Пример #1
    def test_cmaes(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X[:, 0])[:, np.newaxis]

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1, 1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper,
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i])
                        for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i])
                        for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])
Пример #2
    def test_cmaes(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X[:, 0])[:, np.newaxis]

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1, 1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper,
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i])
                        for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i])
                        for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])
    def setUp(self):

        self.task = TestTask()

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.task.n_dims]) *

        noise_kernel = george.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-9, ndim=self.task.n_dims)
        kernel = 3000 * (kernel + noise_kernel)

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(
            np.ones([self.task.n_dims]) * 0.01, ndim=self.task.n_dims)

        cost_noise_kernel = george.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-9,
        cost_kernel = 3000 * (cost_kernel + cost_noise_kernel)

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        X = init_random_uniform(self.task.X_lower, self.task.X_upper, 3)
        Y, C = self.task.evaluate(X)

        model.train(X, Y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(X, C, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(
            model, cost_model, self.task.X_lower, self.task.X_upper,

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)
Пример #4
class WithinModelComparison(BaseTask):
    def __init__(self, seed=42):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)

        cov_amp = 1.0
        mat_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([2]) * 0.1, ndim=2)

        kernel = cov_amp * mat_kernel

        self.xstar = rng.rand(1000, 2)
        K = kernel.value(self.xstar)
        L = sla.cholesky(K)
        sigma = rng.randn(1000)
        self.f = np.dot(L, sigma)
        self.gp = GaussianProcess(kernel, yerr=0.0)
        self.gp.train(self.xstar, self.f[:, np.newaxis], do_optimize=False)
        self.gp.train(self.xstar, self.f[:, np.newaxis], do_optimize=False)
        best = np.argmin(self.f)
        fopt = self.f[best]
        opt = self.xstar[best]
        super(WithinModelComparison, self).__init__(X_lower, X_upper, opt,

    def objective_function(self, x):
        noise = 1e-3 * np.random.randn()
        mu, _ = self.gp.predict(x)

        return mu + noise

    def evaluate_test(self, x):
        return self.objective_function(x)
Пример #5
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i])
                        for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i])
                        for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])
    def setUp(self):

        self.task = TestTask()

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.task.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        noise_kernel = george.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-9, ndim=self.task.n_dims)
        kernel = 3000 * (kernel + noise_kernel)

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.task.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        cost_noise_kernel = george.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-9,
        cost_kernel = 3000 * (cost_kernel + cost_noise_kernel)

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        X = init_random_uniform(self.task.X_lower, self.task.X_upper, 3)
        Y, C = self.task.evaluate(X)

        model.train(X, Y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(X, C, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(model,

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)
Пример #7
class WithinModelComparison(BaseTask):

    def __init__(self, seed=42):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)

        cov_amp = 1.0
        mat_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([2]) * 0.1,

        kernel = cov_amp * mat_kernel

        self.xstar = rng.rand(1000, 2)
        K = kernel.value(self.xstar)
        L = sla.cholesky(K)
        sigma = rng.randn(1000)
        self.f = np.dot(L, sigma)
        self.gp = GaussianProcess(kernel, yerr=0.0)
        self.gp.train(self.xstar, self.f[:, np.newaxis], do_optimize=False)
        self.gp.train(self.xstar, self.f[:, np.newaxis], do_optimize=False)
        best = np.argmin(self.f)
        fopt = self.f[best]
        opt = self.xstar[best]
        super(WithinModelComparison, self).__init__(X_lower, X_upper, opt, fopt)

    def objective_function(self, x):
        noise = 1e-3 * np.random.randn()
        mu, _ = self.gp.predict(x)

        return mu + noise

    def evaluate_test(self, x):
        return self.objective_function(x)
class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        self.c = np.exp(self.X[:, 1])
        self.n_dims = 2
        self.lower = np.zeros(self.n_dims)
        self.upper = np.ones(self.n_dims)
        self.is_env = np.array([0, 1])

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        kernel = 3000 * kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        cost_kernel = 3000 * cost_kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(self.X, self.c, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(model,

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)

    def test_sampling_representer_points(self):
        # Check if representer points are inside the configuration subspace
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb[:, self.is_env == 1] ==
                      self.acquisition_func.upper[self.is_env == 1])

    def test_compute(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(5, 2)
        a = self.acquisition_func.compute(X_test, derivative=False)
        assert a.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(a.shape) == 1
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        self.c = np.exp(self.X[:, 1])
        self.n_dims = 2
        self.lower = np.zeros(self.n_dims)
        self.upper = np.ones(self.n_dims)
        self.is_env = np.array([0, 1])

