Пример #1
    def __read(self, tname, input_handler, commit, file_info, req_set):
        '''Read in the topic and create all the tags.'''
        self.__tags = TxtRecord.from_string(file_info.get_content(), tname,

        for tag in self.__tags:
            # If the topic has subtopics, read them also in.
            if tag.get_tag() == "SubTopic":
                lfile_info = input_handler.get_file_info_with_type(
                    commit, "topics",
                    tag.get_content() + ".tic")
                ntopic = Topic(self.__topicset, self._config, input_handler,
                               commit, lfile_info, req_set)
                # The topic itself is already added in the constrcutor of Topic.
                # Therefore there is no need to add it here (again).
                #                self.__topicset.add_node(ntopic)
                self.__topicset.create_edge(self, ntopic)
            elif tag.get_tag() == "Name":
                if self.__topic_name != None:
                    # TODO: Multiple Names
                    assert (False)
                self.__topic_name = tag.get_content()
            elif tag.get_tag() == "IncludeRequirements":
                if tag.get_content() != "full":
                    raise RMTException(
                        113, "IncludeRequirements value not "
                        "supported [%s]" % tag.get_content(), self.get_name())
                self.__requirements = req_set.restrict_to_topics(tname)
                    "Found [%d] requirements for topic [%s]." %
                    (self.__requirements.get_requirements_cnt(), tname))
        # Check for the existence of the name
        if self.__topic_name == None:
            raise RMTException(62, "Mandatory tag 'Name' not given in topic",
Пример #2
    def __read(self, tname, input_handler, commit, file_info, req_set):
        '''Read in the topic and create all the tags.'''
        self.__tags = TxtRecord.from_string(file_info.get_content(), tname,

        for tag in self.__tags:
            # If the topic has subtopics, read them also in.
            if tag.get_tag() == "SubTopic":
                lfile_info = input_handler.get_file_info_with_type(
                    commit, "topics",
                    tag.get_content() + ".tic")
                ntopic = Topic(self.__digraph, self._config, input_handler,
                               commit, lfile_info, req_set)
                Digraph.create_edge(self, ntopic)
            elif tag.get_tag() == "Name":
                if self.__topic_name is not None:
                    # There can (currently) be only one name
                    assert False
                self.__topic_name = tag.get_content()
            elif tag.get_tag() == "IncludeRequirements":
                if tag.get_content() != "full":
                    raise RMTException(
                        113, "IncludeRequirements value not "
                        "supported [%s]" % tag.get_content(), self.name)
                self.__requirements = req_set.restrict_to_topics(tname)
                tracer.debug("Found [%d] requirements for topic [%s]",
                             self.__requirements.get_requirements_cnt(), tname)
        # Check for the existence of the name
        if self.__topic_name is None:
            raise RMTException(62, "Mandatory tag 'Name' not given in topic",
Пример #3
 def generate(self, config, rid, txt):
     """Generate a RequirementsStatus object based on the parameters"""
     txt_split = txt.split(':')
         return self.__plugin_manager[txt_split[0]].plugin(config, rid, txt)
     except KeyError:
         raise RMTException(91, "%s: Status tag invalid '%s'" % (rid, txt))
Пример #4
 def get_named_node(self, name):
     """Mostly the same as before, but throws if the node can
     not be found."""
     res = self.get_named_node_no_throw(name)
     if res is None:
         raise RMTException(23, "node with name '%s' not available" % name)
     return res
Пример #5
 def convert_to_dict(self):
     self.ldict = {}
     for i in self:
         tag = i.get_tag()
         if tag in self.ldict:
             raise RMTException(81, "Tag '%s' multiple defined" % tag)
         self.ldict[i.get_tag()] = i
Пример #6
 def find_wt(self, name):
     '''Get the node with the given name.
        Throw if not available.'''
     res = self.find(name)
     if res == None:
         raise RMTException(23, "node with name '%s' not available" % name)
     return res
Пример #7
def parse_date(rid, ds):
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(ds, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
    except ValueError:
        raise RMTException(
            8, "%s: invalid date specified (must be "
            "YYYY-MM-DD) was '%s'" % (rid, ds))
Пример #8
 def __create_local_ce3s(self):
     '''Create the local Constraint Execution Environments
        and evaluate the given statements.
        This method does two things:
        - evaluating the constraints in the CE3
        - Resetting the 'Constraints' entry in the requirement
        (instead of the TextRecord a map of name to constraint
         object is stored).'''
     for req_name, req in self.__requirements.items():
         # In each case store a (maybe empty) CE3 in the set.
         ce3 = CE3()
         cstrnts = req.get_value("Constraints")
         if cstrnts is not None:
             sval = json.loads(cstrnts.get_content())
             ctr_dict = {}
             for ctr in sval:
                 ctr_name = self.get_ctr_name(ctr)
                 if ctr_name not in self.__constraints:
                     raise RMTException(88, "Constraint [%s] does not "
                                        "exists" % ctr_name)
                 rcs = self.__constraints.get(ctr_name)
                 ce3.eval(rcs, ctr_name, ctr)
                 ctr_dict[ctr_name] = rcs
             req.set_value("Constraints", ctr_dict)
         # Store the fresh create CE3 into the ce3set
         self.__ce3set.insert(req_name, ce3)
     tracer.debug("Finished. Number of constraints [%d]",
Пример #9
    def execute(self, executor, func_prefix):
        '''Execute the parts which are needed for TopicsContinuum.'''
        tracer.debug("Calling pre [%s]", self.name)
        FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_pre", self)
        tracer.debug("Calling sub [%s]", self.name)
        for tag in self.__tags:
            rtag = tag.get_tag()
            if rtag == "Name":
                FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_name",
            if rtag == "SubTopic":
                subtopic = self.__digraph.find(tag.get_content())
                assert subtopic is not None
                FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_sub_pre",
                subtopic.execute(executor, func_prefix)
                FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_sub_post",
            if rtag == "IncludeRequirements":
                self.__requirements.execute(executor, func_prefix)
            if rtag == "Text":
                FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_text",

