") '
            logging.info(' no delimiter ')

        logging.info('delimiting done, moving to storage type')

        # add storage type, raw and sandbox is textfile, anything else attempts to use the compression mentioned in the registry
        if raw_table or sandbox:
            logging.info('STORED AS TEXTFILE ')
            table_create += 'STORED AS TEXTFILE '
            logging.info('STORED AS compression ')
            if 'compression' in metadata['file']['technical'] and metadata['file']['technical']['compression'] != '' \
                    and metadata['file']['technical']['compression'] is not None:
                table_create += 'STORED AS  ' + metadata['file']['technical'][
                    'compression'] + ' '
                table_create += 'STORED AS parquet '

        logging.info('storage type done, moving to location')

        # add storage location for everything except the valid_work table
        if raw_table or not work_table:
            logging.info('location ')
            table_create += 'LOCATION \'' + reg.file_path(metadata, **
                                                          kwargs) + '/\' '

        logging.info('location done, moving to header row')

        # set the flag to skip the header row on raw and sandbox files if neccesary
        if (raw_table or sandbox) and 'technical' in metadata['file'] and 'containsHeaderRow' in metadata['file']['technical'] \
                and metadata['file']['technical']['containsHeaderRow']:
            table_create += 'tblproperties("skip.header.line.count" = "1")'

        # allow for resettting/deleting the table
        if "reset" in kwargs and kwargs["reset"]:
            logger.info('dropping  ' + db_name + '.' + db_table)
            self._cur.execute('drop table if exists ' + db_name + '.' +
        logger.info('table creation script : ' + table_create)

        # execute the table creation
            logging.info('Table ' + db_name + '.' + db_table + 'created')
        except Exception as e:
Пример #15
 def test_db_table_work(self):
     logger.info(registry.db_table(registry.get_metadata('sample'), type='work'))
         registry.db_table(registry.get_metadata('sample'), type='work'),
         "Bad Work Table")
Пример #16
 def test_db_table(self):
         "wrong db table")