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        kernel = 3000 * kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) *

        cost_kernel = 3000 * cost_kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(self.X, self.c, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(
            model, cost_model, self.lower, self.upper, self.is_env)

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)

    def test_sampling_representer_points(self):
        # Check if representer points are inside the configuration subspace
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb[:, self.is_env == 1] ==
                      self.acquisition_func.upper[self.is_env == 1])

    def test_compute(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(5, 2)
        a = self.acquisition_func.compute(X_test, derivative=False)
        assert a.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(a.shape) == 1
Пример #10
    def setUp(self):
        self.task = SinFunction()

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.task.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        noise_kernel = george.kernels.WhiteKernel(1e-9, ndim=self.task.n_dims)
        kernel = 3000 * (kernel + noise_kernel)

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        X = init_random_uniform(self.task.X_lower, self.task.X_upper, 3)
        Y = self.task.evaluate(X)

        model.train(X, Y, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainMC(model,

    def setUp(self):

        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        self.c = np.exp(self.X[:, 1])
        self.n_dims = 2
        self.lower = np.zeros(self.n_dims)
        self.upper = np.ones(self.n_dims)
        self.is_env = np.array([0, 1])

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        kernel = 3000 * kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        cost_kernel = 3000 * cost_kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(self.X, self.c, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(model,

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)
    def setUp(self):

        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        self.c = np.exp(self.X[:, 1])
        self.n_dims = 2
        self.lower = np.zeros(self.n_dims)
        self.upper = np.ones(self.n_dims)
        self.is_env = np.array([0, 1])

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) * 0.01,

        kernel = 3000 * kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)

        cost_kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([self.n_dims]) *

        cost_kernel = 3000 * cost_kernel

        prior = default_priors.TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        cost_model = GaussianProcess(cost_kernel, prior=prior)

        model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)
        cost_model.train(self.X, self.c, do_optimize=False)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGainPerUnitCost(
            model, cost_model, self.lower, self.upper, self.is_env)

        self.acquisition_func.update(model, cost_model)
Пример #13
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        is_env = np.array([0, 1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)[:, None, 0]

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([2]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = BestProjectedObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper, is_env)

        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent()

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i])
                        for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any([np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i])
                        for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])
        # Check if incumbent is the correct point
        b = np.argmin(Y)
        x_best = X[b, None, :]
        assert np.all(inc[:, is_env==0] == x_best[:, is_env==0])                            
Пример #14
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0, 0])
        X_upper = np.array([1, 1])
        is_env = np.array([0, 1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)[:, None, 0]

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([2]), ndim=2)

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        rec = BestProjectedObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper, is_env)

        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent()

        # Check shapes
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_lower.shape[0]

        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        # Check if incumbent is in the bounds
        assert not np.any(
            [np.any(inc[:, i] < X_lower[i]) for i in range(X_lower.shape[0])])
        assert not np.any(
            [np.any(inc[:, i] > X_upper[i]) for i in range(X_upper.shape[0])])

        # Check if incumbent is the correct point
        b = np.argmin(Y)
        x_best = X[b, None, :]
        assert np.all(inc[:, is_env == 0] == x_best[:, is_env == 0])
Пример #15
class TestInformationGain(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGain(self.model, np.zeros([2]),

    def test_compute(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(5, 2)
        a = self.acquisition_func.compute(X_test, derivative=False)
        assert a.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(a.shape) == 1

    def test_sampling_representer_points(self):

        # Check if representer points are inside the bounds
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb >= self.acquisition_func.lower)
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb <= self.acquisition_func.upper)

    def test_compute_pmin(self):

        # Uniform distribution
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb])
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)

        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb

        assert pmin.shape[0] == self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert np.any(pmin < (uprob + 0.03)) and np.any(pmin > uprob - 0.01)

        # Dirac delta
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb]) * 1000
        m[0] = 1
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)
        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert pmin[0] == 1.0
        assert np.any(pmin[:1] > 1e-10)

    def test_innovations(self):
        # Case 1: Assume no influence of test point on representer points
        rep = np.array([[1.0]])
        x = np.array([[0.0]])
        dm, dv = self.acquisition_func.innovations(x, rep)

        assert np.any(np.abs(dm) < 1e-3)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dv) < 1e-3)