            raise RMTException(114, "Unknown tag in topic [%s]" % rtag,

        tracer.debug("Calling post [%s]", self.name)
        FuncCall.pcall(executor, func_prefix + "topic_post", self)
        tracer.debug("Finished [%s]", self.name)
Пример #10
def create_requirement_status(config, rid, l):
    for rs in [RequirementStatusNotDone, RequirementStatusAssigned,
        if l.startswith(rs.tval):
            return rs(config, rid, l)

    raise RMTException(91, "%s: Status tag invalid '%s'" % (rid, l))
Пример #11
    def __get_reqs_impl_detail(self, topic_set):
        '''Return the implementation details of the requirements.'''
        prios_impl = []
        prios_detail = []
        prios_selected = []
        prios_assigned = []
        prios_finished = []

        req_set = topic_set.get_requirement_set()
        for reqid in req_set.get_all_requirement_ids():
            tr = req_set.get_requirement(reqid)
                status = tr.get_status()
                if isinstance(status, RequirementStatusNotDone):
                    rclass = tr.values["Class"]
                    if isinstance(rclass, ClassTypeImplementable):
                        prios_impl.append([tr.get_prio(), tr.get_id()])
                    elif isinstance(rclass, ClassTypeSelected):
                        prios_selected.append([tr.get_prio(), tr.get_id()])
                        prios_detail.append([tr.get_prio(), tr.get_id()])
                elif isinstance(status, RequirementStatusAssigned):
                elif isinstance(status, RequirementStatusFinished):
            except KeyError as ke:
                raise RMTException(35, "%s: KeyError: %s" % (tr.get_id(), ke))