        # Case 2: Test point is close to representer points
        rep = np.array([[1.0]])
        x = np.array([[0.99]])
        dm, dv = self.acquisition_func.innovations(x, rep)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dm) > 1e-3)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dv) > 1e-3)
Пример #16
class TestGaussianProcess(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)

        self.kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones(self.X.shape[1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(self.kernel, prior=prior,
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)

    def test_predict(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(10, 2)

        m, v = self.model.predict(X_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 1
        assert m.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(v.shape) == 1
        assert v.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]

        m, v = self.model.predict(X_test, full_cov=True)

        assert len(m.shape) == 1
        assert m.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == X_test.shape[0]

        K_zz = self.kernel.value(X_test)
        K_zx = self.kernel.value(X_test, self.X)
        K_nz = self.kernel.value(self.X) + self.model.noise * np.eye(self.X.shape[0])
        inv = spla.inv(K_nz)
        K_zz_x = K_zz - np.dot(K_zx, np.inner(inv, K_zx))
        assert np.mean((K_zz_x - v)**2) < 10e-5

    def test_sample_function(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(8, 2)
        n_funcs = 3
        funcs = self.model.sample_functions(X_test, n_funcs=n_funcs)

        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == n_funcs
        assert funcs.shape[1] == X_test.shape[0]

    def test_predict_variance(self):
        x_test1 = np.random.rand(1, 2)
        x_test2 = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        var = self.model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test2.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == x_test1.shape[0]

    def test_nll(self):
        theta = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.001])
        nll = self.model.nll(theta)

    def test_optimize(self):
        theta = self.model.optimize()
        # Hyperparameters are 2 length scales + noise
        assert theta.shape[0] == 3

    def test_get_incumbent(self):
        inc, inc_val = self.model.get_incumbent()

        b = np.argmin(self.y)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(inc, self.X[b], decimal=5)
        assert inc_val == self.y[b]
class TestGaussianProcess(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)

        self.kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones(self.X.shape[1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(self.kernel,
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y, do_optimize=False)

    def test_predict(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(10, 2)

        m, v = self.model.predict(X_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 1
        assert m.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(v.shape) == 1
        assert v.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]

        m, v = self.model.predict(X_test, full_cov=True)

        assert len(m.shape) == 1
        assert m.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == X_test.shape[0]

        K_zz = self.kernel.value(X_test)
        K_zx = self.kernel.value(X_test, self.X)
        K_nz = self.kernel.value(
            self.X) + self.model.noise * np.eye(self.X.shape[0])
        inv = spla.inv(K_nz)
        K_zz_x = K_zz - np.dot(K_zx, np.inner(inv, K_zx))
        assert np.mean((K_zz_x - v)**2) < 10e-5

    def test_sample_function(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(8, 2)
        n_funcs = 3
        funcs = self.model.sample_functions(X_test, n_funcs=n_funcs)

        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == n_funcs
        assert funcs.shape[1] == X_test.shape[0]

    def test_predict_variance(self):
        x_test1 = np.random.rand(1, 2)
        x_test2 = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        var = self.model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test2.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == x_test1.shape[0]

    def test_nll(self):
        theta = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.001])
        nll = self.model.nll(theta)

    def test_optimize(self):
        theta = self.model.optimize()
        # Hyperparameters are 2 length scales + noise
        assert theta.shape[0] == 3

    def test_get_incumbent(self):
        inc, inc_val = self.model.get_incumbent()

        b = np.argmin(self.y)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(inc, self.X[b], decimal=5)
        assert inc_val == self.y[b]
Пример #18
    def train(self, X, y, do_optimize=True, **kwargs):
        Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the
        likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and y

        X: np.ndarray (N, D)
            Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D),
            with N as the number of points and D is the number of features.
        y: np.ndarray (N,)
            The corresponding target values.
        do_optimize: boolean
            If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the
            hyperparameter specified in the kernel.

        if self.normalize_input:
            # Normalize input to be in [0, 1]
            self.X, self.lower, self.upper = normalization.zero_one_normalization(X, self.lower, self.upper)

            self.X = X

        if self.normalize_output:
            # Normalize output to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
            self.y, self.y_mean, self.y_std = normalization.zero_mean_unit_var_normalization(y)
            if self.y_std == 0:
                raise ValueError("Cannot normalize output. All targets have the same value")
            self.y = y

        # Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
        self.mean = np.mean(self.y, axis=0)
        self.gp = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=self.mean)

        if do_optimize:
            # We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
            sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,
                                            len(self.kernel.pars) + 1,
            sampler.random_state = self.rng.get_state()
            # Do a burn-in in the first iteration
            if not self.burned:
                # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
                if self.prior is None:
                    self.p0 = self.rng.rand(self.n_hypers, len(self.kernel.pars) + 1)
                    self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
                # Run MCMC sampling
                self.p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

                self.burned = True

            # Start sampling
            pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

            # Save the current position, it will be the start point in
            # the next iteration
            self.p0 = pos

            # Take the last samples from each walker
            self.hypers = sampler.chain[:, -1]

            self.hypers = self.gp.kernel[:].tolist()
            self.hypers = [self.hypers]

        self.models = []
        for sample in self.hypers:

            # Instantiate a GP for each hyperparameter configuration
            kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel)
            kernel.pars = np.exp(sample[:-1])
            noise = np.exp(sample[-1])
            model = GaussianProcess(kernel,
            model.train(X, y, do_optimize=False)

        self.is_trained = True
Пример #19
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1]), ndim=1)

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        x_test = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 3)

        # Shape matching predict
        m, v = model.predict(x_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 2
        assert m.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert m.shape[1] == 1
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == x_test.shape[0]

        #TODO: check gradients

        # Shape matching function sampling
        x_ = np.linspace(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        x_ = x_[:, np.newaxis]
        funcs = model.sample_functions(x_, n_funcs=2)
        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == 2
        assert funcs.shape[1] == x_.shape[0]

        # Shape matching predict variance
        x_test1 = np.array([np.random.rand(1)])
        x_test2 = np.random.rand(10)[:, np.newaxis]
        var = model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test2.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == 1

        # Check compatibility with all acquisition functions
        acq_func = EI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = PI(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = LCB(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)

        acq_func = InformationGain(model, X_upper=X_upper, X_lower=X_lower)
        # Check compatibility with all incumbent estimation methods
        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(None)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1
Пример #20
    def train(self, X, Y, do_optimize=True, **kwargs):
        Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the
        likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and Y

        X: np.ndarray (N, D)
            Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D),
            with N as the number of points and D is the number of features.
        Y: np.ndarray (N, 1)
            The corresponding target values.
        do_optimize: boolean
            If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the
            hyperparameter specified in the kernel.
        self.X = X

        # For EnvES we transform s to (1 - s)^2
        if self.basis_func is not None:
            self.X = deepcopy(X)
            self.X[:, self.dim] = self.basis_func(self.X[:, self.dim])
        self.Y = Y

        # Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
        mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
        self.gp = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=mean)

        # Precompute the covariance
        yerr = 1e-25
        while (True):
                self.gp.compute(self.X, yerr=yerr)
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                yerr *= 10
                    "Cholesky decomposition for the covariance matrix of \
                     the GP failed. \
                    Add %s noise on the diagonal." % yerr)

        if do_optimize:
            # We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
            self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,

            # Do a burn-in in the first iteration
            if not self.burned:
                # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
                self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
                # Run MCMC sampling
                self.p0, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

                self.burned = True

            # Start sampling
            pos, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0, self.chain_length)

            # Save the current position, it will be the startpoint in
            # the next iteration
            self.p0 = pos

            # Take the last samples from each walker
            self.hypers = self.sampler.chain[:, -1]

            self.models = []
            logging.info("Hypers: %s" % self.hypers)
            for sample in self.hypers:

                # Instantiate a model for each hyperparameter configuration
                kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel)
                kernel.pars = np.exp(sample)

                model = GaussianProcess(kernel,
                model.train(self.X, self.Y, do_optimize=False)
            self.hypers = self.gp.kernel[:]
Пример #21
    def train(self, X, Y, do_optimize=True, **kwargs):
        Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the
        likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and Y

        X: np.ndarray (N, D)
            Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D),
            with N as the number of points and D is the number of features.
        Y: np.ndarray (N, 1)
            The corresponding target values.
        do_optimize: boolean
            If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the
            hyperparameter specified in the kernel.
        self.X = X

        # For EnvES we transform s to (1 - s)^2
        if self.basis_func is not None:
            self.X = deepcopy(X)
            self.X[:, self.dim] = self.basis_func(self.X[:, self.dim])
        self.Y = Y

        # Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
        mean = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
        self.gp = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=mean)

        # Precompute the covariance
        yerr = 1e-25
                self.gp.compute(self.X, yerr=yerr)
            except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
                yerr *= 10
                    "Cholesky decomposition for the covariance matrix of \
                     the GP failed. \
                    Add %s noise on the diagonal." %

        if do_optimize:
            # We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
            self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,