        return prios_impl, prios_detail, prios_selected, \
            prios_assigned, prios_finished
Пример #12
 def __check_for_circles(self):
     '''This does check if there is a directed circle (e.g. an strongly
        connected component) in the modules graph.'''
     scc = strongly_connected_components(self)
     if check_for_strongly_connected_components(scc):
         raise RMTException(
             26, "There is a strongly connected "
             "component in the modules graph '%s'" % scc)
Пример #13
 def find(self, n):
     c = 0
     for i in self.cs:
         if n in i:
             return c, i
         c += 1
     # Node not found
     raise RMTException(68, "Node [%s] not found" % n)
Пример #14
 def add_node(self, node_a):
     """Adds a new node to the graph"""
     # Check if the node with the same name already exists.
     for node_idx in self.nodes:
         if node_idx.name == node_a.name:
             raise RMTException(
                 39, "Node with name '%s' already exists" % node_a.name)
Пример #15
def parse_date(rid, date_str):
    """Parse the given date as YYYY-MM-DD"""
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
    except ValueError:
        raise RMTException(
            8, "%s: invalid date specified (must be "
            "YYYY-MM-DD) was '%s'" % (rid, date_str))
Пример #16
 def convert_to_dict(self):
     """Convert the (internal) list of entries into a dict"""
     self.ldict = {}
     for i in self:
         tag = i.get_tag()
         if tag in self.ldict:
             raise RMTException(81, "Tag '%s' multiple defined" % tag)
         self.ldict[i.get_tag()] = i
Пример #17
    def rewrite(self, rid, req):
        """This tag is mandatory - but might be empty"""
        if self.get_tag() not in req:
            return "Factor", 0.0
        # Compute the priority.  This is done by adding the simple
        # priorities and afterwars build the average from this.
        tag = req[self.get_tag()]
        lop = tag.get_content().split()
        # The (computed) priority
        priority_sum = 0.0
        num_stakeholders = 0
        # A list to check if each stakeholder votes maximal one time.
        priority_done = []
        for line in lop:
            split_line = line.split(":", 1)
            if len(split_line) != 2 or not split_line[1]:
                raise RMTException(
                    12, "%s: faulty priority declaration '%s'" % (rid, line))
            # p[0] is the stakeholder
            # p[1] is the given priority
            if split_line[0] not in self.get_config().get_value(
                raise RMTException(
                    "%s: stakeholder '%s' not known" % (rid, split_line[0]))
            if split_line[0] in priority_done:
                raise RMTException(
                    14, "%s: stakeholder '%s' voted more "
                    "than once" % (rid, split_line[0]))
            # Convert it to a float - so it's easier to compare.
            prio_f = float(split_line[1])
            # Check if in valid range [0..10]
            if prio_f < 0 or prio_f > 10:
                raise RMTException(
                    15, "%s: invalid priority '%f' - must "
                    "be between 0 and 10" % (rid, prio_f))
            # Compute new sum...
            priority_sum += prio_f / 10
            # ... and increase the stakeholders count.
            num_stakeholders += 1
            # Flag stakeholder that he voted already

        del req[self.get_tag()]
        return "Factor", priority_sum / float(num_stakeholders)
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, _config, rid, t):
        ts = t.split(":")

        if len(ts)!=3:
            raise RMTException(93, "%s: Assigned values invalid '%s'"
                               % (rid, t))
        self.person = ts[1]
        self.date = parse_date(rid, ts[2])
Пример #19
Файл: Git.py Проект: kown7/rmtoo
 def __get_tree_direct(self, base_tree, directory):
     '''Return the tree of the given directory.
        This does not walk down the directory structure.
        It just checks the current hierarchy.'''
     for tree in base_tree.trees:
         if tree.name == directory:
             return tree
     raise RMTException(108, "directory entry [%s] not found in tree "
                        "[%s]." % (directory, base_tree.name))
Пример #20
 def get_value(self, key):
     '''Returns the value of the given key.
        If key is not found a RMTException is thrown.'''
         return self.get_raw(key)
     except CfgEx, cex:
         raise RMTException(96, "Mandatory configuration parameter "
                            "[%s] not found. (Root cause: [%s])"
                            % (key, cex))
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, _config, rid, txt):
        txt_split = txt.split(":")

        if len(txt_split) != 3:
            raise RMTException(93,
                               "%s: Assigned values invalid '%s'" % (rid, txt))
        assert txt_split[0] == self.tval
        RequirementStatusBaseExt.__init__(self, txt_split[1],
                                          parse_date(rid, txt_split[2]))
Пример #22
def create_class_type(rid, l):
    if l == "implementable":
        return ClassTypeImplementable()
    if l == "detailable":
        return ClassTypeDetailable()
    if l == "selected":
        return ClassTypeSelected()