            # Do a burn-in in the first iteration
            if not self.burned:
                # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
                self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
                # Run MCMC sampling
                self.p0, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

                self.burned = True

            # Start sampling
            pos, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

            # Save the current position, it will be the startpoint in
            # the next iteration
            self.p0 = pos

            # Take the last samples from each walker
            self.hypers = self.sampler.chain[:, -1]

            self.models = []
            logging.info("Hypers: %s" % self.hypers)
            for sample in self.hypers:

                # Instantiate a model for each hyperparameter configuration
                kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel)
                kernel.pars = np.exp(sample)

                model = GaussianProcess(kernel,
                model.train(self.X, self.Y, do_optimize=False)
            self.hypers = self.gp.kernel[:]
Пример #22
    def test(self):
        X_lower = np.array([0])
        X_upper = np.array([1])
        X = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        Y = np.sin(X)

        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.ones([1]),

        prior = TophatPrior(-2, 2)
        model = GaussianProcess(kernel, prior=prior)
        model.train(X, Y)

        x_test = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 3)

        # Shape matching predict
        m, v = model.predict(x_test)

        assert len(m.shape) == 2
        assert m.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert m.shape[1] == 1
        assert len(v.shape) == 2
        assert v.shape[0] == x_test.shape[0]
        assert v.shape[1] == x_test.shape[0]

        #TODO: check gradients

        # Shape matching function sampling
        x_ = np.linspace(X_lower, X_upper, 10)
        x_ = x_[:, np.newaxis]
        funcs = model.sample_functions(x_, n_funcs=2)
        assert len(funcs.shape) == 2
        assert funcs.shape[0] == 2
        assert funcs.shape[1] == x_.shape[0]

        # Shape matching predict variance
        x_test1 = np.array([np.random.rand(1)])
        x_test2 = np.random.rand(10)[:, np.newaxis]
        var = model.predict_variance(x_test1, x_test2)
        assert len(var.shape) == 2
        assert var.shape[0] == x_test2.shape[0]
        assert var.shape[1] == 1

        # Check compatibility with all acquisition functions
        acq_func = EI(model,

        acq_func = PI(model,

        acq_func = LCB(model,

        acq_func = InformationGain(model,
        # Check compatibility with all incumbent estimation methods
        rec = BestObservation(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(None)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1

        rec = PosteriorMeanAndStdOptimization(model, X_lower, X_upper)
        startpoints = init_random_uniform(X_lower, X_upper, 4)
        inc, inc_val = rec.estimate_incumbent(startpoints)
        assert len(inc.shape) == 2
        assert inc.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc.shape[1] == X_upper.shape[0]
        assert len(inc_val.shape) == 2
        assert inc_val.shape[0] == 1
        assert inc_val.shape[1] == 1
Пример #23
    def train(self, X, Y, do_optimize=True, **kwargs):
        Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the
        likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and Y

        X: np.ndarray (N, D)
            Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D),
            with N as the number of points and D is the number of features.
        Y: np.ndarray (N, 1)
            The corresponding target values.
        do_optimize: boolean
            If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the
            hyperparameter specified in the kernel.
        self.X = X

        # For Fabolas we transform s to (1 - s)^2

        if self.basis_func is not None:
            self.X = deepcopy(X)
            self.X[:, self.dim] = self.basis_func(self.X[:, self.dim])
        self.Y = Y
        if self.normalize_output:
            self.Y_mean = np.mean(Y)
            self.Y_std = np.std(Y)
            self.Y = (Y - self.Y_mean) / self.Y_std

        # Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
        mean = np.mean(self.Y, axis=0)
        self.gp = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=mean)

        if do_optimize:
            # We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
            self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,
                                                 len(self.kernel.pars) + 1,

            # Do a burn-in in the first iteration
            if not self.burned:
                # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
                self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
                # Run MCMC sampling
                self.p0, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

                self.burned = True

            # Start sampling
            pos, _, _ = self.sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

            # Save the current position, it will be the startpoint in
            # the next iteration
            self.p0 = pos

            # Take the last samples from each walker
            self.hypers = self.sampler.chain[:, -1]

            self.models = []
            self.hypers = [self.gp.kernel[:]]

        for sample in self.hypers:

            # Instantiate a model for each hyperparameter configuration
            kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel)
            kernel.pars = np.exp(sample[:-1])
            noise = np.exp(sample[-1])
            model = GaussianProcess(kernel,
            model.train(X, Y, do_optimize=False)
Пример #24
    def train(self, X, y, do_optimize=True, **kwargs):
        Performs MCMC sampling to sample hyperparameter configurations from the
        likelihood and trains for each sample a GP on X and y

        X: np.ndarray (N, D)
            Input data points. The dimensionality of X is (N, D),
            with N as the number of points and D is the number of features.
        y: np.ndarray (N,)
            The corresponding target values.
        do_optimize: boolean
            If set to true we perform MCMC sampling otherwise we just use the
            hyperparameter specified in the kernel.

        if self.normalize_input:
            # Normalize input to be in [0, 1]
            self.X, self.lower, self.upper = normalization.zero_one_normalization(X, self.lower, self.upper)

            self.X = X

        if self.normalize_output:
            # Normalize output to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
            self.y, self.y_mean, self.y_std = normalization.zero_mean_unit_var_normalization(y)
            if self.y_std == 0:
                raise ValueError("Cannot normalize output. All targets have the same value")
            self.y = y

        # Use the mean of the data as mean for the GP
        self.mean = np.mean(self.y, axis=0)
        self.gp = george.GP(self.kernel, mean=self.mean)

        if do_optimize:
            # We have one walker for each hyperparameter configuration
            sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(self.n_hypers,
                                            len(self.kernel.pars) + 1,

            # Do a burn-in in the first iteration
            if not self.burned:
                # Initialize the walkers by sampling from the prior
                if self.prior is None:
                    self.p0 = np.random.rand(self.n_hypers, len(self.kernel.pars) + 1)
                    self.p0 = self.prior.sample_from_prior(self.n_hypers)
                # Run MCMC sampling
                self.p0, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

                self.burned = True

            # Start sampling
            pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(self.p0,

            # Save the current position, it will be the start point in
            # the next iteration
            self.p0 = pos

            # Take the last samples from each walker
            self.hypers = sampler.chain[:, -1]

            self.hypers = self.gp.kernel[:].tolist()
            self.hypers = [self.hypers]

        self.models = []
        for sample in self.hypers:

            # Instantiate a GP for each hyperparameter configuration
            kernel = deepcopy(self.kernel)
            kernel.pars = np.exp(sample[:-1])
            noise = np.exp(sample[-1])
            model = GaussianProcess(kernel,
            model.train(X, y, do_optimize=False)

        self.is_trained = True
Пример #25
class TestInformationGain(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.X = np.random.rand(10, 2)
        self.y = np.sinc(self.X * 10 - 5).sum(axis=1)
        kernel = george.kernels.Matern52Kernel(np.array([0.1, 0.1]), ndim=2)
        self.model = GaussianProcess(kernel)
        self.model.train(self.X, self.y)
        self.acquisition_func = InformationGain(self.model, np.zeros([2]), np.ones([2]))

    def test_compute(self):
        X_test = np.random.rand(5, 2)
        a = self.acquisition_func.compute(X_test, derivative=False)
        assert a.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]
        assert len(a.shape) == 1

    def test_sampling_representer_points(self):

        # Check if representer points are inside the bounds
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb >= self.acquisition_func.lower)
        assert np.any(self.acquisition_func.zb <= self.acquisition_func.upper)

    def test_compute_pmin(self):

        # Uniform distribution
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb])
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)

        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb

        assert pmin.shape[0] == self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert np.any(pmin < (uprob + 0.03)) and np.any(pmin > uprob - 0.01)

        # Dirac delta
        m = np.ones([self.acquisition_func.Nb]) * 1000
        m[0] = 1
        v = np.eye(self.acquisition_func.Nb)

        pmin = epmgp.joint_min(m, v)
        pmin = np.exp(pmin)
        uprob = 1. / self.acquisition_func.Nb
        assert pmin[0] == 1.0
        assert np.any(pmin[:1] > 1e-10)

    def test_innovations(self):
        # Case 1: Assume no influence of test point on representer points
        rep = np.array([[1.0]])
        x = np.array([[0.0]])
        dm, dv = self.acquisition_func.innovations(x, rep)

        assert np.any(np.abs(dm) < 1e-3)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dv) < 1e-3)

        # Case 2: Test point is close to representer points
        rep = np.array([[1.0]])
        x = np.array([[0.99]])
        dm, dv = self.acquisition_func.innovations(x, rep)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dm) > 1e-3)
        assert np.any(np.abs(dv) > 1e-3)