    raise RMTException(95, "%s:class type invalid '%s'" % (rid, l))
Пример #23
 def __init_overwrite(self, config, type_str):
     '''Overwrite the existing default parameters with parameters
        from the configuration.'''
     self.__max_line_length = config.get_integer('max_input_line_length',
     if self.__max_line_length < 0:
         raise RMTException(
             72, "max_input_line_length for type [%s] is "
             "negative [%s]" % (type_str, self.__max_line_length))
Пример #24
 def __check_if_dir_is_in_repo(self, directory):
     '''Checks if all the directories are the in repository.
        The absolute path is computed if the path is relative and
        then compared to the repository base directory.'''
     tracer.debug("called: directory [%s]" % directory)
     if self.__repo_base_dir == None:
     if not directory.startswith(self.__repo_base_dir):
         raise RMTException(28,
                            "directory [%s] not in repository" % directory)
Пример #25
def create_class_type(rid, type_desc):
    """Creates the class typed based on the type description"""
    if type_desc == "implementable":
        return ClassTypeImplementable()
    if type_desc == "detailable":
        return ClassTypeDetailable()
    if type_desc == "selected":
        return ClassTypeSelected()

    raise RMTException(95, "%s:class type invalid '%s'" % (rid, type_desc))
Пример #26
 def check_mandatory_tag(self, rid, req, eid):
     '''Call this from the 'rewrite()' method, if the tag is mandatory.
        Note: this function only checks the availability of the tag but
        does not perform any other check.
        Returns 'True' if the tag is available and 'False' if the tag is
        not available.'''
     # The given tag is mandatory
     if self.__tag not in req:
         raise RMTException(eid, "Does not contain the "
                            "tag '%s'" % self.__tag, rid)
Пример #27
    def rewrite(self, rid, req):
        '''This attrbute is optional.'''
        tag, value = self.handle_optional_tag(req)
        if value is None:
            return tag, value

        ival = int(value.get_content())
        if ival not in self.valid_values:
            raise RMTException(4, "%s: effort estimation must be one of %s"
                               % (rid, self.valid_values))
        return tag, ival
Пример #28
 def get_file_info_with_type(self, commit, file_type, filename):
     '''Returns the FileInfo object for the given filename.'''
     assert commit == None
     tracer.debug("called: file type [%s] filename [%s]"
                  % (file_type, filename))
     for directory in self.__dirs[file_type]:
         tracer.debug("searching in directory [%s]" % directory)
         full_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
         if os.path.exists(full_path):
             return FileSystem.FileInfo(directory, filename)
     raise RMTException(112, "file [%s] in [%s] base file not found"
                        % (filename, file_type))
Пример #29
 def __connect_nodes(self):
     '''Precondition: the depends_on must be set.
        The method connect all the nodes based on this value.'''
     for mod_name, mod in self.__tagtypes[InputModuleTypes.reqdeps].items():
         for node in mod.depends_on:
             # Connect in both directions
             if node not in self.__tagtypes[InputModuleTypes.reqdeps]:
                 raise RMTException(
                     27, "Module '%s' depends on "
                     "'%s' - which does not exists" % (mod_name, node))
                 mod, self.__tagtypes[InputModuleTypes.reqdeps][node])
Пример #30
    def add_node(self, anode):
        '''Adds a new node to the graph.
           Check if the node with the same name already exists.'''
        assert issubclass(anode.__class__, Digraph.Node)

        for node in self._named_nodes.values():
            if node.get_name() == anode.get_name():
                #                assert False
                raise RMTException(
                    "Node with name '%s' already exists" % anode.get_name())
        self._named_nodes[anode.get_name()] = anode
Пример #31
    def rmttest_positive_02(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile")

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert rmte.get_eline() is None
        assert '[  77]:MyFile: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()
Пример #32
    def test_positive_02(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile")

        assert rmte.get_id() == 77
        assert rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg"
        assert rmte.get_efile() == "MyFile"
        assert rmte.get_eline() == None
        assert rmte.__str__() == "[  77]:MyFile: ExceptMsg"
Пример #33
    def test_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert rmte.get_id() == 77
        assert rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg"
        assert rmte.get_efile() == "MyFile"
        assert rmte.get_eline() == 678
        assert rmte.__str__() == "[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg"
Пример #34
    def rmttest_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert 678 == rmte.get_eline()
        assert '[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()